I could be wrong and please correct me, but in my humble opinion it has always been the people in authority who have been responsible for hurting society on a large scale.
"Authority" great word. But, I believe nobody, no group, no government, nobody has "authority" over you unless you consent. UK government private profit-making company, same with police, local "authorities" oops, see how it all works.
Ten kto czyta Biblie nie musi , bo wie że tam jest napisane ....,, Serca synów ludzkich są pełne zła i głupota mieszka w ich sercach dopuki żyją!!!,, księga Koheleta starożytni to wiedzieli już 3 tys lat temu...
Well done, Sharyl Attkisson! I especially like how you challenged Snopes. Bravo! My favorite line here is, "Instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority."
@@m.j.2939 bahahahahahaha love how so many of you drone on and on about what's funded by George soros but don't say a peep about everything funded by the kochs.
+Mark Wright no the whole ice burg being the banking elites wanting to rule the world and make the people slaves while giving up all our rights and creating a one world religion , one world government, and one world currency............
She really hit a nerve with this talk! I instantly found a website that did nothing but smear her character after she gave this talk. Think about the content. Does it ring true? Have you ever noticed the things she says? Bravo, Sheryl!
Charles Crummer This business of refusing to address the data and making accusations like quack and crank is classic of people who know they do not have command of the facts, and have to resort to abuse.
Or to put it more concisely. JUST PLAY THE BALL If you have to attack the character of the speaker rather than address the facts, you have no facts of your own to rely on.
This should be taught in every classroom across the world and then every year after given as a refresher. In today's world of Covid it's more imperative than ever that we understand this. Question everything!
Ha! That would be ironic since the classroom has become one of the primary venues for "astroturfing" where myth and misinformation are being passed-off as fact.
furballbear--yes,it is the future of the media,to condemn the ones who rightfully question and the public who so blindly goes along with it never asking the real questions. Language sorcery is my new term for it.
Question everything. Don't assume anything is truth. For everything you learn, consider its opposite. For everything you learn, consider who is benefitting from you learning this information - who is making money from you knowing this information?
+flanagan2k I have to agree with Adam. 99% of the time you hear "racism" mentioned it's about white people. Do you really think Whites have a monopoly on racism???
"I recognized the phrase 'ask your doctor' as a catchphrase promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. They know that if they can get your foot through the door of the doctor's office to mention a malady, you're very likely to be prescribed the latest drug that is marketed." And there is our medical system in a nutshell.
I am so blessed to have found this video when I did. I was 25 y.o. attending college and I was already beginning to question things because I was beginning to see flaws in official statements and even my textbooks and tests. Then I came across this video and it all became clear to me. I can easily detect lies and half truths now. Thank you Sharyl.
+wBryang gives me some faith in the TED talk organizers, that they would permit this. Unless of course it was just that they failed to read her transcript and then were just too gobsmacked - especially when she so eloquently exposes Wikipedia - to pull the plug!
Or rather she's doing exactly what she's criticising and you're buying her eloquent shit. Check her CV and background, double check her sources and you'll see what I mean.
Brilliant! We need to bring this forward right now...because "“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell.
Thank you. You are just amazing. That was an excellent summary of the whole problem and why people, such as myself, tend to be treated with some hostility by people who don't understand that their own perspective was the result of a manipulation. Wikipedia has no excuse and must be denounced for what it is. The Philip Roth story is one that completely displays just how bad these narcissistic, self exalted experts are who run social media.
Bravo, I've been complaining about This MISinformation Age for years, yet when I mention how Yelp and Wikipedia actually work and should be discredited or that 'there is no National sleep Foundation', I get ridiculed. The only irony is that Ted Talks are or can easily go down the same path: just put together a good presentation, usually emotional and tugging at the heart, and you have the same exact issue: they're out there. Question everything!
Absolutely outstanding, Sheryl! Thank you. I have observed this for many years and am so glad that you have managed to make it public. You're making a great contribution to necessary public awareness. Thanks again!
"they attack the people making the accusations instead of addressing the accusations themselves" now the media response to gamergate makes perfect sense
Sharyl Attkisson, that was a perfect presentation of the Facts! I'm surprised that this talk hasn't been sensored by UA-cam or TEDx. I highly RoccoMend this presentation.
+Adam B What does heaven have to do with being unaware or asleep? "Heaven" is likely just another manipulation in and of itself, so I really don't see your point.
freedom dove Look up the video of the conspiracy way to get to God. Go to my channel too. I've done all the research and I know what's at the end of the rabbit hole. I've found that the only thing that really matters is that you get saved by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and once you do that try to help other people get there too.,
As a former member of the broadcast news "press" I completely appreciate her expose. "News" is often, even usually, "promotion" and there's a big difference. Instead of "The CBS Evening News" what you're really watching is "The CBS Evening Promotions."
Oh that's ironic. I found @RealReaper which is just a store brand copy of Critical Drinker. The propaganda machine is soo lazy now with their astroturf.
Thank you Sharyl! Outstanding and yet so sad that it has come down to this. I am so tired of our own government and all these huge conglomerates lying, falsifying, and deceiving humanity. Where's our protection, where's the integrity and where's our constitutional rights?
+Zachary Mims Exactly. People will watch this, plus they will read books like 1984, Brave New World and watch movies like The Matrix and V for Vendetta, plus hear about all the deaths caused by pharma drugs, but yet will STILL believe what the mainstream media tells them. They don't give a damn what is true, all they care about is believing in whatever is POPULAR.
+Zachary Mims did you watch this video and just believe it without looking into who she is and checking the (very few) sources she mentioned? If so, congratulations you're a victim of confirmation bias, you're part of the very problem she is talking about.
