Who is Professor Rocket

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @juliettemay5178
    @juliettemay5178 10 років тому +18

    My daughter has horrible anxiety when it comes to math, but she loves figuring out the math here! It's fun and gives her confidence! I love it!

  • @megamann49
    @megamann49 10 років тому +11

    Growing up watching this show as a teen was awesome!. It sharpen my skills in solving problem in middle school and high school.. Now with kids of my own, I would love for them to get into it. It's mad cool that you voices The Professor.. Thanxz ! I miss crashbox!!! Now I will search the deep ends of the internet and relive the early millennium cartoons such as crashbox!

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  10 років тому +4

      Thank you soooo much for your comments. GOD Speed with your quest

  • @Josie.770
    @Josie.770 8 років тому +25

    This was you dude? This used to scare me. He's so explosive. "I'll give you time-TIME'S UP!"

  • @MaggieMouth
    @MaggieMouth 11 років тому +4

    Love Professor Rocket . He should be shown in every classroom across America.

  • @sababa9989
    @sababa9989 10 років тому +15

    Me and my brother loved this show as kids. We always thought Professor Rocket was the funniest! The way he never stops moving his arms...he's a little nutty!! I remember one where he says "I've got a date with a little lady called algebra!" Definitely one of the the most memorable Crashbox character, along with the zookeeper who gets eaten by the animals. You're very talented, hope you're still voice acting!

    • @stephanieevjen
      @stephanieevjen 10 років тому +3

      Yeah, I remember that line: "Professor Rocket has a special lady called "Algebra" calling his name." Aside from that, and the one Psycho Math sketch featuring James Bond's number 007 or 7 with him saying: "He's the man, baby.", I could tell he's a smooth operator. ;)

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  9 років тому +1

      thanks for the props

    • @dianecaplan5407
      @dianecaplan5407 6 років тому

      spin-olsen he's not a zoo kepper or a nutty person.

    • @dianecaplan5407
      @dianecaplan5407 6 років тому

      spin-olsen because he has moving rulers.

  • @theunfunnyjokester
    @theunfunnyjokester 4 роки тому +5

    Professor Rocket was my favorite character.

  • @nostalgiamostalgia0319
    @nostalgiamostalgia0319 9 місяців тому +1

    This character made my childhood. Crashbox is one of the best educational kids shows ever and you were awesome to be a key part of it.
    Your VA skills were pretty awesome and I hope you had fun.

  • @Gardenofsen
    @Gardenofsen 9 років тому +10

    I've been watching the series again on HBOGO. It's so cool to meet other people who liked the show as children as me and my sister did. This is like one of our favorite shows.

  • @texiequino5027
    @texiequino5027 11 років тому +13

    God I remember this!!! feels like such a long time ago :(

  • @amberlovejoy23
    @amberlovejoy23 11 років тому +5

    We LOVE Crashbox...and Psycho Math is one of our favorite segments of the show. My twins started watching at age 5 and now, at age 7, they have some pretty fantastic math skills. My daughter just turned 4 and is now a fan, as well. :)

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  3 роки тому +1

      Happy To Bring Some MATHEMATICAL Joy!

  • @Blossom44100
    @Blossom44100 4 роки тому +3

    Just like old times! :3

  • @lisamliyah
    @lisamliyah 11 років тому +1

    Awesome Arifskinchen. My almost 19 year old daughter ran home to see your on Crashbox everyday. And Eric. Get a grip. You are overthinking. This is basic math, and yes, I got the answer right when I viewed it for the first time. Anyway, because of the Crashbox show, and Psycho Math everyday, she gained the math foundations even her teachers couldn't give! She graduated high school with a scholarship. My youngest was getting hooked when the show discontinued. She still views it on here.

  • @cyanglaciertooth9932
    @cyanglaciertooth9932 8 років тому +3

    Of all the games on Crashbox, Psycho Math was my favorite. Prof. Rocket was the coolest! I remember that one episode with him where he was like "I'm waiting...very PATIENTLY!!!!!!! *shoots fireworks out his head*", when he really wasn't that patient! XD

  • @AwolCommander
    @AwolCommander 6 років тому +4

    Now THIS is what I need in today’s programming! I need this on Netflix!!

  • @Pooky1991
    @Pooky1991 11 років тому +1

    This is one of my favorite skits.

  • @SpoopyIris
    @SpoopyIris 11 років тому +1

    Omg I use to watch this show all of the time when I was a kid I haven't seen this in years

  • @jackdenver3966
    @jackdenver3966 11 років тому

    I watch this show almost every morning x3 it's on (( for me )) from 11:30a.m-1:30p.m :) ah, the good times me and my sisters have answering the problems. this really stirs up those childhood memories

  • @HPGirlAna
    @HPGirlAna 11 років тому +1

    This used to be my favorite show when I was in 1st-2nd grade! Especially this section of it! :D

  • @TheBanditKing2011
    @TheBanditKing2011 10 років тому +1

    I loved this show as a kid! Psycho-math was my second favorite game, after Mug Shots. Very nice to finally see the man behind the voice of Prof. Rocket!!

