Traditional African Religion and Culture - PM Express on Joy News (4-12-14)

  • Опубліковано 3 гру 2014
  • Traditional African Religion and Culture. Video upload by: Barima Osei Asare (


  • @awilson193
    @awilson193 8 років тому +42

    Salute to the great wise man from Ghana !

  • @tapiwamusiiwa1425
    @tapiwamusiiwa1425 7 років тому +46

    Please Please can u please bring this elder Baba back to teach us more...there are only a few wisdom keepers still around ...every black or African person needs to hear this elder speak ...Thank u so much.

    • @michelej9496
      @michelej9496 Рік тому

      I said the same exact thing he said and "blacks" and "africans" called me a fool.

  • @joshuaredic9642
    @joshuaredic9642 8 років тому +52

    Ase. Many of your brothers here in the US are interested in the psychological benefits of African traditional spiritual systems. We too understand Christianity and Islam as being foreign pathological weapons

    • @Ms.Mimi.Speaks
      @Ms.Mimi.Speaks 5 років тому +7

      Ashé my Brother😀!!! We women also need this knowledge since we should be teaching it to our children!
      So, It is so nice to see our people learning our true religion and way of life!

    • @jamyciaclick9339
      @jamyciaclick9339 5 років тому +1

      Ms Mimi i am definitely interested in learning!

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      @@Ms.Mimi.Speaks Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @mrsmoooth7075
    @mrsmoooth7075 9 років тому +104

    This is the type of things must be on tv

    • @chosentoserveS.I.G.H
      @chosentoserveS.I.G.H 6 років тому +3

      Mr Smoooth You wish. I wonder what TV? They wouldn't air such a program.

    • @thulanimyeza9045
      @thulanimyeza9045 4 роки тому

      yes brother

    • @domju4970
      @domju4970 3 роки тому

      In this satanic world? I think only in dreams

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      Christianity is a PAGAN RELIGION that borrowed a lot of its ideas from the HEBREW TORAH but went into PAGANISM called in Revelation 2:6-15 the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN SACRIFICE-this whole PRESUMPTION that the MURDER/CRUCIFIXION is "an ordained sacrifice for the PEOPLE & THE NATION"(John 11:47-54)-when th eparables of YEHOSHUAH Himself tell the whole world that IT WAS A MURDER pure and simple, ochestrated by THREE MAIN POWERD who HATE the RIGHTEOUS & WAR against the GOVT of HEAVEN ON EARTH(Daniel 8:23-26); MURDERERS were(Matthew 23:31,33, 35)
      1) THE JEWS who accused Him of BLASPHEMY-Luke 22:65-70,
      2) By HEROD-who with his great grandfather had tried to MURDER this WOULD-BE-HEIR to the THRONE of JUDAH on which HERODS usurped-Matthew 2 and
      3) BY ROME who as PONTIUS PILATE NOTED, accused YEHOSHUAH of TREASON-because He was EHTNRONED as KING OF JUDAH-being the "sone of David"(which He Himself REFUTED-Luke 20:41-44) -in THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY to JERUSALEM. So the APOSTATE RULERS of the JEWS-defended themselves as not being complicit in this PEASANT ENTHRONEMENT, by claiming WE HAVE NO KING but CAESAR-to STOP Rome from taking the little POSITION & POWER(John 11:48) they still held. These THREE POWERS are the SAME thorughout PROPHETIC HISTORY that PERSECUTED the HOLY people and BLASPHEMED the TRUTH-Revelation 17:18-ff called
      1)THE DRAGON(Rome=ROMAN CATHOLICISM in terms of religion);
      2) THE LEOPARD-LIKE BEAST-Revelation 13:1-5ff; Revelation 17-the BEAST THAT WAS and IS and is YET TO COME=CHARISMATIC CATHOLICISM; Rev 19:18-19;
      3) THE FALSE PROPHETS-2 Pet 2:1=Rev 13: IMAGE of the leopardlike beast....In Daniel 2:33 these powers are deonted as IRON(Rome=modern France); MIRY CLAY(modern Dukedom-Edomite/Herodians/Dutch-Jewry); 3) and EPHRAIM(Mizrahi Jewry-Coptic-Monophysite ARAIN & Messianic Jewry), DAN(Denmark)-SECULAR Jewry; BENJAMIN("lion of Judah"-PROTESTANT Jewry)---
      According to JOHN in REVELATION, and DANIEL the prophet, these are the POWERS that RULE THE WORLD; ROCKEFELLOW being the ROME-FRANCE and ROTHSCHILD being JEWRY....and it is the way it is according to prophecy.
      These powers MANUFACTURED an APOSTATE RELIGION and AUTHENTICATED it with TRINIT-ARYAN 2 or 3 God(s)-THEOLOGY since they NEEDED "a father" who would GIVE his "son" as a SACRIFICE arrangement of DEITIES--which is PURELY PAGAN-as can be seen in EZEKIEL 8"14--16 where WOMEN(just like Mary, Magdalene, Saome-WEEP for THEIR mudered SON)-WEEP for TAMMUZ!--so MUCH PAGANISM of the SUN worshippers who FACE EAST on SUN day and WORSHIP the SUN(bright and morning star=Lucifer-Ezekiel 28:12ff=Isaiah 14:13-14!)!-ALL DOCTRINES OF DEVILS cooked in the PHILOSOPHICAL traditions of the GREEKS in Nicea, Chalcedon, Cappadocea-where each could ARGUE for their own BRAND of "religion" that they would use to COLONISE & CONTROL HUMANITY and its RESOURCES through their PAGAN RELIGIONS and DOCTRINES of HUMAN SACRIFICE(Jeremiah 7:31 including KINGS SOLOMON-1 Kings 11=Leviticus 18:21-children passing thru the FIRE for MOLECK(Melek=KING=LUCIFER) & KING AHAZ of JUDAH!) which the JEWS themselves from ABRAHAM-ISAAC story(MICAH 6:6 from 5-8-called the DOCTRINE OF BALAAM casting a STUMBLING BLOCK int he APOSTOLIC TRUE RELIGION-with this PAGAN NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN, CHILD, SELF-SACRIFICE system just like their PAGAN COUNTER PARTS the INCA, AZTEC, MAYA, SUMERIANS, EGYPTIANS, GREEKS, ROMANS-including SELF SACRIFICING SELF as a NUN, MONK, or SOLDIER to be BULLET FODDER who choose the FINEST YOUNG MEN/and now WOMEN of CHILD BEARING AGE to SACRIFICE their FERTILITY to the demons of WAR!-as those-(Gentiles & Canaanites/CAINaanites!-Gen 10:) who SACRIFICE humans sacrifice TO DEVILS-Leviticus 17:7=Deutoronomy 32:17=Psalms 106" 37=2 Chronicles 28:3=1 Corinthians 10:20) had imbibed for many centruies SINCE EGYPT=Psalms ) THEY FOUND NO SUCH PRACTICES in AFRICA, but the COASTAL REGIONS of AFRICA have been since CONTAMINATED with these DOCTRINES OF DEVILS through CHRISTIANITY(Abraham-Isaac rationalization despite Abraham being STOPPED &^ never poffering his son as A SACRIFICE! but was given AN ANIMAL as the APPROPRIATE sacrifice, NOT A HUMAN nor like CAIN brought VENGETABLES!) & LATER ISLAM(EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isahmael) both of whom practice these THEOLOGY of HUMAN SACRIFICE to "atone for THE PEOPLE & THE NATION-John 11:50"
      ANYWAY CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM as we KNOW THEM today are AS PAGAN as VODOO, CANDOMBLE, SANTARIA, SANGOMA, NGOM-NGOMI in EA!-VENERATION & CELEBRATION of the DEAD! BANTU peoples of both the NILE(so-called NILE-LOTS and even of CUSHITIC Inter-mariages) NEVER BELIEVED in the HUMAN SACRIFICE doctrines-anyone DYING for ANYONE!lol!!, war was to PROTECT each person HIS WIFE & CHILDREN not to SACRIFICE for anyone else!!,

