Link to the interview if anyone wants to read! All of it is pretty great if you want to hear Sugar open up about running the show! We'll cover more interview tidbits in the future! THUMBNAIL ART BY ARTWITHKODA:
The Roundtable If Spinel was killed, the diamonds may have played a greater part in the future; since they wouldn't have had Spinel, they would be more intrusive on Steven's life, and hence Steven would have gotten help much faster on his problem, before it truly manifested. Steven would also be corrupted much sooner as the weight of murder rested on him, and future would have never continued as it was. It was a good idea to let Spinel live, as she was the one who helped him around Homeworld, and all in all was a good friend in the end.
No joke, I could actually imagine this happening! Imagine the movie was a 2 parter where they actually had to POOF white diamond because she went back to the side of evil.. man.. So say that actually happened, lemme add my part- Steven: wha- what? Wh-White.. h-how ~Blue and yellow freaking out~ White: ugh, I can’t STAND it! Being nice to all these peasants, no longer! Sorry, Steven, but we are leaving. Right?! Blue: Wh-White.. I- Yellow: How could’ve you.. how.. White: hmph. ~zombifies them again and they leave~ Steven: oh.. oh no..
they couldn't have Steven ACTUALLY kill/shatter Spinel. Steven isn't that kind of person at that point. what they COULD do was have Spinel taunt Steven and suggest that Steven should shatter her. Spinel genuinely believes that she deserves to be executed at that point, when Spinel says that Steven wants to shatter her.
i feel like having spinel need to be shattered would've been a really bad message, considering how relatable her backstory was. tons of people relate to her on a very deep level, and seeing her be irredeemable may have made those people feel irredeemable too, which certainly isn't the crew's intent. the message that 'some people just need to be killed' is a terrible message i'm really glad cartoons aren't taking.
But isn't it a problem that the show never addressed truly extreme evil people? Like, what about someone like Hitler? How is someone supposed to have that person turn to good, and why would they even want to try? Someone that bad deserves justice.
@@kingchickenwing4887 I think the dilemma is identifying who is truly irredeemable. We're so quick to punish "evil" people that we fail to look deeper and find the root cause or an alternative solution. If someone's first encounter with Steven was during his monster phase, they'd probably be more focused on eliminating him rather than helping him. I'm definitely not saying lost causes don't exist (some people are just too far gone), but sometimes it's better to give someone a wake up call and a chance to improve rather than just labeling them as hopeless and consequently destroying them for the sake of justice.
I’m honestly glad Rebecca didn’t go down that route. The typical thing to do in children’s cartoons is just to get rid of the evil, so it’s refreshing to see that the “villain” here actually got a second chance. Very Rebecca- esque.
Uhh just because you can resurrect a gem doesn't mean you didn't just shatter them. Steven obviously was very traumatized by what Jasper basically made him do to her and it practically pushed him to the edge of suicide. So shattering a gem is still a huge deal.
Apparently, one of the earlier ideas for the movie was going to have Steven rejuvenate Spinel multiple times. I'm not sure on the details, but I think that would have been very interesting had it have happened
“If there’s a bad person you obliterate them, and everything will be fine” A DISTURBING IDEOLOGY in a studio made for children. Making you question what you’re letting kids watch, if not questioning what’s been ingrained in yourself thus far.
*[Oh my stars...! Spinel's shattering would've given an even darker vibe to the movie... Thank the stars that didn't happened. But hey, he could heal her, even though she's shattered]*
I think we can all agree that Spinel got more character development in one movie than Jasper got in the entire first half of SUF. *She isn't only a fan favorite, she's also an animator and storywriter favorite too!*
What's weird is that Jasper clearly is one of Rebecca's favorite characters, she even wanted to give her a redemption arc. I wonder why it never happened. I guess in a way her arc in Future was a kind of redemption but actually, she only went back to being a loyal soldier ready to serve "Pink Diamond" forever. It's too bad because she had so much potential, but at the end she is a pretty one-dimensional character, which saddens me because I really like her.
@@Naiobia i actually wasn't trying to highlight jasper's lack of character development in this lol (even though it is sorta my opinion that she didn't get enough development), i was trying to highlight spinel being a fan and storywriter favorite character. didn't really mean much by it!
as someone who related so much to Spinel, I liked seeing her redeemed, shown as heavily flawed, but still worthy of love. Killing her would've given me a VERY different message
Reina B yeah especially since the diamonds (who have committed crimes equivalent of genocide and mass murder) where redeemed, if spinel was killed it just would t have been fair
Yeah, I really like that both the movie and Homeworld Bound aknowledged Spinel as a very flawed person, but also a person who's currently trying to be better and is deserveful of another chance just like everyone else and won't be hated for still being flawed, she has redeeming qualities and now, that's what matters the most. It really helped me with the way I handle things, so I'm really grateful for this. If they killed Spinel... Yeah I don't know how I would've reacted. It gives an awful message about how as long as you are problematic, you just don't deserve help nor love. Everyone is flawed and everyone is deserveful of a second chance as long as you try, that's the show's message, it has never been "problematic people need to be erased from existence".
I felt like if spinel died in the movie, steven’s descent into madness would have been kicked off from the beginning of future rather than in the middle, which I would have preferred
Omg that’s actually a good idea. Even though shattering is now pointless since yellow can easily put them back together, it could still work Bc if spinel is brought back by yellow, it could mess up Steven, even more than when she was shattered, and thus kick off his decent right away.
i actually agree with this, its true that the typical answer to villans in kids show is usually killing them off, or sealing them somewhere. but in steven universe the norm is you can always solve your issues and you can always get along with ppl as long as you a willing to understand. it woulda made so much sense seeing steven confronting the fact that he killed someone and the slowly decent into madness from that point on and SU: future would not have felt so disjointed.
