Thanks for sharing the tutorial. If you put some description, mean, if you talk and give some explanations, it will be really helpful for beginners as well Thanks
maybe the wink i will try to talk funds explain what is described,maybe the wink i will try to talk dana explain what is described. sorry because the tool is still minimal
nomor hp 4659 ndak ada WA nya om yahh??? mau tanya slot ISV3 lampu led SVR itu kadang2 suka nyala merah kenapa yah?? nanti tiba2 nyala ijo.. waktu merah beban 83Mbps waktu ijo bisa 150Mbps.. minta bantuan kira2 apa yg harus saya lakukan?? pointing ulang?? pidah CW atau apa??
nyimak suhu
Thanks for sharing the tutorial.
If you put some description, mean, if you talk and give some explanations, it will be really helpful for beginners as well
maybe the wink i will try to talk funds explain what is described,maybe the wink i will try to talk dana explain what is described. sorry because the tool is still minimal
Tutorial upgrade software rtn adakah bang
Blm ada euy sekarang mah dlu lupa ga di bikin video nya..sekarang rata rata idu baru terus software RTN nya sudah tinggi
@@MangUyan sapa tau ada bang , bisa di buatin tutorial nya 😁
Kalau langkah langkahnya ada
@@MangUyan bisa di bantu om share langkah2 nya, buat pembelajaran
Kirim aja emailnya
I need huawei software patch for RTN905 and RTN950A V100R009
V100R010 if you have please share its download link with me
I dont have v100R10 but I have V100R11
Untuk 950a V1R11_203
nomor hp 4659 ndak ada WA nya om yahh??? mau tanya slot ISV3 lampu led SVR itu kadang2 suka nyala merah kenapa yah?? nanti tiba2 nyala ijo.. waktu merah beban 83Mbps waktu ijo bisa 150Mbps.. minta bantuan kira2 apa yg harus saya lakukan?? pointing ulang?? pidah CW atau apa??
4659 sudah tidak aktif ..yang aktif 08993438580
modulasi nya berapa?