Sadly, we are in a moral crisis with confusion at the highest level of our Church, defying God's natural law on marriage and the sanctity of life. I am in full support of Bishop Strickland's courage in defending our deposit of faith. He was the only bishop at the LA Dodgers stadium leading the procession against the mockery of our faith on the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I see him like the beloved Apostle John, the only one remaining at the foot of the Holy Cross where other Apostles fled the scene out of fear. Great conversation and in-depth analysis.
Could it be that there is a movement to extricate faithful Catholics in order to mitigate criticisms of things like doctrinal changes, changes in the liturgy, vaccine mandates and CBDC's???
They will make up all kinds of lies about Bishop Strickland because that’s what Bergolio does. You could never convince me Bergolio does the work of the Lord.
Agree, He is creating his rule, God/scriptures are irrelevant, he is acting as a communist commander, if you don't agree or speak against, he will remove you which ever way necessary. He has not remove the bishop from Germany who said its OK to bless same sex union, that is blasphemy, for the pope its OK, He is shaming the Christians and asking such, if you don't like it you are no longer part of the church. No Pope has ever attacked the flocks.
Great show Raymond 😊 Really aporeciate the insights of Fr. Gerald Murray and Dr. Regis Martin. So sad, there is a depletion of faith going around the Church msinly due to this emergence of a synodal. church. The current pope nor his cardinals cannot even be relied upon to. defend the true teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you for defending Bishop Strickland, the Traditional Latin MAss, our position on the upcoming and freighting synod . However, I’m saddened Secretary Pompeo does not affirm the Catholic faith is the one true faith-a great harm to the poor unbelieving Jews
Ordinary Catholic here, seeing a lot of conflict and confusion. I cringe when I hear the term "reactionary" because it is a word that emits from Marxists predominantly.
God is not an idiot who deprived the peoples of the past with truthful knowledge of all they needed to know to live moral lives and order their lives together as decent human beings. Therefore, there is no such thing as evolving truth.
Please Lord, halt any decision to dismiss Your servant Bishop Strickland from doing his lawful duties, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Your Holy Church.
If Cardinal Fernandez is correct in his analysis, then, at the time of the Arian heresy in the early Church, Pope Liberius was the only person in the Church with the “charism” of infallibility and only he could adjudicate on the dispute. However, Pope Liberius did not wish to upset those powerful rulers who had adopted the Arian heresy, so he decided that he would exercise what Cardinal Fernandez would call his “charism of infallibility” by sitting firmly on the fence. Saint Athanasius, of course, spoke up for the truths of the Faith. Pope Liberius ordered him into exile, but he could not be silenced. In the end, the Emperor, who, in accordance with the understanding of the Church at that time, was Christ’s visible representative on earth as far as the government of the universal Church was concerned, ordered that an Ecumenical Council be called to resolve the dispute. He arranged safe conduct for all of the Bishops of the Church to enable them to attend, met their travelling and accommodation expenses and ensured that his troops maintained order during the Council to ensure that the Bishops would be free to express their views without pressure or influence from their local rulers. As we know, the Council of Nicaea produced the Nicene Creed, which resolved, finally, once and for all, the matters under dispute. No “charism of infallibility” here on the part of Pope Liberius. The Emperor had the charism by which he governed the Church in all temporal matters, including the calling of Ecumenical Councils. The Pope had no power to call a Council, nor to teach on his own authority, “infallibly” or otherwise. This concept was a novelty introduced by Pope Pius IX in 1870. As it happens, since that novel dogma was defined, no Pope has, in fact, ever purported to teach infallibly. Some say that Pope Pius XII did so in defining the dogma of the Assumption. However, the definition itself records, on its face, the fact that he had sought approval from the Bishops of the Church before deciding to define the dogma. Therefore, it was more in the nature of a Synodal decision. It was not a dogma defined on the Pope’s authority alone (and, in fact, did not significantly alter the existing dogma of the Church on the matter). Pope John XXIII went so far, when asked what he thought about the dogma of Papal Infallibility, rather obliquely “Well” he replied “I can assure you that I, personally, shall never purport to teach infallibly - I can only teach infallibly if I state that I am teaching infallibly and that is something I shall never do.” Of course, to introduce the major changes in practice, he called the Second Vatican Council, on the basis that only a Council of the whole Church was competent to decide matters of this sort. He could, of course, have called a special Synod, packed it full of those who supported his proposed changes, received their Report and made those changes by purporting to act infallibly. He was resolutely opposed to acting in such a fashion.