@@Blue_910 Steven can bring them back too. The fact that the problem is fixable doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, one of the points of Steven's "I'm A Monster!" monologue was that the fact that it could be fixed was really terrible. Steven hated the fact he could "do" so many awful things and be able to just get away with it. That felt wrong to him. What he hated about shattering wasn't that it was unfixable, but that he did it at all
Su fans before the reveal of Spinel’s backstory: If the villain isn’t punish we riot! *Su fans after Spinel’s backstory was revealed while watching the movie*: If Spinel gets punish we riot!
Anyone else agree that if Steven Universe ever returns at some point, Steven should have a white shirt with the star to symbolise his escape from the darkness and finally being happy?
I think Steven should wear his blue shirt to symbolize how he’s getting better and is in a better place. A don’t think he should wear ANOTHER shirt he already has 2 and another shirt would be to much
I can tell white isn't his color. Trust me. Maybe a Scarlet or Magenta? Those are both shades of pink, if he wore those colors it shows he is not his mom, but he's still like her. He can't change that, but will make something better out of it.
During the movie when Greg had his arm hit with the toxin, I was genuinely hoping that they couldn’t fix his arm (as cruel as that sounds) so that the gems could make him a new gem-tech arm, representing how humanity and gem kind have grown closer together. Then Steven kissed away my hopes and dreams :(
If Spinel turned out to be Pure Evil and her plan in some way succeeded like you guys theorized before the movie came out, then I would have been fine with Steven killing her.
My heart would have shattered in more pieces than Spinel if this happened The first genuinely relatable character for me dying would have HURT- Plus Spinel is baby you cannot hurt the baby
To be honest, I would've wanted the ending to be changed for Spinel to stay on Earth instead of joining the three stooges known as the diamonds. Maybe when Steven Universe is rebooted, she would be part of the crystal gems.
praying steven unvierse doesn't turn into steven universe: go, but thinking hypothetically... of course she would, everybody loves spinel, we'd probably see more peridot too, end up with a forced lapidot fusion, all would go down hill
Yeah that whole "okay guess I'll go live with the diamonds! That remind me of my terrible trauma from pink and also they indirectly caused it! Ahahaha!" Was terrible and I hated it
Sweagulle Yeah, and then she was basically shoehorned into future because people really wanted to see her and even then she still had a lot of potential for her send-off episode but instead they just made her into a Looney Tunes reference
"spinel has a relatable backstory" agreed, dont you just hate it when your master/best friend/will to live leaves you for millions of years to start a rebellion on another planet and dies?
i'm glad Rebecca stuck to her guns and fought from Steven and Spinel; to have that happen so early in the game, it would have ruined SU and SUF. thank goodness they came to their senses and trusted her.
I don't think I'd ever be okay with Steven intentionally killing someone to "rid the universe of their evil", but, I gotta be honest, I think a situation where Steven has to perform a mercy killing would be a fascinating direction
B127 Warrior yeah, they redeemed the fricking diamonds of all people who have committed mass murder, but spinel who has done way WAY less gets the boot, and it’s annoying
She does deserve it. Being abandoned by Pink is one thing, but Spinel lashing out at innocent people and attempting to kill innocent people is just as bad, if not worse.
So... Steven can make nice with the Diamonds, who are responsible for no doubt trillions of organic lifeforms deaths, killing anyone that does not conform to their society, corrupting all but 6 gems on Earth, and creating forced fusions... but the rubber-hose jester who killed *NOBODY* (save for some puny green Earthlings), and only gave the Crystal Gems *temporary* amnesia deserves to be shattered? TF is wrong with these people?!
This hasn’t really got anything to do with the video as a whole but I just thought it was neat. At 4:25 we he “Rose Quartz” shattering Pink. Well Garnet’s version of it. But you can see that she has her pinky up, like she’s drinking tea. Like Pearl. Pearl does the pinky thing. Considering this was before single pale rose, it’s fair to say that this was some once again very hidden foreshadowing
Why on earth was THAT the ending they wanted? Murder is not exactly something we should be teaching kids. And I love that you have a remix of ‘Other Friends’ playing in the background!
I don't think it would've captured the feel of SU and would've messed with Future in a lot of ways if they had killed Spinel. Too much of Future would've been focused on that one act when that was far from Steven's only issue.
I see a lot of comments talking about how the story would've shifted if Spinel had been shattered, how Steven's descent into madness would've been so much worse... but I on the other hand... I things a little more META... Because The Movie was BEFORE Future, before we really got that glimpse into Steven's trauma and how it has effected him... in fact in the beggining of the movie it almost seems like that trauma isn't there, and that not having problems to solve is a RELIEF for him and he's HAPPY... and the entirety of the Original Show leading up to the movie was about how, no matter who are are, no matter where you come from and no matter WHAT you do... it's never too late to change for the better... I mean this is the entire reason why all of Steven's powers are Support and Defense, he's never the one to outright attack others, literally a Pacifist, preferring to talk out problems then fight them out... so for Steven to suddenly throw all that out the window just because his peaceful times were ruined, even though he'd already had 2 whole years of peace between Change your Mind and The movie... I honestly feel like the fans would RIOT and REFUSE to accept the movie as canon, simply because that would go against Steven's nature, the people who grew up with Steven and know who he is, wouldn't be ok with the idea that he Shattered someone JUST because they ruined his good times... especially since the original show had PLENTY of situations where that happened, Garnet's Wedding anyone? And Rebbeca Sugar must've known this, she knew that CN obviously wasn't REALLY paying attention to the themes and ideals in her show and they just wanted the "bad guy to die" because they've seen that trope work 1000 times before... but because Rebecca Stood firm and held her ground, we got the movie made in the way it was MEANT to be made... and IT IS GLORIOUS!