  • @MeekaFayetima
    @MeekaFayetima 8 років тому +77

    loveeeee it! I just want so soak up all the information all our elders have

    • @TheAkunne1
      @TheAkunne1 7 років тому +9

      love your hair

    • @TrancEndingMedia
      @TrancEndingMedia 7 років тому +3

      FoxyFunkyBrown as we all should be!! 👍🙏

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      @@TheAkunne1Much credit and respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @armelbilumbo2415
    @armelbilumbo2415 4 роки тому +13

    Preach our dear old brother with real facts!!! This is a real therapy

  • @briank624
    @briank624 6 років тому +51

    Africans must realize...We can not become more European than the European...Their aspirations and dreams are embedded within their culture...a program expressed as a lifestyle. We can not become more "them" than them...We must relearn to be "African." We have come to believe that accepting their culture and lifestyle will grant us those dreams. We had aspirated to be them. It's a process learning to become ourselves...rediscovering our ideologies...glorifying our stories

    • @broq9194
      @broq9194 5 років тому +1

      Well said Mr. Brian K

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому +3

      @@broq9194 Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @broq9194
      @broq9194 2 роки тому +2

      @@siriusamunra Much respect as well. I applaud and appreciate your very diligent efforts and your attention to scholarship. At this very moment I am currently in the process of creating a video entitled "20 Reasons Why West Africa is Greater Than Egypt." This not an attempt to downgrade Kemet at all, much to the contrary, Kemet is well deserving of all of the praise that it gets. However, when you simply look at the material wealth, political and military power, level of urbanization, quality of housing, quality of health, living standards, economic trade structures, spiritual science, levels of education, ecological importance, level of civility, military success against European and Arabic invading armies, and acknowledge the hereditary relationship with Black America - WEST AFRICAN KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES ARE GREATER IN VIRTUALLY EVERY ASPECT AND DESERVING OF FAR MORE ATTENTION THAN WE TEND TO GIVE KEMET, especially as Black Americans.
      I've seen scholarship attempting to connect the Yoruba with Egypt, the Senegalese with Egypt, the Akan with Egypt, etc., and many of these connections may be valid, but are these the only connections? Aren't West Africans also culturally/genetically connected with some East Africans, South Africans, Central Africans? I'm sure they are, but I do not see many attempts by Black people to make those connections. Why? - Because we don't have much respect for Africa outside of Kemet. Why? - Because white people taught us to ignore/disrespect/disregard everything in (Sub Saharan) Africa and only show respect/admiration/appreciation for Egypt. Because of this, many of us "wrongly" assume that Kemet was the greatest wealthiest and most powerful civilization in Africa, WHICH IS COMPLETELY FALSE, AN ASSUMPTION BASED ON MISINFORNATION. Grain by grain, bit by bit, the Empire of Mali stacks up to be the greatest civilization in African history. In fact, I can make a very strong argument stating that the Empire of Mali was the greatest empire that ever existed, and that it's greatest emperor - Mansa Musa I, was the greatest emperor in human history, a long with being the richest man in human history. I'm still collecting data for this thesis but the facts are really stacking in its favor. So, good brotha, my point to you (and all of us) is that "in reality" there is little or nothing that I need form Kemet, and not much more that I care to know. I already have exactly 13 books about Egypt/Kemet on my shelf right now, and our Kemetic African brothers are very fine people, but so are our brothers from Botswana, Kenya, and Ethiopia, etc. According to my research, and in my personal opinion, our West African fatherland history (Mali, Ghana, Ashanti, Yoruba, Benin, Dahomey, Hausa, etc) outshines them all - If you simply measure the qualities of civilization. We currently are "obsessed" with Kemetic culture and history and I'm very confident that we'll begin our REAL and TRUE progress when we learn to be "obsessed" with our own fatherland history and heritage. I do not care (much) about the Akan connection to Egypt. In my opinion, the Akan/Ashanti culture is the #1 most important culture for Black Americans to study. Have you seen the architecture, the city planning? Have you heard about the Ashanti/Akan defeated Britain in open war for 100 years, the Ashanti fought between 11 - 15 wars against Britain and won every war except the last [Britain lies about this in their "official record" btw," they claim to have only fought 4 different wars with the Ashanti and claim two of them to be "undecided." I got the real information from Ghanaian people themselves when I visited Ghana in 1998. This is the kind of info that we need to be getting, but we prefer to talk about Egypt all day!!!] And were you also aware that Egypt was conquered by nearly everybody in the Middle East and Southern Europe - Hyksos, Hittites, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, Arabs (I can't even remember them all) but they all conquered Egypt. In fact, the constant conquering of Egypt is what led to Arabic and European people getting their hands on African science and technology. I love Kemet and I personally have read dozens of books on Kemet (been researching for 30 years in all,) but the many conquests of Egypt is the reason why Greece and other Arabic powers were able to progress so rapidly, technology which soon spread to Rome and the rest of Europe - Leading to the eventual slavery, conquest, and colonization of the entire continent of Africa. The same Arabs that conquered Egypt, North Africa, and Spain, went down to militarily invade the Empire of Ghana (attempting to get their hands on the fabulous West African gold trade) and were decisively defeated by the Empire of Ghana military!!! What about that??? "Where are the endless books and videos about that? Where is the obsession with the incredible wealth, strength, and power of West African civilizations? - A far greater wealthier and more powerful land of empires than the Nile Valley ever had. Truth!!! [Sorry, I can go on and on about this, and I didn't even mention the gold fields of West Africa.] Anyway, good talking to you brotha, and I will check out your video, although it is a little on the long side hahahahaha, and I will send you a link to my UA-cam videos as soon as I get them up. Peace

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      @@broq9194 If you watch my 15 hour educational series you'll see that it's not just about ancient Kamit at all. Rather, it's about the origin of Afrakan civilization in general and its expansion throughout the entire ancient world which began in ancient Khanit (Kush/Nubia) Kanana (Canaan), Kiangi/Kiengi (Sumer), and west of Kamit (Mente/Mende//Ma/Mali). I teach subsaharan Afrakan history in general but Nile valley civilization began over 40,000 years ago according to the Turin papyrus which is corroborated by archeological and genetic data. Good luck on your endeavors with the ancient Mali Empire.

    • @spiritualwarriorhealer6154
      @spiritualwarriorhealer6154 2 роки тому

      @@broq9194 Etesen! Madamfo ye fre me Yao' spiritual warrior. I agree with your comment. The problem with these types are they have not become fully conscious and re-Afrikanize many people kemetians follow Egyptian culture. I say, we must start tomorrow to live as full Afrikans un apologetically. That means getting rid our ball caps thats more powerful than a 30 year research. Even after all of the researchers i listened too not one of these so called geniuses have on "Traditional" Afrikan wear? To address our elders who has lived many lifetimes, years before we were born. no matter how hard it seems to step over their wisdom it is not in the correct order. Some of these Griots have 1000 years of oral information so you see,
      'we cannot be reborn and become our father Father.'
      This comment was not directed toward you but us all.. Madawasse!! Alaye!

