Heaven to gain, Hell to shun. Dear Jesus I pray for those lost souls who are without you and can’t find their way. Only you dear Jesus , only you can satisfy the soul of man! Only you! May God’s truth be heard by the lost near, far!!! 🍃🙏✝️🙏🍃
I was visited by the Holy Ghost in 2007. I was a druggy and quit cold turkey on the spot on my God encounter. 6 years later I now attend a Christian College were I feel rejected for having the true filling of the Holy Ghost. I know there is a price to pay for following Jesus, but I am willing. I know I am going to heaven. Just get on your knees and raise your hands and say "help me father".
People will wake up one day but it will be too late....Wake up now, while you can, seek the Lord while he may be found, may the Lord break up all those who mock and scorn and have such stony heart, and may you realize our blessed redeemer , the Lord Jesus Christ owns the Heaven and Earth and all that dwell therein.....
@gaxzzz It's no joke man. The Bible couldn't be more clear about it. Jesus Christ Himself said "hell fire" "everlasting fire" "where their worm dieth not" "I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear; fear Him, which after He hath killed the body hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say unto you, fear Him." I'll be praying for you man. That your eyes may open up to the truth in God's Word. Do not harden your heart, God is at the door knocking. He wants to save your soul. He loves you
Absolutely we should not abuse grace. Grace and Mercy is offered when we turn to HIM. "Look unto ME, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye SAVED." Salvation is a person... not a formula. Jesus, was constantly rebuking people for lack of faith in Him. People needed to turn from their self-righteous ways... and trust Him. Look at how He dealt with the pharisees; some of the best law-keeping jews, but not right with God.
Believing that you are a "good person" means absolutely NOTHING in the sight of God. You might be "good" (compared to other people) but if we all went by the standard of being a "good person" we must compare ourselves to God's Standard of "Good"...the Bible says, "For ALL have Sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" (Romans 3:23) and that "The Wages of Sin is Death, But the FREE Gift of God is Eternal Life through JESUS CHRIST our Lord." It Doesn't matter how "good" we think we are, the Bible says that "Our Own righteousness is as FILTHY RAGS to God" (Isaiah 64:6) Don't stake your Eternity on how "good" you believe yourself to be..."For God So Loved the world that He gave His Only Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall NOT perish but have ETERNAL LIFE."...Repent of your Sins and believe the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST!!...God Bless!...
if u havnt sought God with all your heart then you have no right to say he doesnt exist. Forget the whole 'no evidence for God argument' God is more incline to reveal himself thru heart seeking than materialistic scientific seeking.
Thank God, that people still teach repentance. ..I never want to hear, "Depart from Me..." God is Holy and because of Jesus shedding his precious blood, he forgives us but it is our commitment to him, because he.saved us, that we.obey him. For the wages of sin is death.
amen sister.... and once you "meet Him at Jacob's well" (as pastor lawson always says).... He will SAVE YOU, that's what He does! And SAVING, wouldn't be SAVING, if it could be lost!
@gaxzzz By the way, I'm here if you ever want to talk or want somebody to pray with. I'm a "been there, done that" dude. I've done the drugs, been a drunk, been a total immoral fornicator, porn addict, you name it. God reached down and touched my heart. He's been good to me man. My life is changed, and yours can too. Jesus said "except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God." This new birth only happens when God convicts the heart "the Father draws"... points you to Christ.