+Zachary Mims I have met many seniors, 65 and older people whom do not use computers and have no interest in it, tragically. 6 o'clock news and maybe talk radio. Newspapers are going the way of the dinosaurs. It's a matter of controlling the conversation. I tell everyone now whether they want to hear it or not - Obamacare has opened up many eyes. Trump fans reflect that the Sleeping Giant has awoken.
This journalist really nailed. This video explains a lot of organized misinformation in our cyber world. I wish everyone could watch this video objectively.
I remember when Sharyl first started at CNN in 1990. We were deployed overseas, in Saudi Arabia ramping up for the Gulf War. CNN was on 24/7. I was immediately smitten by her beauty, posture and clear voice. Soon, I became aware of something else about Sharyl. She was incredibly bright, well spoken and oh so intelligent. Her honesty and integrity have at times necessitated her leaving her job due to corporate interests, and the bureaucracy of generating profits and not stepping on toes. To me, she is one of the most admired women in this country. She is a true patriot and she is still as beautiful as the first day I saw her on CNN all those years ago sitting in the sand in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula..
Essential viewing - thanks for making this video. Everyone is continually being deceived and this video shows how it's being done - and helps us see the signs
Chris I'm not sure if I'm understanding your comment correctly, but there's astroturfing running rampant on both sides of US politics. Just like she said if they focus on smearing the other side there's probably an agenda. In this case one side says "libs want to take our guns" and the other is "conservatives are allowing school shootings" its two sides of the same coin.
@CalvinSomething Not sure I understand your message here, but both sides stride for different freedoms so it's just a question of perspective. Google a political compass, in general liberals stride for political freedom while conservatives stride for economic freedom. If the government has neither it's considered authoritarian if it has both it's considered libertarian. I don't think being too attached to any political identity is healthy though. Don't let the news make you hate your neighbor, everyone wants what's best for their country whether you agree with them or not. It's really easy to get caught up in confirmation bias these days, but I can ensure you there are people manipulating the public from all angles and all parties.
@CalvinSomething This is not my opinion, but I'll play devils advocate. Lets say, I'm an avid authoritarian and I want whoever is in control to have as much power as they please. Who are you to say that is "wrong." It's an opinion not a fact. And regards to astroturfing, lets take blacklivesmatter vs bluelivesmatter protests where a single group was traced to be setting up both sides of the protests on Facebook. Who was really fighting for liberty? Neither, because they were just puppets in someones game to pin people against each other.
Sharyl is explaining better than I can, what I have known for a long time. And we have an example of what Sharyl is talking about right here in ProgressiveTruth. Instead of his arguing on the merits, he uses derision and marginalizing tactics to defend the astroturfing. But truth is truth, and knowing how to find it is what Sharyl teaches and it's all good. Everyone should learn how to do it.
I will teach this to my students so that they will be aware of media manipulation and astro turfing. They need to become critical thinkers so they can protect themselves.
Very good, people should always think for themselves. First follow the money, and secondly have a good look at any group that you can’t question and or critique.
CIA Director William Casey told President Reagan, February 1981, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
I can't imagine Reagan taking that mildly. He made some poor decisions, but he was _pro populi_ , he was nothing like the political fatcats or the financiaI or inteIIigence elites.
This reminds me of a comment I made to a Huffington Post article about GMO labeling disclosure. I basically said that consumers would be better off knowing if a product contains GMOs and in a free market we shouldn't have to purchase GMO products if we don't want to, regardless. Nearly everyone who commented with skepticism about GMOs was personally attacked, painted as uneducated, ignorant, and uninformed. We were told that all forms of GMO are no different than basic agricultural breeding techniques that have been around for centuries. I specifically said that I was a true skeptic and not against GMO, but I wasn't entirely convinced that it was good in all cases, especially considering the profit-seeking interests behind the use of GMO technologies, I said people have the right to be skeptical and as consumers they should be free to choose not to purchase something that they weren't convinced of. I was attacked by multiple people who flat out told me that I wasn't a true skeptic. Someone even replied to my comment and said that I was basically a fruit and vegetable racist.(Astroturf fail?) I asked this person who they were, and why they are so passionately in favor of something that benefits corporations over consumer rights. That's when they stopped replying. Their Facebook profile itself looked like a shell to me, weird public posts with one or two likes each going back for several months. Watching this TEDx talk, I get it now. Can you blame people for going overboard when it comes to skepticism about things that seem like common sense to everyone else when large powerful special interests are actively trying to deceive them from a position of academic, social, economic and political authority? This type of deceptive influence is in many ways more dangerous than blatant coercion because we believe we have freedom of choice. "The cage is good for you" is what we're hearing instead of "Get into the cage or else". Sounds like a dream come true, tyranny has never been easier, apparently..
+Nathan Adams Those attacking you were paid trolls. That is why comment sections are getting shut down, because paying all of those trolls is expensive, and it's easier for them to just deny your voice an outlet.
+Nathan Adams Exactly. These pro gmo retards tried to paint me in a negative light when I discussed gmo´s with people, I reacted by blitzkrieging them until they realized they couldn´t present me with any evidence suggesting that gmo´s and non gmo´s are the same thing.
Nobody here was talking about it, but it's a perfect example of what this video speaks of. I primarily dislike how when 80% or more North Americans want GMOs labeled, democratic consensus is overruled by technocratic elite, pushed on us through corporatocratic industry lobbying, and ultimately supported by plutocratic investors, the primary benefactors of GMO crops. I'm not a fan of industrial agricultural biotechnology that puts profits before everything else, including democratic consensus and consumer concern. In a true democratic and capitalistic society we should be able to choose to avoid those products for whatever reason.