Yeah. I kind of figured the ending was originally intended to be darker, given the chilling, somber tone of the "concept" version of the finale song. But yeah... purely for the sake of curiosity as to how that would've played out, I'd like to see this alternate ending one day.
well, in the future she is acting like her old self but still in her evil form. idk if u checked out the su future “homeworld bound”, that’s the ep where spinel comes along, or “i am my monster”
Thank the stars spinel didn't get shattered, after all she have been through with pink, and probably will affect more Steven's mental health problems I mean just look at it, I mean if spinel got shattered, the movie may went dark... im so glad rebbeca had an idea other than shattering spinel. But these are just my opinions,,,
Oh and by the way, GT has a much better main male hero than Steven, named SAINT JAYKEN THE ARCHANGEL! Why is he a superior character you ask? Well, for starters, by the time we first meet him in GT's timeline/story, he's 20 years old, is already extremely super powerful and has figured out all of his magical abilities,he has BOTH parents and a big sister around to support and protect him, and doesn't just sit there and whine about everything all the time like Steven does! He doesn't talk things out with the bad guys, he fights them like a true warrior till the very end. He wears a light bluish white suit of gleaming armor and has a huge flaming sword just like Saint Michael. "Do not be afraid, no harm will come to you here, my name's Jayken, and you are in Royalhalla! The perfect gift that Queen Galaxia has promised to all of her children". And his love interest is NOT with Connie! He's instead with our main female protagonist, Capis Amidala Prime(Jennifer Paz). They first met on the beach in Monterey Bay California and it was truly love at first sight. By the end of season 1, they have a daughter named Kayla and a son named Kinko. And Connie's parents do not become lax with Connie in GT like in SU. They adopt Capis and her siblings because for a long time, the Angelic Elementals have wanted a Dad.
In my GEM TITANS version of SU the movie, called THE RED WAR, RED DIAMOND(NORAH JONES) is the main big bad villain when she and her court invade Earth, including Spinels, Morganites, Garnets, Rubies and red Sapphires. And none of them get redeemed because i actually KNOW BETTER than to turn the villains into good guys. My entire GEM TITANS SAGAS SERIES knows better than that. Once Red and her court along with the other diamonds are all defeated, they're bubbled away into the void where Connie Razor finds them and releases them back into our universe. Prompting the Titans and their ally Pink Diamond(Lisa Loeb) to battle them once again and forcing them all to join hands, unleash their inner power and wipe out the Grand Galaxy authorities for good. And Connie is the main present villain in season 1, with no redemption arc,immediately following the final battle with the Diamonds,Connie makes a deal with Dr. William Bradshaw who's a demonologist to put the Titans through the most hellish nightmare imaginable, involving our main protagonist Capis Amidala Prime having a negative attachment/possession like you'd see on Ghost Adventures. Isn't that BETTER storytelling than ANYTHING that ever happens in SU? i think Connie Razor Maheswaran makes an AWESOME villain. The Titans have no idea that she's the one orchestrating these horrible events from the shadows. Like 9/11, Columbine and Uvalde Texas, as well as Capis's dark attachment and possession in the story Canterlot City Nightmare.
I think that Spinel being shattered would have made Jasper's shattering even more impactful than it already was. I imagine Steven being crushed and hating himself after how he had to deal with Spinel. He would try to be overly nice and non-confrontational, even more than usual in an attempt to make up for what he did. He would think that he was broken and needed to fix or punish himself. Then, when he finally shattered Jasper, he would have to re-live the fight with spinel and would feel like he was unfixable. He would have already seen this before and had it anchored in his head that death is irreversible, that Jasper is gone now and that he has officially started killing everyone he touches. Jasper's reformation wouldn't have felt so quickly resolved because at that point, him being able to save someone this time would be the exception instead of the rule. It would feel like Steven's feelings about Spinel's shattering were being resolved after 20 episodes instead of the entirety Jasper's death being resolved in 2 minutes. We had some of this in the show already, but this would really hammer on that this was not a one time thing. He was a monster and no matter what he does or how much he tried to be better he couldn't.
I have got to admit, I’d been afraid if he did shadow her. That wouldn’t have been Steven at all. But I understand that anyone else would have. I mean seriously you are right, pushing anyone to that point it would’ve been the most sensible thing, but not the right thing. 😄
Link to the interview if anyone wants to read! All of it is pretty great if you want to hear Sugar open up about running the show! We'll cover more interview tidbits in the future!
What's the music, man?!?
The Roundtable If Spinel was killed, the diamonds may have played a greater part in the future; since they wouldn't have had Spinel, they would be more intrusive on Steven's life, and hence Steven would have gotten help much faster on his problem, before it truly manifested. Steven would also be corrupted much sooner as the weight of murder rested on him, and future would have never continued as it was. It was a good idea to let Spinel live, as she was the one who helped him around Homeworld, and all in all was a good friend in the end.
No need to tell us...
The show is already ended...
spinel: new best frie-
diamond steven: let me stop you right there. *shatters her*
havent i saw u on discord
Oh Peck
No joke, I could actually imagine this happening! Imagine the movie was a 2 parter where they actually had to POOF white diamond because she went back to the side of evil.. man..
