Exposed! Shocking and Violent Palestinian Intolerance

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @wingdwolf56
    @wingdwolf56 2 роки тому +384

    Who has ever promoted Palestine as a progressive forward thinking, young, modern country? Where is the one lady getting her information? I don’t think there is one Muslim majority country or government that accepts the lgbtq community

    • @sparkling.water.
      @sparkling.water. 2 роки тому +11

      There is Lebanon, but it's sadder that it is Muslim majority now.

    • @joedarrow5422
      @joedarrow5422 2 роки тому +3


    • @ThePoliticalOrangeAngler
      @ThePoliticalOrangeAngler 2 роки тому +18

      @@sparkling.water. Lebanon never respected the gays either.

    • @KafkaCartoon
      @KafkaCartoon 2 роки тому +23

      Yeah it's incredible that they are so shocked by this. What did they expect lol....

    • @denysecoop7356
      @denysecoop7356 2 роки тому +21

      The democrats are promoting this… people like the squad.

  • @HoratiosPhilosophy
    @HoratiosPhilosophy 2 роки тому +130

    Holy Moley, these people are unbelievable. How could they not have been at least a little aware of these things??? I love it when the lady calls Palestine progressive. At least they were willing to change thier minds. Nice job Ami.

    • @olterigo
      @olterigo 2 роки тому +6

      Because people don't look beyond what is in their proximity. If she heard any information, she probably limited herself to a left-of-center or leftist publication she reads. And guess what those tend to say or whom they tend to blame.

    • @BWolf00
      @BWolf00 2 роки тому +4

      @@olterigo Agree...This is due the vertical media affect, the silo affect, is amazing...especially considering the informational sources that are available. But you have to be willing to go outside the silo. I use different browsers, different search engines, I compare results, I look for both extremes and hope to find some consensus in the information being presented...but it takes a conscious effort for the subject, it takes time that many feel they don't have. Bottom line, in this "information" manipulation age you have to force yourself to not be complacent.

    • @dickfitswell3437
      @dickfitswell3437 2 роки тому +1

      Because people like Ilhan Omar and Nancy Pelosi gaslight them. Our school system has taught them to not self think, and let people at CNN and MSNBC give them the facts. Then all these nerds get together and shout chants about something they don't understand and when asked about why they say that, they don't know so they call you a facist or a racist

    • @smarterthan98
      @smarterthan98 2 роки тому

      If you're fed a steady diet of NYT, WaPo, and CNN, this is the level of ignorance that it leads to.
      I hope these people realize that if their sources are sooo wrong on this topic, then the chances are they're equally dishonest on others.

    • @aniquetiwana4217
      @aniquetiwana4217 Рік тому

      This is a terrible example of good journalism. He used a completely different topic to white wash the ethnic cleaning.
      This is actually a good example of how biased news works. Use another controversial topic to demonize the Palestinians so pple lose focus of the war crimes Israel is committing.
      Not that it matters, extremist Israelis are very anti gay.

  • @johnshivley6089
    @johnshivley6089 2 роки тому +270

    And just like that, 5 minutes later they'll forget about everything they just saw and go right back to the NPC mindset.

    • @laszlosandor4870
      @laszlosandor4870 2 роки тому +14

      My exact thought.

    • @TheWorldsprayer
      @TheWorldsprayer 2 роки тому +6

      to verify...does NPC mean non-player character?

    • @johnshivley6089
      @johnshivley6089 2 роки тому +5

      @@TheWorldsprayer yes

    • @pocketdynamo5787
      @pocketdynamo5787 2 роки тому +1

      You know what'll happen. They'll say: "Oh, that's PragerU, that's a right wing conspiratory platform. You can't trust them." Probably adding that the liberals in the video were tricked by Ami or that they never were liberals to begin with. And that's that, no further discussion on the matter.

    • @apolloomd4939
      @apolloomd4939 2 роки тому +1

      Their ignorance and low information mindset shows exactly why they keep voting for politicians who are actively destroying their cities and state. It also shows how people could vote for Biden. And they think everyone else is ignorant. There is no hope for the USA. Just prepare your families the best you can for the fall of this country. It has already started and you don't have much time. It's being destroyed on purpose. I truly wish the best to you all.

  • @limerickman8512
    @limerickman8512 2 роки тому +112

    I tried explaining this for decades to people locally, on my travels and online. There is huge cognitive dissonance going on.