Nathan Adams I agree with you on the need for our government to become as transparent as possible. Far more than they are willing to tell us now. I think requiring people to tell us what we are consuming is a great idea. However, the issue I have is GMOs are not bad. It's a scary word hurdled around (ironically, an astroturfed thing). Everything we eat today has been genetically modified. That said, I agree that we should go back to democracy. I'm really tired of this Oligarchy.
+Rob Hodge Aahh...482K as of my writing this. Question is, how many of the viewers have taken the time to SHARE this within their own networks? The social phenomenon called FACEBOOK is a prime example of how worthwhile information such as this can be disseminated far and wide with the least amount of effort by every individual who is AWAKENED and cares enough to share with others. Have you done your part?
+Neceros What she is saying was true before the idea even came to her head. The almighty dollar and power have been the engine and fuel for ages upon ages. What's the difference? The internet and how people get their information. If you think that you can't be manipulated, than you are being naïve. There is an ongoing joke that says, "If it's written down, then it must be true". Then TV became the norm, so the joke went to, "If it's on TV, then it must be true." Now we have the internet, "If you read it on the internet, then it must be true." As far as I am concerned, the current truth written or is on TV or is on the net belongs to those who have the resources to continually pay for it to be repeated enough for it to become the current "truth" (whether it's truth or not).
This is very relevant to what we have been living through the last couple of years. All the silencing of dissenting voices of the mainstream narrative on the so-called 'pandemic'.
Almost all grassroots campaigns are astroturfed. A couple red flags are... 1. Too expensive 2. Too coordinated 3. Supported by the media, government, and/or big business 4. Rioters are not arrested or given only a slap on the wrist 5. Protesters in a non English-speaking country write their signs in English. That last one is rather important and telling once you notice it.
I love this woman's clarity of thought and her program "Full Measure" and I watch and re-watch all episodes. I always ask myself the question "Who is doing the talking and do they stand to benefit monetarily or politically from their "opinion".
Hi, thank you for this eye-opening talk. It is very surprising to see this matter happens right now on our actual topic over Covid-19 and how the main stream media and other news producers wants to convince people about only one side of the coin and try not to mention anything or saying the counterpart is fake or they are conspiracy theorists.
I have not been to a Dr. since 1995. I am 61 and in excellent health because I know how to take care of myself. I do yoga every morning, drink ro water, eat good food, get proper sleep, etc... Dr. Bernard Jensen said: "If you don't know how to take care of yourself by the time you are 40, then you deserve the doctors and the hospitals." I have certifications in Ayurveda, Natureopathy and Kundalini yoga, so that helps.
+Hargobind Singh Good news there. Am happy for you. I haven't had any flu vaccine in over 50 years. The human body already has systems to take care of influenza.
+Richard Hill -- I imagine some, such as you, do, but plenty don't. A couple hundred years ago, influenza was a common cause of death, so it's incorrect to assume that all humans can deal with it.
8:52 I love the fact that she used air quotes when she said "seasoned" journalists. They are "seasoned" at following the script that someone puts in front of them and putting on that ridiculous "news voice" but that's about it.
ive been looking for somone who could explain this in an official way, in a respectable forum, and here you are.. thank you for explaining this for us.. im going to share this video alot..
right-in order to reduce my cognitive dissonance ,have a hollistic perspective ,after digging hard on internet for about a month, about gmo, chemtrails, martial low in usa , clones, human meat and adn found in meat people consume today, fake food as eggs and vegetables mades in china, nwo, my country politics , american elections, russian position ,ascension and shift of consciouness ,black goo, morgelons desease and race extinctions, multiple universes , flat earth , nanotechnology , transhumanism and so on ,many contradictory news, this post popped out in the right moment i guess. it s like i hear an orchestra and the individuals, of course the orchestra will grow as i spend more time on internet, so my belif right now is i live in a virtual reallity and i try to figure out how to escape from
I shared this on my FB page 2 years ago. I'm sharing it again today. Clearly, many people still haven't gotten the message. I love to brainstorm solutions, while it seems a lot of people prefer gossip and the blame-game. This talk is inspirational toward finding facts and therefore, solutions.
attacking the people asking the questions, instead of the issues in question, is ALSO how Governments work, and it works like a charm may I tell you. In Latin America worked perfectly for POPULISM (a far worse version of socialism)
+Andromeda Read "Rules for Radicals" and you have the Democrat playbook and required reading for "Community Organizers". I don't even like Trump, but just look how he was treated for suggesting we slow immigration until we can verify who they are. People with common sense would agree if it weren't so politically correct to bash Trump. We put ourselves, our children, and neighbors at risk, just to try to look like we are "tolerant". Carter threw out the Iranians and stopped them from coming in, FDR stopped immigration from Germany and Japan, and put the Japanese in camps. Wilson stopped Germans from coming while he segregated whites and black. All Democrats. Trump suggests a slow down and he's Hitler. I'll be voting for Cruz, but you can bet he has a whole network aimed at destroying him also. Even women curse and spit when Fiorina speaks, but coo when Hillary mumbles some lie about some scandal she is in right now. She doesn't even know what her husband is doing, let alone what Putin is doing. Wait till she tries to explain Bills trips to the Caribbean with a pedophile. BTW, Hillary's college thesis was on Saul Alinsky, the author of Rules for Radicals. She went to him and spent time with him while she wrote it. She was his personal student learning at his feet.