I can understand growing, never b4 heard challenges, to which we apply "old" Church principles, e.g. what do proLifers do about frozen human embryos awaiting return of parents, never to happen for whatever reason. Let's assume the parents intended to release them but both died @ the same time....
Why are you NOT covering the OPUS DEI news? It is major and important, why no analysis? Are you all Opus Dei? The Holy Father has basically done away with them. Read Crisis, Crux. He just took control of their shrine. This is major news. Please cover it and explain why you are silent on the issue.
About the TLM: why not strike a balance between the liturgical reforms of Vatican II and the TLM? Nobody seems to mention updating the lectionary in the TLM so that the Novus Ordo and the TLM have the same readings each week.
The TLM readings were intended to go hand in hand with TLM liturgical calendar in both Mass and Office Reading (one year cycle.) The NO readings follow a 3-year cycle and are not in tune with annually celebrated feasts. For example you can have a Saint feast and the daily readings might have nothing to do with the celebrated Saint. In short the mismatch creates discord and confusion in prayer intention. There is no need to strike a balance between the two. The old has always been perfectly designed and intended.
@@huongmai9521 how about the TLM that has not incorporated modern Saints into its liturgical calendar? The TLM and Novus Ordo should be the same liturgy with the same cycle. It shouldn't be a equivocal as it is. Or else, the TLM should be its own rite.
The current lectionary is a disaster. Not only does it embrace inclusive language, but it is a “cut and paste “ effort that avoids the “ hard sayings” of the scriptures in order to promote a protestant agenda. Other than the Gospel, the other 2 readings in the Novus Ordo Mass are often ignored. Unlike protestant “praise and worship service” the Mass is not a Bible Study and no one wants to listen to an hour and half homily The scripture readings for the TLM go back to the 6th and have worked well.
@@christopherthelen3562 are you intended to learn or to bash? I am pointing you to a direction and not interested getting into a debate. I am a 2-year convert from NO to the pre-conciliar. Not 3rd lay order but I had been reading TLOTH faithfully for 4 years prior to my conversion. My answer to you came from my personal experience.
THIS time in history not as during the reformation, let us not just cut and run and leave our holy place due to holy father impertinence to Christ, Peter's mount etc. Let us, Christians find him non canonical and physically remove them, the cabal, for the Holy Property.
Who did you think I was speaking about censors that erased that... Father of a son who becomes an adict indicates the userper's idiotic technique to reward bad behavior and try to make deals with a creep like that.
I also felt that Pope Fances started hate the sin… love the sinner… and that is God’s will. I would be careful to jump on any bandwagon that goes against Gods elite. If anything pray for are Pope…. He is going against so many attacks of the enemy.
Of course the deliberate sinful manipulation of the papal system has been documented in history before and these dire mistakes have been noted by future Holy Fathers...the Pope is meant to be THE servant of Christ and completely willing....when it is obvious this man has willingly departed as we would a sinner in the congregation deny Eucharist or at least for a layman tell them of their wayward path according to Christ's word...we must do the same here...especialy the BIshops and Crdinals dierestly.
Funny that our LORD JESUS Chose Peter to be the first in the “Pope” role, authority over the Church. As I recall, Peter had to be rebuked by Jesus for allowing the Devil to speak through Him to stop our LORD from fulfilling His Father’s Will. And not only was he rebuked for his human frailty, but he also denied our LORD at Jesus’ most crucial moment. I do not condemn Apostle Peter, but only to say that he and all Popes to follow are still human and are open to attack, cowardism, and thinking like man thinks and not as God thinks. God sovereignly chose Peter for these very reasons.. let us be wise and pray the Pope will repent for his own human weakness as Peter did courageously in his own repentance and restoration!
