sorry if noob question. but why is it terrible if the roamer kills the smaller creep of purple buff? when the roamers don't get given exp anyway. is it just for the gold? i get why the fked up the 2nd time cause he stole the buff but he didn't gain any exp for either last hits.
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
It's totally fine though, if the jungler does not depend on buff that much, it's totally okay. Because all of the buff's exp and gold will go to the jungler, even if the roamer steals it.
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
as a guinevere main i'm so glad they changed his passive because now i can jump on him without being silenced and therefore i'm now able use my ult while he's still knocked up 😭
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Helcurt has finally and proudly earned his title of a “Creepy Crawler”. But sadly, they removed the silence effect and replaced it with terrifying effect. If you don’t aim your second skill, you’ll miss.
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
@@Goruden_4407 bro trying using customer service in mlbb and keep on suggesting your idea, trust me you'll have a better chance there, it worked for me
WHO DIDNT BAN HELCURT 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 edit: to the unintelligent people in the reply section i wanted to say that in my server even in mythic there is always some mfs who solves world hunger while helcurt turns into nivacado avacado
Please keep spreading that so moonton doesn't nerf him, he's become basically balanced, if you let him do his thing he's dangerous but he's actually quite easy to deal with, saying this as a helcurt user
For me, what makes this new revamp scary is mainly his 1st skill and passive, its just that good! 1st is the fact that helcurts passive can make you detect enemies hiding in the bush. It is almost NEAR impossible for helcurt to be ambushed, because there might be a scenario where there are multiple bushes and you have to guess where enemies are hiding. I guess the nearest bush or the nearest parts of the bush could give you a hint where the enemies are hiding. You can know if you're spotted when you can see the purple bar below your hp drops, sound cue, or suddenly your movement speed increases. This could save you from heroes that could one shot you, mostly saber or eudora if you act fast enough to escape with your 1st skill. 2nd is that you want to utilize his enhanced 1st skill more often (basically when in his prowler state), you need the terrified stun effect most of the time as not only it helps you secure kills but also can help during ganks because of the aoe stun effect it has. In the prowler state also, the cooldown of his 1st skill reduces quite fast, so don't hesitate to use it to roam fast. You can also teleport FAST between bushes now because of how fast the cooldown is. lastly, Helcurt is ofcourse a hit and run so if you don't fully kill your target, you can just retreat, hide in the bushes or stay away from enemy sight, heal from his passive and strike again thanks to the fast cooldown of his 1st skill during prowler state. You don't want to be on the map most of the time as Helcurts passive is just that good now. He may have counters, not really OP cause there are some situations where he falls. (For me) He really needs dominate early game to secure the rest of the game. If he gets a bad start, it will be really really hard for him to pick back up again. As a helcurt main this does put a smile on my face :)
I could confirm that now his second skill deal less damage than before. Maybe to make him more balanced with a self recovery passive and auto stack for his second
Also betosky missing half of his Second skill for about 1/3 of the times he used it ALSO BETOSKY USE YOUR FIRST SKILL FOR MOBILITY AND JG CREEP DMG IT HURTS HOW INEFFICIENT IT IS also don't constantly use Ult cause it alerts them most the time I GANK i don't use it and they don't suspect a thing in their usually I get a kill with that tactic and sometimes early first blood because of it
14:48 bet not using ult to Def here is bad move in my opinion as it would deter Valir away which is a cc Gatot would go front but not use any skill same with Dyrroth The fact bet uses Ult to gank every time but not def is just not good in my opinion as his buff for me is less of a gank and more of a Deter away enemies which in MY OPINION is more effective (Also as I stated doesn't alert enemies when you gank then as well if you don't use ult)
15:33 finally he uses it for mobility... 15:38 GODDANM IT BETOSKY WHY FOR THE MINION USE 1ST SKILL AGAIN AND TURTLE NEVER SHOW YOURSELF IN MAP AS HELCURT goodness sakes info show him Dyr propably might use his Jg creep as bait if bet gets greedy
@@iRusty_69 Helcurt has 3 phases; Prowler, Spotted and Normal. Prowler Phase only triggers if Helcurt isn't seen in the minimap or by enemy heroes, minions or near turrets. During that phase he can recover HP per second, have additional movement speed, fast cooldown reduction on 1st skill and slowly reloads his 2nd skill. Spotted phase triggers when he is seen in the minimap or by enemy heroes, minions or near turrets, he he gets additional movement speed and attack speed for 4 seconds before going to the normal phase in which he has no buff from the previous 2 phases. You can tell if you're in Prowler Phase if your screen is slightly dark or black smoke on your Hero level Icon beside your HP Bar. They vanish if you're spotted.
*To those who are yet to know his New Passive:* His new passive, Shadow of Styx, allows him to enter Prowler State whenever he’s not seen by enemy heroes on the map. It allows him to gain movement speed + continuously regain health + 1st skill terrifies enemy heroes hit and quickly reduces its cooldown + 2nd Skill gains deadly stingers.
@@raishinshah these are all effort all content creators should be doing girl what. the bar is so low jfc, ai art takes no effort and is lifeless. reading comments is also another way to put in effort to CHANGE things from ur content and improve.