    • @hermitcard4494
      @hermitcard4494 2 роки тому +1

      If you say God is love and I quote, QUOTE, EVEN SHOW YOU THE VERSE ON YOUR OWN BIBLE, verses where tour God is cruel and evil and even rejoice in pride about it, would you believe your vision about a loving God was wrong, or would your cognitive dissonance strength your faith despite having actually read that verse??

    • @m.e.1367
      @m.e.1367 Рік тому

      @@hermitcard4494 I don't for a moment believe that God (per the Bible, the Whom that I consider God) has changed His mind about homosexuality being a sin. The apostles in the New Testament, likewise, considered sin to be transgression of the law. Sexual immorality as they understood it, and wrote about it, includes, beyond a doubt, homosexual practice. However, there is still a difference -- and I doubt that difference will matter to you, especially IF you define yourself by the acts of homosexual behavior - there is still a difference between loving a person and loving what they do. It is absolutely possible to truly LOVE someone, even while disapproving of their homosexual behavior. Many parents are doing that very thing every day. Christians DO separate the acts from the actor. But that act is still considered a sin in the Bible, and no amount of hand-wringing and scripture twisting by "progessive", Leftist "Christians" can alter that fact. I have read the Bible and am happily satisfied as to the virtuous character of God. But if verses are taken out of context, with no true understanding of their meaning, they can definitely give the wrong impression. I will probably never accept stoning. I will, no doubt, never see it as having been a good thing. I know it was practiced, per the law, and again -- I have faith in God as Creator (with the power to give life as well as take it) -- but I can't imagine why or how stoning was ever an acceptable method of bringing about the death penalty. I have read that the person so designated for that would be buried up to the neck and the succession of stones would render them unconscious and then dead very quickly. But that didn't help me think better of it. The sheer terror of it might have been enough to keep many from receiving such a punishment, so as a mode of deterrence, it was likely very effective. But I don't know -- there were times in history which were very different from our own - which we could classify as "brutal" in many respects -- though our modern world has not freed itself from brutality, either. But in past times, certain practices were much more commonplace. I feel that God's transformation of us into more compassionate beings was a matter of getting us through stages of development. Jesus's teaching that we are to do to others as we'd want done to us is still the gold standard of compassionate behavior and we've yet to get there, as a global society, but it has inspired us to try - it is the lofty goal. But it took some time - a lot of time - before we got to even where we are now.

    • @janedoe3648
      @janedoe3648 Рік тому +2

      @@hermitcard4494 God's judgment is never cruel..He only judges the cruel. Would judging Hitler be cruel

  • @treson8640
    @treson8640 2 роки тому +241

    Yet another amazing content Ami, thank you!! Watching misconceptions being corrected in realtime is awesome. Keep doing what you do best

    • @goodday126
      @goodday126 Рік тому

      It's almost too much, because it's evidence of how derelict and corrupt our society has become. They don't understand that as a Christian conservative, I'm advocating for asylum for Mahmoud, if he wants it. Meanwhile, lazy American liberals think they're doing a good thing by abetting millions of people to break our laws to enter the country. People who are NOT being hunted by their governments, or singled out for torture and abuse. It is insane and depressing.

  • @idohadad3039
    @idohadad3039 2 роки тому +106

    Ami hands down deserves an award. if only the media would follow his example of real journalism the world would be a much better place.

    • @aniquetiwana4217
      @aniquetiwana4217 Рік тому

      This is a terrible example of good journalism. He used a completely different topic to white wash the ethnic cleaning.
      This is actually a good example of how biased news works. Use another controversial topic to demonize the Palestinians so pple lose focus of the war crimes Israel is committing.
      Not that it matters, extremist Israelis are very anti gay.

  • @2Sides1Stone
    @2Sides1Stone 2 роки тому +52

    Short-haired lady with red lipstick is awesome. People find out they had something wrong and double down because they fear "being wrong". She just point blank, "Yeah. I've changed my mind." They all did, but she was the most forward without hesitation.

    • @-redacted_by_youtube
      @-redacted_by_youtube 2 роки тому

      Are you kidding me? She blamed white people. "White washing" she's no better then the people she's complaining about. She just doesn't realize she's that dumb. She is dumb. You as well for saying anything nice about her. She's full of hate and at any moment will blame anyone but her own actions for how things are going. You should consider what you said and watch again.

  • @StahlmetallerM
    @StahlmetallerM 2 роки тому +168

    Gotta love it, when people have strong opinions on a topic, and when you confront them with reality, they have no shame admitting that they didn't have the slightest clue about the topic to begin with.

