Dunstan update: Could lack of water\rain late in season be a factor?



  • @jamesbarron1202
    @jamesbarron1202 8 місяців тому +1

    I just want mine to survive and produce pollen for my beehives. I’m not really interested in the nuts. I have plenty of pecans when we get a decent year. I would think the pecans would produce under Texas stress better than chestnuts. I hope this years weather isn’t going to be the norm. I’d rather the deer stay off my property. They’re destructive to my good trees. If I don’t cage them the deer kill them. They’ve just recently rubbed the bark off the willows around my pond. They can kill those for all I care.

    • @MattPatterson1411
      @MattPatterson1411  8 місяців тому

      I’ve thought about introducing beehives to help with pollination. My next door neighbor has bees and I’ve considered asking him if he would be willing to set a hive over here close by. They may already be close enough.

    • @jamesbarron1202
      @jamesbarron1202 8 місяців тому

      @@MattPatterson1411 I only have them for my ag exemption. I don't like fooling with them or getting stung. I just got stung about an hour ago right between my legs next to my nuts while I was watering one of my Vitex bushes. As long as they don't sting my face it's not bad. My eyes swell shut if they get around my eyes. They usually go for the face because they sense your carbon dioxide. I'm having to feed my newer hives 2 cups of sugar a day to build them up for Winter. Almost everything they feed from was dead this year. I've been watering and spraying grasshoppers all day. Rains supposed to be coming this week but I'll believe it when I see it.