On that note, I recommend you read Edward Bernays book "Propaganda" also try to find the series of documentaries "century of self" specially watch "Happiness machines"... the masses have been artificially programmed for a long time, that's why crazy governments, crazy movements, false flags, false news, etc. work like a charm... they already know people's reactions to anything, they know when to scare you, when to make you complacent, when to make you feel compassion (it's a false compassion... people rather go with a like on facebook and change their profile pic to some flag, than go to Kenya and actually feeding a hungry kid) That's why I love House of Cards... it pretty much shows you how hypocritical people are, therefore, how can you not expect a psychopathic leader?
Yes, the left condemns vetting possible immigrants to see if they could be dangerous but openly demands we investigate citizens that want to buy a gun. Would they then insist that vetting one of these immigrant's wanting to buy a gun as discriminatory
Populism is just the will of the people. South Americans have a propensity to be very far left. But populism is just the opposite to authoritarianism. And both are independant of a particular ideology. They are just basic philosophies of where the power is wielded.
Phenomenal talk, extremely relevant in today's internet-age. "Astroturf", as she describes, can take many guises. It is an imperative when trying to discern fact from fiction on a particular topic to dig past the often superficial content that immediately pops up on google searches. The last 2 minutes also nicely touch upon the difference between pseudo-skepticism and genuine skepticism..
This video is more relevant now than ever before... explains the widespread banning of certain opinions on all these various platforms.
Totally agree with you.
Yep. It is key to understand what's going on right now.
Yeah the republicans and conservatives are really going full on fascist.
I wish they would censor opinions, they are currently Censoring FACTS
Including utube, with it's bots that try to generate hatred for the people speaking the truth.
"They start to question those who question the authority" I have never heard a more true sentence in my life! Great job Sharyl!
I could be wrong and please correct me, but in my humble opinion it has always been the people in authority who have been responsible for hurting society on a large scale.
Might I also add that questions don't kill people. Corrupt officials kill the people who are asking the right questions.
"Authority" great word. But, I believe nobody, no group, no government, nobody has "authority" over you unless you consent. UK government private profit-making company, same with police, local "authorities" oops, see how it all works.
"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you're misinformed." -Mark Twain
And he didn't want all his papers published for 100 years! (it should have been 200 years.)
@@rocinante8200 93.78% of facts are made up.
@@rocinante8200 So who said it?
This video was prophetic. Extremely relatable to what we are living right now.
So true!
It’s almost all come from the left with this fake news, manipulation, and corruption.
This has being going on for the last 50 years at least, but people who "want", cannot think logically
only if you have zero iq
Everyone should watch this great presentation. Especially in these days of media manipulation and deceit.
Ten kto czyta Biblie nie musi , bo wie że tam jest napisane ....,, Serca synów ludzkich są pełne zła i głupota mieszka w ich sercach dopuki żyją!!!,, księga Koheleta starożytni to wiedzieli już 3 tys lat temu...
Well done, Sharyl Attkisson! I especially like how you challenged Snopes. Bravo!
My favorite line here is, "Instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority."
Still can't believe anyone doesn't understand snopes is a joke. Funded by Soros to debunk anything going against the agendas.
@@m.j.2939 bahahahahahaha love how so many of you drone on and on about what's funded by George soros but don't say a peep about everything funded by the kochs.
@@FullMetalB mmmm haven't heard that name. Going to look into them now. I'm not from America. I see they are big business, interesting.
@@FullMetalB As though they're a difference. Coke and Pepsi.
Ah, there is no authority, unless you consent to it.
Sharing the TRUTH. We need more like her.
she's only touching the tip of the iceberg.
Najat Madry Still enough to woke up more people :)
EXACTLY - ALL IS NOT as it seems.
+NyxrheaFX yup
+Najat Madry or......"scratching the surface" (but who's 'surface/iceberg' begs the question?)
+Mark Wright no the whole ice burg being the banking elites wanting to rule the world and make the people slaves while giving up all our rights and creating a one world religion , one world government, and one world currency............
She really hit a nerve with this talk! I instantly found a website that did nothing but smear her character after she gave this talk. Think about the content. Does it ring true? Have you ever noticed the things she says? Bravo, Sheryl!
+Charles Crummer Spread the word Charles! Thanks.
Charles Crummer This business of refusing to address the data and making accusations like quack and crank is classic of people who know they do not have command of the facts, and have to resort to abuse.
Or to put it more concisely.
If you have to attack the character of the speaker rather than address the facts, you have no facts of your own to rely on.
This is 100% true. This woman is brave and awesome for discussing!
@J T I think you need to get in line for a new brain dude!!
This should be taught in every classroom across the world and then every year after given as a refresher. In today's world of Covid it's more imperative than ever that we understand this. Question everything!
Ha! That would be ironic since the classroom has become one of the primary venues for "astroturfing" where myth and misinformation are being passed-off as fact.
The classroom??? Lmao!!! The government funded, government run, lie filed classroom? You've got some growing to do.
Instead of questioning authority,they question those who question authority. Brilliant!
believe in nothing, question everything
Sandra Priest Just like questioning NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's motives rather than those of the NSA.
furballbear--yes,it is the future of the media,to condemn the ones who rightfully question and the public who so blindly goes along with it never asking the real questions. Language sorcery is my new term for it.
furballbear You can question both, you know.
Sandra Priest It's more the good old fashioned NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming
Question everything. Don't assume anything is truth. For everything you learn, consider its opposite. For everything you learn, consider who is benefitting from you learning this information - who is making money from you knowing this information?
well said. if the shame stream, criminal, corporate Zionnazi media pro pagan DUH media were also objective...they'd do their jobs as she does
FarmerBenny Good comment.
FarmerBenny Conisder the opposite! Yes sir, bang on, it's crucial for your survival!