    • @marcborrelli7374
      @marcborrelli7374 2 роки тому +18

      They’re just siding with the perceived underdog.

    • @metalopoly2569
      @metalopoly2569 2 роки тому

      Liberals are very confident in their opinions of things they know nothing about...

    • @R-Lee-
      @R-Lee- 2 роки тому +4

      That's America

    • @metalopoly2569
      @metalopoly2569 2 роки тому +12

      @@R-Lee- *liberal America

    • @R-Lee-
      @R-Lee- 2 роки тому +4

      liberal 85%
      Conservative 15%

  • @KeithCindyPanama
    @KeithCindyPanama 2 роки тому +76

    This is what real journalism is **************

  • @RetrowaveUniverse
    @RetrowaveUniverse 2 роки тому +88

    Yet the LGBTQ+ and the progressives support Islamists. Thank you for making this video Ami. I really admire your courage, bravery and honesty. Please keep it up. Thank you.

    • @johnl5316
      @johnl5316 2 роки тому

      There is no LGBTQ movement or community. I am gay . neither I nor any gay friends support Palestinian views on the conflict there. Why do so many straight folks confuse gay folks with the disordered t's. I don't even know what Q means (and I am a clinical psychologist)

    • @SD-ko4tz
      @SD-ko4tz 2 роки тому +3

      No. Most lgb I know tend to become more conservative. And do not want to be associated woth the tq+

    • @astrzmbie9968
      @astrzmbie9968 2 роки тому +1

      @@SD-ko4tz a groomer is a groomer is a groomer

    • @olterigo
      @olterigo 2 роки тому +1

      I'd say younger ones would be more likely like that. The older ones have seen over the years news pieces about being thrown off buildings and hanged. The problem is that there's been a shrinking of the field of discussion within many communities. Think about Democrats's positions 10 years ago and now. We went from "race-blind" policies to "black parents will meet there, and Asian parents will meet elsewhere, and white parents... and don't you dare argue with us about it..."

    • @johnl5316
      @johnl5316 2 роки тому

      @@astrzmbie9968 how does your comment relate to this conversation?

  • @FuddlyDud
    @FuddlyDud 2 роки тому +92

    This should be the front page of YT.
    Yet, instead of this being promoted due to its newsworthiness, it barely gains traction because it doesn’t fit the typical narrative.
    Your content deserves so much better Ami. I seriously hope this blows up as people pick up on it.

    • @joedarrow5422
      @joedarrow5422 2 роки тому

      Modern liberals are just realizing the liberal media are a bunch of liars? Well guys, who'd have thought your side EVER LIES?????? All it took was an Arab hating Jew asking the questions he knows will turn the liberals against them. Lololol

    • @joedarrow5422
      @joedarrow5422 2 роки тому

      And whet the hell is the "front page" of UA-cam??? Everybody's pages are different according to their specific algorithm!

    • @kanzlerrap
      @kanzlerrap 2 роки тому +2

      @@joedarrow5422 Not correct - ever heard of YT Trends?

    • @joedarrow5422
      @joedarrow5422 2 роки тому

      @@kanzlerrap yes, I guess idk how it works... I always get boxing videos, music equipment reviews, animal/nature videos, and videos from the channels I subscribe to... So that must be something you have to click on sonewhere

    • @FM-nm4ng
      @FM-nm4ng 2 роки тому

      @@joedarrow5422 Clicking the thumbs up on the video along with subscribing to Ami youtube page is what you need to do if you want the youtube algorithm to spread this video to more people.

  • @Joe-pc3hs
    @Joe-pc3hs 2 роки тому +84

    Proof that intersectional politics doesn't delve into the entirety of any issue.

    • @JoeyBrilliant
      @JoeyBrilliant 2 роки тому

      @@Phisherman86 said the degenerate islamist

    • @johnl5316
      @johnl5316 2 роки тому +6

      ​@@Phisherman86 They do not "see the issue through THEIR sexuality." They are viewing it through the lens provided by 'progressive' politics. Their sexuality would have led them to reject the Palestinian view since the Palestinians express hatred toward them.

    • @alexandraasbury9974
      @alexandraasbury9974 2 роки тому

      @@johnl5316 Then a wider view of reality should be taken along with the decision that they won't allow themselves to be pigeon-holed into one single mindset. The hapless media is walking people into physical destruction and there's no accountability!!!

