Hi Maria, I hope the frame is working well for you! That frame is 8' wide and 7' tall. I like to use fabric panels that are larger than the frame so it can be gathered on the pole and give you those nice folds in the fabric. My favorite fabric to use are these two 5x10' panels from efavormart bit.ly/2tKl3zC. I realize the 10' is way too long, but that allows me to pool the fabric on the ground which I prefer to a curtain hanging free off of the ground. At a minimum I would recommend 2 fabric panels 5' wide and 8' long.
Thanks Honz for all you wisdom!!
Thanks for the tips.
Hello! Can you write down your website recommendations for linens? I wasn’t able to hear them correctly.
Amazing videos- please keep posting!!!
E favors Mart?
The websites are efavormart.com linentablecloth.com and eventdecordirect.com thanks!
How many yards of fabric for your pvc backdrop you made?
The PVC backdrop stands over 7 feet tall so I make sure the fabric is at least 8 feet long. A lot of backdrop panels are 8 or 10 feet tall.
I made your frame and I’m not seeing any answers as to how much fabric. How many yards would drape well for the frame you made?
Hi Maria, I hope the frame is working well for you! That frame is 8' wide and 7' tall. I like to use fabric panels that are larger than the frame so it can be gathered on the pole and give you those nice folds in the fabric. My favorite fabric to use are these two 5x10' panels from efavormart bit.ly/2tKl3zC. I realize the 10' is way too long, but that allows me to pool the fabric on the ground which I prefer to a curtain hanging free off of the ground. At a minimum I would recommend 2 fabric panels 5' wide and 8' long.