People only cares what others do while they do more worse than betosky in real life. Betosky is famous that's why many people are jealous of his ai thumbnail as they can't be famous like betosky lol.. Pathetic watchers
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Yes Beto.. @8.32 I used helcurt after revamp and yeah I noticed his 2nd skill deals little damage now.. I thought it was the items but after a few more tests, I confirmed that it was dealing less damage.. an indirect NERF I guess 😢
WHO MISSED ME? *DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )* NATALIA'S REVAMP MADE HER WORSE, AND NOW NOONE IS PICKING HEE. MOONTON, PLEASE BRING BACK HER EXCLAMATION MARK AND INVISIBILITY!! [I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
@@schopenhauer5427is still five, his damage got reduced because of his attack speed boost passive when spotted, use his second skill to reduce enemy hp and than use basic attack to finish off.
little fact on helcurt second skill, karina can absolutely ignore the damage of it just by using her first skill, i learn it the hard way on rank and thats so ridiculous, I hate seeing characters receive such abusive preferential treatment, and yes i'm still pissed about it.
@@itisme1427 Yeah my bad, i'm not a player of helcurt and didn't know that while playing in rank and got a really bad team + karina, i just got really frustrated and wrote this
@@itisme1427 But i mantain what i said, i'm a n old player and i have seen her glow up, tank build, mm build, mage, physical, true damage revamp, rework and now i know she is immune to helcurt 2nd skill... her, i think they cherish her a little bit to much in my opinion but that's just my opinion, i can be wrong.
1st skill prowler state makes him OP with that insane cd reduction and self heal and longer dash , with old natalia(exclamation mark) like bush check. I play him like the old nata hide bush spam 1st skill hide bush spam 1st skill. So OP, and with damage nerf of 2nd skill in exchange of auto stack 2nd skill still OP tho.
helcurt is pretty good rn but his strongest state is outside jungle where you can abuse the hell out of his terrify from s1, in jungle he's still outshined by other meta junglers
He's extremely easy to counter, Helcurt depends on catching lone targets since he's got a narrow attack range, so as long as you stick with someone else he can't do much since they can just stop him with any cc skill now that his silencing effect is gone, also if you manage to not get one shotted it's pretty easy to counterattack
Moonton really wanted to return the assassin jungler, thats also the reason why they reduce the capability of most defensive items... they're tired seeing tank jungler for the longest time😅.
I remember a patch note that started this meta with a note saying something like "we want tanks to be able to jungle". Hope he gets fired from moonton cause that mindset is ridiculous.
From what I understand his 2nd skill is basically like basic attacks now that's why it works well with DHS, and I think it is also why it is "lacking" in damage unlike before. They definitely made Helcurt better in my opinion, thanks to his passive you won't need to go back to base as often and it basically tells you that someone is close to you when you are taking objectives "alone" as your passive will proc giving you attack speed and movement speed, the fast cd on his 1st skill allows it to be used in the early stages to aid in fast clearing his jungle + from what I have experimented on roam Helcurt is viable, he is sorta a better natalia in my opinion if you pair him with petrify and the support talent which gives 15% CD to battle spells.
Comment Trivia, Skills and Guide of Hero in Video (for Beto mostly :/, it appears most of us here knows some stuff already) [Trivia] There was a secret nerf on his S2 to mitigate all of his revamp changes, it now takes longer for the animation to complete and it also deals lesser dmg (according to sum, idk much bout it since I usually use him as CC Roam). [Skills] Passive: Helcurt can enter 3 phases. 1st state activates when he cannot be seen on the enemy map or vision. During this state he gains Movement Speed, Regen, Stingers every few seconds, Terrify on S1 and faster CD on S1. 2nd state activates when he's spotted by enemies, he gains higher Movement Speed and Attack Speed while retaining the Terrify S1 (and maybe others idk) 3rd state is his "normal" phase. Game named it that even tho 1st is now his normal. S1: Teleports to a location dealing AoE dmg and slow. Enhanced: Terrify enemies hit. S2: Launches a stinger. More stingers can be stacked with basic attacks, upto 4 EXTRA stingers, total to *5* stingers. Enhanced: Passively gains a stinger every few seconds. Ult: Reduces vision for all enemies while gaining Vision and Movement Speed. No longer increase allies vision too. [Guide] 1. When you randomly exit your 1st state with no enemies in sight, it indicates enemies are in the bushes. Do be careful of Wards from skills as they can severely destroy his passive. 2. If you can't kill in One Shot, retreat to recover stingers and HP, then come back again. 3. Spells: Retribution, Execute or Petrify 4. Builds: DHS w/PEN Burst build or DHS w/HP regen boosters, this is troll build. 5. Since he already has all the benefits of Ult already on his passive, use Ult like a pseudo global support when you're far away from a gank by your teammates. It can still be used as your offense/defense. 6. Because of his slower S2 animation, slightly pre aim your S2 to hit better. Terrified enemies usually move alot depending on their movement speed so try to predict them. (basically, trying to hit a Terrified Ulted Zilong is a waste of time. Source: I'm the Zilong)
I cant use helcurt anymore after the revamp. Everyone is actually so afraid of him now, but he is way less deadly. I feel like they changed something with how his skill 2 works and now needs crit? Not sure. Havent really tried other builds yet after the revamp
To sum it up, Revamped Helcurt is actually similar to Natalia, what makes him different than Natalia is his Jungling speed, that's why he's still prefered as a jungler. Although Roam or Midlane Helcurt is possible.