    • @elite6804
      @elite6804 2 роки тому

      @@johnl5316 however, since they are discriminated against, and seeing Israel brutally attack Palestinians, including women and children, they feel a personal connection which leads them to siding with Palestinians. It’s clearly Israeli’s fault.

    • @johnl5316
      @johnl5316 2 роки тому

      @@elite6804 I think that line of reasoning would have some gay folks siding with Israel given the history of Arab countries and Palestinians attempting over decades to kill Jewish men, women, and children

  • @heartlights
    @heartlights 2 роки тому +169

    I'll be honest, I laughed when the lady said she felt unsafe as a lesbian in Israel and that she was afraid she "might get attacked...or something"

    • @shevetlevi2821
      @shevetlevi2821 2 роки тому +31

      Definitely. I lived in Israel for 2 years back in the mid 1980s and there was no problem whatsoever for gays, overt or otherwise.

    • @jmculbreath2394
      @jmculbreath2394 2 роки тому +11

      Me too!

    • @savagegtalks5912
      @savagegtalks5912 2 роки тому +3

      @@shevetlevi2821 since the 60's those problem people have lived in places like Sweden and England and Belgium... making those places more tolerant 🤣🤣🤣

    • @LexRiano
      @LexRiano 2 роки тому +23

      Actually ,what she said, made me little mad, because this is not truth at all.She felt scared because she got wrong information. In Israel we have Gay Pride every year and gay community feel very safe here.

    • @knossostellel-amarna8502
      @knossostellel-amarna8502 2 роки тому

      The level of brainwashing was really high for sure living in a 'progressive' city

  • @rpczombie
    @rpczombie 2 роки тому +48

    Oh the ignorance of the people he interviewed who support Palestine

    • @rpczombie
      @rpczombie 2 роки тому

      You do understand that Palestine does not want to be a state right? It has been offered it’s independence numerous times and each time they have refused. Sounds to me that they just want to be victims and play on the sympathy of the world

    • @jbb98
      @jbb98 2 роки тому +18

      @vdot salt dome it's not apartheid and clearly you know nothing about what real apartheid was. The fact that Palestinians have a bit of a harder time getting into the country due to terror attacks is in no way shape or form similar to the apartheid happening in China or years ago in SA. Do some real research and think about these issues that are clearly not so black and white.

    • @alexandraasbury9974
      @alexandraasbury9974 2 роки тому +2

      @vdot salt dome Say what???

  • @ToxicallyMasculinelol
    @ToxicallyMasculinelol 2 роки тому +20

    Thanks for taking the huge risk of braving the West Bank as a Jew and publicly showing it. That takes serious courage

    • @skontheroad
      @skontheroad Рік тому

      Even with everything that has happened this week, I can still say without hesitation that the West Bank is a safe place to visit! It is not like Gaza. Many of Israel's main attractions are in the West Bank. Yes, there are many Arab villages there, as well as many settlements (and settlers), but they generally live in peace side by side. What happened to the brothers was a tragedy. As was what happened in Huwara. But the reporting on Huwara has been very one sided (the cars that were set on fire was a junkyard--NOT a car lot of cars for sale, for example). But if you ever visit Israel, don't hesitate to visit the Kinneret, or the other sites in Judea and Samaria (The West Bank). The IDF will keep you safe!!

  • @thomasford4716
    @thomasford4716 2 роки тому +34

    This is amazing work boss! Keep up the good work. And stay safe.

  • @endofunk2174
    @endofunk2174 2 роки тому +37

    Bravo Ami, and bravo to those who were willing to listen.

  • @wybeprod7632
    @wybeprod7632 2 роки тому +42

    Ami you're a blessing!! Keep up your great work✌🏼❤️

  • @michaelwayne1977
    @michaelwayne1977 2 роки тому +70

    “prison will set them straight”
    I doubt that

    • @kaymartin7822
      @kaymartin7822 2 роки тому +2

      @@user-pq3ro9xr3j Well said.

    • @pocketdynamo5787
      @pocketdynamo5787 2 роки тому

      @@user-pq3ro9xr3j All correct. But they still won't set them straight. I mean, police officers (and probably also prison guards and other inmates) raping gay men for being gay - how would that "set them straight"? It's ironic.

    • @jakemonster001
      @jakemonster001 2 роки тому

      And male on male rape.

    • @mankybrains
      @mankybrains 2 роки тому +2

      Was thinking in my head, he must have made a pun without realizing it was a pun.