So say that actually happened, lemme add my part-
Steven: wha- what? Wh-White.. h-how
~Blue and yellow freaking out~
White: ugh, I can’t STAND it! Being nice to all these peasants, no longer! Sorry, Steven, but we are leaving. Right?!
Blue: Wh-White.. I-
Yellow: How could’ve you.. how..
White: hmph. ~zombifies them again and they leave~
Steven: oh.. oh no..
Directors: what if we shattered spinel?
Rebecca: *no.*
Directors: fine I’ll shatter jasper.
Rebecca: well yes but actually no.
Dom Productions facts
Spinel: *about to be shattered*
Jasper and White Diamond: Welcome to the club.
Other way around
I know it's a joke, but Jasper really was shattered...
if she got shattered- that would have been really dark
Some Millie Photo? I liked
It will remind me of the Make your kris Spinel Fight.
Guess you could say it would’ve *broken* a lot of people
And very funny just imagine her being like "happily watching her driiiiiiiiift away" and steven is like oh no and he gives her a hog and she just dies
I would be so sadDR and she’s not even my favorite she’s like my 5th but I would be sad
Steven: *I’m bouta do what’s called a pro gamer move*
*proceeds to 360 no scope*
No its a Betrayed Murder move
Writers: *I'mma have to stop you right there*
*Does a pro gamer move*
*CN:* So we should let spinel die-
SU/Spinel fandom: *Proceeds to Grab foot thong thingy*
Grab ya pitchfork, baddies and laddies. We're going Cartoon Network hunting.
Proceeds to grab Pitchforks!
Cartoon Crusade
Anime Weeb
Thank you!! I love this
Steven wasn’t planning to “break her heart.”
they couldn't have Steven ACTUALLY kill/shatter Spinel. Steven isn't that kind of person at that point. what they COULD do was have Spinel taunt Steven and suggest that Steven should shatter her. Spinel genuinely believes that she deserves to be executed at that point, when Spinel says that Steven wants to shatter her.
i feel like having spinel need to be shattered would've been a really bad message, considering how relatable her backstory was. tons of people relate to her on a very deep level, and seeing her be irredeemable may have made those people feel irredeemable too, which certainly isn't the crew's intent. the message that 'some people just need to be killed' is a terrible message i'm really glad cartoons aren't taking.
Yeah, goodness. That would be horrific.
But isn't it a problem that the show never addressed truly extreme evil people? Like, what about someone like Hitler? How is someone supposed to have that person turn to good, and why would they even want to try? Someone that bad deserves justice.
@@kingchickenwing4887 I mean, the Diamonds killed of tons of organic life. Who knows how much of it may have been sentient?
@@kingchickenwing4887 I think the dilemma is identifying who is truly irredeemable. We're so quick to punish "evil" people that we fail to look deeper and find the root cause or an alternative solution. If someone's first encounter with Steven was during his monster phase, they'd probably be more focused on eliminating him rather than helping him. I'm definitely not saying lost causes don't exist (some people are just too far gone), but sometimes it's better to give someone a wake up call and a chance to improve rather than just labeling them as hopeless and consequently destroying them for the sake of justice.
And if Steven were to shatter a gem, his punishment would be for his gem to be shattered via nailing on a wooden diamond.
*CN Still If This Happened:* *[Rated PG For Children.]*
... yeah I think that's fair to give it PG. I mean death may be a touchy subject but PG stands for parental guidance.
@@gomugoat Hell, they should allowed to SHOW death in a G-rated film (like the Lion King).
Well Jasper was shattered so... She's fi- ok but still....
Pretty much.
I mean finn & jake has like 170 bodies combined so idk bout that
I’m honestly glad Rebecca didn’t go down that route. The typical thing to do in children’s cartoons is just to get rid of the evil, so it’s refreshing to see that the “villain” here actually got a second chance. Very Rebecca- esque.
But shit I wanna see steven rekt the shit out of spinel like he did on jasper.
I would've loved a darker movie. And even a darker future.
LOL what's the point of shattering a gem since steven can heal it with diamonds fluids? the writing of the show atrocious.
@@blandon93 I know right, Just kill them off yeesh
Ace_Wash this is what happens when you hire a bunch of artists but not writers
Uhh just because you can resurrect a gem doesn't mean you didn't just shatter them. Steven obviously was very traumatized by what Jasper basically made him do to her and it practically pushed him to the edge of suicide. So shattering a gem is still a huge deal.
Apparently, one of the earlier ideas for the movie was going to have Steven rejuvenate Spinel multiple times. I'm not sure on the details, but I think that would have been very interesting had it have happened
Spinel: oh look my memories are ba-
Steven: n o
Add her getting shattered
Kaia Ellis I think it was Spinel switching between her current firm and past Spinel, so Steven had to keep working to fully bring her back
@@TheNintendoNerd-wd7bv that's really fucking funny ngl lmao
Spinel: yay my memories are back! Steven: NO THEY AREN'T
Steven universe future: Steven need therapy
Steven universe future Au: Steven needs therapy aMplIfIEd
*Steven Universe Fear intensifies*
I hate being early sometimes because there’s no funny comments other than “fIrSt”
Same lol
“If there’s a bad person you obliterate them, and everything will be fine” A DISTURBING IDEOLOGY in a studio made for children. Making you question what you’re letting kids watch, if not questioning what’s been ingrained in yourself thus far.
