Can Women Lead Men In Prayer? Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq.

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • #islam #sheikhuthmanibnfarooq #salah


  • @Trapattoni21
    @Trapattoni21 2 роки тому +34

    The fact that someone’s actually asking this question is concerning for the likelihood of the Ummah. May Allah protect us all

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому +3

      It's an important question even though no one asked it.. Sadly in some places women lead men

    • @Trapattoni21
      @Trapattoni21 2 роки тому +4

      @@kisntforkhalid which is why it’s concerning for the Ummah. Some people think that it’s okay even though it was so basic that in Islam, a woman cannot lead a man in prayer except in that certain situation just like what the Sheikh mentioned. Alhamdulillah, I lived in a place where even a kid whose as young as 4 already had that knowledge to begin with

    • @fakeidentityesq
      @fakeidentityesq 2 роки тому +1

      It does need to be asked so that people can learn.
      That way when someone asks, we can say 'yes' or 'no' based on so and so. Such is the times but never put down a question like this. Otherwise people will do it, then defend it, then justify it, then celebrate it.

    • @ayeayeaye993
      @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому +1

      @@fakeidentityesq facts. There honestly are way worse things happening, but every question regardless of the answer, should be addressed.

  • @AdhelAlSalafi
    @AdhelAlSalafi 2 роки тому +12

    That women in france needs to watch this. May Allah guide her.

    • @peace9265
      @peace9265 2 роки тому +1

      Before women france leader macron needs to watch it instead of planting his version of islam

  • @royaur8672
    @royaur8672 2 роки тому +20

    SubhanAllah, Shame on the men who stand in the rows behind her.

    • @jeep7612
      @jeep7612 2 роки тому +2

      Are they men?

    • @royaur8672
      @royaur8672 2 роки тому

      @@jeep7612 🤔

    • @khalidmohamud1537
      @khalidmohamud1537 2 роки тому

      Good question

    • @Quantum-1157
      @Quantum-1157 2 роки тому +3

      Shame also on the woman who wants to lead men in salat.

    • @ayeayeaye993
      @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому

      @@Quantum-1157 i’d argue that it would be worse for the man cause the woman would “want” to but wouldn’t be successful unless the man actually does it.

  • @one.path.onefaith
    @one.path.onefaith 2 роки тому +6


  • @md.helaluddin7613
    @md.helaluddin7613 2 роки тому

    MashaALLAH Good answer

  • @starlonga
    @starlonga 2 роки тому

    machallah nice video cheik

  • @Quantum-1157
    @Quantum-1157 2 роки тому +5

    Wow, people in the comments section criticising the men who want to pray salat behind a woman but no one saying anything against the women who want to lead men in salat! What strange times we live in!

    • @AArrad
      @AArrad 2 роки тому

      At the end of the day the greater evil is on the men, right? Because if their prayers are not accepted and hers is, he has made the greater mistake.

    • @Quantum-1157
      @Quantum-1157 2 роки тому

      @@AArrad what? What makes you think the woman’s prayer is accepted??