Grace and Mercy is offered when we turn from sin, abhor it, forsake it. If this is not true, then why my friend does Jesus stress the importance of repentance? When we repent, and still fall...God knowing our hearts...that we have a repentant heart ..then gives us grace and mercy. In Romans,Paul warned of not abusing grace. : )
@gaxzzz important than the salvation of your soul. If you do have that fear, deep down, you're scared to go to hell, it is because you are unsaved! and the conviction is a wonderful things... because if you respond you will get saved! I don't fear hell anymore, there is total peace in my heart on this matter. Let God convict your heart and then just cry out to Him and ask Him to save you! Jesus WILL not cast you away. "Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John, the Bible is very clear that those who reject Christ will end up in the Lake of Fire. It makes no difference if you deny the reality of hell, don't believe in Christ, don't trust the Bible, etc. It says what it says. Furthermore, do you know the only reason people end up in hell is because of their rejection of Christ? For sin was paid for on Calvary. Christ paid it all and died for all.... GOD'S way of salvation, not our own, must be accepted. I'll be praying for you. Travis
I'll just leave you and everyone here with this prayer that Christians can use and see if they can really pray it from their hearts: Lord, if I follow You out of fear of hell - cast me into it. And if I follow You out of desire for reward of Heaven - deprive me of it. But if I love You for Yourself, then let me share in Your Glory.
If you want to find God. You must actively pray, ask Him if His Son Jesus is the way to heaven. Turn away from your sin. What is sin, google it. But, it is disobedience to God.
@gaxzzz You get used to it :). But for real, the Bible says that even devils believe in God, and tremble. But they're not saved. It is one thing to have knowledge, another to have that knowledge applied. You can be a sick man, dying, and KNOW that there is a good doctor out there. But unless you call Him, make it personal, trust him, accept Him, it will do you no good. Understand? You have to respond to God's conviction, open your heart, and accept Christ as your SAVIOR. He will save you!
friend, i'm SURE that hell has been burning for at least 2,000 years, because JESUS SAID SO. He warned, "And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire." He was talking to people, and warning them, not to be cast into HELL FIRE.
To answer your question, if you go to your grave rejecting salvation in the Son (having never received the help of the Holy spirit for that very reason in your lifetime) then Hell in accordance with your works. But if you put on the garment of salvation, even if not up until you knock on deaths door, then you will be welcomed into paradise, but your rewards will pale in comparison to the servants of Christ who waged against the world in the lifetimes; taking the tree of life's leaves for healin
Your sins don't send you to hell. Jesus paid the sin debt of the whole world (past, present and future) on the Cross. People will go to hell because they have rejected God's Son and his precious gift of salvation.
"Educate" is an important word you use. If Holy Spirit is your guide, you will look into this matter with a heart that will hear. It is wise not to reject instruction. Respectfully, I urge you to consider that you have not yet determined when the fires of hell will be lit. You took a guess, "over two thousand years at least" but you are not sure. If you consider the "fires" as God's judgement, consider then just when is Judgement Day? Let God be true. Lazarus and the rich man is a parable.
I have met the Lord Jesus. Did you watch my video Jesus Saved Me? This is not all that the Lord has done to show himself real to me. My biggest cry all during my life had been God are you real? I know that He is, He answered me.
To: Unbeliever and mockers you better repent now or else... Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
no buddy, you still don't have it. A penitent heart, poor in spirit, lost, cries out to God and He shows GRACE, and MERCY, and gives us something we don't deserve. We can't work for heaven, my friend!!! "But to Him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifieth the ungodly, His FAITH is counted as righteousness!!!!"
Indeed, we must understand the proper "fear" and reverence of the Lord. Remember, the devil cannot "judge" us to hell. Only the Son of God can do so. Indeed this passage has nothing to do with the grave: (two words translated into English as hell is the Greek "sheol" meaning: grave; Here the word translated "hell" is "gehenna" like the fire s. and w. of Jerusalem into which dead bodies were thrown). Let God be true and every man a liar. The Word teaches, the fires of hell haven't yet been lit.
I don't think that works merit salvation (it would still be the same punishment-reward system, only faith replaced with works), but neither do I think that intellectual agreement to certain doctrines does it. What I'm getting at is quite simple - imagine there is no Heaven or hell or that God sends everyone to Heaven no matter what they believe or do. Can you honestly say nothing at all in your life would change? If you can, great, my comments don't apply to you, if you can't, there's a problem.
