「Wednesday camp 」水曜日キャンプ 北海道札幌 Redoor Sapporo キャンプ場 Redoor campsite Sapporo Hokkaido

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Redoor Campsite is located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, just a 20-minute drive from the city center. It's a perfect retreat within the city, offering a quiet escape from the hustle and bustle. Since I was quite tired from driving over from Furano that day, I opted not to set up a tent and instead booked a "capsule" for the night through Booking.com.
    On the way, I bought some ingredients, and after arriving at Redoor and checking in with the friendly owner, I started preparing some food. The owner was very kind, helping me add firewood without charging anything extra. We had a great time chatting and drinking together. It was an incredibly pleasant experience. The campsite is also open in winter, and I am eager to try camping here in the snow.
    Address: 213-28 Bankei, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0945
    Website: redoor-sapporo...
    Redoor露營地,位於北海道札幌。 距離札幌市中心只有20分鐘車程。 城市之中能够有一個鬧中取靜的露營地真的太好了。 因為當天從富良野開車過來比較累,所以這次也沒有搭帳篷,選擇在booking訂了Redoor的“太空艙”住一晚。路上我買了些食材,到了Redoor,和老闆辦理入住後,就開始做吃的。 老闆人很好,幫我添柴也沒有收費。 我們一邊聊天,一邊喝酒,非常愉快的體驗。 這裡冬天也營業,冬天很想體驗在大雪中露營。
    地址:213-28 Bankei, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0945
    網址: redoor-sapporo...