+racist is code for anti-white lol you are a good example of what we are talking about.
+flanagan2k I have to agree with Adam. 99% of the time you hear "racism" mentioned it's about white people. Do you really think Whites have a monopoly on racism???
"I recognized the phrase 'ask your doctor' as a catchphrase promoted by the pharmaceutical industry. They know that if they can get your foot through the door of the doctor's office to mention a malady, you're very likely to be prescribed the latest drug that is marketed."
And there is our medical system in a nutshell.
Much like how "safe and effective" is a catch phrase. A marketing slogan
@@MizzoniDojo I hate that phrase as much as I hate the word vaccine!
@@danawilkes6174 more like quack_ccine or poisonation
I am so blessed to have found this video when I did. I was 25 y.o. attending college and I was already beginning to question things because I was beginning to see flaws in official statements and even my textbooks and tests. Then I came across this video and it all became clear to me. I can easily detect lies and half truths now. Thank you Sharyl.
Did this woman make it home alive after her speech?
+wBryang Yup. To many fools don't listen. They like the dark.
+wBryang gives me some faith in the TED talk organizers, that they would permit this. Unless of course it was just that they failed to read her transcript and then were just too gobsmacked - especially when she so eloquently exposes Wikipedia - to pull the plug!
Wikipedia is straight out of 1984
Or rather she's doing exactly what she's criticising and you're buying her eloquent shit. Check her CV and background, double check her sources and you'll see what I mean.
Ah.a Globalist here to share the gospel of one world big government run by the elites for the benefit of the elites.
This should be part of everyones education. Great video.
We need to bring this forward right now...because "“The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” George Orwell.
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
― Edward R. Murrow
Sheep live in fear of wolves all their lives. When in the end it's the Shepherd that eats them.
McCarthy was right.
What a year of awakening. My gratitude to Sharyl Attkisson and ROSA KOIRE who recently passed away for opening my eyes
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this presenter! Thank you Ms. Attkisson.
Flash-forward 2021, This one aged like a wine 🍷
Thank you. You are just amazing. That was an excellent summary of the whole problem and why people, such as myself, tend to be treated with some hostility by people who don't understand that their own perspective was the result of a manipulation.
Wikipedia has no excuse and must be denounced for what it is. The Philip Roth story is one that completely displays just how bad these narcissistic, self exalted experts are who run social media.
During times of universal deceit, truth is a revolutionary act!!
Bravo, I've been complaining about This MISinformation Age for years, yet when I mention how Yelp and Wikipedia actually work and should be discredited or that 'there is no National sleep Foundation', I get ridiculed. The only irony is that Ted Talks are or can easily go down the same path: just put together a good presentation, usually emotional and tugging at the heart, and you have the same exact issue: they're out there. Question everything!
Admire your brave commitment to honest journaling!
Thank you Sharyl........you are a true honest journalist!
Absolutely outstanding, Sheryl! Thank you. I have observed this for many years and am so glad that you have managed to make it public. You're making a great contribution to necessary public awareness. Thanks again!
This is so relevant to our current events with COVID.
SUPERB! While frightening on a number of levels, Ms.Attkisson's talk is illuminating and a warning to heed. Watched and rewatched and shared it.
Sharyl Attkisson, what a beautiful mind and heart. Thank you for the Truth... Godspeed.
I sure needed to hear this! You took the astro-turfing a layer deeper than I was already considering. Thanks so much.
This aged really well. Prophetic almost
"they attack the people making the accusations instead of addressing the accusations themselves" now the media response to gamergate makes perfect sense
Sharyl Attkisson, that was a perfect presentation of the Facts! I'm surprised that this talk hasn't been sensored by UA-cam or TEDx. I highly RoccoMend this presentation.
One of the most important videos in existence.
A flipping MEN!
and almost 1 million views..yay
Brilliant! And hugely relevant in 2024 too! ❤
This explains a lot of what has been going on in western media & culture over the last decade.
This excellent video should have more views than it does. Great information for newbies who are just waking up.
+freedom dove Are you going to heaven? If not then you're still a "newbie" yourself. No offence but true.
+Adam B What does heaven have to do with being unaware or asleep? "Heaven" is likely just another manipulation in and of itself, so I really don't see your point.
freedom dove Look up the video of the conspiracy way to get to God. Go to my channel too. I've done all the research and I know what's at the end of the rabbit hole. I've found that the only thing that really matters is that you get saved by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and once you do that try to help other people get there too.,
Adam B
You have my sympathies.
+Adam B Search Abraham Hicks - Jesus on youtube.
You're welcome.
Bless and protect this intelligent woman.
As a former member of the broadcast news "press" I completely appreciate her expose. "News" is often, even usually, "promotion" and there's a big difference. Instead of "The CBS Evening News" what you're really watching is "The CBS Evening Promotions."
I am amazed UA-cam hasn't taken this down yet. I hope she also posts this on Rumble.
Oh that's ironic. I found @RealReaper which is just a store brand copy of Critical Drinker. The propaganda machine is soo lazy now with their astroturf.
This woman needs to be on every news show. So relevant in 2018. Not just politics.
Thank you Sharyl! Outstanding and yet so sad that it has come down to this. I am so tired of our own government and all these huge conglomerates lying, falsifying, and deceiving humanity. Where's our protection, where's the integrity and where's our constitutional rights?
+Zachary Mims Exactly. People will watch this, plus they will read books like 1984, Brave New World and watch movies like The Matrix and V for Vendetta, plus hear about all the deaths caused by pharma drugs, but yet will STILL believe what the mainstream media tells them. They don't give a damn what is true, all they care about is believing in whatever is POPULAR.