For old helcurt. His ult can be canceled by Lesley ult. When helcurt ult, lesley use ult near helcurt and will reveal the map again. Not sure about revamped helcurt though.
Helcurt passive can check enemy on bush, just see if your passive proc to fast movements when the smoke goes on that means some enemy see you, and most of time they hide inside bush.
Helcurt's ult completely negates the enemy's vision both in the map and in the game. If enemy Aldous uses ult and targets a teammate, Helcurt's ult can obscure Aldous' map but Aldous will still move towards the selected teammate. This goes the same to Lesley, YYS etc. This goes the same to any non ultimate skills that can reveal allies such as Gusion's 1st skill, Haya's 2nd skill, Kagura's umbrella and many more.
@Betosky no it's not Beto, just build trio penetration at cost of atk spd except the corrosion scythe + rgm for lifeline. DMG is still big, more better than before revamp
I'm a Ruby main and usually when we're taking the turtle I'm always trying to give vision at the enemy side and try to save my CC for their jgler. So we get the turtle 90% of the time, the rest is when they kill me or when i get cc-ed and can't cc their jgler in time :)
He's definitely more sustainable, and ganks more often. He also have his ult at his passive which supports the idea of ganking more often, which will result in a snowball game. His second skill definitely is not as scary, but its just fair since he got a massive buff in his passive. His ult is basically to chase and run, he already can gank without his ult. His first skill is good since he can use it more often with the prowler state. The terrify effect sometime can mess up your gank, since the enemy is constantantly moving so your second skill have a chance to not hit. Is he ban worthy? Yes and it depends, if you wanted to play a squishy hero, ban him or use a hero with a lot of cc, like valir and vexana. If your planning to use tanks or tank jungler i think its just find to ban another hero.
His damage is actually lower than most assassins. Unlike most assassins where you can 100 to 0 enemy HP instantly, helcurt has to first lower the target's HP just enough to finish them off with his second skill
I was hoping to add a feature that would allow him to be not affected by CC, or if enemy uses a stun against you, he will be affected by the stun, especially the first 4 seconds after revealing yourself. I also hope that the ult will be made to remove the slowing effects, which makes the person run away after killing in team fight. also make the ult disappears more in the event of an attack, so that it does not appear as a sign to enemys
He's generally better in my opinion. 2nd skill indeed deals less damage than before. I think it is to balance the face that Helcurt has become easier to use. I mean he has free extra movement speed and regen without buying any item He has a free bush checking now (spotted state triggers movement speed increase when seen by enemies) His stingers regen now without attacking His blink is now terrify effect, removing chance of enemies to dodgewithout relying on stuns
Typically as the roamer, I would go with the mage first, especially if I'm using heroes with CC and a bit of AOE damage. Then gank mm with mage as soon as possible. Being the jungler isn't about ganking and getting kills. It is about execution when the enemy makes mistakes. Some players are kill-hungry. A good example is when Franco suppresses a tank, they waste their skills on a thick man and have no skills once the enemy backline (MM and Mage) comes to initiate, and the sideline (Assassin) comes from behind or the side to cut off the marksman. In some games like HOK, League when you look at the pro games it looks like the players are trash, jungle not getting kills, and others just basically only poking. It is because it is not best to be too proactive in the early game, try to not use skills to clear the wave because if you use them, it gives the opportunity for your opponent to poke you and you will have no skills to counter-act even if the enemy comes close to you, and when your health and mana are low enough they can execute a solo kill. These small details are crucial and could cost you a lot. A prime example of paying attention to detail is when the roamer didn't expose vision (Didn't show up on the mini-map), the MM should not try to engage (1v1) the enemy MM even if you are stronger in the early game. You wouldn't know if the roamer is hiding in a bush. Gank who ever is easy to gank, don't always gank MM, a fed EXP laner is tanky and does damage, a fed MM does insane damage but is squishy, a fed Jungler is either super tanky or has super high damage. So pick your targets wisely, take which buff helps you most, don't give the enemy a chance to steal the buff you need more by invading your jungle. Another is that during the 1:20 - 2:00 (This is not meant to be a timestamp) period, it is the most common time for an enemy gank. Do not be in a bad position (Being in a bad position makes it easy for the enemy Jungle to gank you just like how Lesley was staying in range of Helcurt's first skill shown in the first game, stay beside the turret and only ask help from the roamer and try to clear the lane if the enemy MM freezes the wave (Freezing the wave is making the minions attack each other, attacking you and blocking you from getting the exp and gold from the minions because you are too far away, this happens when you have lower health, or that the enemy MM is stronger in the early game). Also, pay very close attention to the mini-map, you don't have to have a fast hand or whatever to be good at MOBA games. It is about strategy. In the first game, Beto had no vision, he let his guard down because Minotaur and Yin were dead and also because in the mini-map you can clearly see Moskov passed by the bush where Vale was, but Vale was dead. He came after Moskov checked the bush. He himself said it was a good example. This is why you need to pay attention to other parts that contribute to your Skill, don't just practice your Fanny double-cable, or Gusion fast combo in practice mode. You have to have high awareness of everything, timing, and execution of your plan. What separates a Noob and an Average player are Combos and Communication. What separates an Average player from a Good player is Awareness and Precision. What separates a Good player from a Professional player is that they have coaches and they its their job, they play 8 hours a day. I hope you learned something, this is what helped me to get to Mythical immortal.
