“Supervocalic” was only used in last weeks crossword as another word that has AEIOU - the word for a word that has all 5 vowels is sometimes called pangrammatic
Having “cool” pull double duty as part of the grid and a clue felt, well…not cool. Was this a slip up by the editor/editing team? Or am I missing something?
Love how casually Chris put in SOSA. That crossword-ese sports trivia is paying off!
“Supervocalic” was only used in last weeks crossword as another word that has AEIOU - the word for a word that has all 5 vowels is sometimes called pangrammatic
I had that "behave" also, slowed me down. Eventually had to do two lookups as the bottom right corner proved difficult.
Doesn't know sports that well and gets a random Sammy Sosa clue. Impressive solve
I also went Behave --> Be Good --> Be Cool. Didn't help that I didn't know Betise lol.
Ado Annie is the character who sings “I’m just a girl who cain't say no” in the musical Oklahoma.
"I Don't Know How To Love Him" is sung by Mary Magdalene about Jesus in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar.
Having “cool” pull double duty as part of the grid and a clue felt, well…not cool. Was this a slip up by the editor/editing team? Or am I missing something?