*[this ending gives me Gone Wrong vibes, and i don't like that...]*
Gone Wrong in reverse
I swear I see you everywhere
@@martywelchel8102 Seriously! Love you Peridot! (Platonically)
Holy stars! You're Here!
Hi, Peridot!
AU creators: Write that down, write that down!
I'd actually like to see that AU.
@J Turner I second that 🙋♀️
No, don't give me hope
There is actually like atleast 2 au's where Steven shatters spinel on Tumblr
@@Catathyst oof, can you please give me the link? Owo
*[Oh my stars...! Spinel's shattering would've given an even darker vibe to the movie... Thank the stars that didn't happened. But hey, he could heal her, even though she's shattered]*
Hey Peridot
Thank God for that
*_[Less people would love the movie, anyway]_*
Glad that didn’t happen, I would probably sob if she gotten shattered
Ay p- dot
I think we can all agree that Spinel got more character development in one movie than Jasper got in the entire first half of SUF.
*She isn't only a fan favorite, she's also an animator and storywriter favorite too!*
Jasper honestly got way too little character development. If anything, she was more a stepping stone for Steven then a real character in SUF
The most character development we got was Jasper being present in Little Homeworld in the final episode
What's weird is that Jasper clearly is one of Rebecca's favorite characters, she even wanted to give her a redemption arc. I wonder why it never happened.
I guess in a way her arc in Future was a kind of redemption but actually, she only went back to being a loyal soldier ready to serve "Pink Diamond" forever.
It's too bad because she had so much potential, but at the end she is a pretty one-dimensional character, which saddens me because I really like her.
_Jasper barely got any character development and made her character go to shit. Jasper deserved a redemption arc but NO. Lets nOT do that_
@@Naiobia i actually wasn't trying to highlight jasper's lack of character development in this lol (even though it is sorta my opinion that she didn't get enough development), i was trying to highlight spinel being a fan and storywriter favorite character.
didn't really mean much by it!
as someone who related so much to Spinel, I liked seeing her redeemed, shown as heavily flawed, but still worthy of love. Killing her would've given me a VERY different message
Reina B yeah especially since the diamonds (who have committed crimes equivalent of genocide and mass murder) where redeemed, if spinel was killed it just would t have been fair
Yeah, I really like that both the movie and Homeworld Bound aknowledged Spinel as a very flawed person, but also a person who's currently trying to be better and is deserveful of another chance just like everyone else and won't be hated for still being flawed, she has redeeming qualities and now, that's what matters the most. It really helped me with the way I handle things, so I'm really grateful for this.
If they killed Spinel... Yeah I don't know how I would've reacted. It gives an awful message about how as long as you are problematic, you just don't deserve help nor love. Everyone is flawed and everyone is deserveful of a second chance as long as you try, that's the show's message, it has never been "problematic people need to be erased from existence".
Real talk though, I think that was the most relatable thing Steven has ever said
Joke aside, giving Steven his own advice was a smart move, especially coming from someone like Spinel.
Yo shut up fool and take what I give you
I felt like if spinel died in the movie, steven’s descent into madness would have been kicked off from the beginning of future rather than in the middle, which I would have preferred
Also they would finally not lead everything to a happy ending with everyone being saved when sometimes ppl can't
Omg that’s actually a good idea. Even though shattering is now pointless since yellow can easily put them back together, it could still work Bc if spinel is brought back by yellow, it could mess up Steven, even more than when she was shattered, and thus kick off his decent right away.
follow the trail into the spiral of madness
steven follows trail
me YES
i actually agree with this, its true that the typical answer to villans in kids show is usually killing them off, or sealing them somewhere. but in steven universe the norm is you can always solve your issues and you can always get along with ppl as long as you a willing to understand. it woulda made so much sense seeing steven confronting the fact that he killed someone and the slowly decent into madness from that point on and SU: future would not have felt so disjointed.
@@Blue_910 Steven can bring them back too. The fact that the problem is fixable doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, one of the points of Steven's "I'm A Monster!" monologue was that the fact that it could be fixed was really terrible. Steven hated the fact he could "do" so many awful things and be able to just get away with it. That felt wrong to him. What he hated about shattering wasn't that it was unfixable, but that he did it at all
Su fans before the reveal of Spinel’s backstory:
If the villain isn’t punish we riot!
*Su fans after Spinel’s backstory was revealed while watching the movie*:
If Spinel gets punish we riot!
The first should’ve happened instead of the second.
Anyone else agree that if Steven Universe ever returns at some point, Steven should have a white shirt with the star to symbolise his escape from the darkness and finally being happy?
Jacob Vinten no it wouldn’t look as good
I just wanted to see another movie of a villain named Red Diamond
@FreshJomYT Literally what would be the point of Red Diamond.
I think Steven should wear his blue shirt to symbolize how he’s getting better and is in a better place. A don’t think he should wear ANOTHER shirt he already has 2 and another shirt would be to much
I can tell white isn't his color.
Trust me.
Maybe a Scarlet or Magenta?
Those are both shades of pink, if he wore those colors it shows he is not his mom, but he's still like her. He can't change that, but will make something better out of it.
Spinel: dies
Zachariah PRITCHARD yes!
Please don't say "Ree" as a joke. It's an ableist meme used to make fun of autistic people (the same as *autistic screech).
random person literally everyone who can feel emotion: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@LilyCat2399 ok nerd
Scarlett Dimeloe whoops
Spinel: So I will come back in Future right?
