Vicki really knows how to get Todd to think. Glad she pointed out that Todd and Blair love each other. Also, she says she's about to give up on him-wow! That's got to hit Todd pretty hard because her support really matters to him. Love Vicki and her common sense approach to Todd and to life.
Why do they act like Addy is crazy? It seems like she is just delayed and childlike not insane
Todd is right, how can you kidnapping your own daughter? if you can, Blair kidnapped Starr even more...
Vicki really knows how to get Todd to think. Glad she pointed out that Todd and Blair love each other. Also, she says she's about to give up on him-wow! That's got to hit Todd pretty hard because her support really matters to him. Love Vicki and her common sense approach to Todd and to life.
yep all fair game
Todd is like john Cass from that soap new house
toddd rules