you may have to learn more not just only your internal script but others more script from outside world. Admin just talked about Dvaravati period. Before 14 century, there is no you.
Mon/lawa Kingdom but completely absorbed and conquered by Ayuthaya. There aren’t a lot of Mons speakers left as many in Thailand began to speak Thai. So they assimilated almost entirely into Ayuthaya or now Thailand. The Mons from Myanmar are more closely associated with Burmese stuff as they assimilated to Burmese culture. The Khmers and Laos still have a lot of people speaking their native languages in Thailand so not fully assimilated like the Mons.
The Lawa-Mon kingdoms and Dvaravati were absorbed and unified by the Khmer emperor Suryavarman I in the 11th century AD. They were assimilated to Angkor's culture and language.
very great talk thanks you for your description 😍😍😍🥰🥰
Most of the kingdom king name they found is Khmer king. From funan, chenla, and Khmer empire.
Thai history is fictional. Sri Dravati has no king. Is always Khmer Empire. By the the time siem came in. It is already Khmer-dominated.
ឥឡូវ នៅមាន តើ នៅ pattaya ប៉ាត់តាយ៉ា
แอดมิน พูดเรื่อง มาทั้งเรื่อง คือ เมืองละโว้ คือ ดินแดน จักรภพจะแมร์
ความจริง คือ ไม่มี จักรภพ ขะแมร์ เลยแม้ แต่เงา
เมือง ละโว้ คือ ที่ตั้ง กองทัพบก ของ สยาม
ช่วงเวลา เวลานี้
ขะแมร์ เกิดขึ้น แล้ว กษัตริย์ ขะแมร์ ชื่อ แตงหวาน กระเซาะกระแอม แล้ว ครองเมือง อยู่ ที่เมืองพระนคร และต่อมา ละโว้ ส่งกองทัพ ไปปราบ จับแตงหวานตัดคอ เสียบประจาน หน้าเมือง พระนคร ช่วงเวลานี้ พระนคร กลายเป็นเมืองแตกแล้ว คนขะแมร์ ทั้งหมด ถูก นำ ไป รวม กัน อยู่รวมกัน ที่ เมือง กำโพด ดินแดน กัมพูชา ในปัจจุบัน
you may have to learn more not just only your internal script but others more script from outside world. Admin just talked about Dvaravati period. Before 14 century, there is no you.
ละโว้ คือ เมืองหนึ่งของสยาม
សូមលោកគ្រូជួយសិក្សាអំពីប្រទេសសៀមគេភ្ជួរដីតែក្របីមួយ រីឯខ្មែរវិញភ្យួររដីនិងក្របីពីរ ដូចភូមានិងឥណ្ឌាដែរ បាទសូមអរគុណ។
Siam or Thai broke off from Khmer kingdom so what ever or anything else they could do with ways and claims of their own
ไถควายตัวเดียว ได้แบบมาจากยูนนาน
ខម ឬ ខ្មែរ បង នគរស្រីល្វោ
នគរ ស្រីលវោ មានពិតមែន នៅបាងកក និងឯង ដែលមាន សុទ្ធតែស្រី (English Love ខ្មែរថា ស្រីលវោ) គីពីដើមហៅថា បឹងកក់ គីជាទឹកដីខ្មែរ ខ្ញីពិបាកនិង សរសេរណាស់ បើនិងយាយស្រួលជាង។ល។
Daravatie ទ្វារវត្តី
If you don’t know
Why you created stories. ?
I knew real stories
កងទ័ពល្វោមានឆ្លាក់នៅប្រាសាទអង្គរវត្ត ជាមួយកងទ័ពសុខោទ័យ។
Mon/lawa Kingdom but completely absorbed and conquered by Ayuthaya. There aren’t a lot of Mons speakers left as many in Thailand began to speak Thai. So they assimilated almost entirely into Ayuthaya or now Thailand. The Mons from Myanmar are more closely associated with Burmese stuff as they assimilated to Burmese culture. The Khmers and Laos still have a lot of people speaking their native languages in Thailand so not fully assimilated like the Mons.
The mon is already mixed with Khmer before the siem came in.
The Lawa-Mon kingdoms and Dvaravati were absorbed and unified by the Khmer emperor Suryavarman I in the 11th century AD. They were assimilated to Angkor's culture and language.
តើលោកជឿទេថា មានឈ្មោះនគរ ស្រីល្វោនោះ ព្រោះមនុស្សជាតិនិងសត្វលោកព្រមទាំងសត្វរុក្ខជាតិទាំងឡាយនោះ គឺសិតសឹងមាន កំណើតចេញធម្មជាតិទាំងអស់ គឺគ្មានស្រ្តីម្នាក់ណា ផ្ដល់កំណើតឱ្យទារក ដោយគ្មានការរួមសង្វាសនោះឡើយ ព្រោះវាគ្រាន់តែជារឿងនិទានមួយ សម្រាប់ កែកំសាន្ដអារម្មណ៍របស់ លោកអ្នកអានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ជាពិសេសវាជាអាជីពរបស់អ្នកសិល្បៈ តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ .
គិតចឹងបានថៃវាយកអរិយធម៌ស្រីល្វោធ្វើជា វប្បធម៌របស់វា
ល្វោមានអរិយធម៌វប្បធម៌ ច្បាស់លាស់
(Not.. Khmer.Empire.. No. He's)....... Civilization..ฆ๋อมBoran.. And..Saiym..boran And.. Siam.. Boran.. And..🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭
ឈៀង ម៉ែ ប៉ាត់តា យ៉ា
Khmer.. Copy.. (Saiym)