  • @ncbrothad
    @ncbrothad 4 роки тому +54

    I have been waiting for many years to hear a MAIN LAND AFRICAN to speak like this....My ancestors heard me...

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @ShamikaCrouch
      @ShamikaCrouch 2 роки тому

      I can appreciate this. I have not been able to get one African to discuss their spirituality, prior to Chritianity. Since they are Christian they wont dare discuss their spiritual history. Smh...

  • @fanvalryinc6527
    @fanvalryinc6527 5 років тому +41

    The wisdom gushing out of this man is life giving

  • @LaLa-wq6ux
    @LaLa-wq6ux 6 років тому +78

    Every black person needs to see this video. To open their eyes and get away from lies that's been told to us for years.

    • @smoothsam7
      @smoothsam7 6 років тому +2

      I totally agree

    • @essirenhier7489
      @essirenhier7489 4 роки тому +2

      Yea the true Cicizens of ke me (Ancient Egyptians) Nd the true Semite were Eweao not those Arabs Jews occupying Middle East today.

    • @africaine4889
      @africaine4889 4 роки тому +1


    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому +2

      @@smoothsam7 Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому +1

      @La La Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average person still won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @l.iuusiku8009
    @l.iuusiku8009 2 роки тому +5

    Listening from Namibia, very intellectual . it's always a privilege to learn from our elders

    • @michelej9496
      @michelej9496 Рік тому

      For the wise the unwise despise knowledge.

  • @kalemavacs6221
    @kalemavacs6221 5 років тому +17

    I'm a Muganda from Uganda but I believe strongly that culture is religion and ever shall be , no need of foreign religions

    • @jdowns7523
      @jdowns7523 2 роки тому +1

      Kaleh Sebo ,,,! An Tell King Ronnie & Princess Christine Olee O Teaahh ,,, for me ,,,! Can't Wait to go back 😀 too Uganda ,,, an Witness all The New Changes ,,, People ,,, & Abundances of Various Foods an Gold over there ,,,! An May DJ ALEX RELAXX IN POWER ,,,

  • @happyworldus5399
    @happyworldus5399 5 років тому +9

    from ETHIOPIA. . .Loved it a lot!

  • @ormondashby2840
    @ormondashby2840 4 роки тому +8

    Good information for healing the mind.

    @INTERNATIONALSHINK 4 роки тому +12


  • @aidaeritreawit343
    @aidaeritreawit343 5 років тому +31

    Omg I love how the interviewer is so respectful and not interrupting .

  • @afro5380
    @afro5380 2 роки тому +3

    What a brilliant guest. Thank you for teaching and reminding us of our roots

  • @weezie808
    @weezie808 3 роки тому +10

    “Too close to the royal blood line “ 👑 praise to the most high. I’m coming back into consciousness.

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @SandraSoll
    @SandraSoll 8 років тому +10

    I love this show thank you for posting

  • @danieluda7498
    @danieluda7498 4 роки тому +10

    A lot of u insulting the host actually dont know you are the ones ignorant. He is employing a technique in which he will allow his guest to give his audience more information by feigning ignorance. Do u think he will invite this guest without knowing or having an insight of what he is saying. Pls guys the host has helped viewers a whole lot, after all a lot of u here know not what the guest is saying. So just listen.

  • @rize-ziggaradio694
    @rize-ziggaradio694 4 роки тому +19

    Thanks to my black ancestors for providing and revealing these important African facts of life . My heart and mind were always searching for truth like these to know who I really is as a black man cause we are always being misled by white supremacist. I'm a Jamaican🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲 and I wish every black person to know this truth who they really are

    • @arvilcampbell1249
      @arvilcampbell1249 4 роки тому

      Magoo another Jamaica from mobay in canada.hail to my brother and sister listening to these words of wisdom.

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average person won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      @@arvilcampbell1249 Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average person won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @donaldbush3263
    @donaldbush3263 4 роки тому +6

    Love this we need more old men like osufu ahaji

  • @solomonwords6284
    @solomonwords6284 2 роки тому +2

    Damn!!! Damn!!! This is truth!!! My soul feels it it…it has entered me.

  • @kaidenkai7744
    @kaidenkai7744 5 років тому +31

    Keyword in there, King Leopold's letter to the missionaries to Congo, go look it up and you'd know the mentality behind the introduction of Christianity to our people.

    • @samuelblay9616
      @samuelblay9616 3 роки тому

      The Jesus Christ Is the same Horus and Ra,,The Spirit that Is behind the Sun,,,,, thesame Horus controlla Joshua son of Nun and Also Yehoshua son of Jehozadak,

    • @samuelblay9616
      @samuelblay9616 3 роки тому

      Yeah Chief Priest,It was Shirine,but they themselves are misleading themselves,The Catholic Bishops hav Shirine in their Churches, Afrikaana wokeup Africanism,,

  • @africandefender2967
    @africandefender2967 6 років тому +44

    So when those Europeans who came to Africa saw that beautiful land, people, and culture and named it after themselves,,,,, to have part in history,,,,this session of teaching is fluent like a cool glass of water on a hot it!

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @obeahman6286
      @obeahman6286 2 роки тому +1

      This is my second trip to this vid. I plan lots more when I need to strengthen my resolve.
      My "take away", Religion is an aspect of culture.

    • @minniegarmon3975
      @minniegarmon3975 2 роки тому


    • @ben5mop.iamarteifio412
      @ben5mop.iamarteifio412 2 роки тому

      Exceptionally stupid Sir including you
      The man even though he is well informed his biasm- and hatred for the white race and other races- has clouded his mind.
      All said and done I think he has raised some Valid points for us to ponder upon

    • @ben5mop.iamarteifio412
      @ben5mop.iamarteifio412 2 роки тому

      I am in disagreement with the man view on Homosexuality-- he can't tell me we don't have Homosexuals in our society. Even deviant sexual Behavior exist in every society. The more this man talks I am inclined to ask him where did he acquire all the knowledge he is expounding. I believe he was schooled. Schooling plus our inherent native (traditional) way of acquiring knowledge is what have given him the authority to question some practices.

  • @claudiaemefadjossa8055
    @claudiaemefadjossa8055 2 роки тому +8

    This man has said what I have formed as a philosophy in my little life.

  • @donaldbush3263
    @donaldbush3263 4 роки тому +13

    I like that old dude he is talking about knowledge 100 percent

  • @laurawashington5982
    @laurawashington5982 8 років тому +9

    I loved this interview.

  • @harambeegardens8705
    @harambeegardens8705 6 років тому +6

    THANK YOUUUU ELDER! Please----more! More! More! Let us return, COMPLETELY, to our ancient culture, which is what made Africa so glorious & great. Africa is rising again, because we are embracing our ancient ways.

