Funny thing is that the "pretty guy" they were referring to was Jared Leto, whose picture was hanging in Kat's bedroom. So in retrospect, Kat definitely had a thing for Jokers.
The funniest joke in the entire movie is that bit about Kat liking pretty guys and the guys hesitating if Patrick will qualify 😂 the script writer definitely knew what they were doing, of course the male lead would be gorgeous. And Heath was so damn pretty.
This was the first not Dark Knight Heath Ledger movie I saw. I had no idea that he was Australian. Chris Hemsworth like. Playing The Joker was proof of what a brilliant actor he was. RIP
"are you telling me I'm not a pretty guy?" I melted
if they director cast him as a”non pretty guy” they did the casting wrong!
Funny thing is that the "pretty guy" they were referring to was Jared Leto, whose picture was hanging in Kat's bedroom. So in retrospect, Kat definitely had a thing for Jokers.
“Your eyes have a little green in them..”.. and now his shoes have a little green in them too
Stop it💀💀💀
Haha that’s good.
Green shoes grow roots.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
"who needs affection when i have blind hatred"
love only
R.I.P Heath Ledger
“I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked”
Yes. Yes we have Heath
Am i that transparent ( for real )
@@jenjen2124I want you I need you oh baby oh baby
@@daidipyaa😂is that from “Wings”?
@@StrikeTeam0316 no, it's a dialogue from 10 things I hate about you by Kat Stratford
i miss him so much
We all do.
1:08 his inner joker about to release
He will always be the However i really enjoyed this movie at the time. He totally stood out. Talent taken too soon. RIP Heath
He was amazing. He's fantastic in The Brothers Grimm and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, which is one of my all-time favorites.
This guys actually a pretty good actor! Man, That’d be cool if he could play the Joker, he’d do phenomenal!
He did play the joker didn't he ???????😂😂😅😅
@@lillytomlinson251 dude
@@lillytomlinson251 bruh
I just hope he doesn't die
@@EnriqueAg97 he did play the joker he died . He killed him self before he won. The jokeressed up his mind
The funniest joke in the entire movie is that bit about Kat liking pretty guys and the guys hesitating if Patrick will qualify 😂 the script writer definitely knew what they were doing, of course the male lead would be gorgeous. And Heath was so damn pretty.
im crying X_X
his smile is unsettling though, can't think why 2:56
He played the joker
A huge mouth
He had a pretty smile tho' without the makeup lol
This is "unknown" past of Joker from The Dark Knight :D
He wanted to tame the shrew but she made him a psychopath. Lol
Oooh, I see that transition
Omg the ending
This guy has a weird smile.
I guess this guy will be used for a joker audition.
0:37 Robin meets the Joker
U mean officer Blake?
He's Robin 😂@@kayogar4040
This was the first not Dark Knight Heath Ledger movie I saw. I had no idea that he was Australian. Chris Hemsworth like. Playing The Joker was proof of what a brilliant actor he was. RIP
Oh to be Julia Stiles
Even without Heath involved, to be Julia Stiles is to be a living goddess.
Forever heath ledger ❤ 🙏 too short a time here ...long remembered
"I'm sure you've thought about me naked"
Rip legend❤❤
AGG his voiceee and his accenttt
The movie was cute.
2:25 Sounds like the joker
Gordon: No name, no place, nothing. We know nothing about him
Joker's back story :
i still can't believe that pat verona and the joker from the dark knight are played by the same actor
1:14- I think it's safe to say he is reading all of our minds
Joker to Blake
The mask is not for you it's for the people you care about
Purple suit?
this movie was truly a bisexual awakening for me.
does anyone know the name of the instrumental that starts playing at 2:43?
He died too young.
I just now found out he passed in his 20s
my parents met him!
Pretty boy with sexy voice! ❤ And very talented! We miss you so much, kangaroo boy! 😢
Hello I'm sorry you are not with us god bless you I didn't know what you. When thought you did a good movie ❤ rip
😂 Dido 😂 James Lyons Jimmy from two hands movie hi everyone Jim white 😂💡🥰🌹🌍💫
Are you alright?
1st thing i hate,... guys trying to be sexy. 2nd thing I hate,... cringe