In the second game as an mm player i was a bit hurt when you completely forget about the gold lane but instead just kept ganking exp instead. Throughout the game the enemy core kept ganking gold and you kept ganking alice even though minsi does pretty well all by himself.
Beto you need to try him again and this time maximize the bush because his first skill cds faster when the enemy doesn’t see hc in their mini map… that’s how you can utilize his spam terrify effect
Yeah Helcurt is very fun to play and scary, I surprisingly haven't played against a single Helcurt yet. Question how long has it been since you played Yu Zhong?
I played a Helcurt match yesterday and got a kda of 28-1-4, it was a mythic ranked match as well. I couldn't even believe myself that was a real ranked match.
8:29 yes helcurt dmg actually deals lesser dmg now before revamp he literally one shots marksmens early to late but after revamp he canr one shot anymore maybe they nerfed his dmg to balance him
I like this helcurt become a roamer than jungler, the dmg is crazier with dire hit and its really my type because i usually pick an intense jungler gameplay from beginning like martis or fanny.
I swear everytime a Johnson will help you take a buff in the early game, 90% of the time they will (accidentally) steal it
Bad john
Bad johnson player
sorry if noob question. but why is it terrible if the roamer kills the smaller creep of purple buff? when the roamers don't get given exp anyway. is it just for the gold? i get why the fked up the 2nd time cause he stole the buff but he didn't gain any exp for either last hits.
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
It's totally fine though, if the jungler does not depend on buff that much, it's totally okay. Because all of the buff's exp and gold will go to the jungler, even if the roamer steals it.
They did helcurt justice with this revamp, I sorta miss his old passive but this is actually quite fine
Yeah I miss it to
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Funny enough he is countered by natalia now lol
@@namelesssturdy4676fr bro. it's soooo hard to fight nata
as a guinevere main i'm so glad they changed his passive because now i can jump on him without being silenced and therefore i'm now able use my ult while he's still knocked up 😭
Tip :
Helcurt's 1st skill is actually only 4-5 seconds long when he is in his passive state, so you can spam it to travel faster.
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Also the longest Blink skill
@@MiracleOfChaosNot really, Khufra takes that
@@Streohh I though that was dash
@@MiracleOfChaosdash=blink in the game
Helcurt has finally and proudly earned his title of a “Creepy Crawler”. But sadly, they removed the silence effect and replaced it with terrifying effect. If you don’t aim your second skill, you’ll miss.
Creepy cockroach 🪳 🤭
Silence is more than terrify cause when you we used 1st skill opponent have time to use their skills
@@MrX15.95 but dont you need your ult to be active to use the silence? Last time I checked it has a really long cooldown
Please stop spreading misinformation, if you actually played helcurt, his terrify effect makes enemy move in a straight line
@@chent5463 I agree,, You really dont need to aim 2nd skill unless their are alot of low hp enemies.
Beto sometimes ignore that once Helcurt goes into the Spotted state, it means an enemy nearby is hiding and can see him
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
@@Goruden_4407 bro trying using customer service in mlbb and keep on suggesting your idea, trust me you'll have a better chance there, it worked for me
Hey !we meet again @@Goruden_4407
@@Goruden_4407 Nobody cares bot
"Why did I do this? Why did she do that? Sometimes there are no answers" 🤣🤣🤣
edit: to the unintelligent people in the reply section i wanted to say that in my server even in mythic there is always some mfs who solves world hunger while helcurt turns into nivacado avacado
Honestly helcurt ain’t truly overpowered to be ban every single match.🗣️
Tank jungler is more annoying than hc,
Helcurt isn't even that strong,so ez to counter
Please keep spreading that so moonton doesn't nerf him, he's become basically balanced, if you let him do his thing he's dangerous but he's actually quite easy to deal with, saying this as a helcurt user
Yeah, hc is like Natalia, it requires you to play hide and seek. Hc can only assassinate, not frontal fight.
For me, what makes this new revamp scary is mainly his 1st skill and passive, its just that good!
1st is the fact that helcurts passive can make you detect enemies hiding in the bush. It is almost NEAR impossible for helcurt to be ambushed, because there might be a scenario where there are multiple bushes and you have to guess where enemies are hiding. I guess the nearest bush or the nearest parts of the bush could give you a hint where the enemies are hiding. You can know if you're spotted when you can see the purple bar below your hp drops, sound cue, or suddenly your movement speed increases. This could save you from heroes that could one shot you, mostly saber or eudora if you act fast enough to escape with your 1st skill.