With all respect to the theologian Regis Martin when you imply that "All protestants " in some way believe in the blessing's same sex unions... I disagree with him and I "resent " that... as a "evangelical "and married to a beautiful woman and I believe in God and Jesus as they taught us according to the word of God concerning holy matrimony between a man and a woman...!!!
✝ Vladimir Putin is bringing Christianity back to Russia. Their's four small regions in the southeastern Ukraine that they themselfs in 2022 freely by referendum voted to join Russia by a huge majority if those four small regions were allowed to join Russia that Ukraine/Russia war would be over. Vladimir Putin does not want most of the Ukraine just those four small regions whom themselfs want to join Russia.
👍👍 for Fr. Murray.
So the Archbishop of Berlin doesn't get a visitation but the Bishop of Tyler does. Sad and scary times!
That just about sums it up.
God bless Fr. Murray!
We enjoy watching the World Over every week! So awesome what you all are doing! God bless you and keep you! Thank you for all you do! ✝️🕊️😇
Love you Fr.Gary for speaking out about our doctrine of our faith. Blessings to all.❤🙏✝️
Sadly, we are in a moral crisis with confusion at the highest level of our Church, defying God's natural law on marriage and the sanctity of life. I am in full support of Bishop Strickland's courage in defending our deposit of faith. He was the only bishop at the LA Dodgers stadium leading the procession against the mockery of our faith on the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I see him like the beloved Apostle John, the only one remaining at the foot of the Holy Cross where other Apostles fled the scene out of fear. Great conversation and in-depth analysis.
Thank you for commenting on the bishop of Berlin as i live in Berlin and am so shocked and angry.
Wow what a great voice you have!!!!
Could it be that there is a movement to extricate faithful Catholics in order to mitigate criticisms of things like doctrinal changes, changes in the liturgy, vaccine mandates and CBDC's???
May God save us from this onslaught of the devil within the church.
Great channel.
They will make up all kinds of lies about Bishop Strickland because that’s what Bergolio does. You could never convince me Bergolio does the work of the Lord.
Agree, He is creating his rule, God/scriptures are irrelevant, he is acting as a communist commander, if you don't agree or speak against, he will remove you which ever way necessary. He has not remove the bishop from Germany who said its OK to bless same sex union, that is blasphemy, for the pope its OK, He is shaming the Christians and asking such, if you don't like it you are no longer part of the church. No Pope has ever attacked the flocks.
Dr. Regis Martin is fantastic here! Spot on as usual. I was privileged to have him as a professor at Steubenville.
Great show Raymond 😊
Really aporeciate the insights of Fr. Gerald Murray and Dr. Regis Martin.
So sad, there is a depletion of faith going around the Church msinly due to this emergence of a synodal. church.
The current pope nor his cardinals cannot even be relied upon to. defend the true teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ
God Bless Mr. Arroyo🙏🙏🙏
I agree with him on that !
They can become Protestant if they want to undermine Catholic teaching on Marriage is between one Man and one Woman.
A great show.
Morals went out the window in the 60's
Thank you for defending Bishop Strickland, the Traditional Latin MAss, our position on the upcoming and freighting synod . However, I’m saddened Secretary Pompeo does not affirm the Catholic faith is the one true faith-a great harm to the poor unbelieving Jews
I learned Latin and English which helped me learn French and Spanish in high school.
Ordinary Catholic here, seeing a lot of conflict and confusion. I cringe when I hear the term "reactionary" because it is a word that emits from Marxists predominantly.
God is not an idiot who deprived the peoples of the past with truthful knowledge of all they needed to know to live moral lives and order their lives together as decent human beings. Therefore, there is no such thing as evolving truth.
Please Lord, halt any decision to dismiss Your servant Bishop Strickland from doing his lawful duties, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Your Holy Church.
Always double speak with these wolves!
I stand behind Bishop Strickland and any Bishop or priest who defends the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church!
People in gymnasiums and basements for mass when some churches are empty! Our Lady come to our aid.
Yes yes yes!
Diocesan priests _can_ celebrate the TLM. They just have to ignore the bullies in the Vatican. That’s how you have to deal with bullies, by the way.
Very sad!!