@gaxzzz God does loves us, you're right. But God is also perfect, holy, and righteous and hates sin. That's why Christ came and died for us, so that we can stand sinless before God. The new-birth gives you a white robe, you are washed in Christs blood and have His righteousness! God loves you, but He demands one thing: His will is that you BELIEVE upon the Son. Faith in Jesus Christ saves. People try to make it their own way....they go to hell unwashed, a Christ-rejecting sinner
Regardless of what you call it, our lord was putting it in terms to where simple minded people could understand the analogy. It's everlasting because there is no mistaken hebrew in the book of Daniel and if Daniel isn't right then throw out the entire thing. It is eternal; there is gnashing of teeth which means the torment is so strong that one acts like a snarling dog biting his teeth.
Buddy, they've been burning over two thousand years at least, because the Lord Jesus Himself told of the rich man and Lazarus. We all know what happened. He died and went to hell, and suffered in the flames. Don't try and educate those of us hilljacks who take God's Word for what it is.
Gaxzzz, it seems like you're really interested in knowing the truth. The truth is, and you may not want to hear it, but I'll tell you because I sincerely care. Without conviction there will be no conversion. It sounds like you are, I know man, hell is a scary thought. If you're not born again, you are headed there. Settle it in your heart and let God speak to you. The Holy Spirit will tell you this. I would watch this video a thousand times if I knew I needed conviction. Nothing is more imp
You like so many English people. Your forefathers brought the gospel to the USA when it began. Saturate yourself with the Word of God, KJV. If you spend all of your time saturating yourself with what this evil world is composed up you will be an unbeliever. If you pray and read the bible it will get you to much sooner. Heb 4:12. Be willing to turn from your sin.
Thank you so much for responding but I have to politely disagree. Repentance is not works but a response to his Grace that was shed for us. It is out of the Love for our Father that we choose not to stay in unrepentant sin. God says in Leviticus, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. No, we are not saved by the commandments, his blood has saved us BUT as a follower of Christ, we now have to live according to the Spirit and not the flesh.
Good John, I did not mean to accuse you. I was only replying an absurd question with an absurd question and framing it absurdly. I respect you as a righteous person but admonish you as a scoffer. Again, there are precepts agreed on as maxims concerning the spiritually inclined person. You, I perceive, are a disciple of the intellect, wanting answers to give answers. Yet you being in this conversation is a testament to your curiosity and I encourage you to keep exploring such matters.
What do you believe then, are you reprobate; so morally worthless? How do you discern right from wrong? It is not a matter of "our god" but the concept of God and the legacy of spiritual Israel as well as the power of prophecy that propels one's belief in God. In as much as we don't understand, we believe; for the believer discerns the spirit of things even those that we don't understand. That is the power of faith.
No it is the Word of God. Watch this video More than Dreams Mohammed user name is greenslugg. Watch Part 2 first, and then 3, 4 then go back to 1. I love this one.
Well thank you very much. But I was hoping that you turned to Jesus. It is only His shed Blood that can cover your sins so that you can go to heaven. Pray to God in Jesus name, tell Him you believe.
If someone believes after hearing sermon like this, what kind of faith would they possess? This preaching is carnal (to use your terminology) - appealing to egoism and self-preservation. If your faith is rooted in punishment-reward system, it is rather a self-serving compulsion than genuine faith and is actually useless for it neither leads to true love for God nor real morality.
Hell was created for those who believe out of fear of going there. And deepest circle of hell is reserved for those who use it to scare others into believing.
Brother Lawson is having some health problems and I would like to ask you all to remember him in prayer. Thank you, Tony
Heaven to gain, Hell to shun. Dear Jesus I pray for those lost souls who are without you and can’t find their way. Only you dear Jesus , only you can satisfy the soul of man! Only you!
May God’s truth be heard by the lost near, far!!!
Wonderful message! Such passion he has for the lost!
This is real, serious preaching.
