Association of Mediators of Southeast Europe, 12.07.2021. Novi Sad, Serbia

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
    On Monday 12.07.2021. in the hotel "Veliki" in Novi Sad in the conference hall in the period from 11:00 to 12:30, a regional round table was held on the topic: "Mediators of Southeast Europe - assistance in resolving disputes."
    The round table was attended by:
    Slave Mladenovski, President of the Chamber of Mediators of the Republic of Northern Macedonia
    Stipe Šola, President of the Association of Mediators of Southeast Europe and the Center for Mediation - Mediator (Republic of Croatia)
    Prof. Dr. Muharem Selimović, Deputy President of the Association of Mediators of Southeast Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Esad Bećirović, member of the presidency of the Association of Mediators of Southeast Europe and president of the Center for Civil Society Development from Doboj (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    Milan Krilovic, mediator and legal representative of the Institute for Mediation, Negotiation and Public Policy (Republic of Serbia)
    The topics of the round table were previous experiences in the field of ADR and mediation in the region, as well as future cooperation that will include joint research projects or activities for the development of mediation, such as alternative and adequate dispute resolution, further education for ADR methods, organizing courses. and training for mediators and counseling. Also, one of the topics was mediation in cross-border disputes.
    After the round table, the participants signed mutual agreements on cooperation and joint action.
    #mediation #cooperation #disputeresolution #southeasteurope #roundtable
    ***U ponedeljak 12.07.2021. godine u hotelu Veliki u Novom Sadu u konferencijskoj sali u period od 11:00 do 12:30, održan je regionalni okrugli sto na temu: „Medijatori Jugoistočne Evrope - pomoć u rešavanju sporova“.
    ***Okruglom stolu su prisustvovali:
    Slave Mladenovski, predsednik Komore medijatora Republike Severne Makedonije
    Stipe Šola, predsednik Udruženja medijatora Jugoistočne Evrope i Centra ra za mirenje - Medijator (Republika Hrvatska)
    Prof. dr Muharem Selimović, zamenik predsednika Udruženja medijatora Jugoistočne Evrope (Bosna i Hercegovina)
    Esad Bećirović, član predsedništva Udruženja medijatora Jugoistočne Evrope i predsednik Centra za razvoj civilnog društva iz Doboja (Bosna i Hercegovina)
    Milan Krilović, medijator i zakonski zastupnik Instituta za medijaciju, pregovaranje i javne politike (Republika Srbija)
    ***Teme okruglog stola su bile dosadašnja iskustva u oblasti ADR i medijacije u regionu, kao i buduća saradnja koja će obuhvatati zajedničke istraživačke projekte ili aktivnosti za razvoj medijacije, kao što su alternativno i adekvatno rešavanje sporova, dalje obrazovanje za metode ADR-a, organizovanje kurseva i obuka za medijatore i savetovanja. Takođe, jedna od tema bila je i medijacija u prekograničnim sporovima. Nakon završenog okruglog stola učesnici su svečano potpisali međusobne sporazume o saradnji i zajedničkom delovanju.
    #saradnja #medijacija #sporazum #jugoistočnaevropa #region #rešavanjesporova