I hope Cardinal Fernandez isn’t our next Pope !
Terrifying thought!
If Cardinal Fernandez is correct in his analysis, then, at the time of the Arian heresy in the early Church, Pope Liberius was the only person in the Church with the “charism” of infallibility and only he could adjudicate on the dispute. However, Pope Liberius did not wish to upset those powerful rulers who had adopted the Arian heresy, so he decided that he would exercise what Cardinal Fernandez would call his “charism of infallibility” by sitting firmly on the fence. Saint Athanasius, of course, spoke up for the truths of the Faith. Pope Liberius ordered him into exile, but he could not be silenced. In the end, the Emperor, who, in accordance with the understanding of the Church at that time, was Christ’s visible representative on earth as far as the government of the universal Church was concerned, ordered that an Ecumenical Council be called to resolve the dispute. He arranged safe conduct for all of the Bishops of the Church to enable them to attend, met their travelling and accommodation expenses and ensured that his troops maintained order during the Council to ensure that the Bishops would be free to express their views without pressure or influence from their local rulers. As we know, the Council of Nicaea produced the Nicene Creed, which resolved, finally, once and for all, the matters under dispute. No “charism of infallibility” here on the part of Pope Liberius. The Emperor had the charism by which he governed the Church in all temporal matters, including the calling of Ecumenical Councils. The Pope had no power to call a Council, nor to teach on his own authority, “infallibly” or otherwise. This concept was a novelty introduced by Pope Pius IX in 1870. As it happens, since that novel dogma was defined, no Pope has, in fact, ever purported to teach infallibly. Some say that Pope Pius XII did so in defining the dogma of the Assumption. However, the definition itself records, on its face, the fact that he had sought approval from the Bishops of the Church before deciding to define the dogma. Therefore, it was more in the nature of a Synodal decision. It was not a dogma defined on the Pope’s authority alone (and, in fact, did not significantly alter the existing dogma of the Church on the matter). Pope John XXIII went so far, when asked what he thought about the dogma of Papal Infallibility, rather obliquely “Well” he replied “I can assure you that I, personally, shall never purport to teach infallibly - I can only teach infallibly if I state that I am teaching infallibly and that is something I shall never do.” Of course, to introduce the major changes in practice, he called the Second Vatican Council, on the basis that only a Council of the whole Church was competent to decide matters of this sort. He could, of course, have called a special Synod, packed it full of those who supported his proposed changes, received their Report and made those changes by purporting to act infallibly. He was resolutely opposed to acting in such a fashion.
Have you not discerned the"spirit" evil behind the pontiffs actions.
Let us support our good Fathers....Pumpeo also long removed....wake up....we are at wa r
I can understand growing, never b4 heard challenges, to which we apply "old" Church principles, e.g. what do proLifers do about frozen human embryos awaiting return of parents, never to happen for whatever reason. Let's assume the parents intended to release them but both died @ the same time....
Why are you NOT covering the OPUS DEI news? It is major and important, why no analysis? Are you all Opus Dei? The Holy Father has basically done away with them. Read Crisis, Crux. He just took control of their shrine. This is major news. Please cover it and explain why you are silent on the issue.
The current pope, some of his cardinals and bishops are even contradicting the true teachings of Jesus Christ
Regis, tell us what you really think! 😂
The great German cardinal Gerhard Muller is so correct when 'he" informed their can be a married clergy but not the blessing of same sex unions.
About the TLM: why not strike a balance between the liturgical reforms of Vatican II and the TLM? Nobody seems to mention updating the lectionary in the TLM so that the Novus Ordo and the TLM have the same readings each week.
The TLM readings were intended to go hand in hand with TLM liturgical calendar in both Mass and Office Reading (one year cycle.)
The NO readings follow a 3-year cycle and are not in tune with annually celebrated feasts. For example you can have a Saint feast and the daily readings might have nothing to do with the celebrated Saint. In short the mismatch creates discord and confusion in prayer intention.
There is no need to strike a balance between the two. The old has always been perfectly designed and intended.