  • @samwisegamgee2488
    @samwisegamgee2488 2 роки тому +27

    Finally! Thank you for this! I've been saying this is the reality for years but for some reason people don't want to hear it.

  • @brandonwalsh13
    @brandonwalsh13 2 роки тому +32

    Maybe if they look into it a little more history to find out that there’s no such thing as Palestinians that it came out in 1967 and they claim just like they claim that Israel is anti-human rights they claim that Palestinian is some ancient civilization. When most of the Arabs went there during the British white papers.

  • @gideonkaufmann1899
    @gideonkaufmann1899 2 роки тому +15

    Wow Ami, what a documentary! Chazak Chazak my brother!

  • @hifistuded
    @hifistuded 2 роки тому +21

    This video has content level as much as new Top gun movie 😂😂. keep it up Ami.

  • @Shadewe
    @Shadewe 2 роки тому +38

    Great piece. Showing how people really don't know the world or bother to examine it. Just believing what they are told and marching with it.

    • @shadowbanned5164
      @shadowbanned5164 2 роки тому +1

      Two nordic women went hitch hiking in Morocco they were beheaded screaming for their mothers after being raped.

    • @yazkat1011
      @yazkat1011 Рік тому

      @@shadowbanned5164 they sadly learned the hard way.

  • @DarthVader-1701
    @DarthVader-1701 2 роки тому +36

    Am I crazy or is the girl in heart shaped sunglasses eating what's left of a phallic popsicle?

    • @beckiwildeman600
      @beckiwildeman600 2 роки тому +7

      I seen it too

    • @mankybrains
      @mankybrains 2 роки тому +1

      It's San Francisco, they don't care about children, they care about themselves. Indecency is overlooked. That's why gay parades show what selfishness looks like. It's all about me me me me.

    • @platylobiumobtuseangulum1607
      @platylobiumobtuseangulum1607 2 роки тому


    • @nathaniel4869
      @nathaniel4869 2 роки тому +1

      I was looking for this comment! 😂

  • @BrainInjuredTortellinni
    @BrainInjuredTortellinni 2 роки тому +25

    It’s crazy how fast the NPC mode kicks in and they just spew dnc talking points.

    • @NPC13377
      @NPC13377 2 роки тому +3

      This is why the NPC meme still applies

  • @somethinsomethin7243
    @somethinsomethin7243 2 роки тому +26

    Ami, you put your life in danger for this. I don't know you, but I can say from watching your videos over the last three years that I admire what you do. You takle lies head on, in a way that most people are even uncomfortable to talk about. Even though there could be a lot we don't agree on, from what I have seen, you are a great example for all young Americans to follow.

    • @aniquetiwana4217
      @aniquetiwana4217 Рік тому

      This is a terrible example of good journalism. He used a completely different topic to white wash the ethnic cleaning.
      This is actually a good example of how biased news works. Use another controversial topic to demonize the Palestinians so pple lose focus of the war crimes Israel is committing.
      Not that it matters, extremist Israelis are very anti gay.

  • @Colbycrab
    @Colbycrab 2 роки тому +9

    Taking this to San Francisco was so smart! Thank you Ami! This is how to make a difference! Appeal to their compassion.

  • @aintgonnaworrynomore
    @aintgonnaworrynomore 2 роки тому +13

    I find it interesting that the rapers don't consider themselves gay.

    • @lynnharrell9598
      @lynnharrell9598 2 роки тому +2

      It could be that the rape was not an intimate act, but instead was an assault using an object strictly for the purpose to cause severe bodily harm.

  • @Mirindala
    @Mirindala 2 роки тому +5

    Amazing report Ami!
    I do appreciate that you were able to open their eyes to the real situation. I hope the people you interviewed went home and looked into things & didn't just disregard the info you gave them.

  • @Mars_doll
    @Mars_doll 2 роки тому +14

    This was beautiful. I love seeing people genuinely understand a different aspect of the conversation.

  • @captainshakesbeard2453
    @captainshakesbeard2453 2 роки тому +17

    This is incredible, needs to go viral and be on the mainstream.

    • @jonnyfrench19
      @jonnyfrench19 2 роки тому +1

      It is pretty amazing, which is why it will never go mainstream. I'm only surprised youtube haven't removed it. I thought that if anyone in the West cheered on Islam and muslims, it was the liberal left: everyone else is still sane.