2nd is that you want to utilize his enhanced 1st skill more often (basically when in his prowler state), you need the terrified stun effect most of the time as not only it helps you secure kills but also can help during ganks because of the aoe stun effect it has. In the prowler state also, the cooldown of his 1st skill reduces quite fast, so don't hesitate to use it to roam fast. You can also teleport FAST between bushes now because of how fast the cooldown is.
lastly, Helcurt is ofcourse a hit and run so if you don't fully kill your target, you can just retreat, hide in the bushes or stay away from enemy sight, heal from his passive and strike again thanks to the fast cooldown of his 1st skill during prowler state. You don't want to be on the map most of the time as Helcurts passive is just that good now.
He may have counters, not really OP cause there are some situations where he falls. (For me) He really needs dominate early game to secure the rest of the game. If he gets a bad start, it will be really really hard for him to pick back up again.
As a helcurt main this does put a smile on my face :)
I could confirm that now his second skill deal less damage than before. Maybe to make him more balanced with a self recovery passive and auto stack for his second
Also betosky missing half of his Second skill for about 1/3 of the times he used it ALSO BETOSKY USE YOUR FIRST SKILL FOR MOBILITY AND JG CREEP DMG IT HURTS HOW INEFFICIENT IT IS also don't constantly use Ult cause it alerts them most the time I GANK i don't use it and they don't suspect a thing in their usually I get a kill with that tactic and sometimes early first blood because of it
14:48 bet not using ult to Def here is bad move in my opinion as it would deter Valir away which is a cc Gatot would go front but not use any skill same with Dyrroth The fact bet uses Ult to gank every time but not def is just not good in my opinion as his buff for me is less of a gank and more of a Deter away enemies which in MY OPINION is more effective
(Also as I stated doesn't alert enemies when you gank then as well if you don't use ult)
15:33 finally he uses it for mobility...
15:38 GODDANM IT BETOSKY WHY FOR THE MINION USE 1ST SKILL AGAIN AND TURTLE NEVER SHOW YOURSELF IN MAP AS HELCURT goodness sakes info show him Dyr propably might use his Jg creep as bait if bet gets greedy
Beto : I can probably save my retribution
Me: Their mage is missing
Their Mage: *Steals the turtle*
he was in spotted state too...
Beto doesn't know everything about new helcurt passive that how he lost 2nd turtle 😂
Definitely I see him ignoring the passive effect when he got spotted way to much
Yes, His passive didn't work because of Vale.
How does his passive work?
New passive?
Helcurt has 3 phases; Prowler, Spotted and Normal.
Prowler Phase only triggers if Helcurt isn't seen in the minimap or by enemy heroes, minions or near turrets. During that phase he can recover HP per second, have additional movement speed, fast cooldown reduction on 1st skill and slowly reloads his 2nd skill.
Spotted phase triggers when he is seen in the minimap or by enemy heroes, minions or near turrets, he he gets additional movement speed and attack speed for 4 seconds before going to the normal phase in which he has no buff from the previous 2 phases.
You can tell if you're in Prowler Phase if your screen is slightly dark or black smoke on your Hero level Icon beside your HP Bar. They vanish if you're spotted.
*To those who are yet to know his New Passive:*
His new passive, Shadow of Styx, allows him to enter Prowler State whenever he’s not seen by enemy heroes on the map. It allows him to gain movement speed + continuously regain health + 1st skill terrifies enemy heroes hit and quickly reduces its cooldown + 2nd Skill gains deadly stingers.
I always liked Helcurt play style and now after the revamp is my favorite
Honestly, for someone who is a newbie to the game, helcurt is already scary before the revamp and is just scarier to deal with now.
Now I missed the comments talking about the ai thumbnails 😂😂
Shows that he actually read the comments. I'm amazed.
maybe only for now like how after the gojo video he gonna switch to ai... hope not...
@@raishinshah these are all effort all content creators should be doing girl what. the bar is so low jfc, ai art takes no effort and is lifeless. reading comments is also another way to put in effort to CHANGE things from ur content and improve.
What are thumbnails
What's wrong with that
People only cares what others do while they do more worse than betosky in real life. Betosky is famous that's why many people are jealous of his ai thumbnail as they can't be famous like betosky lol.. Pathetic watchers
iwas just searching for betosky helcurt yesterday didnt expect you woud post it
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Yes Beto.. @8.32 I used helcurt after revamp and yeah I noticed his 2nd skill deals little damage now.. I thought it was the items but after a few more tests, I confirmed that it was dealing less damage.. an indirect NERF I guess 😢
*DAY 551 (YEAR 1 AND DAY 186 )*
[I've been spamming since October 31, 2022. I can't believe that it's been more than a year!]
Helcurt now has only 4 stingers, used to be 5, that's why
@@schopenhauer5427idk where you got your eyes from but maybe refund them
@@schopenhauer5427is still five, his damage got reduced because of his attack speed boost passive when spotted, use his second skill to reduce enemy hp and than use basic attack to finish off.
That's a direct nerf....
Helcurt was already scary af. Giving him invisibility and speed boost just made him a terror.
i like how he gives us advice while playing the game and showing it rather than saying it
The best thing about the new helcurt is it allow player to actively learn fog of war.
