If the target is deep it usually is a bigger target so the sound will cover greater area and will be more uniformed. Shallow targets will be very loud but will cut off very quickly while the deep ones will kinda fade away gradually. It takes time to learn this as there is a lot of trash just under the top soil but when the signal is deep you will notice the difference straight away. At the moment the biggest issues for me though are areas where shrapnel exploded. There will be a concentration of small metal bits in a area of lets say 1m x 1m It does sound like a large deep target but it is actually a lot of small target deep in the ground So you sometimes end up digging a big hole and find nothing except those bits. It is interesting though that the sand in those are is more compact and tough I think is because the amounts of high temperatures it received during the explosion 💥
@@tm-808metaldetecting4 Чтобы зря не копать и беречь силы, я применяю для проверки сигнала стальной щуп, пруток, я его втыкаю в землю и понимаю что это шрапнель или каска! Шрапнель я не копаю.
Depending on what you are looking for. The closer you walk the more small signals you will catch. For bigger signals and if using headphones 1m is fine but I normally if I have time and want to clear the whole area use 50-80 cm intervals
I have a TF 900 which is essentially the same thing, but I see on UA-cam that some TM 808 users have added an extension to the handle to lower it another foot for increased depth. I buried something and this modification would prevent me from stooping to pinpoint the target. I think they are using PVC piping. Have you ever seen this or did one yourself? Thank you! Robert
I've tried myself and essentially damaged the handle It creates much stronger lever and while detecting the original handle welding broke. I did not notice a big difference when the detector was lower to the ground It might be better on fields but I detect mainly in forests and when it is low you hit the ground more often and catch shrubbery. Did not do a lot of testing though as I had to send it for repairs and suck to the standard after it returned
@@tm-808metaldetecting4 Yes, I can see it getting another meter of depth but hitting rocks and bushes more often than usual. Thank you for replying back so soon!
É isso aí companheiro. Pois eu também tenho um canal no UA-cam: Leon detectorismo e seu vídeo me dá mais força e coragem, pra continuar essa aventura. Pois se for possível se escreva no meu canal: Leon detectorismo obrigado! Que Deus abençoe sempre sua vida! Em nome do senhor Jesus Cristo.
Very cool, I've never seen one of these machines in action
Thanks Its a really great machine
Could you please tell us how determine the approximate depth of the target
If the target is deep it usually is a bigger target so the sound will cover greater area and will be more uniformed. Shallow targets will be very loud but will cut off very quickly while the deep ones will kinda fade away gradually.
It takes time to learn this as there is a lot of trash just under the top soil but when the signal is deep you will notice the difference straight away.
At the moment the biggest issues for me though are areas where shrapnel exploded. There will be a concentration of small metal bits in a area of lets say 1m x 1m It does sound like a large deep target but it is actually a lot of small target deep in the ground So you sometimes end up digging a big hole and find nothing except those bits. It is interesting though that the sand in those are is more compact and tough I think is because the amounts of high temperatures it received during the explosion 💥
thank you very much friend for all this informations 💐💐💐💐💐👍👍👍
@@tm-808metaldetecting4 Чтобы зря не копать и беречь силы, я применяю для проверки сигнала стальной щуп, пруток, я его втыкаю в землю и понимаю что это шрапнель или каска! Шрапнель я не копаю.
How far apart do you space your walk lines to make sure you cover an area thoroughly?
Depending on what you are looking for. The closer you walk the more small signals you will catch. For bigger signals and if using headphones 1m is fine but I normally if I have time and want to clear the whole area use 50-80 cm intervals
I have a TF 900 which is essentially the same thing, but I see on UA-cam that some TM 808 users have added an extension to the handle to lower it another foot for increased depth. I buried something and this modification would prevent me from stooping to pinpoint the target. I think they are using PVC piping. Have you ever seen this or did one yourself? Thank you! Robert
I've tried myself and essentially damaged the handle It creates much stronger lever and while detecting the original handle welding broke. I did not notice a big difference when the detector was lower to the ground It might be better on fields but I detect mainly in forests and when it is low you hit the ground more often and catch shrubbery.
Did not do a lot of testing though as I had to send it for repairs and suck to the standard after it returned
@@tm-808metaldetecting4 Yes, I can see it getting another meter of depth but hitting rocks and bushes more often than usual. Thank you for
replying back so soon!
كيف بدي اتواصل معك
Best would be in english
How much is that TM 808
Tengo un Discovery 900 y no sé cómo se usa español
It looks similar to TM808
Boenos vedeos
Thank you 😊
É isso aí companheiro. Pois eu também tenho um canal no UA-cam: Leon detectorismo e seu vídeo me dá mais força e coragem, pra continuar essa aventura. Pois se for possível se escreva no meu canal: Leon detectorismo obrigado! Que Deus abençoe sempre sua vida! Em nome do senhor Jesus Cristo.