  • @jamesdriskell4820
    @jamesdriskell4820 2 роки тому +6

    Nice work Ami! You've got more courage than all the mainstream media heads combined. Well done!

  • @Gatefan1565
    @Gatefan1565 2 роки тому +16

    So many people "get behind" a "cause" that they feel emotional connection to, without all of the information and don't want to research. They just want to do "what is popular." This is from the average person to politicians and celebrities. If you want to "defend" something, do some small amount of research so you understand what you are defending.

  • @johnbreitley2389
    @johnbreitley2389 2 роки тому +8

    Good job Ami as usual! Street journalism at its best. God bless!

  • @eitan7343
    @eitan7343 2 роки тому +7

    Great piece. I don't know when this was filmed but it would have been an even bigger bombshell if after showing the SF people the interviews, you told them about the Israeli law, that was just passed granting PA LGBT individuals asylum, work visas and healthcare.

    • @waz3128
      @waz3128 Рік тому

      They’ll probably just call it pink washing

  • @samscherer9291
    @samscherer9291 2 роки тому +28

    “Both are bad” got me 😂

  • @SandorFekete
    @SandorFekete 2 роки тому +14

    Now THIS is actual journalism. 👏

  • @drmordehaibenhamou2367
    @drmordehaibenhamou2367 2 роки тому +4

    I am Israeli, Jewish AND Arab (my grandfather is an Arab Muslim), I bless God that I live in Israel and not in any Muslim country... And we must not forget that in Gaza, people voted overwhelmingly for hamas, a hateful muslim movement

  • @hattttttttt
    @hattttttttt 2 роки тому +17

    Ami your videos are the best! Keep it up dude

  • @jasondetwiler9440
    @jasondetwiler9440 2 роки тому +14

    Ami is the amazing. Keep it up bro

  • @denp54z
    @denp54z 2 роки тому +10

    You should have also interviewed some of the "few" Palestinian Christians for their views, big hint most of them are now living in the USA because the Palestinian "governments" in the Middle East have similar views on the Christians as well, especially so on any Palestinian or Arab Christian and pity the Palestinian who is Jewish.
    Same applies to the Persian peoples as well.

  • @kingskunk5143
    @kingskunk5143 2 роки тому +4

    Just bless you Ami, you are the last of the true investigative journalist willing to go to the source. I admire that so much as a student. 🙏🏼 bless you

  • @jomidiam
    @jomidiam 2 роки тому +6

    I just hope the San Franciscans spread the word widely in their communities about what they learned in this video.

  • @Mplsfitter539
    @Mplsfitter539 2 роки тому +10

    Great piece Ami. Well done

  • @Rollin_L
    @Rollin_L 2 роки тому +8

    And this, my fellow Americans, is what journalism actually looks like.

  • @TheWorldsprayer
    @TheWorldsprayer 2 роки тому +3

    Something not mentioned, but is evident, is the fact that in palestine...they didn't talk to any women. There's a reason for that.

  • @blornblad4381
    @blornblad4381 2 роки тому +13

    Great stuff! So glad to see people change their minds when presented with new information. Seems so rare these days.

  • @tygrlili
    @tygrlili 2 роки тому +9

    Ami, you are one of the most important journalists of our time.. Thank you..

  • @gordonfreeman-g5w
    @gordonfreeman-g5w 2 роки тому +6

    Love the peoples reactions, they were totally receptive to the evidence you presented them and weren't like "this is fake" etc. Very good sign

  • @charliealegria180
    @charliealegria180 2 роки тому +4

    What kind of mentality says, "... Your behavior is so heinous and unforgivable to me that I'm going to partake in that vile behavior with you, by force...".
    I N S A N I T Y

  • @lywaa2300
    @lywaa2300 2 роки тому +6

    This has to be the MOST IMPORTANT video you have EVER made. Format is impeccable as well. Love the education you provided to these people.

  • @msnow3850
    @msnow3850 2 роки тому +2

    They had Donkey Pox and then Ami gave them the vaccine of truth!

  • @kebvr25
    @kebvr25 2 роки тому +11

    Great job shedding light on the monstrosities happening to gay people in Palestine.

    • @BannedHistory
      @BannedHistory 2 роки тому +1

      next let's shed light on the monstrosities happening to Arab people in Palestine.