Rebecca Sugar: Yeah unless we go dark and make Steven kill you
Spinel: Oh ok wait WHAT,
Just do it Rebecca I've waited 6,000+ years for that to happen
Actual Ending
Death Ending
I can imagine steven's voice cracking in every word in the Death Ending
During the movie when Greg had his arm hit with the toxin, I was genuinely hoping that they couldn’t fix his arm (as cruel as that sounds) so that the gems could make him a new gem-tech arm, representing how humanity and gem kind have grown closer together. Then Steven kissed away my hopes and dreams :(
Cartoon Network... *Cartoon... Network...* wanted a character in movie on *their network,* essentially killed... *_HUH!?_*
If Steven universe future was even darker it would be on adult swim
Yeah and i want my steven universe future to be on daytime cartoon network
They wanted Steven Universe on Toonami but decided against it.
@@TheNintendoNerd-wd7bv oh ok cool. :)
Lapis Lazuli Well it was always the final show before Adult Swim every time it aired
Wow how dark are you sure isnt from the dc universe
Woah, what a dark alternative ending...
Storyboard staff: So how many should die in this series?
Rebecca: *Y E S*
You missed the point of this video
Sapphie StarK it wssnt rebecca it was CN 😤
No, no really :P
Geez sorry, it was just a joke.
*Spinel is in the title*
I need to see it
*Watches the video*
A moment of silent
I'm really questioning what drugs the heads at Cartoon Network were on thinking to suggest to Rebecca to shatter spinel ?
Probably the ones where they didnt pay attention to the show until the movie
None of them read the scripts or watched the show until the movie.
Its Blue's clouds, obviously
Spinel saves Steven’s life and he says:
“mY oRgAnIc JaCkeT”
Who am I?
Steven: bru, chill out. I don't even know who I am
Spinel: what-
Steven: ~le shatter~
XtraDynamical Jasper: *i’ve seen this shit before*
I need to see a spinel spin off
*spinel the spectacular*
Greg universe
Keeping up with the diamonds
Either Spectacular Spinel or Lars in the Stars
Yes please
Spinel is awesome and I’m happy that the she didn’t die in the movie
Last time I was this early Steven didn’t have a neck...
Noah Arredondo When Steven shapeshifted into his 14 year old self in Snow day
Cruz Pace o.o
TheArtist UwU last time I was this early this overly repeated joke didn’t exist
@@Woopersolo Hypocrite
If Spinel turned out to be Pure Evil and her plan in some way succeeded like you guys theorized before the movie came out, then I would have been fine with Steven killing her.
this could be applied to almost any previous bad guy character though. Except for maybe the diamonds since they probably cant be killed anyway.
My heart would have shattered in more pieces than Spinel if this happened
The first genuinely relatable character for me dying would have HURT-
Plus Spinel is baby you cannot hurt the baby
To be honest, I would've wanted the ending to be changed for Spinel to stay on Earth instead of joining the three stooges known as the diamonds.
Maybe when Steven Universe is rebooted, she would be part of the crystal gems.
praying steven unvierse doesn't turn into steven universe: go, but thinking hypothetically... of course she would, everybody loves spinel, we'd probably see more peridot too, end up with a forced lapidot fusion, all would go down hill
Yeah that whole "okay guess I'll go live with the diamonds! That remind me of my terrible trauma from pink and also they indirectly caused it! Ahahaha!" Was terrible and I hated it
Sweagulle Yeah, and then she was basically shoehorned into future because people really wanted to see her and even then she still had a lot of potential for her send-off episode but instead they just made her into a Looney Tunes reference
@@panicasap5120 yeah honestly, I just really don't like what they've done with her character. Rip
Love a homeworld spin off where a random human get stuck on homeworld with the unlucky gem trying keep them hidden be different u know
Spinel : **exists**
CN : lets make steven murder an innocent baby gemling
Innocent? She tried to murder Steven. And she would have, if Steven didn't get his powers back.
@@burnttoast.2017 why did she try to murder steven? because steven's mom literally abandoned her in a floating space rock garden for 6000 years.
@The Black Crayon ye but her gem is made to be young and cute
@The Black Crayon kinda but sure fair enough
@@adrian-lf2ei it's not Steven's fault that his mom was a terrible person
"...yet relatable backstory."
Yes I was left in a garden in space for 6000 years too.
My dad left to go get milk but never came back for 6000 years
*_Everyone gangsta till that one jester weilds a death scythe_*
Spinel:You want me gone!?!? I thought you all loved me!
Steven:They do Spinel
Spinel:No they don't!
I love you Spinel :)
@@nezukochan986 Spinel:Liar!
@@JorgeCruz-eo7js No they're not! I love you too!
@@lunalgaleo1991 Spinel:But I thought...
@@JorgeCruz-eo7js No, Spinel. You're DEFINITELY worth it. You are AWESOME!
Spinel: *cute spinel sounds while reforming after rejuvenation*
Steven: *shatters*
Greg: MY VAN
"spinel has a relatable backstory"
agreed, dont you just hate it when your master/best friend/will to live leaves you for millions of years to start a rebellion on another planet and dies?
This comment made me laugh.
Heres a like! :D
i'm glad Rebecca stuck to her guns and fought from Steven and Spinel; to have that happen so early in the game, it would have ruined SU and SUF. thank goodness they came to their senses and trusted her.
Imagine how much more emotional he would be in future and how much faster he would become the worm and dragon thing.
Honestly If Spinel shattered the Crystal Gems and killed Greg.
Shes still more redeemable then the diamonds
I sort of thought id never hear the crystal clear intro again, im glad i get to hear it again
Steven universe is over...
but for real, believe in Steven y’all😣😢😭✌🏾❤️
I have something for ya.