  • @faithist1
    @faithist1 4 роки тому +5

    This was a great conversation

  • @HamanHaman-nn7ug
    @HamanHaman-nn7ug 4 роки тому +3

    Wawww big respect uncle thank you so very much I hope you can have classes and teach young generations to know who the are and to understand our culture

  • @keshiathomas1484
    @keshiathomas1484 2 роки тому +3

    I want more of this man wisdom and knowledge

  • @jomo7002
    @jomo7002 6 років тому +76

    One of the best interviews I’ve seen. I love the facts it’s an African elder from Africa as opposed to just hearing this knowledge from African Americans... great vid

    • @DrAyaba
      @DrAyaba 4 роки тому +4

      I was created in my Mother's womb here in America and I am overwhelmed and rejoice in the unbelievable almost unfathomable possibility that the ancestors have come here to bring us back to our memory of our ancient selves. Our ancestpors brought from the Mother/Fatherland here and those who were already here were an experiment that showed the so called whites the methodology to effectively divide conquer and alter our chemistry. The knowledge gained has been taken to present day Africa and all its countries to once again conquer our people and the land they live upon. Now women in Africa wear fake hair, other people's hair and synthetic hair and skin lightener chemicals to lighten their skin. Our African brothers and sisters have converted by seduction to the very way of life that destroyed our ancestors to be what we have become today. All that you criticize about Africans born in America is now in Africa! Wake Up Africa and UNITE! Unite Worldwide. The people who call themselves white are coming for your future!

    • @LM-rg9lj
      @LM-rg9lj 4 роки тому

      hi Introvert...its me Lindos...pls send me ur contacts need to catch up...regards

    • @laela6289
      @laela6289 4 роки тому +1


    • @sunup2sundown
      @sunup2sundown 3 роки тому +1

      Give African Americans there props there masters of research an fighting global injustice

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @alhishambey1092
    @alhishambey1092 3 роки тому +4

    Wow this is extremely enlightening! The ancestors led me to this video here in 2021. Its very seldom that i come across continental africans discussing ancient African history and black pride especially when it comes to ancient kemet. as an African American the africans that i usually here in America are very European and Arab minded, they have no interest in discussing anything black present or ancient, just making money trying to assimilate as much as they can in American culture, and if they do associate with with African American culture its usually the negative aspects of it. (hip hop) again this video is extremely enlightening and a breath of fresh air, thank you.

  • @Dask410
    @Dask410 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks Osofo for educating us with this in depth knowledge.

  • @arieszone7830
    @arieszone7830 9 років тому +24

    Is there any where in the U.S. we can practice this religion? do you go about finding the locations? I'm having trouble doing so....10% of the world practices this...we must trying to rebuild this % to help the BLACK family build growth....both Christianity and Islam has and continues to bring destruction to the black family....we need this enlightenment to survive

    • @Ms.Mimi.Speaks
      @Ms.Mimi.Speaks 5 років тому +6

      There is a location in South Carolina where African Americans can learn more. Also, like myself as a Cuban, I was able to learn a lot from them. But, I want to learn from Africa as I know that America only has some of the knowledge and some are wrong😔.

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here @

  • @tirandaz7612
    @tirandaz7612 Місяць тому

    This presentation is, at heart, a great confession of weakness of character and African docility. We deserve what we got. We got what we paid for. We sold what we had, our selves, out of greed for what some pack of dogs offered.

  • @viratkohli-ct4ky
    @viratkohli-ct4ky 3 роки тому +5

    Lots of love to africa. 🙏🙏

  • @gakahuruko2331
    @gakahuruko2331 2 роки тому +2

    Baba is very knowledgeable i learnt alot listening to him

  • @asiriesinatiolorunajejithe214
    @asiriesinatiolorunajejithe214 2 роки тому +3

    Well done sir, we are doing the same in Nigeria now, honestly sir, Africa need to be free

  • @ryanchiang9587
    @ryanchiang9587 6 років тому +5

    really really love this african video, gives a lot of inspiration

  • @africandefender2967
    @africandefender2967 6 років тому +9

    A great African tell the truth let us listen to him....

  • @ubakiriba
    @ubakiriba 6 років тому +13

    One thing I have noticed is that the Traditional African priest tends to believe strongly in what he or she professes or preaches. He will not swear falsely before his shrine or, on his father's grave. For his own security and safety, he will not go against any taboos whether publicly or in private. I am not so sure about the Christian preacher.

