HE on very soft targets with the Helsing feels like one of those dirty secrets. While the Russian 122mm and co roll an average 500, the Helsing hits for a monstrous 600.
Your_Ripper064 I never thought you would reply lol. I just think that with the Helsing's good mobility and armor you could push with the team. There are a few TDs like the tier 8 Chinese Premium WZ that have good mobility, armor, and a great gun, I think these tanks should be played more aggressively as they seem to be built for that. Also, the Helsing H0 has a turret, something only a number of TDs have. A turret allows you to set up shots and allows you to have more traverse on your gun (tank traverse + turret traverse). Many people see “camping” TDs as deadweight and if you are able to be aggressive and successful in a TD, you should be. I also want you to know that it is a game and you can do whatever you want, this is just my opinion. My opinion is also that you are an amazing player and that was a crackerjack game. Cheers!
Hey Schwa im a new player and I have my first Kolovanob medal! But I dont have the replay im sad for that ;-; 1vs4 in my Hetzer T1 heavy Hetzer Su-85B and M7 vs me that was epic!
This thing shoots normal salt, but 2 salt shooters for extra salt shooting power
One *helsing* of a time
HE on very soft targets with the Helsing feels like one of those dirty secrets. While the Russian 122mm and co roll an average 500, the Helsing hits for a monstrous 600.
Bless my soul, schwalbe is OP
Daaannngg, your channel is growing so fast! :D I’m here since 2.7k subs! :D
Schwalbe be honest you had some luck fighting the helsing also which tank do u hate more Dracula or helsing, personally I hate the drac more
That was awesome!
That is a good game, though I don’t exactly encourage that type of gameplay in the Helsing H0.
Magical Wizard if it works why not?
Your_Ripper064 if its stupid but it works, it ain’t stupid anymore
Your_Ripper064 I never thought you would reply lol. I just think that with the Helsing's good mobility and armor you could push with the team. There are a few TDs like the tier 8 Chinese Premium WZ that have good mobility, armor, and a great gun, I think these tanks should be played more aggressively as they seem to be built for that. Also, the Helsing H0 has a turret, something only a number of TDs have. A turret allows you to set up shots and allows you to have more traverse on your gun (tank traverse + turret traverse). Many people see “camping” TDs as deadweight and if you are able to be aggressive and successful in a TD, you should be. I also want you to know that it is a game and you can do whatever you want, this is just my opinion. My opinion is also that you are an amazing player and that was a crackerjack game. Cheers!
Schawelbe with his Helsing H0 tank will have a difficult battle to reach his victory against 2 vs 3
Helsing one of my personal favorites
Why does it feel like everyone was toxic tonight in blitz
Helsing players : OP stat padding tank its great it makes instant unicums
WG : *makes it collector next patch*
Lol great video really enjoyed watching it
Wow! Schwalbe is really skilled!... *realizes its made by ripper* ...Oh well, good job ripper!
Hey Schwa im a new player and I have my first Kolovanob medal! But I dont have the replay im sad for that ;-; 1vs4 in my Hetzer T1 heavy Hetzer Su-85B and M7 vs me that was epic!
Interesting consumables btw
No wonder Bushka and Meadsy call this thing is op
I love these videos.
Btw I'm GuesserMe
I want a Derp compilation >:u
My mate just aced Helsing at 5.4k dmg in EU server. Too bad his replays where full... GG tho!!
Nice game ripper
ده ست خؤش👍👍
*H O T D O G S B Y T H E F I R E*
idk i saw this in the chat lol
AKA camping
In late again ;_; *cries in corner*
I want helsing now...
Shwalbe I have a 1v4 drac replay. U want?
No thank you
Schwalbe lol
First! To say first!
Also that’s one twisty tongue twister title!
I still maintain my opinion that the helsing is broken
Sweet Jesus Did you loan out Aurora?
how to get M to camping base
I would send a 3.9k drac mastery but I forgot about the update rip
3 persons said "First" lol
U like dis game don’t ya
oof I remember this battle
Why Cant I be as lucky as Schwalbe TT
He ripped them apart.
I'm sorry
Dehydrated Water u don’t seem dehydrated, but here take this bucket of water!
you are pro C: im noob :P
Oh no I’m late
Schwalbe if you see this I’m just letting you know that I really want to play ark with you😇
Well i only love when u play ark like if u agree
Your editing is fucking incredible
I also like how the amx said your pay to win even tho he wasn't being careful, the on another great video schwalbe
I don't know what to say.
Play Ark more plz
Thats a very wrong use of Helsing....its like a shotgun effective on frontline especially Hulldown
WildFire Studios yeah no idk what helsing you’re playing but mine sure isn’t like that
I got it for free :)
Helsing isn’t OP change my mind.
Nooooooooo Ark is best
Lol first again hehe
DerbyJhill - Gamer X nein .__.
lol furst