    • @wyteshahoward8841
      @wyteshahoward8841 Рік тому

      So ig the man can’t make decisions for himself

  • @simranbakhsh3036
    @simranbakhsh3036 2 роки тому +1

    ( لا تترك الإستغفار طرفة عين )
    - استغفر الله وأتوب إليه -
    قال تعالى: {وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَأَنْتَ فِيهِمْ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ مُعَذِّبَهُمْ وَهُمْ يَسْتَغْفِرُونَ} [الأنفال:33].
    ١- [عن محمد بن سيرين:] قال أبو هُرَيرةَ: اللَّهُمَّ اغفِرْ لأبي هُريرةَ ولأُمِّي ولمَنِ استَغْفَرَ لهُما.
    الألباني (ت ١٤٢٠)، صحيح الأدب المفرد ٢٨ • صحيح الإسناد
    ‏قَالَ الإمَامُ أحمَد - رَحِمه اللَّه - :
    ‏برُّ الوَالِدَينِ كفَّارةُ الكبَائِر.
    ‏📚 زادُ المُسَافِر
    أستغفرالله العظيم الذي لاإله إلاهوالحي الْقَيُّوم وأتوب إليه لي ولوالدي ولأهلي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات ...
    قال الإمام ابن القيم - رحمه الله : الجود بالعلم وبذله وهو من أعلى مراتب الجود والجود به أفضل من الجود بالمال لأن العلم أشرف من المال .
    📙 مدارج السالكين (2/281).
    و قال ابن الجوزي - رحمه الله :
    من أحب أن ﻻ ينقطع عمله بعد موته فلينشر العلم .
    📙 التذكرة (55).
    اللهم صل وسلم زد وبارك وانعم على حبيبك محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين تسليما كثيرا مباركا ليوم الدين .
    [ﷺ] آللّهُمَّ صل وسَلّمْ عَلى سَيّدنَآ مُحَمد🌹 [ﷺ]
    🍃‏قال تعالى :
    ﴿وَقُل رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا﴾
    كان ابن مسعودرضي الله عنه، إذا قرأ هذه الآية قال: اللهم زدني علماً وإيماناً ويقيناً.
    📚 [البغوي:٣/١٤٢]
    ‏كان حبر الأمة وترجمان القرآن عبدالله بن العباس رضي الله عنهما يدعو فيقول :
    ‏اللهم إني أسألك بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له السماوات والأرض
    ‏أن تجعلني في حِرزك وحفظك وجوارك وتحت كنفك
    ‏[مصنف ابن أبي شيبة ٣٠١٥٤ معجم الطبراني الكبير ١٠٦٠٠ / فوائد أبي علي الرفاء بانتخاب الحافظ الدارقطني١٨٣]
    " اللهم من كان من هذه الأمة على غير الحق ،
    وهو يظن أنه على الحق ، فرده إلى الحق ،
    ليكون من أهل الحق "
    * من دعاء الإمام أحمد رحمه الله تعالى الذي كان يدعو به في سجوده . ذكره ابن كثير في البداية والنهاية * .
    اللهم اجعل عملي كله صالحاً واجعله لوجهك خالصاً، ولا تجعل لأحد فيه شيئا.
    كان عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه.. يدعو به،،
    وكان ابن تيمية يعجبه هذا الدعاء ويذكره كثيراً في مؤلفاته، ورسائله، ويرشد إليه ...
    لزوم هذا الدعاء وأمثاله حراسة وصيانة لأعمالنا الباطنة والظاهرة .
    كان الإمام أحمد رحمه الله يقول في دعائه :
    ‏" اللهم كما صنت وجهي عن السجود لغيرك فصنه عن المسألة لغيرك ".

    📚رسائل ابن رجب
    ‏ج٣ ص١٢٣
    ‏من دعاء الإمام أحمد بن حنبل:
    ‏" اللهم لا تمنعنا خير ما عندك بشر ما عندنا ".

    تاريخ بغداد للخطيب البغدادي
    استقم على صلاتك
    ‏يعدل الله كل الدروب المائلة في حياتك.
    ‏Be steadfast on your prayers
    ‏Allah will fix all the skewed paths in your life
    ‎َحتى وإن بدَت السماء بعيدة
    ‎‏إنّ الذي فوق السماءِ قريبُ
    ‎‏فارفع يديكَ إلى الإلهِ مُناجيًا
    ‎‏إنّ الجروح مع الدعاءِ تطيبُ..
    Even if the sky is far away,
    Indeed the one who is above the sky is close ...
    raise your hands to the Lord whispering,
    Indeed the wounds with supplication are cured!!!

  • @HalimaMuzaki
    @HalimaMuzaki Місяць тому

    Hi asalamu alaikum warahumatullahi wabarakaatu

  • @elyanasser3914
    @elyanasser3914 2 роки тому +3

    Am a woman but cant pray behind a woman imam, i pray nxt to her. I can pray behind a man. Men are men n women are women we have to accept the fact

    • @alhassangangu4357
      @alhassangangu4357 2 роки тому

      @ Sister Elya, yes sister you are absolutely right. A woman Imam leads other women and stand in the middle. I came across Imam Hassan as-Shaybani’s explanation of this issue

  • @MrARH007
    @MrARH007 2 роки тому +1

    In Bangladesh women lead the pray in National Assembly. It has become a farce here. I

  • @ayeayeaye993
    @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому +1

    What if the men are her younger brothers and the prayer is at home?

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  Рік тому

      Still no

    • @ayeayeaye993
      @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому

      @@kisntforkhalid her younger brothers are not rehearsed in salah and have no had knowledge of proper salah I wanted to keep this part out to see if the answer would be effect. Can she as an older sister and (the only oldest sibling/ person available) teach them how to pray and then allow them to begin leading? Next time can you also provide proof when answering people’s questions?

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  Рік тому

      @@ayeayeaye993 this video is itself a proof that women can't lead salah
      But now u're telling me about teaching them then ofc it's allowed to teach but leading men regardless of their age is not allowed in islam.

    • @ayeayeaye993
      @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому

      @@kisntforkhalid I wasn’t “telling you” about teaching I was asking. Im sure Allah swt understood the intention behind my act, “women cannot lead men in prayer” is a clear cut statement and I wanted to know if there was an exception to my situation so that I do not knowingly commit sin.

