Interesting for how long was the panel curing? And how about fiberglass mesh? I would appreciate if you could help me clarify those two. Thank you very much
@@rahatlatcvehuzurverici946 it took a few days before the panel had strength. Fiberglass will be destroyed by alkali in cement. Better to use poly mesh. Special glass fiber is available, usually as chopped strands.
Good. I would love to know the diameter of the panel and the amount of cement in it. 😊
Interesting for how long was the panel curing? And how about fiberglass mesh? I would appreciate if you could help me clarify those two. Thank you very much
@@rahatlatcvehuzurverici946 it took a few days before the panel had strength. Fiberglass will be destroyed by alkali in cement. Better to use poly mesh. Special glass fiber is available, usually as chopped strands.
What kind of mesh and how was it attached? More than 1 layer?
Thank you
The mesh is a polyester (I think) mesh with about 2-3mm spacing. I got it at a roofing store.