I knew what he planed. And I was so confused when you saied last hit the lord.🤣
"Why did I do This?" Too much like me LOL
little fact on helcurt second skill, karina can absolutely ignore the damage of it just by using her first skill, i learn it the hard way on rank and thats so ridiculous, I hate seeing characters receive such abusive preferential treatment, and yes i'm still pissed about it.
Helcurt's second skill is considered a basic attack, that's why Karina can ignore it.
Why preferential? If it's stated that karina's second skill ignores any basic attack and helcurt counts as basic attack so it just makes sense 🤷
@@itisme1427 Yeah my bad, i'm not a player of helcurt and didn't know that while playing in rank and got a really bad team + karina, i just got really frustrated and wrote this
@@itisme1427 But i mantain what i said, i'm a n old player and i have seen her glow up, tank build, mm build, mage, physical, true damage revamp, rework and now i know she is immune to helcurt 2nd skill... her, i think they cherish her a little bit to much in my opinion but that's just my opinion, i can be wrong.
@@J.H_. Me when a Hero that can counter a Hero, counters the Hero
I think Helcurt loses against Natalia Harder than against Karina
He's pretty much like got balanced instead of nerf, you just have to pay attention to your passive when using him
Lesly's ult indeed cancel Helcurt ult and reavels the map and her surroundings for Lesly.
1st skill prowler state makes him OP with that insane cd reduction and self heal and longer dash , with old natalia(exclamation mark) like bush check. I play him like the old nata hide bush spam 1st skill hide bush spam 1st skill. So OP, and with damage nerf of 2nd skill in exchange of auto stack 2nd skill still OP tho.
helcurt is pretty good rn but his strongest state is outside jungle where you can abuse the hell out of his terrify from s1, in jungle he's still outshined by other meta junglers
POV the hint at the beginning at the match "skills cant damage turrets" is so wrong because of minsitthars second
Everytime such exciting content betosky just released, Im grabbing a food.
This is why as a roamer, I go from bush to bush to sniff out ops during turtle or lord missions lol
I tried playing him once since he's not banned (somehow) and i got so much kills. I don't even play helcurt like i only have 6 matches with him
Helcurt is so ez to counter and not ban worthy
@@aadenng911counter heroes?
He's extremely easy to counter, Helcurt depends on catching lone targets since he's got a narrow attack range, so as long as you stick with someone else he can't do much since they can just stop him with any cc skill now that his silencing effect is gone, also if you manage to not get one shotted it's pretty easy to counterattack
His silence passive was so op they nerfed him if anything
yes yes yes, also predicted your ending move instead of lord good games love it
Moonton really wanted to return the assassin jungler, thats also the reason why they reduce the capability of most defensive items... they're tired seeing tank jungler for the longest time😅.
I remember a patch note that started this meta with a note saying something like "we want tanks to be able to jungle". Hope he gets fired from moonton cause that mindset is ridiculous.
Realmente la voz de Beto embaraza a mis oídos, no puedo recordar cuantos videos me he visto en tan solo un día
2 games again in 1 video 😍😍😍 ~~happiness~~
From what I understand his 2nd skill is basically like basic attacks now that's why it works well with DHS, and I think it is also why it is "lacking" in damage unlike before. They definitely made Helcurt better in my opinion, thanks to his passive you won't need to go back to base as often and it basically tells you that someone is close to you when you are taking objectives "alone" as your passive will proc giving you attack speed and movement speed, the fast cd on his 1st skill allows it to be used in the early stages to aid in fast clearing his jungle + from what I have experimented on roam Helcurt is viable, he is sorta a better natalia in my opinion if you pair him with petrify and the support talent which gives 15% CD to battle spells.
This helcurt is looking sick and im glad you listened to comments abt thw thumbnail 😭 🙏 hoping this lasts sir
He just became the slark of mobile legends. Basically the same passive and ultimate from dota
I became a helcurt main in that update. 158 matches going strong with 87 winrete
Playing a very scary assassin but then he met the most scary teammate in ml.
True, his second skill damage is lower than before
I would assume they would reduce his 2nd skill damage i mean its pretty op now that you dont need to just hit to stack and with how fast it stack
10:24 justice for roamer, roamer are people too
We need level too
imagine he still have his terrified passive it's gonna be crazy
Comment Trivia, Skills and Guide of Hero in Video (for Beto mostly :/, it appears most of us here knows some stuff already)
There was a secret nerf on his S2 to mitigate all of his revamp changes, it now takes longer for the animation to complete and it also deals lesser dmg (according to sum, idk much bout it since I usually use him as CC Roam).
Helcurt can enter 3 phases.
1st state activates when he cannot be seen on the enemy map or vision. During this state he gains Movement Speed, Regen, Stingers every few seconds, Terrify on S1 and faster CD on S1.
2nd state activates when he's spotted by enemies, he gains higher Movement Speed and Attack Speed while retaining the Terrify S1 (and maybe others idk)
3rd state is his "normal" phase. Game named it that even tho 1st is now his normal.
Teleports to a location dealing AoE dmg and slow.
Enhanced: Terrify enemies hit.
Launches a stinger. More stingers can be stacked with basic attacks, upto 4 EXTRA stingers, total to *5* stingers.