    • @jaswantipatel6919
      @jaswantipatel6919 2 роки тому

      do "shed light on the monstrosites happening to Arabs in Palestine" ... Honor killing seems monstrous ... one killing its own people is heading for hell, no doubt.
      There is one uncle on this video, as told by nephew, who literally threatend his nephew that he would rape him (for being gay). Now that uncle intending to rapehis nephew is literally having homosexual tendencies himself. sick old man!!.

  • @pebo1319
    @pebo1319 Рік тому +2

    Would be interested in a report, also, of the non-existent rights of women/girls. Thx for excellent report. I am disgusted with my "people" who never bother to research, who swallow the lies hook, line, & sinker.

  • @shanevalcich9208
    @shanevalcich9208 2 роки тому +8

    Impressive way to show the dangers of being low information. They are easily controlled to go against their best interest by their emotions by being kept low info by their peers and news.

  • @ollvebranch
    @ollvebranch 2 роки тому +4

    I too must confess my ignorance. I was under the misinformed belief that the gay community had all the answers to all our social problems. Who knew?

  • @marcborrelli7374
    @marcborrelli7374 2 роки тому +11

    The one woman who claims the media is watering down the situation is really lost. They didn’t water anything down, they only fed her BS and she fell for it.

  • @ChayaFellerman
    @ChayaFellerman 2 роки тому +6

    Excellent Ami!

  • @laszlosandor4870
    @laszlosandor4870 2 роки тому +9

    The ignorance! The shock! The shocking ignorance!

  • @simonb4689
    @simonb4689 2 роки тому +9

    Amazing work

  • @Dextermoon1
    @Dextermoon1 2 роки тому +10

    Amazing video

  • @wryguy
    @wryguy 2 роки тому +7

    11:56 she perfectly described left-wing political thought

  • @commonsensecrusader
    @commonsensecrusader 2 роки тому +2

    amazing video... this should be on main stream media everywhere in the west

  • @beckyhofer4328
    @beckyhofer4328 2 роки тому +1

    Brilliant! Eye-opening. Keep it up, Ami!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @kevingreen3195
    @kevingreen3195 2 роки тому +3

    Ami, another great piece of work. Keep it up. Obviously, you finished the piece, ,but honestly, when you did a quick glance away from your interview on the street, I held my breath. Going to the Castro was brilliant. Congrats! On a different note: two Palestinians mentioned about 'gays' being threatened with, or should be 'raped'. I'm fairly certain something like that did not go unnoticed by you. Did their response end up on the cutting room floor, or did you not ask it (for your safety)?

  • @user-ll8be9vt4u
    @user-ll8be9vt4u 2 роки тому +9

    The main stream mediocres not covering the truth? Shocking

  • @debrasilver6958
    @debrasilver6958 2 роки тому +3

    Excellent film... I hope it wakes people upto the false narratives that abound...

  • @RickMidnight
    @RickMidnight 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks for taking the effort to go there and shine light on the truth.

  • @michellehillyer4511
    @michellehillyer4511 2 роки тому +3

    Be an individual! Believing everything a particular "group" that you identify with is is promoting is dangerous. I'm glad these people that identify with a "group" have opened their minds to not just check a box, but to have the freedom to chose what they want to accept.

    • @alkestos
      @alkestos 2 роки тому

      Yes! There are pros and cons to every side. Don’t be in a herd mentality! You don’t need to take a side in every conflict.

  • @steveconkey7362
    @steveconkey7362 2 роки тому +3

    This is great journalism.

  • @MyxvoicexIsxheard
    @MyxvoicexIsxheard 2 роки тому +2

    Maybe also the fact that there were no women on the streets to talk to because women are prevented from speaking and living freely in Palestine. Coming from a Palestinian, they are terrible.

  • @teenwiles6476
    @teenwiles6476 2 роки тому +1

    Powerful. Excellent journalism and great interactions.

  • @joesnausageface8414
    @joesnausageface8414 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome work Ami! As always! I hope everybody on the platform watches this.

  • @mmuser9137
    @mmuser9137 2 роки тому +6

    This is amazing!

  • @jamesruddy9264
    @jamesruddy9264 2 роки тому +1

    I saw you on Sky News today 22 Aug 22, and came by to see this.

  • @hugocabret9720
    @hugocabret9720 2 роки тому

    God bless you, @AmiHorowitz, and thank you for sharing your very enlightening work!!!

  • @scientificapproach6578
    @scientificapproach6578 Рік тому +1

    If you love being right, then hold weak opinions till you have strong facts.
    Great video, thanks for adding strong facts to the conversation.