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      BUT HE BELIEVES LIES without ever THINKING ABOUT what this is he is BELIEVING! like those who LIE TO HIM are God!! These are HINDU-ARABIC-JEWISH MYSTIC RELIGIONS< pure WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA styled as "African culture/religion" to MAKE THE DEVIL ACCEPTABLE to AFRICANS who KNOW the DEVIL is an EVIL SPIRIT and KNOW the CREATOR will PUNISH them for DOUBLING in DEVIL WORSHIP but pretend they are practising their CULTURAL RELGION when they KNOW VERY WELL it is PURE WITCHCRAFT!!
      EZEKIEL 29: 2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt:
      3 Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.
      4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales.
      5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven.
      Exod 5:3 2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
      -----------------------------KINGS OFF THIS EARTH RULING for SATAN, the ADVERSARY of those who will BE SAVED------------------
      Daniel 8: 2323 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
      24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
      25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
      26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
      27 And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      Christianity is a PAGAN RELIGION that borrowed a lot of its ideas from the HEBREW TORAH but went into PAGANISM called in Revelation 2:6-15 the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN SACRIFICE-this whole PRESUMPTION that the MURDER/CRUCIFIXION is "an ordained sacrifice for the PEOPLE & THE NATION"(John 11:47-54)-when th eparables of YEHOSHUAH Himself tell the whole world that IT WAS A MURDER pure and simple, ochestrated by THREE MAIN POWERD who HATE the RIGHTEOUS & WAR against the GOVT of HEAVEN ON EARTH(Daniel 8:23-26); MURDERERS were(Matthew 23:31,33, 35)
      1) THE JEWS who accused Him of BLASPHEMY-Luke 22:65-70,
      2) By HEROD-who with his great grandfather had tried to MURDER this WOULD-BE-HEIR to the THRONE of JUDAH on which HERODS usurped-Matthew 2 and
      3) BY ROME who as PONTIUS PILATE NOTED, accused YEHOSHUAH of TREASON-because He was EHTNRONED as KING OF JUDAH-being the "sone of David"(which He Himself REFUTED-Luke 20:41-44) -in THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY to JERUSALEM. So the APOSTATE RULERS of the JEWS-defended themselves as not being complicit in this PEASANT ENTHRONEMENT, by claiming WE HAVE NO KING but CAESAR-to STOP Rome from taking the little POSITION & POWER(John 11:48) they still held. These THREE POWERS are the SAME thorughout PROPHETIC HISTORY that PERSECUTED the HOLY people and BLASPHEMED the TRUTH-Revelation 17:18-ff called
      1)THE DRAGON(Rome=ROMAN CATHOLICISM in terms of religion);
      2) THE LEOPARD-LIKE BEAST-Revelation 13:1-5ff; Revelation 17-the BEAST THAT WAS and IS and is YET TO COME=CHARISMATIC CATHOLICISM; Rev 19:18-19;
      3) THE FALSE PROPHETS-2 Pet 2:1=Rev 13: IMAGE of the leopardlike beast....In Daniel 2:33 these powers are deonted as IRON(Rome=modern France); MIRY CLAY(modern Dukedom-Edomite/Herodians/Dutch-Jewry); 3) and EPHRAIM(Mizrahi Jewry-Coptic-Monophysite ARAIN & Messianic Jewry), DAN(Denmark)-SECULAR Jewry; BENJAMIN("lion of Judah"-PROTESTANT Jewry)---
      According to JOHN in REVELATION, and DANIEL the prophet, these are the POWERS that RULE THE WORLD; ROCKEFELLOW being the ROME-FRANCE and ROTHSCHILD being JEWRY....and it is the way it is according to prophecy.
      These powers MANUFACTURED an APOSTATE RELIGION and AUTHENTICATED it with TRINIT-ARYAN 2 or 3 God(s)-THEOLOGY since they NEEDED "a father" who would GIVE his "son" as a SACRIFICE arrangement of DEITIES--which is PURELY PAGAN-as can be seen in EZEKIEL 8"14--16 where WOMEN(just like Mary, Magdalene, Saome-WEEP for THEIR mudered SON)-WEEP for TAMMUZ!--so MUCH PAGANISM of the SUN worshippers who FACE EAST on SUN day and WORSHIP the SUN(bright and morning star=Lucifer-Ezekiel 28:12ff=Isaiah 14:13-14!)!-ALL DOCTRINES OF DEVILS cooked in the PHILOSOPHICAL traditions of the GREEKS in Nicea, Chalcedon, Cappadocea-where each could ARGUE for their own BRAND of "religion" that they would use to COLONISE & CONTROL HUMANITY and its RESOURCES through their PAGAN RELIGIONS and DOCTRINES of HUMAN SACRIFICE(Jeremiah 7:31 including KINGS SOLOMON-1 Kings 11=Leviticus 18:21-children passing thru the FIRE for MOLECK(Melek=KING=LUCIFER) & KING AHAZ of JUDAH!) which the JEWS themselves from ABRAHAM-ISAAC story(MICAH 6:6 from 5-8-called the DOCTRINE OF BALAAM casting a STUMBLING BLOCK int he APOSTOLIC TRUE RELIGION-with this PAGAN NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN, CHILD, SELF-SACRIFICE system just like their PAGAN COUNTER PARTS the INCA, AZTEC, MAYA, SUMERIANS, EGYPTIANS, GREEKS, ROMANS-including SELF SACRIFICING SELF as a NUN, MONK, or SOLDIER to be BULLET FODDER who choose the FINEST YOUNG MEN/and now WOMEN of CHILD BEARING AGE to SACRIFICE their FERTILITY to the demons of WAR!-as those-(Gentiles & Canaanites/CAINaanites!-Gen 10:) who SACRIFICE humans sacrifice TO DEVILS-Leviticus 17:7=Deutoronomy 32:17=Psalms 106" 37=2 Chronicles 28:3=1 Corinthians 10:20) had imbibed for many centruies SINCE EGYPT=Psalms ) THEY FOUND NO SUCH PRACTICES in AFRICA, but the COASTAL REGIONS of AFRICA have been since CONTAMINATED with these DOCTRINES OF DEVILS through CHRISTIANITY(Abraham-Isaac rationalization despite Abraham being STOPPED &^ never poffering his son as A SACRIFICE! but was given AN ANIMAL as the APPROPRIATE sacrifice, NOT A HUMAN nor like CAIN brought VENGETABLES!) & LATER ISLAM(EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isahmael) both of whom practice these THEOLOGY of HUMAN SACRIFICE to "atone for THE PEOPLE & THE NATION-John 11:50"
      ANYWAY CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM as we KNOW THEM today are AS PAGAN as VODOO, CANDOMBLE, SANTARIA, SANGOMA, NGOM-NGOMI in EA!-VENERATION & CELEBRATION of the DEAD! BANTU peoples of both the NILE(so-called NILE-LOTS and even of CUSHITIC Inter-mariages) NEVER BELIEVED in the HUMAN SACRIFICE doctrines-anyone DYING for ANYONE!lol!!, war was to PROTECT each person HIS WIFE & CHILDREN not to SACRIFICE for anyone else!!,

  • @sarkworakumaatetteh4713
    @sarkworakumaatetteh4713 6 років тому +4

    I have learnt just too much. Papa thank you

  • @unitedafrica2917
    @unitedafrica2917 3 роки тому +3

    Oh God...I am blessed to have come across this. I have listened and watched the videos of so many african american teachers...I never knew someone from my own country Ghana, agrees with them100% .....
    I just need all this knowledge to pass it on....
    De Govenor

    • @michelej9496
      @michelej9496 Рік тому

      I recommend this video for homeschool. 👀

  • @razorslice99
    @razorslice99 7 років тому +7

    Great video , thanks for posting , I hope that another video is made in depth about the different branches of African spirituality.

    • @siriusamunra
      @siriusamunra 2 роки тому +1

      Indeed! Much respect to the elder but unfortunately he's still greatly lacking and omitting important information in connecting Ghanians to the ancient Egyptians. As a historian and linguist myself (with over 12 years of research under my belt) you have to make this information contextually make sense otherwise the average Ghanian won't be able to understand and comprehend. This is why I decided to create a 15 hour educational series on my youtube channel titled "Afurakan origins of the Israelite Myth" where I Irrefutably unequivocally and emphatically prove that the Akans as well as other Afrakans were indeed the ancient Kammau (Egyptians). This is the first series on youtube or anywhere else that goes into the depths of who the ancient Egyptians were archeologically genetically culturally spiritually historiographically and cosmologically which is why it took me 15 hours to produce. This series is life changing for any TRUTH SEEKER as it not only proves conclusively who the ancient Egyptians were but also our collective identity as Afrakan people (ancient and contemporary) meanwhile deconstructing the bible by exposing the corruptions of its Afrakan origins. You can watch PART 1 here

  • @patienceboafo1998
    @patienceboafo1998 2 роки тому +1

    Knowledge is power ignorance is bliss. Osofo, I would have loved to have you lecture at my university in London.

  • @dintwemohutsioa6299
    @dintwemohutsioa6299 4 роки тому +9

    the discrimination of women started with foreign cultures and their religions

    • @ezskreet
      @ezskreet 2 роки тому

      I agree with Christianity as far as women go and their nature which is that of chaos, whimsical capricious

  • @RealVersatile
    @RealVersatile 8 років тому +3

    This was a great watch thank you

  • @sanmorgan8255
    @sanmorgan8255 7 років тому +56

    My third time watching this apt,smart, brilliant, clever, wise man.
    Where can I find other of his talks. Where does he teach? Where does he live?

    • @dhginadean
      @dhginadean 7 років тому +17

      I'm watching for the 2nd time!! i've been wondering for a long time whether there were those in afrika who were conscious/awake and that don't abide by the europeanized ideals of culture. I have not come across many south, west or central africans that even talk about Kemet! Refreshing, enlightening and encouraging. Love that hair analogy at 7:08!!!!

    • @adamabeye3540
      @adamabeye3540 7 років тому +5

      it's Africa!!!!!

    • @harambeegardens8705
      @harambeegardens8705 6 років тому +2

      This is so AWESOME. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please continue! Peace Black African Family

    • @thulanimyeza9045
      @thulanimyeza9045 4 роки тому +1

      now is the time people must wake-up

    • @thulanimyeza9045
      @thulanimyeza9045 4 роки тому +2

      African identity must come now

  • @BlackRootsUNLIMITED
    @BlackRootsUNLIMITED 4 роки тому +7

    The "Nile" actually flows from Ennyanja Nnalubaale in Uganda, which explorers renamed Lake Victoria. We called it Kiyiira originally, before it was called the Nile. It's source is at the Equator, Lake Nnalubaale in Uganda (the great lakes region).
    The Pharaonic dynasty actually used to make annual holy pilgrimages to Nnalubaale, what they termed as the source of all Spirituality.