I was visited by the Holy Ghost in 2007. I was a druggy and quit cold turkey on the spot on my God encounter. 6 years later I now attend a Christian College were I feel rejected for having the true filling of the Holy Ghost. I know there is a price to pay for following Jesus, but I am willing. I know I am going to heaven. Just get on your knees and raise your hands and say "help me father".
Amen Amen It has to be preached. God bless u for preaching the truth.
People will wake up one day but it will be too late....Wake up now, while you can, seek the Lord while he may be found, may the Lord break up all those who mock and scorn and have such stony heart, and may you realize our blessed redeemer , the Lord Jesus Christ owns the Heaven and Earth and all that dwell therein.....
i will certainly be praying for him, brother!!!
It's no joke man. The Bible couldn't be more clear about it. Jesus Christ Himself said "hell fire" "everlasting fire" "where their worm dieth not" "I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear; fear Him, which after He hath killed the body hath power to cast into hell. Yea, I say unto you, fear Him." I'll be praying for you man. That your eyes may open up to the truth in God's Word. Do not harden your heart, God is at the door knocking. He wants to save your soul. He loves you
Absolutely we should not abuse grace. Grace and Mercy is offered when we turn to HIM. "Look unto ME, all ye ends of the earth, and be ye SAVED." Salvation is a person... not a formula.
Jesus, was constantly rebuking people for lack of faith in Him. People needed to turn from their self-righteous ways... and trust Him. Look at how He dealt with the pharisees; some of the best law-keeping jews, but not right with God.
Believing that you are a "good person" means absolutely NOTHING in the sight of God. You might be "good" (compared to other people) but if we all went by the standard of being a "good person" we must compare ourselves to God's Standard of "Good"...the Bible says, "For ALL have Sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" (Romans 3:23) and that "The Wages of Sin is Death, But the FREE Gift of God is Eternal Life through JESUS CHRIST our Lord." It Doesn't matter how "good" we think we are, the Bible says that "Our Own righteousness is as FILTHY RAGS to God" (Isaiah 64:6) Don't stake your Eternity on how "good" you believe yourself to be..."For God So Loved the world that He gave His Only Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him shall NOT perish but have ETERNAL LIFE."...Repent of your Sins and believe the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST!!...God Bless!...
if u havnt sought God with all your heart then you have no right to say he doesnt exist.
Forget the whole 'no evidence for God argument' God is more incline to reveal himself thru heart seeking than materialistic scientific seeking.
Thank God, that people still teach repentance. ..I never want to hear, "Depart from Me..." God is Holy and because of Jesus shedding his precious blood, he forgives us but it is our commitment to him, because he.saved us, that we.obey him. For the wages of sin is death.
amen sister.... and once you "meet Him at Jacob's well" (as pastor lawson always says).... He will SAVE YOU, that's what He does! And SAVING, wouldn't be SAVING, if it could be lost!
I like this guy! :D
By the way, I'm here if you ever want to talk or want somebody to pray with. I'm a "been there, done that" dude. I've done the drugs, been a drunk, been a total immoral fornicator, porn addict, you name it. God reached down and touched my heart. He's been good to me man. My life is changed, and yours can too. Jesus said "except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God." This new birth only happens when God convicts the heart "the Father draws"... points you to Christ.