+Zachary Mims did you watch this video and just believe it without looking into who she is and checking the (very few) sources she mentioned?
If so, congratulations you're a victim of confirmation bias, you're part of the very problem she is talking about.
+isays And if not, he may be merely assessing his own experience. Not all confirmation of physical or social phenomena is biased.
+Zachary Mims It'a a good thing you typed in all caps so everyone could hear you.
+Zachary Mims I have met many seniors, 65 and older people whom do not use computers and have no interest in it, tragically. 6 o'clock news and maybe talk radio. Newspapers are going the way of the dinosaurs. It's a matter of controlling the conversation. I tell everyone now whether they want to hear it or not - Obamacare has opened up many eyes. Trump fans reflect that the Sleeping Giant has awoken.
This journalist really nailed. This video explains a lot of organized misinformation in our cyber world. I wish everyone could watch this video objectively.
This is rather timely. To use the word astroturf as a synonym for bullshit is pure genius.
Excellent talk! Everyone needs to be armed with this information.
This is awesome!
This needs to be known by ALL!!
We need to know how to tell the difference between the truth and the bull...
I remember when Sharyl first started at CNN in 1990. We were deployed overseas, in Saudi Arabia ramping up for the Gulf War. CNN was on 24/7. I was immediately smitten by her beauty, posture and clear voice. Soon, I became aware of something else about Sharyl. She was incredibly bright, well spoken and oh so intelligent. Her honesty and integrity have at times necessitated her leaving her job due to corporate interests, and the bureaucracy of generating profits and not stepping on toes. To me, she is one of the most admired women in this country. She is a true patriot and she is still as beautiful as the first day I saw her on CNN all those years ago sitting in the sand in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula..
Essential viewing - thanks for making this video. Everyone is continually being deceived and this video shows how it's being done - and helps us see the signs
This is one of the best videos I have watched in the last 20+ years of being online. I shared it will all my contacts. Vital & concise info for ALL.
I think she perfectly described the media's stance with guns.
Chris I'm not sure if I'm understanding your comment correctly, but there's astroturfing running rampant on both sides of US politics. Just like she said if they focus on smearing the other side there's probably an agenda. In this case one side says "libs want to take our guns" and the other is "conservatives are allowing school shootings" its two sides of the same coin.
@CalvinSomething Not sure I understand your message here, but both sides stride for different freedoms so it's just a question of perspective. Google a political compass, in general liberals stride for political freedom while conservatives stride for economic freedom. If the government has neither it's considered authoritarian if it has both it's considered libertarian. I don't think being too attached to any political identity is healthy though. Don't let the news make you hate your neighbor, everyone wants what's best for their country whether you agree with them or not. It's really easy to get caught up in confirmation bias these days, but I can ensure you there are people manipulating the public from all angles and all parties.
@CalvinSomething This is not my opinion, but I'll play devils advocate. Lets say, I'm an avid authoritarian and I want whoever is in control to have as much power as they please. Who are you to say that is "wrong." It's an opinion not a fact. And regards to astroturfing, lets take blacklivesmatter vs bluelivesmatter protests where a single group was traced to be setting up both sides of the protests on Facebook. Who was really fighting for liberty? Neither, because they were just puppets in someones game to pin people against each other.
@CalvinSomething is it wrong to murder a serial killer?
It has been though… like finding a needle in a haystack! Very good insight. Thank you.
Sharyl is explaining better than I can, what I have known for a long time. And we have an example of what Sharyl is talking about right here in ProgressiveTruth. Instead of his arguing on the merits, he uses derision and marginalizing tactics to defend the astroturfing. But truth is truth, and knowing how to find it is what Sharyl teaches and it's all good. Everyone should learn how to do it.
THANK YOU for saying that in such a way that it's hard to argue against it... TRUTH!
A very clear and concise explanation of the deceptions and lies we are fed and expected to swallow. Thank you Sharyl Attkisson
I will teach this to my students so that they will be aware of media manipulation and astro turfing. They need to become critical thinkers so they can protect themselves.
Very good, people should always think for themselves. First follow the money, and secondly have a good look at any group that you can’t question and or critique.
I'm amazed TEDx allowed this talk and YT the video.
THIS SHOULD BE COMPULSORY VIEWING for every social network user on the planet.
Sharyl Attkisson is the one of the most fearless journalists in the business!!
Sharyl is fantastic she gives nothing but the truth.She should have her own program without a doubt.
Thank you. This echoes Naomi Wolf's similar findings in her book The End of America and accompanying film.
I read the Wikipedia article on her. It started out fine, then it turned into a hit piece.
After the assault she made in Wikipedia, there's hardly a better way to prove her point.
CIA Director William Casey told President Reagan, February 1981, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
operation mockingbird
I can't imagine Reagan taking that mildly. He made some poor decisions, but he was _pro populi_ , he was nothing like the political fatcats or the financiaI or inteIIigence elites.
Just found this. Another excellent piece of work from Sharyl Atkisson. A true and objective reporter of which there are very, very, few. Bravo!
Best TedTalk ever people… we should all pay attention.
This reminds me of a comment I made to a Huffington Post article about GMO labeling disclosure. I basically said that consumers would be better off knowing if a product contains GMOs and in a free market we shouldn't have to purchase GMO products if we don't want to, regardless. Nearly everyone who commented with skepticism about GMOs was personally attacked, painted as uneducated, ignorant, and uninformed. We were told that all forms of GMO are no different than basic agricultural breeding techniques that have been around for centuries.