    • @BlackRootsUNLIMITED
      @BlackRootsUNLIMITED 4 роки тому

      @Winnie Ninsiima if you say so. Some say Kagera, some say others. Ultimately, Nnalubaale water body is the source/point at which they call converge.

    • @smileylady485
      @smileylady485 3 роки тому


    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      Because EGYPTIAN PHARAOHS who styled themselves as "gods" to be WORSHIPED felt they controlled the NILE!=
      EZEKIEL 29:2 Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt:
      3 Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.
      4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales.
      5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven.
      Exodus 5:2 And Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD, THAT I SHOULD OBEY HIS VOICE to let Israel go? I KNOW NOT THE LORD, neither will I let Israel go.
      Daniel 2:33ff tells you the POWERS that RULE THE WORLD TODAY for SATAN=IRON(Rome=Egypt=the DRAGON POWER) & MIRY CLAY(Jewry=Jezebel=the LEOPARDLIKE BEAST-of Revelation 13:1-5)...

  • @daveladislacebapina4569
    @daveladislacebapina4569 5 років тому +1

    I love this Topic .... The Very Beginning It all Set Clear

  • @dwolemurrayife
    @dwolemurrayife 9 років тому +6

    Don't worry Host, you are not that bad :-)!! This series is AWESOME....You all should do more -- add b-roll of personalities, events, and locations spoken about PLEAse!! Please go into more details of the traditional ways: show positive representations of it!! And, please address the question: "How can the Ghana people EVER but good if they come from BAD???" Thanks....

  • @smileylady485
    @smileylady485 3 роки тому +4

    This man is so knowledgeable

  • @Thedar24
    @Thedar24 7 років тому +4

    Great interview!!

  • @terrywanjiru8337
    @terrywanjiru8337 Рік тому

    Now these are the things i hunger for my story.aaah more please

  • @ernestocapita8191
    @ernestocapita8191 2 роки тому

    Great talk. the elder is full knowledge. i'm downloading the video to study this further

  • @kitosbrew9580
    @kitosbrew9580 3 роки тому +2

    Looking while listening to this man , it seems I cannot believe my eyes Bam !!!

  • @matthewakorly1278
    @matthewakorly1278 2 роки тому +1

    Love 💘 you in fact I am convinced with your teachings. We are lost we need to go back and pick our ancestors cultures and move forward 🙏 in life as Ghanaians - Africans.... Ghanafouw

  • @trangwuong7689
    @trangwuong7689 5 років тому +1

    Thank you, fascinating information.

  • @dyana3965
    @dyana3965 4 роки тому +1

    Great talk. Thank you.

  • @pauletchian6108
    @pauletchian6108 8 років тому +9

    my 4th time watching this

  • @mrduerson3515
    @mrduerson3515 7 років тому +6

    where can I find more videos on this great man ????

  • @TheEtbetween
    @TheEtbetween 6 років тому +3

    Great conversation, make me think.

  • @valalexander2502
    @valalexander2502 2 роки тому

    This was very painful but I had to hang in and listen very interesting I hope to learn more with love

  • @landmark22
    @landmark22 7 років тому +2

    This is Awesome

  • @apriljuneth3589
    @apriljuneth3589 6 років тому +3

    Epic.The only way to prove the real God loves you is when you are given the chance to know this wisdom.

  • @abibitumiholistics
    @abibitumiholistics 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the content family

  • @diboakale4755
    @diboakale4755 4 роки тому +3

    The Baha’i faith encourages culture and traditional practices that are not harmful. The Baha’i s practice their spirituality within their culture and traditions.

  • @kellymills8779
    @kellymills8779 4 роки тому +3

    AWESOME interview!! ❤️❤️

    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      Christianity is a PAGAN RELIGION that borrowed a lot of its ideas from the HEBREW TORAH but went into PAGANISM called in Revelation 2:6-15 the NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN SACRIFICE-this whole PRESUMPTION that the MURDER/CRUCIFIXION is "an ordained sacrifice for the PEOPLE & THE NATION"(John 11:47-54)-when th eparables of YEHOSHUAH Himself tell the whole world that IT WAS A MURDER pure and simple, ochestrated by THREE MAIN POWERD who HATE the RIGHTEOUS & WAR against the GOVT of HEAVEN ON EARTH(Daniel 8:23-26); MURDERERS were(Matthew 23:31,33, 35)
      1) THE JEWS who accused Him of BLASPHEMY-Luke 22:65-70,
      2) By HEROD-who with his great grandfather had tried to MURDER this WOULD-BE-HEIR to the THRONE of JUDAH on which HERODS usurped-Matthew 2 and
      3) BY ROME who as PONTIUS PILATE NOTED, accused YEHOSHUAH of TREASON-because He was EHTNRONED as KING OF JUDAH-being the "sone of David"(which He Himself REFUTED-Luke 20:41-44) -in THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY to JERUSALEM. So the APOSTATE RULERS of the JEWS-defended themselves as not being complicit in this PEASANT ENTHRONEMENT, by claiming WE HAVE NO KING but CAESAR-to STOP Rome from taking the little POSITION & POWER(John 11:48) they still held. These THREE POWERS are the SAME thorughout PROPHETIC HISTORY that PERSECUTED the HOLY people and BLASPHEMED the TRUTH-Revelation 17:18-ff called
      1)THE DRAGON(Rome=ROMAN CATHOLICISM in terms of religion);
      2) THE LEOPARD-LIKE BEAST-Revelation 13:1-5ff; Revelation 17-the BEAST THAT WAS and IS and is YET TO COME=CHARISMATIC CATHOLICISM; Rev 19:18-19;
      3) THE FALSE PROPHETS-2 Pet 2:1=Rev 13: IMAGE of the leopardlike beast....In Daniel 2:33 these powers are deonted as IRON(Rome=modern France); MIRY CLAY(modern Dukedom-Edomite/Herodians/Dutch-Jewry); 3) and EPHRAIM(Mizrahi Jewry-Coptic-Monophysite ARAIN & Messianic Jewry), DAN(Denmark)-SECULAR Jewry; BENJAMIN("lion of Judah"-PROTESTANT Jewry)---
      According to JOHN in REVELATION, and DANIEL the prophet, these are the POWERS that RULE THE WORLD; ROCKEFELLOW being the ROME-FRANCE and ROTHSCHILD being JEWRY....and it is the way it is according to prophecy.
      These powers MANUFACTURED an APOSTATE RELIGION and AUTHENTICATED it with TRINIT-ARYAN 2 or 3 God(s)-THEOLOGY since they NEEDED "a father" who would GIVE his "son" as a SACRIFICE arrangement of DEITIES--which is PURELY PAGAN-as can be seen in EZEKIEL 8"14--16 where WOMEN(just like Mary, Magdalene, Saome-WEEP for THEIR mudered SON)-WEEP for TAMMUZ!--so MUCH PAGANISM of the SUN worshippers who FACE EAST on SUN day and WORSHIP the SUN(bright and morning star=Lucifer-Ezekiel 28:12ff=Isaiah 14:13-14!)!-ALL DOCTRINES OF DEVILS cooked in the PHILOSOPHICAL traditions of the GREEKS in Nicea, Chalcedon, Cappadocea-where each could ARGUE for their own BRAND of "religion" that they would use to COLONISE & CONTROL HUMANITY and its RESOURCES through their PAGAN RELIGIONS and DOCTRINES of HUMAN SACRIFICE(Jeremiah 7:31 including KINGS SOLOMON-1 Kings 11=Leviticus 18:21-children passing thru the FIRE for MOLECK(Melek=KING=LUCIFER) & KING AHAZ of JUDAH!) which the JEWS themselves from ABRAHAM-ISAAC story(MICAH 6:6 from 5-8-called the DOCTRINE OF BALAAM casting a STUMBLING BLOCK int he APOSTOLIC TRUE RELIGION-with this PAGAN NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE of HUMAN, CHILD, SELF-SACRIFICE system just like their PAGAN COUNTER PARTS the INCA, AZTEC, MAYA, SUMERIANS, EGYPTIANS, GREEKS, ROMANS-including SELF SACRIFICING SELF as a NUN, MONK, or SOLDIER to be BULLET FODDER who choose the FINEST YOUNG MEN/and now WOMEN of CHILD BEARING AGE to SACRIFICE their FERTILITY to the demons of WAR!-as those-(Gentiles & Canaanites/CAINaanites!-Gen 10:) who SACRIFICE humans sacrifice TO DEVILS-Leviticus 17:7=Deutoronomy 32:17=Psalms 106" 37=2 Chronicles 28:3=1 Corinthians 10:20) had imbibed for many centruies SINCE EGYPT=Psalms ) THEY FOUND NO SUCH PRACTICES in AFRICA, but the COASTAL REGIONS of AFRICA have been since CONTAMINATED with these DOCTRINES OF DEVILS through CHRISTIANITY(Abraham-Isaac rationalization despite Abraham being STOPPED &^ never poffering his son as A SACRIFICE! but was given AN ANIMAL as the APPROPRIATE sacrifice, NOT A HUMAN nor like CAIN brought VENGETABLES!) & LATER ISLAM(EID AL ADHA-Abraham-Isahmael) both of whom practice these THEOLOGY of HUMAN SACRIFICE to "atone for THE PEOPLE & THE NATION-John 11:50"
      ANYWAY CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM as we KNOW THEM today are AS PAGAN as VODOO, CANDOMBLE, SANTARIA, SANGOMA, NGOM-NGOMI in EA!-VENERATION & CELEBRATION of the DEAD! BANTU peoples of both the NILE(so-called NILE-LOTS and even of CUSHITIC Inter-mariages) NEVER BELIEVED in the HUMAN SACRIFICE doctrines-anyone DYING for ANYONE!lol!!, war was to PROTECT each person HIS WIFE & CHILDREN not to SACRIFICE for anyone else!!,