*"Adventure Time: Distant Lands"*
@@rosedrawsstuff but I don't watch that cartoon
@@Catathyst Oh my-
2:15: shattering spinel wouldn't fit Steven Universe
Fragments: ArE yOu sUrE aBoUt ThAt
Remember when fans wanted Spinel to be shattered back when people thought she was Morganite or a Pink Diamond
I don't think I'd ever be okay with Steven intentionally killing someone to "rid the universe of their evil", but, I gotta be honest, I think a situation where Steven has to perform a mercy killing would be a fascinating direction
For example, a gem so damaged mentally and physically that letting them live would be considered cruel. That would be interesting.
steven then: you can make a change.
lmao imagine having steven shatter spinel after having him "redeem" three space hitlers.
Jericho Sta. Ana lol this show has written itself into a very laughable corner of redeeming everyone
We need a spinel cover for all of the Steven Universe songs
I cant believe they considered killing one of the only villains that didn't deserve it
B127 Warrior yeah, they redeemed the fricking diamonds of all people who have committed mass murder, but spinel who has done way WAY less gets the boot, and it’s annoying
Of course she deserves it. She killed innocent people.
She does deserve it. Being abandoned by Pink is one thing, but Spinel lashing out at innocent people and attempting to kill innocent people is just as bad, if not worse.
Spinel: has a sad backstory
Steven: 🕶 im still killin this bench
Spinel being shattered reminds me of "fragments". If you hadn't seen this episode, i wont spoil it.
Oh shi-
Conversation with myself
Me: spinel being shattered in the movie
Me: what are you thinking!!
I love spinning she’s the best character besides Paradise
*auto generated captions huh XD*
Both spinning and paradise are not gems😳😳
Ah, yes!
The Great and Lovable Paradise
AnD i love gornot and boosmath
@ secondary meme do you mean Grenade and Business? Either way like them to :)
Wouldn't be the first time her heart was broken
If Spinel did get shattered, I would've been super *HEARTBROKEN*
I'm sorry...
Me too :(
ShadowCatCoar i would die...
So... Steven can make nice with the Diamonds, who are responsible for no doubt trillions of organic lifeforms deaths, killing anyone that does not conform to their society, corrupting all but 6 gems on Earth, and creating forced fusions... but the rubber-hose jester who killed *NOBODY* (save for some puny green Earthlings), and only gave the Crystal Gems *temporary* amnesia deserves to be shattered? TF is wrong with these people?!
I still am happy I heard the words “ welcome back to crystal clear!”
Thank god...😢😢😢
Never stop making Steven universe videos!
Fun Fact!
Every time Spinel moved her arm,it costs the animators 50 bucks.
So i guess we can say that CN wanted to break spinel's... *_heart?_* **insert steven's breakfast face**
This hasn’t really got anything to do with the video as a whole but I just thought it was neat. At 4:25 we he “Rose Quartz” shattering Pink. Well Garnet’s version of it. But you can see that she has her pinky up, like she’s drinking tea. Like Pearl. Pearl does the pinky thing. Considering this was before single pale rose, it’s fair to say that this was some once again very hidden foreshadowing
Why on earth was THAT the ending they wanted? Murder is not exactly something we should be teaching kids.
And I love that you have a remix of ‘Other Friends’ playing in the background!
Spinel: We’re best friends now right, Stev-
Pink Steven: Hahahahahahaha, *YOU THOUGHT!*
(Shatters her)
*If Spinel had been shattered we never would’ve had her amazing song covers (Change).* ❤️
I don't think it would've captured the feel of SU and would've messed with Future in a lot of ways if they had killed Spinel.
Too much of Future would've been focused on that one act when that was far from Steven's only issue.
I see a lot of comments talking about how the story would've shifted if Spinel had been shattered, how Steven's descent into madness would've been so much worse... but I on the other hand... I things a little more META... Because The Movie was BEFORE Future, before we really got that glimpse into Steven's trauma and how it has effected him... in fact in the beggining of the movie it almost seems like that trauma isn't there, and that not having problems to solve is a RELIEF for him and he's HAPPY... and the entirety of the Original Show leading up to the movie was about how, no matter who are are, no matter where you come from and no matter WHAT you do... it's never too late to change for the better... I mean this is the entire reason why all of Steven's powers are Support and Defense, he's never the one to outright attack others, literally a Pacifist, preferring to talk out problems then fight them out...
so for Steven to suddenly throw all that out the window just because his peaceful times were ruined, even though he'd already had 2 whole years of peace between Change your Mind and The movie... I honestly feel like the fans would RIOT and REFUSE to accept the movie as canon, simply because that would go against Steven's nature, the people who grew up with Steven and know who he is, wouldn't be ok with the idea that he Shattered someone JUST because they ruined his good times... especially since the original show had PLENTY of situations where that happened, Garnet's Wedding anyone?
And Rebbeca Sugar must've known this, she knew that CN obviously wasn't REALLY paying attention to the themes and ideals in her show and they just wanted the "bad guy to die" because they've seen that trope work 1000 times before... but because Rebecca Stood firm and held her ground, we got the movie made in the way it was MEANT to be made... and IT IS GLORIOUS!
Yeah, I agree :)
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Rebecca Sugar FOR NOT killing off Spinel?
Yeah. I kind of figured the ending was originally intended to be darker, given the chilling, somber tone of the "concept" version of the finale song.
But yeah... purely for the sake of curiosity as to how that would've played out, I'd like to see this alternate ending one day.