I specifically said that I was a true skeptic and not against GMO, but I wasn't entirely convinced that it was good in all cases, especially considering the profit-seeking interests behind the use of GMO technologies, I said people have the right to be skeptical and as consumers they should be free to choose not to purchase something that they weren't convinced of. I was attacked by multiple people who flat out told me that I wasn't a true skeptic. Someone even replied to my comment and said that I was basically a fruit and vegetable racist.(Astroturf fail?) I asked this person who they were, and why they are so passionately in favor of something that benefits corporations over consumer rights. That's when they stopped replying. Their Facebook profile itself looked like a shell to me, weird public posts with one or two likes each going back for several months. Watching this TEDx talk, I get it now.
Can you blame people for going overboard when it comes to skepticism about things that seem like common sense to everyone else when large powerful special interests are actively trying to deceive them from a position of academic, social, economic and political authority? This type of deceptive influence is in many ways more dangerous than blatant coercion because we believe we have freedom of choice. "The cage is good for you" is what we're hearing instead of "Get into the cage or else". Sounds like a dream come true, tyranny has never been easier, apparently..
+Nathan Adams Those attacking you were paid trolls. That is why comment sections are getting shut down, because paying all of those trolls is expensive, and it's easier for them to just deny your voice an outlet.
+Nathan Adams Exactly. These pro gmo retards tried to paint me in a negative light when I discussed gmo´s with people, I reacted by blitzkrieging them until they realized they couldn´t present me with any evidence suggesting that gmo´s and non gmo´s are the same thing.
+Nathan Adams What about GMOs do you hate?
Nobody here was talking about that, by the way, but I'll debate with you.
Nobody here was talking about it, but it's a perfect example of what this video speaks of.
I primarily dislike how when 80% or more North Americans want GMOs labeled, democratic consensus is overruled by technocratic elite, pushed on us through corporatocratic industry lobbying, and ultimately supported by plutocratic investors, the primary benefactors of GMO crops.
I'm not a fan of industrial agricultural biotechnology that puts profits before everything else, including democratic consensus and consumer concern. In a true democratic and capitalistic society we should be able to choose to avoid those products for whatever reason.
Nathan Adams I agree with you on the need for our government to become as transparent as possible. Far more than they are willing to tell us now.
I think requiring people to tell us what we are consuming is a great idea. However, the issue I have is GMOs are not bad. It's a scary word hurdled around (ironically, an astroturfed thing).
Everything we eat today has been genetically modified.
That said, I agree that we should go back to democracy. I'm really tired of this Oligarchy.
Only 266k views.... NEEDS MILLIONS!!
people don't wanna think too hard
+BuddyGLee or maybe UA-cam is editing the title to something else to chase them away!!
+ShowMeQuick lol, you were applying the knowledge way too fast. Got to praise you.
+Rob Hodge Aahh...482K as of my writing this. Question is, how many of the viewers have taken the time to SHARE this within their own networks? The social phenomenon called FACEBOOK is a prime example of how worthwhile information such as this can be disseminated far and wide with the least amount of effort by every individual who is AWAKENED and cares enough to share with others. Have you done your part?
+monchan54 I've just come across this and done my part. But be aware that all these social networks actively suppress videos like this...
Wow, that was really well explained. Extremely relevant in the last months of 2021.
Excellent Analysis, Deployed Worldwide Through My Deep Learning AI Research Library… Thank You
Thank you, Sheryl. Such an important insight for everyone.
People working in media and people who want to ‘read’ media thoroughly should watch this!
Your reality is paid for.
+Neceros What she is saying was true before the idea even came to her head. The almighty dollar and power have been the engine and fuel for ages upon ages. What's the difference? The internet and how people get their information. If you think that you can't be manipulated, than you are being naïve. There is an ongoing joke that says, "If it's written down, then it must be true". Then TV became the norm, so the joke went to, "If it's on TV, then it must be true." Now we have the internet, "If you read it on the internet, then it must be true." As far as I am concerned, the current truth written or is on TV or is on the net belongs to those who have the resources to continually pay for it to be repeated enough for it to become the current "truth" (whether it's truth or not).
GOD and i thinking the other comments where awesome! xD
This is very relevant to what we have been living through the last couple of years. All the silencing of dissenting voices of the mainstream narrative on the so-called 'pandemic'.
This woman has such courage. More than all of our politicians put together. May God bless you.
Courageous woman. One can only thank her for sharing this information.
Almost all grassroots campaigns are astroturfed. A couple red flags are...
1. Too expensive
2. Too coordinated
3. Supported by the media, government, and/or big business
4. Rioters are not arrested or given only a slap on the wrist
5. Protesters in a non English-speaking country write their signs in English.
That last one is rather important and telling once you notice it.
Great talk. I have so much respect for her!
Bree Vestal She lost all my respect when she said vaccines are safe....
This is exactly what is happening now with this new virus. Damn you corporate America.
"Corporate America" lol. No, this time it was at least 75% Communist China
Trust the science.
I love this woman's clarity of thought and her program "Full Measure" and I watch and re-watch all episodes. I always ask myself the question "Who is doing the talking and do they stand to benefit monetarily or politically from their "opinion".
Really awesome! This video should be shown in every school.
As this video is more relevant than ever, TED seems to have remove it from their website.
I'm surprised I'm able to watch it today.
Hi, thank you for this eye-opening talk. It is very surprising to see this matter happens right now on our actual topic over Covid-19 and how the main stream media and other news producers wants to convince people about only one side of the coin and try not to mention anything or saying the counterpart is fake or they are conspiracy theorists.
Sharyl Attkisson, thank you for being you!
Wow... 1st TED X I've watched that was professionally made and worth being a full TED talk.