  • @theclarksvillepiper9202
    @theclarksvillepiper9202 2 роки тому +2

    These people saying they didn't know this was happening are willfully ignorant.

  • @MissMal92
    @MissMal92 2 роки тому +1

    Came here from the Adam and Dr. Drew show. You rock, Ami.

  • @adamredwine774
    @adamredwine774 10 місяців тому

    Kudos to the interviewees who were willing to take in new information and reassess their position. That is very encouraging.

  • @terrypussypower
    @terrypussypower 2 роки тому +2

    This reminds me of Western feminists’ attitude towards women’s rights in Muslim countries. Whenever I’ve challenged feminists over their attitude towards the Burqa, for instance, they invariably deflect by claiming “it’s their culture, I can’t speak about it”!
    Basically what that means is, “women’s rights are great for us, but I couldn’t care less about them”.

  • @pamadams53
    @pamadams53 2 роки тому +9

    And kudos to them for being open to the information and changing their minds.

  • @slash4555
    @slash4555 2 роки тому +7

    Do you think CNN would ever air this on their network?

    • @marcodarko6941
      @marcodarko6941 2 роки тому +4

      Yes. Somebody should present this to don lemon and anderson cooper for their take.
      Thankfully we have Ami to bring us the news.

  • @HIGHRISH420
    @HIGHRISH420 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing work as always! You can always count on a well done and impactful video from Ami.

  • @vincentyoung8472
    @vincentyoung8472 2 роки тому +7

    “Makes me wonder if the information I learned is entirely accurate”. Yes, good, now do that with Trump. Trump2024 baby!!

  • @brandonc808
    @brandonc808 2 роки тому +3

    Nice to see people have their eyes opened.

  • @dza613
    @dza613 2 роки тому +4

    Great work Ami!

  • @urbanothepopeofdeath
    @urbanothepopeofdeath 9 місяців тому +1

    Ami says "my shirt, it's not too gay right?" priceless

  • @tjusername1895
    @tjusername1895 2 роки тому +4

    I noticed he changed out of the pink shirt before the "man on the street" portion...

  • @ddavis6453
    @ddavis6453 2 роки тому +1

    Excellent report. Thank you.

  • @marymagmartha7453
    @marymagmartha7453 2 роки тому +2

    _Thank you again Ami. Each of your videos 🎤 is a learning experience. It still amazes me how absolute people are in their “support” of issues they only know through Mainstream, Corporate Owned, Government Sponsored Media‼️ I was happy to see that they were able to learn and as one gentleman stated, It makes him want to do more research. Before this video I didn’t have an opinion one way or another about the Gay Lifestyle in Palestine or Israel - yet I was surprised 🫣to learn how anti-gay that culture is_

  • @christines8529
    @christines8529 2 роки тому

    Thank you, as always, Ami for your amazing reporting.

  • @wybeprod7632
    @wybeprod7632 2 роки тому +5

    Please Ami share this video with Hannanya Naftali, I'm sure he could help reaching an even bigger audience about this subject

  • @artistcaleb
    @artistcaleb 2 роки тому +5

    "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" all of us need God's mercy through Jesus who paid the price on the cross.

  • @N0die
    @N0die 2 роки тому +1

    I’m skeptical that San Francisco city types are really convinced, besides they’re HR department is in an unelected position of dictation over them (in one of the most expensive locations in the US).
    They’re notoriously hypocritical and smug, I spent over a decade in San Francisco beginning in 2011 before OCCUPOOP

  • @josephayala1511
    @josephayala1511 2 роки тому +1

    I had a conversation on this very topic recently with someone that has a rainbow colored 'coexist' bumper sticker. The were so incredibly misinformed prior to that.

  • @PapeySapote
    @PapeySapote 2 роки тому +4

    Damn, I don’t really care about Palestine or Israel

    • @randyjenkins8743
      @randyjenkins8743 2 роки тому


    • @BannedHistory
      @BannedHistory 2 роки тому

      agreed. time to cut off the funding. Israel needs to bootstrap itself.

    • @michellekabillio
      @michellekabillio 2 роки тому +1

      And yet you care so much that you watched the whole video and then took the time to write a comment. 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️

  • @beefyronin
    @beefyronin 2 роки тому +2

    You should have WAY more subs, keep up the good can the people know ANYTHING if someone doesn't come and tell them?

  • @bnc2060
    @bnc2060 2 роки тому +4

    I’ve waited for something like this forever!