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  Рік тому

      This might help

  • @sanizoure1413
    @sanizoure1413 2 роки тому

    Can someone please help me with the name of the Quran reciter . I love his recitation but never know his name

  • @mr-lionhart600
    @mr-lionhart600 2 роки тому


  • @AArrad
    @AArrad 2 роки тому +2

    What if I have my mother pray as the imam? Sometimes I give her that as an honour or respect as she’s my own mother… is even that not allowed?
    I knew it was a grey area so I told her to read Surahs which I don’t know so that atleast she leads as a person with more knowledge than me.
    Now I’m kind of worried as my mother led fard prayer like 3-4 times during this last Ramadan… maybe more but I never took count. Am I meant to redo these prayers??

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому +2

      It's not allowed to any women regardless of their relation to lead a man in prayer
      Even if u know surah fatiha and one surah u SHOULD lead it no matter what
      And regarding redoing prayers.. Time is already over as u cannot redo it again
      Ask for forgiveness to Allah SWT and don't do it again.

    • @programmerbd1486
      @programmerbd1486 2 роки тому

      Bruh seriously

    • @fakeidentityesq
      @fakeidentityesq 2 роки тому +1

      Why not have your mother teach you instead? That way you can learn and then lead. You can honour your mother by following the sunnah. And she will get the reward as well. All the best to you.
      As for redoing it? You will have to ask a sheikh on what to do as your situation is more specific.

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому +1

    • @AArrad
      @AArrad 2 роки тому

      @@fakeidentityesq When I was a child I did learn from her but over the years I realised she’s not the best source for a perfect Qira’ah. I’m arab and have no problem reading it, and have memorised many surahs already alhamdullilah using online sources and listening to different reciters.
      The only reason I let her lead was because I was thinking at the time that it’s unfair that I should always be imam and as the imam gets extra deeds, I wanted her to get the chance to be an imam.
      But because at the time I didn’t know if it was halal or haram for her to be an imam, and I read somewhere else that someone more knowledgeable should be imam, I had her recite ayahs which I didn’t know. I understand my mistake and won’t repeat it.

  • @mewzi
    @mewzi 2 роки тому

    Can you show original video in description?
    I believe it's either from sharh al-mukhtasaraat or al-'umdah

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому
      Yes it's al-umdah

    • @mr-lionhart600
      @mr-lionhart600 2 роки тому

      You a muslim and don't know this??im from Norway and a muslim and I know this..Fear ALLAH.

    • @mewzi
      @mewzi 2 роки тому +1

      @@mr-lionhart600 What?

  • @Kulkid7
    @Kulkid7 2 роки тому

    Please tell me the name of the shiekh reciting at the end

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому +1

      Sheikh ali Jaber rahimullah
      Here is the playlist I collected

    • @starlonga
      @starlonga 2 роки тому

      @@kisntforkhalid jazakallah kheir

  • @junaidislam6365
    @junaidislam6365 2 роки тому +1

    who is the reciter at the end

  • @gulrehman4073
    @gulrehman4073 2 роки тому

    I heard that salat can be done with men on one side and women on the other side. Is this true?

    • @yayaueue
      @yayaueue 2 роки тому

      Bro it’s the women are behind the man not one side other side. You know you have to fill the row so if the rows of men are fulfilled than the row of women can be filled in behind of them as well

  • @HalimaMuzaki
    @HalimaMuzaki Місяць тому

    Can a woman lead her husband in prayer at home

  • @iuddin1148
    @iuddin1148 2 роки тому

    Who is the recitor at the end?

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому +2

      Sheikh ali Jaber Rahimullah

    • @iuddin1148
      @iuddin1148 2 роки тому

      @@kisntforkhalid Thank you!

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому

      Here is the playlist I created of recitation of sheikh

    • @iuddin1148
      @iuddin1148 2 роки тому

      @@kisntforkhalid This is now my favourite video. I always come back to the recitation of the verses of Ibadurrahman...

    • @kisntforkhalid
      @kisntforkhalid  2 роки тому

      @@iuddin1148 it's not ibdurrahman it's Ali jaber

  • @umarsyed7538
    @umarsyed7538 2 роки тому

    Women have it easier by praying at home, so why insist on leading?
    These kind of ideas stem from the influence of feminism.

    • @ayeayeaye993
      @ayeayeaye993 Рік тому

      Feminism isn’t a bad thing islam is the most feminist deen. It’s the western ideology that corrupts. Feminism within itself if equity for women. Just the western ideology is fucked up

  • @mirakbar9029
    @mirakbar9029 2 роки тому

    Astagfirullah. A woman who wants defy Allah's Decree, is not a Muslima, she is a munafeek. avoid her at any cost.

  • @assassassination-k1i
    @assassassination-k1i 2 роки тому

    woman leading men in prayer lol. praying to who exactly. the democratic god. his name is baloooba