  • @akueteyakewley7479
    @akueteyakewley7479 5 років тому +4

    I really love this idea, we blacks we have to rethink

  • @moniqued3778
    @moniqued3778 2 роки тому

    Great dialog. Thank you much. I'd like to see more of traditional religion before what we were forced.

  • @jergothar
    @jergothar 9 років тому +9

    Like a Professor in my Country named Mbock Bassong said. " Because the KEMIT was the first human on this planet, if God had to talk to someone the KEMIT is that person" the KEMIT (black man) lived 100.000years without any other races on earth so how come the others people can now say that they know God better than us? Think it is a lie

    • @Agboka
      @Agboka 9 років тому +3

      jer gothar Yes, ONCE UPON A TIME, in a very long, long time, closed to 150,000 years ago, we're the only race. The BLACK KINKY HAIRED MAN or the African and its related people in the islands of the seas and other places.Others came about 40,000 years and the last on that list of newbies, is the so-called caucasian or the european.

  • @deniss.n.mcintosh3880
    @deniss.n.mcintosh3880 3 роки тому +1

    I would to meet this man.His words have bombarder my spirit with a most profound impact.

  • @sandman2382
    @sandman2382 8 років тому +1

    awesome video

  • @ababab799subscribe
    @ababab799subscribe 4 роки тому +1

    It’s so true, thank you 🙏

  • @rosemariegray-olabiran7991
    @rosemariegray-olabiran7991 7 років тому +1

    thank you for sharing

  • @indigozen4794
    @indigozen4794 Рік тому

    He speaks the truth. Please continue...

  • @mbsizoproductionlivinglife9695
    @mbsizoproductionlivinglife9695 4 роки тому +1

    Make part 2 for sure and invite pastor Joshua Maponga J the two are the philosophers we need .

  • @icildablack5701
    @icildablack5701 2 роки тому

    Thank you so much

  • @eyecare8363
    @eyecare8363 5 років тому

    Thank you.

  • @PatsBooks
    @PatsBooks 8 років тому +6

    This host is annoying is heck. His guest is absolutely on point. He knows who he is. He knows the history.

    • @PatsBooks
      @PatsBooks 8 років тому

      +PatsBooks The host is good to look at though. Hopefully, we will continue to invite people more knowledgeable than him.

  • @Nomad_Happily_Freed
    @Nomad_Happily_Freed 7 років тому +1

    I loved hearing this. The truth.

  • @solomonwords6284
    @solomonwords6284 2 роки тому

    I love this🙏

  • @22kwaku
    @22kwaku 5 років тому +1

    You are blessed sir

  • @christinemuga5716
    @christinemuga5716 2 роки тому

    African I am...and Kenya being home am learning so much from all corners...we are all one

  • @ankolefx3272
    @ankolefx3272 3 роки тому +1

    Anyone here in 2020 shout out south africa

  • @fannysoko7816
    @fannysoko7816 4 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @turnellmccormack6457
    @turnellmccormack6457 2 роки тому +1

    Reclaiming Our Spirituality,Culture,Legacy & Glory Of Africa( Fe We Story).