Grace and Mercy is offered when we turn from sin, abhor it, forsake it. If this is not true, then why my friend does Jesus stress the importance of repentance? When we repent, and still fall...God knowing our hearts...that we have a repentant heart ..then gives us grace and mercy. In Romans,Paul warned of not abusing grace. : )
important than the salvation of your soul. If you do have that fear, deep down, you're scared to go to hell, it is because you are unsaved! and the conviction is a wonderful things... because if you respond you will get saved! I don't fear hell anymore, there is total peace in my heart on this matter. Let God convict your heart and then just cry out to Him and ask Him to save you! Jesus WILL not cast you away. "Whosoever calleth upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
John, the Bible is very clear that those who reject Christ will end up in the Lake of Fire. It makes no difference if you deny the reality of hell, don't believe in Christ, don't trust the Bible, etc. It says what it says. Furthermore, do you know the only reason people end up in hell is because of their rejection of Christ? For sin was paid for on Calvary. Christ paid it all and died for all.... GOD'S way of salvation, not our own, must be accepted. I'll be praying for you. Travis
amen brother I agree!! help yourself to much more of pastor Lawson's preaching on my channel. May God be glorified... God Bless, Travis
I'll just leave you and everyone here with this prayer that Christians can use and see if they can really pray it from their hearts:
Lord, if I follow You out of fear of hell - cast me into it.
And if I follow You out of desire for reward of Heaven - deprive me of it.
But if I love You for Yourself, then let me share in Your Glory.
If you want to find God. You must actively pray, ask Him if His Son Jesus is the way to heaven. Turn away from your sin. What is sin, google it. But, it is disobedience to God.
You get used to it :). But for real, the Bible says that even devils believe in God, and tremble. But they're not saved. It is one thing to have knowledge, another to have that knowledge applied. You can be a sick man, dying, and KNOW that there is a good doctor out there. But unless you call Him, make it personal, trust him, accept Him, it will do you no good. Understand? You have to respond to God's conviction, open your heart, and accept Christ as your SAVIOR. He will save you!
friend, i'm SURE that hell has been burning for at least 2,000 years, because JESUS SAID SO. He warned, "And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire." He was talking to people, and warning them, not to be cast into HELL FIRE.
To answer your question, if you go to your grave rejecting salvation in the Son (having never received the help of the Holy spirit for that very reason in your lifetime) then Hell in accordance with your works. But if you put on the garment of salvation, even if not up until you knock on deaths door, then you will be welcomed into paradise, but your rewards will pale in comparison to the servants of Christ who waged against the world in the lifetimes; taking the tree of life's leaves for healin
Your sins don't send you to hell. Jesus paid the sin debt of the whole world (past, present and future) on the Cross. People will go to hell because they have rejected God's Son and his precious gift of salvation.
That sentence should be addressed to all Christian fundamentalists.
"Educate" is an important word you use. If Holy Spirit is your guide, you will look into this matter with a heart that will hear. It is wise not to reject instruction. Respectfully, I urge you to consider that you have not yet determined when the fires of hell will be lit. You took a guess, "over two thousand years at least" but you are not sure. If you consider the "fires" as God's judgement, consider then just when is Judgement Day? Let God be true. Lazarus and the rich man is a parable.
I have met the Lord Jesus. Did you watch my video Jesus Saved Me? This is not all that the Lord has done to show himself real to me. My biggest cry all during my life had been God are you real? I know that He is, He answered me.
To: Unbeliever and mockers you better repent now or else...
Revelation 21:8 "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
no buddy, you still don't have it. A penitent heart, poor in spirit, lost, cries out to God and He shows GRACE, and MERCY, and gives us something we don't deserve. We can't work for heaven, my friend!!! "But to Him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifieth the ungodly, His FAITH is counted as righteousness!!!!"
Indeed, we must understand the proper "fear" and reverence of the Lord. Remember, the devil cannot "judge" us to hell. Only the Son of God can do so. Indeed this passage has nothing to do with the grave: (two words translated into English as hell is the Greek "sheol" meaning: grave; Here the word translated "hell" is "gehenna" like the fire s. and w. of Jerusalem into which dead bodies were thrown). Let God be true and every man a liar. The Word teaches, the fires of hell haven't yet been lit.
One day there will be a sad wake up call for you Tristan... seek His face while there is time
Ready 2 be wit teh son of god!!