  • @ethanotoroculus1060
    @ethanotoroculus1060 7 років тому +13

    It's amazing that you're still around to talk to! I ALWAYS loved Crashbox as a kid, it was my favorite show growing up.
    Just curious here, but have you stared in any shows/animations/movies/games/etc since?

    • @TheAmazingDoorknob
      @TheAmazingDoorknob 5 років тому

      I loved this show

    • @Tepig-ge7sl
      @Tepig-ge7sl 3 роки тому

      @@TheAmazingDoorknob I know, I can’t believe I forgot about this show.

  • @kaos5633
    @kaos5633 9 років тому +4


  • @pdbferox2635
    @pdbferox2635 5 років тому +1

    I used to love Crashbox, but my sister would always get every question right.

  • @Reynsoon
    @Reynsoon 12 років тому +1

    I'd have watched this if it came over here.

  • @Ange1ofD4rkness
    @Ange1ofD4rkness 11 років тому +1

    Dang! Those were real thinkers there.
    I was doing all the math in my head, and sometimes figuring the numbers the pictures represented had me thinking for a sec. Definitely makes you think that's for sure.
    (also glad they didn't throw in a baker's dozen, I always get that wrong)

  • @mynameisnotmaddie
    @mynameisnotmaddie 11 років тому +1

    He tells them the order, so I think we can forgive the parenthesis.

  • @caseylevy451
    @caseylevy451 11 років тому +13

    I love crashbox....my 6 year-old cousin should watch this instead of octonouts

  • @theorenfamily
    @theorenfamily 2 роки тому

    I loved the way his head constantly blew up!

  • @mrkitloin
    @mrkitloin 7 років тому +2

    this is the reason little me knew division and multiplication while my classmates couldn't even count to 50 :L

  • @pinchraccoonandmiladylover5923
    @pinchraccoonandmiladylover5923 4 роки тому +1

    From Episode 42

  • @beuke23nyr
    @beuke23nyr 10 років тому +2

    I LOVE Psycho Math and Professor Rocket! He has the best sense of humour. I still watch Crashbox when I visit my brother, since he has younger kids and HBO. :) I work with Pre-K kids and have incorporated a much tamer version for them.

    • @kaos5633
      @kaos5633 9 років тому


  • @arifskinchen
    @arifskinchen  11 років тому +2

    you do get 5. You 1st add 31 plus 9 = 40 then divide by 8 ( do, rey, mi, fa, so, la, ti, doe)... that does equal 5. 31+9=40 . 40 divided by 8 = 5.
    Word questions are always tricky... That's why its #PsychoMath

  • @mrgamegirl2011
    @mrgamegirl2011 11 років тому +1

    OMG I love this show. I watched this show when it first aired on HBO Family. I'm currently a animation student and I am also a stop-motion instructor for my community's after-school program. I would love to show this to my kids. Does anyone know where I could find this online for purchase or download? Its would be a great help :)

  • @joeybell6416
    @joeybell6416 9 років тому +1

    It's like he has bolts in his brain or something.

  • @ericstevens1996
    @ericstevens1996 11 років тому +1

    31 plus 9 divided by 5 is 32.6. Order of operations. That is why psychomath received a lot of criticism from college professors who analyzed children's functionality while watching the show. Some math functions were incorrect. Such as this one, where you must use PEMDAS.

  • @ryancurtis5425
    @ryancurtis5425 3 роки тому

    Professor Rocket reminds me so much of Professor DJ K from Jet Set Radio!

  • @cosmocosmoton
    @cosmocosmoton 2 роки тому


  • @stephanieevjen
    @stephanieevjen 10 років тому

    I love Professor Rocket and Psycho Math! He was one of the coolest characters I loved on this show. To me, he's almost like the Rock Star of Math. I even loved the Who Knew sketches he did; they are SO cool. You did a good job voicing him, Arif, though I actually liked the original guy who voiced PR, Joe Motiki. No offense. I do like both of his voices though; they're both cool.

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  10 років тому

      No prob re: liking both. He set the tone. And thanks for liking the show and #ProfRock

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  10 років тому +1

      No prob re: liking both. He set the tone. And thanks for liking the show and #ProfRock

    • @stephanieevjen
      @stephanieevjen 10 років тому

      arifskinchen *giggles* You're welcome Arif! :)

  • @arifskinchen
    @arifskinchen  12 років тому

    Thanx for the comments. REAP, ur absolutely rt . And SO are U Razor. But its kinda kewl, huh?

  • @danielluster732
    @danielluster732 7 років тому +1

    Professor Rocket's awesome!! B-) B-) B-) B-)

  • @diamndz1021
    @diamndz1021 8 років тому +4

    this sounds like a different voice actor

    • @rennybolick
      @rennybolick 4 роки тому

      I know this is old, but Prof. Rocket supposedly had two voice actors, from what I heard the switch was early on in the show's production.