Enhanced: Passively gains a stinger every few seconds.
Reduces vision for all enemies while gaining Vision and Movement Speed. No longer increase allies vision too.
1. When you randomly exit your 1st state with no enemies in sight, it indicates enemies are in the bushes. Do be careful of Wards from skills as they can severely destroy his passive.
2. If you can't kill in One Shot, retreat to recover stingers and HP, then come back again.
3. Spells: Retribution, Execute or Petrify
4. Builds: DHS w/PEN Burst build or DHS w/HP regen boosters, this is troll build.
5. Since he already has all the benefits of Ult already on his passive, use Ult like a pseudo global support when you're far away from a gank by your teammates. It can still be used as your offense/defense.
6. Because of his slower S2 animation, slightly pre aim your S2 to hit better. Terrified enemies usually move alot depending on their movement speed so try to predict them.
(basically, trying to hit a Terrified Ulted Zilong is a waste of time. Source: I'm the Zilong)
Bro you have perfect knowledge about the game and you always got skillful team 👋🏼😗❣️
I cant use helcurt anymore after the revamp. Everyone is actually so afraid of him now, but he is way less deadly. I feel like they changed something with how his skill 2 works and now needs crit? Not sure. Havent really tried other builds yet after the revamp
Excellent Thumbnail
I kinda liked his old passive more bc it counteres alot of set tanks and close range cc
To sum it up, Revamped Helcurt is actually similar to Natalia, what makes him different than Natalia is his Jungling speed, that's why he's still prefered as a jungler. Although Roam or Midlane Helcurt is possible.
You know that helcurt can easily checking the bust without going in it
Thnx beto. Really hope you will use helcurt more often
The funny thing is old hellcurt before revamp couldn't be bullied by tank jgs
For old helcurt. His ult can be canceled by Lesley ult. When helcurt ult, lesley use ult near helcurt and will reveal the map again. Not sure about revamped helcurt though.
Hes vey op, he can go in and out of combat while not needing to recall (his regen passive is very op in my opinion)
The new players will have a hint of how powerful helcurt actually used to be
Helcurt passive can check enemy on bush, just see if your passive proc to fast movements when the smoke goes on that means some enemy see you, and most of time they hide inside bush.
Helcurt's ult completely negates the enemy's vision both in the map and in the game.
If enemy Aldous uses ult and targets a teammate, Helcurt's ult can obscure Aldous' map but Aldous will still move towards the selected teammate.
This goes the same to Lesley, YYS etc.
This goes the same to any non ultimate skills that can reveal allies such as Gusion's 1st skill, Haya's 2nd skill, Kagura's umbrella and many more.
@Betosky no it's not Beto, just build trio penetration at cost of atk spd except the corrosion scythe + rgm for lifeline. DMG is still big, more better than before revamp
I miss the npcs complaining about the ai thumbnails, they were my secondary source of entertainment lol
I agree that helcarrt is meta now , but i also agree with you that second skill damage is little bit less than before
Long awaited title for helcurt..'Scariest Assasin' has Finally Recognized!
I'm a Ruby main and usually when we're taking the turtle I'm always trying to give vision at the enemy side and try to save my CC for their jgler. So we get the turtle 90% of the time, the rest is when they kill me or when i get cc-ed and can't cc their jgler in time :)
Thumbnail is back to the OG ones let’s gooo 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
He's definitely more sustainable, and ganks more often.
He also have his ult at his passive which supports the idea of ganking more often, which will result in a snowball game.
His second skill definitely is not as scary, but its just fair since he got a massive buff in his passive. His ult is basically to chase and run, he already can gank without his ult.
His first skill is good since he can use it more often with the prowler state. The terrify effect sometime can mess up your gank, since the enemy is constantantly moving so your second skill have a chance to not hit.
Is he ban worthy? Yes and it depends, if you wanted to play a squishy hero, ban him or use a hero with a lot of cc, like valir and vexana. If your planning to use tanks or tank jungler i think its just find to ban another hero.
18:43 you could have saved cyclops there 😭😭😭
Mittens gonna eat you someday!
New Helcurt is really fun to play. If you're good as Natalia roamer, you'll love roam Helcurt
I want the old helcurt where hes silencing enemies 😢
Funny how he describes mistake as tragedy😂😂😂😂😂
You know it's bad if beto also acknowledges the hero's weakness.
gave u the like for the ling throw in the end😂🤣
His damage is actually lower than most assassins. Unlike most assassins where you can 100 to 0 enemy HP instantly, helcurt has to first lower the target's HP just enough to finish them off with his second skill
i can also 100% confirm that helcurt 2 does less damage than before.
Yep, lesley's ult reveals everyone's position during helcurt ult.
It's true ! Helcurt's 2nd skill feels got a bit nerf of damage.
I was hoping to add a feature that would allow him to be not affected by CC, or if enemy uses a stun against you, he will be affected by the stun, especially the first 4 seconds after revealing yourself. I also hope that the ult will be made to remove the slowing effects, which makes the person run away after killing in team fight. also make the ult disappears more in the event of an attack, so that it does not appear as a sign to enemys
Helcurt main spotted.
11:09, Yep, He can also use Endless battle passive for 2nd skill already prove enough you can change Malefic roar for It.