I don't think that works merit salvation (it would still be the same punishment-reward system, only faith replaced with works), but neither do I think that intellectual agreement to certain doctrines does it. What I'm getting at is quite simple - imagine there is no Heaven or hell or that God sends everyone to Heaven no matter what they believe or do. Can you honestly say nothing at all in your life would change? If you can, great, my comments don't apply to you, if you can't, there's a problem.
Kane, i will send you a PM to help you out.... God Bless!
God does loves us, you're right. But God is also perfect, holy, and righteous and hates sin. That's why Christ came and died for us, so that we can stand sinless before God. The new-birth gives you a white robe, you are washed in Christs blood and have His righteousness! God loves you, but He demands one thing: His will is that you BELIEVE upon the Son. Faith in Jesus Christ saves. People try to make it their own way....they go to hell unwashed, a Christ-rejecting sinner
Regardless of what you call it, our lord was putting it in terms to where simple minded people could understand the analogy. It's everlasting because there is no mistaken hebrew in the book of Daniel and if Daniel isn't right then throw out the entire thing. It is eternal; there is gnashing of teeth which means the torment is so strong that one acts like a snarling dog biting his teeth.
Buddy, they've been burning over two thousand years at least, because the Lord Jesus Himself told of the rich man and Lazarus. We all know what happened. He died and went to hell, and suffered in the flames. Don't try and educate those of us hilljacks who take God's Word for what it is.
Gaxzzz, it seems like you're really interested in knowing the truth. The truth is, and you may not want to hear it, but I'll tell you because I sincerely care. Without conviction there will be no conversion. It sounds like you are, I know man, hell is a scary thought. If you're not born again, you are headed there. Settle it in your heart and let God speak to you. The Holy Spirit will tell you this. I would watch this video a thousand times if I knew I needed conviction. Nothing is more imp
You like so many English people. Your forefathers brought the gospel to the USA when it began. Saturate yourself with the Word of God, KJV. If you spend all of your time saturating yourself with what this evil world is composed up you will be an unbeliever. If you pray and read the bible it will get you to much sooner. Heb 4:12. Be willing to turn from your sin.
Thank you so much for responding but I have to politely disagree. Repentance is not works but a response to his Grace that was shed for us. It is out of the Love for our Father that we choose not to stay in unrepentant sin. God says in Leviticus, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. No, we are not saved by the commandments, his blood has saved us BUT as a follower of Christ, we now have to live according to the Spirit and not the flesh.
Good John, I did not mean to accuse you. I was only replying an absurd question with an absurd question and framing it absurdly. I respect you as a righteous person but admonish you as a scoffer. Again, there are precepts agreed on as maxims concerning the spiritually inclined person. You, I perceive, are a disciple of the intellect, wanting answers to give answers. Yet you being in this conversation is a testament to your curiosity and I encourage you to keep exploring such matters.
Do you really want to know this?
What makes you such a bitter man. What have you prayed for that did not happen for you?
What do you believe then, are you reprobate; so morally worthless? How do you discern right from wrong? It is not a matter of "our god" but the concept of God and the legacy of spiritual Israel as well as the power of prophecy that propels one's belief in God. In as much as we don't understand, we believe; for the believer discerns the spirit of things even those that we don't understand. That is the power of faith.
Can I have a whole sentence. Or, are you just being sarcastic?
No it is the Word of God. Watch this video More than Dreams Mohammed user name is greenslugg. Watch Part 2 first, and then 3, 4 then go back to 1. I love this one.
Well thank you very much. But I was hoping that you turned to Jesus. It is only His shed Blood that can cover your sins so that you can go to heaven. Pray to God in Jesus name, tell Him you believe.
If someone believes after hearing sermon like this, what kind of faith would they possess? This preaching is carnal (to use your terminology) - appealing to egoism and self-preservation. If your faith is rooted in punishment-reward system, it is rather a self-serving compulsion than genuine faith and is actually useless for it neither leads to true love for God nor real morality.
Hell was created for those who believe out of fear of going there. And deepest circle of hell is reserved for those who use it to scare others into believing.