  • @salonerasta9447
    @salonerasta9447 3 роки тому +3

    Am I the only one that thinks this elder is a national treasure

    • @smileylady485
      @smileylady485 3 роки тому


    • @nikinai4374
      @nikinai4374 2 роки тому

      HE MISLEADS the CONTINENT and takes it back to WITCHCRAFT of the HINDU-ARABIC EASTERN peoples WHO WERE DESTROYED in GENESIS 6 but NOT AFRICA but NOW AFRICA is JUST AS GUILTY as they are!! there was NEVER a GREAT FLOOD in AFRICA because then African did NOT WORSHIP DEMONS in the name of "ancestral spirits' they are ANCESTRAL to EVE who SINNED and the DEVIL became HER & CAINS ANCESTOR!...dont just use INDO-EURO-ARABIC-JEWRY TERMS they are dug up from very DARK PLACES!-Daniel 8:23-26....
      TOO MUCH HINDU-ARABIC JEWISH PAGANISM in CHRISTIANITY ISLAM VODOO etc they are ALL the SAME PAGAN RELIGIONS of the EAST!! brought to MONOTHEISTIC(1=cardinal DEITY-NOT TRIUNE/TRINITY or ARYAN MONPHYSITISM!!) APHAR(Dust)-KHAN(Rulers)-Genesis 1:28!...FLEE IDOLATRY of the EASTERN MYSTICS! 1 CREATOR YEHOSHUAH our CREATOR & DELIVERER of humankind from SIN 1 DEITY=Isaiah 44:8, 6(Revelation 1:8), 24 who CREATED ALONE BY HIMSELF-POSSESSED OF GREAT WISDOM!-Proverbs 8:22ff!; Isaiah 43:10, 25; Isaiah 45:14,18,21 ending; Isaiah 46:9-10(John 8:24-25,58); Malachi 2:10=John 8:41; Ephesian 4:4-6 ONE God who IS SPIRIT(John 4:24) the FATHER of US ALL, who MANIFEST in the ONE BODY(1 Timothy 3:17) as the LORD YEHOSHAUH-who IS THAT SPIRIT(2 Corinthians 3:17) to REBUILD His church destroyed by the DEN OF THIEVES with their PAGAN THEOLOGIES....numerically 1 DEITY the CREATOR of HEAVEN & EARTH and ALL THINGS IN THE UNIVERSE and NONE OTHER--NO ARIANISM NO TRINITY no TRIUNE GODS NONE of these! just 1 numerically singular DEITY with HIS MORAL LAWS in LEVITICUS, DEUTORONOMY EXODUS NUMBERS, who was MURDERED on the CROSS(well His HUMAN BODY was destroyed as it is mortal and subject to death as SPIRIT cannot DIE He is the SPIRIT who IS LIFE ITSELF hence could RISE the BODY that is mortal from position of IMMORTALITY-1 Timothy 5:15-16)--HE WAS CONFUSED for the SON OF DAVID the HEIR to THE THRONE OF JUDAH on which ROME & HEROD sat hence accusing Him after the triumphal entry of TREASON being enthroned as KING OF ISRAEL in tier reign(Luke 22:41:44) JEWS accused Him of BLASPHEMY(Luke 19:65-67) then rationalized it away as "an aordained sacrifice"(Jon 11:47-54) when it was A MURDER, indeed a HUMAN SACRIFICE system practiced by ALL PAGANS but imbibed by JEWRY=MICAH 6:6(Abraham Isan CASE)=Psalms 106:34-38; Jeremiah 7:31; 2 Chronicles 28:3=Leviticus 18:21 sacrificing TO DEVILS=Leviticus 17:7; Deut 32:17; 1 Corinthians 10:20 so the CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF THE CRUCIFIXION as an ORDAINED SACRIFICE is purely a PGAN NICOLAITAN DOCTRINE(Micah 6:5-7=Revelation 2:6-15) of HUMAN CHILD or SELF SACRIFICE imbibed by JEWRY! and mainstreamed by CONSTANTINE who then used it to CREATE A PAGAN RELIGION to DEFEAT and DERAIL(cast a STUMBLING BLOCK as BALAAM whom the high prioest CAIAPHAS and the high priest Aaron COPIED in derailing TRUTH by creating "a god"-Daniel 11:38) for the people to WORSHIP that was NOT YEHOSHUAH the CREATOR-SAVIOUR but a GOLDEN CAL:F-since gold stands for HOLY and calf-is a BABY ANAIMAL of a COW=hence HOLY COW doctrine of HINDUISM tranliterated as HOLY LAMB of god, when YEHOSHAUH had told them HE IS HIGH PRIEST MELCHIZEDEK(not a sacrificial lamb!-ANIMAL!) and the good SHEPHERD(NOT a sheep or lamb!) a SHEPHERD-Since His is a COURT system=FDaniel 7"9, 22, DEITY is the PAROLE OFFICE to pursue the SINNER_CRIMINAL "Lost Sheep/lost coin, dumb deaf slow sheeple"! for his lifetime, per adventure he will CHANGE & BE RIGHTEOUS like the PRODIGAL SON and RETURN to HIS CREATOR-FATHER or DIE IN THE WILDERNESS OF SIN as CAIN, JUDAS, KORAH DATHAN, ANANIA SAPPHIRA who NEVER REPENT but DIE SINNERS. The sacrificial system is a COURT OATHING SYSTEM; 1) upon the LORDS GOAT-if you LIE or NOT REPENT you will DIE INSTANTLY like the LORDS GOAT=Luke 19:27! 2; Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:20) IF YOU ESCAPE THIS INSTANT DEATH and REPENT you RETURN HOME to doing RIGHTEOUSNESS & OBEYING THE MORAL LAW like the prodigal son OTHERWISE YOU DIE like the ABOVE even asfter having ESCAPED as the SCAPE GOAT the first time!!

    • @wisdomakoto2044
      @wisdomakoto2044 2 роки тому

      He's a global treasure 🤑

  • @jamesmessam3135
    @jamesmessam3135 2 роки тому

    Excellent narrative espousing the truth.

  • @lydiaelorm4581
    @lydiaelorm4581 2 роки тому

    Thank you Torgbui. 5x watching this. Long live

  • @Ms.Mimi.Speaks
    @Ms.Mimi.Speaks 5 років тому +6

    That was excellent and I hope there is a part two! We need someone to help us in America because we lost all of our cultures! Even if we want to learn about our Traditional Religions we can't learn them correctly. The question always come up about Human Sacrifice and do they still practice it🤔???

    • @CrowdPleeza
      @CrowdPleeza 4 роки тому

      Human sacrifice is practiced by some Africans.

    • @edmundkyazze5500
      @edmundkyazze5500 3 роки тому +2

      Not every aspect of African culture is about sacrifice - a huge chunk of spirituality involves just talking to your ancestors: the Bible actually talks about offering burnt offerings to the Lord and drinking the blood of Jesus, but no one says shit. That's pretty dark stuff.

  • @laurajohnson9534
    @laurajohnson9534 2 роки тому

    Brilliant conversation

  • @abrahamabraham1019
    @abrahamabraham1019 8 років тому +37

    The host is not ignorant, he is playing Devil's Advocate.

    • @3232jones
      @3232jones 8 років тому +10

      Host is a King in Ghana,he intentionally asking these questions

    • @bossman7405
      @bossman7405 6 років тому +1

      fuck u with ur religious mind set

    • @izekvorsah660
      @izekvorsah660 6 років тому +1

      Abraham Abraham fool

    • @motherland6370
      @motherland6370 6 років тому

      Abraham,,, get out of slavery.

    • @mikinabu4598
      @mikinabu4598 5 років тому

      you are fool knowledge.

  • @loveofgod8852
    @loveofgod8852 3 роки тому +1


  • @papoumkl7118
    @papoumkl7118 Рік тому

    Wonderful knower

  • @adamualhassan7751
    @adamualhassan7751 2 роки тому

    God bless my brother n Oooh ye people listen to him and be Free

  • @jergothar
    @jergothar 9 років тому +26

    I am From Cameroon and In my country we talk about that on TV and radio all the time and actually there are a lot of videos here on UA-cam about that. The real deal here is to understand that the real name of Egypt is KMT or KAMIT. Egypt is the Greek name. African have an exceptional power we have just forgotten because of our good nature. Because believe it or not African had the power to kill all the other races but they did not do it. A lot of books are out in French written by Africans some are already translated others will be soon. Do not believe the stories that other people told us about the religions it is a big lie.

    • @blackbeauty6725
      @blackbeauty6725 9 років тому +1

      The really africa contiment name is Alkebulan, wich means the mothetland for humanity

    • @jergothar
      @jergothar 9 років тому


    • @breel1378
      @breel1378 8 років тому +1

      +Black Beauty Alkebulan? Not sure about that! Alkebulan is from the Kibula people or area of East Africa called Al Kibula by Arabic speaking people in older times

    • @CoTheboxer
      @CoTheboxer 8 років тому +2

      +Black Beauty nah love alkebulan is arabic and thats not our people

    • @sanmorgan8255
      @sanmorgan8255 7 років тому +1

      Under what title are other such videos on youtube, Help me find them. I have known only Bobby Hemmitt, Atlanta, GA USA metaphysician on youtube.

  • @sheldonwilliams9129
    @sheldonwilliams9129 2 роки тому

    Well said. Bless up