He's generally better in my opinion.
2nd skill indeed deals less damage than before. I think it is to balance the face that Helcurt has become easier to use.
I mean he has free extra movement speed and regen without buying any item
He has a free bush checking now (spotted state triggers movement speed increase when seen by enemies)
His stingers regen now without attacking
His blink is now terrify effect, removing chance of enemies to dodgewithout relying on stuns
*Helcurt always make my balls shake in fear every time he uses his ult as a mm main 😭*
I was waiting for this video ❤
Typically as the roamer, I would go with the mage first, especially if I'm using heroes with CC and a bit of AOE damage. Then gank mm with mage as soon as possible.
Being the jungler isn't about ganking and getting kills. It is about execution when the enemy makes mistakes. Some players are kill-hungry. A good example is when Franco suppresses a tank, they waste their skills on a thick man and have no skills once the enemy backline (MM and Mage) comes to initiate, and the sideline (Assassin) comes from behind or the side to cut off the marksman.
In some games like HOK, League when you look at the pro games it looks like the players are trash, jungle not getting kills, and others just basically only poking. It is because it is not best to be too proactive in the early game, try to not use skills to clear the wave because if you use them, it gives the opportunity for your opponent to poke you and you will have no skills to counter-act even if the enemy comes close to you, and when your health and mana are low enough they can execute a solo kill.
These small details are crucial and could cost you a lot. A prime example of paying attention to detail is when the roamer didn't expose vision (Didn't show up on the mini-map), the MM should not try to engage (1v1) the enemy MM even if you are stronger in the early game. You wouldn't know if the roamer is hiding in a bush. Gank who ever is easy to gank, don't always gank MM, a fed EXP laner is tanky and does damage, a fed MM does insane damage but is squishy, a fed Jungler is either super tanky or has super high damage. So pick your targets wisely, take which buff helps you most, don't give the enemy a chance to steal the buff you need more by invading your jungle.
Another is that during the 1:20 - 2:00 (This is not meant to be a timestamp) period, it is the most common time for an enemy gank. Do not be in a bad position (Being in a bad position makes it easy for the enemy Jungle to gank you just like how Lesley was staying in range of Helcurt's first skill shown in the first game, stay beside the turret and only ask help from the roamer and try to clear the lane if the enemy MM freezes the wave (Freezing the wave is making the minions attack each other, attacking you and blocking you from getting the exp and gold from the minions because you are too far away, this happens when you have lower health, or that the enemy MM is stronger in the early game).
Also, pay very close attention to the mini-map, you don't have to have a fast hand or whatever to be good at MOBA games. It is about strategy. In the first game, Beto had no vision, he let his guard down because Minotaur and Yin were dead and also because in the mini-map you can clearly see Moskov passed by the bush where Vale was, but Vale was dead. He came after Moskov checked the bush. He himself said it was a good example.
This is why you need to pay attention to other parts that contribute to your Skill, don't just practice your Fanny double-cable, or Gusion fast combo in practice mode. You have to have high awareness of everything, timing, and execution of your plan. What separates a Noob and an Average player are Combos and Communication. What separates an Average player from a Good player is Awareness and Precision. What separates a Good player from a Professional player is that they have coaches and they its their job, they play 8 hours a day. I hope you learned something, this is what helped me to get to Mythical immortal.
Helcurt looks like nightcrawler from xmen lol
In the second game as an mm player i was a bit hurt when you completely forget about the gold lane but instead just kept ganking exp instead. Throughout the game the enemy core kept ganking gold and you kept ganking alice even though minsi does pretty well all by himself.
Why does Beto voice sound like AI?
Beto you need to try him again and this time maximize the bush because his first skill cds faster when the enemy doesn’t see hc in their mini map… that’s how you can utilize his spam terrify effect
Yeah Helcurt is very fun to play and scary, I surprisingly haven't played against a single Helcurt yet.
Question how long has it been since you played Yu Zhong?
Helcurt and granger are suprisingly overpowered,they can snowball easily and dominate the the whole game well into the late 💀💀
Lesly's ult can reveal enemies if it is inside her range
I was a helcurt main and yup I can DEFINITELY CONFIRM his 2nd skill deals less damage
Yeah his 2nd skill does do less damage after the revamp
I played a Helcurt match yesterday and got a kda of 28-1-4, it was a mythic ranked match as well. I couldn't even believe myself that was a real ranked match.
Playing new helcurt is like keeping the phone in dark mode😅
It's confirmed that by slightly reducing the damage of 2 skill
Helcurt got a huge revamp making him more scary then he already was
I just heard this from an advance server guy
I haven't confirmed it myself
8:29 yes helcurt dmg actually deals lesser dmg now before revamp he literally one shots marksmens early to late but after revamp he canr one shot anymore maybe they nerfed his dmg to balance him
He is better now imo. But like you said beto. Patience is key in dominating as helcurt. 😉
Bro intentionally missing the 2nd skill to teach us to never auto aim🗿🗿
I like this helcurt become a roamer than jungler, the dmg is crazier with dire hit and its really my type because i usually pick an intense jungler gameplay from beginning like martis or fanny.