@@huongmai9521 how about the TLM that has not incorporated modern Saints into its liturgical calendar? The TLM and Novus Ordo should be the same liturgy with the same cycle. It shouldn't be a equivocal as it is. Or else, the TLM should be its own rite.
The current lectionary is a disaster. Not only does it embrace inclusive language, but it is a “cut and paste “ effort that avoids the “ hard sayings” of the scriptures in order to promote a protestant agenda. Other than the Gospel, the other 2 readings in the Novus Ordo Mass are often ignored. Unlike protestant “praise and worship service” the Mass is not a Bible Study and no one wants to listen to an hour and half homily The scripture readings for the TLM go back to the 6th and have worked well.
@@christopherthelen3562 are you intended to learn or to bash? I am pointing you to a direction and not interested getting into a debate. I am a 2-year convert from NO to the pre-conciliar. Not 3rd lay order but I had been reading TLOTH faithfully for 4 years prior to my conversion. My answer to you came from my personal experience.
@@huongmai9521 I am no liturgist but am tri ritual. Not wanting to get into a debate. Just asking honest questions.
THIS time in history not as during the reformation, let us not just cut and run and leave our holy place due to holy father impertinence to Christ, Peter's mount etc. Let us, Christians find him non canonical and physically remove them, the cabal, for the Holy Property.
Though the idea that the Pope 'has a charism that no one else has' must have some truth to it and needs to be teased out
Maybe all the bishops in America need to stand up and say no to this Jesuit pope!
When Lippy Fernandez speaks more and more Catholics give up in disgust! Bergoglio has to go!
Support Ukraine? He's crazy. Support Maui!
Who did you think I was speaking about censors that erased that... Father of a son who becomes an adict indicates the userper's idiotic technique to reward bad behavior and try to make deals with a creep like that.
When did Ukraine become part of the European Union?
I also felt that Pope Fances started hate the sin… love the sinner… and that is God’s will. I would be careful to jump on any bandwagon that goes against Gods elite. If anything pray for are Pope…. He is going against so many attacks of the enemy.
Of course the deliberate sinful manipulation of the papal system has been documented in history before and these dire mistakes have been noted by future Holy Fathers...the Pope is meant to be THE servant of Christ and completely willing....when it is obvious this man has willingly departed as we would a sinner in the congregation deny Eucharist or at least for a layman tell them of their wayward path according to Christ's word...we must do the same here...especialy the BIshops and Crdinals dierestly.
Funny that our LORD JESUS Chose Peter to be the first in the “Pope” role, authority over the Church. As I recall, Peter had to be rebuked by Jesus for allowing the Devil to speak through Him to stop our LORD from fulfilling His Father’s Will. And not only was he rebuked for his human frailty, but he also denied our LORD at Jesus’ most crucial moment. I do not condemn Apostle Peter, but only to say that he and all Popes to follow are still human and are open to attack, cowardism, and thinking like man thinks and not as God thinks. God sovereignly chose Peter for these very reasons.. let us be wise and pray the Pope will repent for his own human weakness as Peter did courageously in his own repentance and restoration!
Because, as the witches know, the words have power in their approved origination with St Peter in Christ. Not a very modern comment but the Truth.
Very sorry you constantly criticize our dear Pope...will pray you see him as our successor of St. Peter and leader of our Church, and support him.
God bless Bishop Strickland and as for Cardinal Kissy Creep, I don’t need some possibly closeted homosexual creep tell me how to kiss my husband.
With all respect to the theologian Regis Martin when you imply that "All protestants " in some way believe in the blessing's same sex unions... I disagree with him and I "resent " that... as a "evangelical "and married to a beautiful woman and I believe in God and Jesus as they taught us according to the word of God concerning holy matrimony between a man and a woman...!!!
Save us from this pope Lord, he is wrong in so many things. He contradicts himself in more than one time,
I Love you Pope Francis Shalom aleichem
✝ Vladimir Putin is bringing Christianity back to Russia. Their's four small regions in the southeastern Ukraine that they themselfs in 2022 freely by referendum voted to join Russia by a huge majority if those four small regions were allowed to join Russia that Ukraine/Russia war would be over. Vladimir Putin does not want most of the Ukraine just those four small regions whom themselfs want to join Russia.