*[Excuse me, WHAT, Cartoon Network?!]*
If this happened that really would have caused ptsd and effected him during future
he already did have ptsd
@@rubyboi5819 i typed to fast anf forgot the word more he would havr had more ptds id be another thing to think about
It would've been so fucked up , knowing how Steven reacted to shattering Jasper he wouldn't want live with the fact that he took a life .
well, in the future she is acting like her old self but still in her evil form. idk if u checked out the su future “homeworld bound”, that’s the ep where spinel comes along, or “i am my monster”
Nobody at all:
Nobody in SU:
CN: "Bitch, how dare you live!"
Wow steven universe is just more than a childrens tv show it actually has a emotional story
Not gonna lie that sounds like a better ending and would have led in to Steven Universe future way better and add better conflict
Wait why did everybody click yes for the question "Would you like this dark ending?"
*iTs lIeK, you like her but you don't?*
"Cartoon Network at one point wanted to see Spinel D-I-E in the hands of S-T-E-V-E-N."
Me: H-O-L-Y S-H-*-T
Thank the stars spinel didn't get shattered, after all she have been through with pink, and probably will affect more Steven's mental health problems I mean just look at it, I mean if spinel got shattered, the movie may went dark... im so glad rebbeca had an idea other than shattering spinel.
But these are just my opinions,,,
Oh and by the way, GT has a much better main male hero than Steven, named SAINT JAYKEN THE ARCHANGEL! Why is he a superior character you ask? Well, for starters, by the time we first meet him in GT's timeline/story, he's 20 years old, is already extremely super powerful and has figured out all of his magical abilities,he has BOTH parents and a big sister around to support and protect him, and doesn't just sit there and whine about everything all the time like Steven does! He doesn't talk things out with the bad guys, he fights them like a true warrior till the very end. He wears a light bluish white suit of gleaming armor and has a huge flaming sword just like Saint Michael. "Do not be afraid, no harm will come to you here, my name's Jayken, and you are in Royalhalla! The perfect gift that Queen Galaxia has promised to all of her children". And his love interest is NOT with Connie! He's instead with our main female protagonist, Capis Amidala Prime(Jennifer Paz). They first met on the beach in Monterey Bay California and it was truly love at first sight. By the end of season 1, they have a daughter named Kayla and a son named Kinko. And Connie's parents do not become lax with Connie in GT like in SU.
They adopt Capis and her siblings because for a long time, the Angelic Elementals have wanted a Dad.
Spinel talking to Jasper: It's you or me Nosey and it's not gonna be me.
I laughted at this more than i should've
In my GEM TITANS version of SU the movie, called THE RED WAR, RED DIAMOND(NORAH JONES) is the main big bad villain when she and her court invade Earth, including Spinels, Morganites, Garnets, Rubies and red Sapphires. And none of them get redeemed because i actually KNOW BETTER than to turn the villains into good guys. My entire GEM TITANS SAGAS SERIES knows better than that. Once Red and her court along with the other diamonds are all defeated, they're bubbled away into the void where Connie Razor finds them and releases them back into our universe. Prompting the Titans and their ally Pink Diamond(Lisa Loeb) to battle them once again and forcing them all to join hands, unleash their inner power and wipe out the Grand Galaxy authorities for good. And Connie is the main present villain in season 1, with no redemption arc,immediately following the final battle with the Diamonds,Connie makes a deal with Dr. William Bradshaw who's a demonologist to put the Titans through the most hellish nightmare imaginable, involving our main protagonist Capis Amidala Prime having a negative attachment/possession like you'd see on Ghost Adventures. Isn't that BETTER storytelling than ANYTHING that ever happens in SU? i think Connie Razor Maheswaran makes an AWESOME villain. The Titans have no idea that she's the one orchestrating these horrible events from the shadows. Like 9/11, Columbine and Uvalde Texas, as well as Capis's dark attachment and possession in the story Canterlot City Nightmare.
Spinel: the pink noodle
CN logic be like:
Bad guy: hello i suffered serious trauma and need help
CN: *so you have chosen DEATH*
1:49 that's not a good message to tell kids
I think that Spinel being shattered would have made Jasper's shattering even more impactful than it already was. I imagine Steven being crushed and hating himself after how he had to deal with Spinel. He would try to be overly nice and non-confrontational, even more than usual in an attempt to make up for what he did. He would think that he was broken and needed to fix or punish himself. Then, when he finally shattered Jasper, he would have to re-live the fight with spinel and would feel like he was unfixable. He would have already seen this before and had it anchored in his head that death is irreversible, that Jasper is gone now and that he has officially started killing everyone he touches. Jasper's reformation wouldn't have felt so quickly resolved because at that point, him being able to save someone this time would be the exception instead of the rule. It would feel like Steven's feelings about Spinel's shattering were being resolved after 20 episodes instead of the entirety Jasper's death being resolved in 2 minutes. We had some of this in the show already, but this would really hammer on that this was not a one time thing. He was a monster and no matter what he does or how much he tried to be better he couldn't.
If anyone is wondering the song in the beginning, its called Swagger Stagger
Background music: (same thing just repeated) Swagger Stagger. I love that music.
I have got to admit, I’d been afraid if he did shadow her. That wouldn’t have been Steven at all. But I understand that anyone else would have. I mean seriously you are right, pushing anyone to that point it would’ve been the most sensible thing, but not the right thing. 😄
Pink:"faked shattered
Jasper:"actually shattered
Spinel, : why me I'm good girl wait don't "gets shattered"
Me:why did everyone get shattered?