    • @diamndz1021
      @diamndz1021 3 роки тому

      @@rennybolick I forgot I even commented this, but yeah ok. Didn't know the switch came that early, it's been a while since I watched this show

  • @michaelmireles2510
    @michaelmireles2510 2 роки тому

    Music in This
    Boom by Jan Cyrka & Toby Bricheno

  • @analisebreckenridge2870
    @analisebreckenridge2870 3 роки тому +1

    I got to this video because I’m showing my husband this show and just started season two. Compared to season one it seems like they told professor rocket to chill, and I was trying to find out why. Please Mr. rocket. I need to know

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  3 роки тому

      I actually don't know. I just Know it was originally CANADIAN and then they brought it to the U.S. and wanted a super hyper "Chris Rock'ish" dude. So Maybe they flipped the order and did me 1st then CANADA? Great Question.

    • @analisebreckenridge2870
      @analisebreckenridge2870 3 роки тому +1

      I was not expecting an actual answer, thank you so much 😭😭

  • @razershaf
    @razershaf 12 років тому +1

    Lol I wonder if kids would pay more attention if teachers showed vids like this. Although, you gotta think & remember things quick or you get lost til the end of each problem when it gets repeated.

  • @LoanaLalonde
    @LoanaLalonde 11 років тому +1

    I love Professor Rocket 
    He is so havesome like Eddie Bull XD

  • @jamesbochnik1696
    @jamesbochnik1696 3 роки тому +1


  • @Wotinnsstudiosproductioninc.
    @Wotinnsstudiosproductioninc. 3 роки тому

    Oooo number count down

  • @pearluniverse7960
    @pearluniverse7960 4 роки тому +1

    What was it like working on this show? Was there anyone on set you got along with? I can't help but feel curious.

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  4 роки тому

      actually.... I just dubbed everything in like 3 4hr sessions.I really didn't get a chance to meet anyone, except some of the writers and a producer or 2.

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  4 роки тому

      thanx for asking PEARL

  • @justinm2037
    @justinm2037 8 років тому

    what is that background music

  • @jeremt
    @jeremt 7 років тому +2

    if you're the guy who voiced this, could you at least tell me or give me a link; what is the song in the background? thanks.

    • @fredrichfernando6798
      @fredrichfernando6798 4 роки тому +1

      Jan Cyrka & Toby Bricheno - Boom
      I know I'm two years late on this, but that's okay.

    • @jeremt
      @jeremt 4 роки тому

      @@fredrichfernando6798 i actually found it a little while ago through shazam, but thanks anyway.

    • @EpsilDelta197
      @EpsilDelta197 3 роки тому +1

      @@fredrichfernando6798 oh my god, thank you! This info isn't listed anywhere that I could find, including IMDB or even the show credits.

  • @dianecaplan5407
    @dianecaplan5407 7 років тому +2

    is his a math robot?

    • @arifskinchen
      @arifskinchen  7 років тому +2

      diane caplan yes, I believe so

  • @lisamliyah
    @lisamliyah 11 років тому

    They need more shows like this on TV, instead of those idiotic shows they have now. My youngest, who is almost 12, won't even watch Nickolodeon now. Btw, my now 19 year old was around 3rd grade when she started watching.

  • @arifskinchen
    @arifskinchen  11 років тому

    Eric... really? Do you think the show was made for AP students or young kids?
    I totally agree with you in regard to your example. But it was made for the FUN of math for 3rd to maybe 6th graders. Anyone else would be annoyed by my voice alone & anyone with a calculator is probably doing algebra & up, so they wouldn't waste their time with this show. But I tell you this: if you ever, ever, ever want to put something together that stays within the "Order Of Operations" I'll voice it for you.

  • @UnusableFootage
    @UnusableFootage 2 роки тому

    So are the answers supposed to be wrong or WHAT??!???!

  • @sroark6126
    @sroark6126 5 років тому

    His math is sometimes wrong. 31+9÷8. Is not 5

  • @ryryii
    @ryryii 11 років тому +1

    I really think that this show is awesome for one, and for 2, order of operations is... WRONG.

  • @ericstevens1996
    @ericstevens1996 11 років тому +1

    Too bad the math is incorrect. I you type 31+9/5 into a calculator, sorry, you dot get 5.

  • @Ange1ofD4rkness
    @Ange1ofD4rkness 11 років тому

    Please Excuse My Dead Aunt Shela
    Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and then Subtraction. However I have come to learn the Addition and Subtraction seem to be able to be switched around

  • @ericstevens1996
    @ericstevens1996 11 років тому

    No you are wrong. Order of operations states that any multiplication and division must be done before subtraction. The equation (31+9)/5 = 40 is true. Without parenthesis, it is false. Get a calculator and type it in if you don't believe me. I'm in AP Calculus, my friend.