Thank goodness for a real journalist
I have not been to a Dr. since 1995. I am 61 and in excellent health because I know how to take care of myself. I do yoga every morning, drink ro water, eat good food, get proper sleep, etc... Dr. Bernard Jensen said: "If you don't know how to take care of yourself by the time you are 40, then you deserve the doctors and the hospitals." I have certifications in Ayurveda, Natureopathy and Kundalini yoga, so that helps.
+Hargobind Singh That's all witchcraft.
+Hargobind Singh
Good news there. Am happy for you.
I haven't had any flu vaccine in over 50 years. The human body already has systems to take care of influenza.
+cshook123 Seriously....you are now acting like the trolls described in the video you just watched (or did you even watch it???)
+Richard Hill -- I imagine some, such as you, do, but plenty don't. A couple hundred years ago, influenza was a common cause of death, so it's incorrect to assume that all humans can deal with it.
@mvmlego1212 nutrition and sanitation weren't what they are today
8:52 I love the fact that she used air quotes when she said "seasoned" journalists. They are "seasoned" at following the script that someone puts in front of them and putting on that ridiculous "news voice" but that's about it.
Usually when you are trying to find specific data and it does not exist, you are sure to be onto something.
ive been looking for somone who could explain this in an official way, in a respectable forum, and here you are.. thank you for explaining this for us.. im going to share this video alot..
Glad TED is hosting this. More truth please.
whatever we aren't allowed to question is questionable...
J Cole
You mean like, everything MSM and the Democrats say or do?
@@FanceeName i mean pretty much everything.
Great video, the only bad part is that people WANT to be propagandized to reduce their cognitive dissonance.
right-in order to reduce my cognitive dissonance ,have a hollistic perspective ,after digging hard on internet for about a month, about gmo, chemtrails, martial low in usa , clones, human meat and adn found in meat people consume today, fake food as eggs and vegetables mades in china, nwo, my country politics , american elections, russian position ,ascension and shift of consciouness ,black goo, morgelons desease and race extinctions, multiple universes , flat earth , nanotechnology , transhumanism and so on ,many contradictory news, this post popped out in the right moment i guess.
it s like i hear an orchestra and the individuals, of course the orchestra will grow as i spend more time on internet, so my belif right now is i live in a virtual reallity and i try to figure out how to escape from
Your lecture is just as prophetic ads the movie Idiocracy. Good ideas do NOT expire and your ideas expressed here will never expire also.
love ya substack!
I shared this on my FB page 2 years ago. I'm sharing it again today. Clearly, many people still haven't gotten the message. I love to brainstorm solutions, while it seems a lot of people prefer gossip and the blame-game. This talk is inspirational toward finding facts and therefore, solutions.
Sharyl, you rock! ...thank you!
Thank you Sharyl. One of the few we can trust
"question those who question authority" - talk about a statement that summarizes the modern American lefty
attacking the people asking the questions, instead of the issues in question, is ALSO how Governments work, and it works like a charm may I tell you. In Latin America worked perfectly for POPULISM (a far worse version of socialism)
+Andromeda Read "Rules for Radicals" and you have the Democrat playbook and required reading for "Community Organizers". I don't even like Trump, but just look how he was treated for suggesting we slow immigration until we can verify who they are. People with common sense would agree if it weren't so politically correct to bash Trump. We put ourselves, our children, and neighbors at risk, just to try to look like we are "tolerant". Carter threw out the Iranians and stopped them from coming in, FDR stopped immigration from Germany and Japan, and put the Japanese in camps. Wilson stopped Germans from coming while he segregated whites and black. All Democrats. Trump suggests a slow down and he's Hitler. I'll be voting for Cruz, but you can bet he has a whole network aimed at destroying him also. Even women curse and spit when Fiorina speaks, but coo when Hillary mumbles some lie about some scandal she is in right now. She doesn't even know what her husband is doing, let alone what Putin is doing. Wait till she tries to explain Bills trips to the Caribbean with a pedophile. BTW, Hillary's college thesis was on Saul Alinsky, the author of Rules for Radicals. She went to him and spent time with him while she wrote it. She was his personal student learning at his feet.
On that note, I recommend you read Edward Bernays book "Propaganda" also try to find the series of documentaries "century of self" specially watch "Happiness machines"... the masses have been artificially programmed for a long time, that's why crazy governments, crazy movements, false flags, false news, etc. work like a charm... they already know people's reactions to anything, they know when to scare you, when to make you complacent, when to make you feel compassion (it's a false compassion... people rather go with a like on facebook and change their profile pic to some flag, than go to Kenya and actually feeding a hungry kid) That's why I love House of Cards... it pretty much shows you how hypocritical people are, therefore, how can you not expect a psychopathic leader?
Yes, the left condemns vetting possible immigrants to see if they could be dangerous but openly demands we investigate citizens that want to buy a gun. Would they then insist that vetting one of these immigrant's wanting to buy a gun as discriminatory
The left condemns vetting immigrants? Where'd you get that one?
Populism is just the will of the people. South Americans have a propensity to be very far left. But populism is just the opposite to authoritarianism. And both are independant of a particular ideology. They are just basic philosophies of where the power is wielded.
Sharyl Attkisson is the true Wonder Woman, who is actually fighting corruption and crime, with bravery above that of most. She's definitely my hero!
Phenomenal talk, extremely relevant in today's internet-age. "Astroturf", as she describes, can take many guises. It is an imperative when trying to discern fact from fiction on a particular topic to dig past the often superficial content that immediately pops up on google searches. The last 2 minutes also nicely touch upon the difference between pseudo-skepticism and genuine skepticism..