Bible Evaluations Part 2 (ASV, RSV, NRSV)

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @Taco0718
    @Taco0718 2 роки тому +8

    RSV is probably my favorite English translation Christian Bible. The vocabulary and grammar are modern, yet it's still reads very beautifully.

  • @stevetucker5851
    @stevetucker5851 3 роки тому +9

    The RSV is my favorite translation. It’s very concise in its wording (even more than the ESV) and is very beautiful, flowing, and elegant. Best sounding translation in my opinion. Makes for good memorization. Also, the NRSV came out in 1989, not 1991.

  • @jims7501
    @jims7501 4 роки тому +9

    I agree with the RSV - very scholarly while maintaining the integrity of the King James, and does so without so many of the "thee" and "thou" statements.

  • @Akihito007
    @Akihito007 4 роки тому +11

    Um the doctrine of "original sin" is not only completely orthodox but was fully defended by Augustine against the heresy of Pelagious. We ALL fell in Adam when he sinned. The Bible is clear that the natural man is a fallen and totally depraved creature.

    • @a.o.g3178
      @a.o.g3178 4 роки тому +1

      totally depraved is where calvanism comes from AKA augustine

    • @deaconjohn7875
      @deaconjohn7875 3 роки тому

      Man is not born totally depraved. That goes beyond what any biblical text teaches. Man is born fallen and inherits mortality and a disordered nature with the flesh dominating the spirit but depravity comes with our own choices..trespasses and sins. We are not born condemned in guilt. When we disobey a command of God through our own choice we bring spiritual death to ourselves " when the comandment came, sin revived, and I died..." Romans 7. If we were born spiritually blind, then why would Satan blind the mind of unbelievers? Who puts blind folds on the blind? The presense of prevenient grace is what makes a person not be born totally depraved. The grace of God lighteth every man that cometh into the world. * John 1* The Eastern church did not follow Augustine in his view of human nature at birth but did not follow palagius either who was a heretic.. Augustin just went a little too far the other way in defending against his heresy but is still revered. The Church of Christ denomination reject the doctrine of original sin. I am not sure if they reject Palagianism too like the Eastern Orthodox.

    • @Akihito007
      @Akihito007 3 роки тому

      @@deaconjohn7875 Yes man IS born totally or radically depraved because were all IN ADAM when he sinned and fell. Paul even uses the Psalm of David where he clearly states that before he was even born as Ps 51:5 says. What you are saying is the Semi-Pelagian heresy, in that man can still choose "freely" not to sin and can come to God in their own "free will". That view is FALSE. Man does not become a "sinner" when he "freely" chooses to sin BUT man sins BECAUSE he is a SINNER by nature AND choice, with a will in BONDAGE to sin and evil. Fallen mans' nature isn't "disordered"...IT IS EVIL!! Jeremiah 17:9: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Romans 1 to 9 clearly shows how depraved humanity is and how salvation is ALL the SOVEREIGN work of God, with faith being the gift and result of regeneration and not the other way around.
      Plus "prevenient grace" is a FALSE Papist and Arminian doctrine created to pervert the Biblical Truth that the natural man is DEAD in trespass and sin. Your false "prevenient grace" makes man not dead but merely sick, fully ABLE to come to God according to his false "free will". It's a FALSE view of man and of salvation and robs God of His Glory in the act of salvation while it elevates man's wicked will. That is why the Reformers so soundly condemned and refuted it. Martin Luther's Bondage of the Will fully refutes any so-called notions of Fallen man being "free to choose" as the wicked Papists argued.

    • @deaconjohn7875
      @deaconjohn7875 3 роки тому

      @@Akihito007 we are sinners because we sin not the other way around. All is from God. We can only do anything toward God because of grace. Read psalm 51 in the Septuagint. We are conceived in iniquities ( plural). We are dead in trespasses and sins( plural) which are our own. It does not mean inability rather it means the separation of sanctifying grace from the soul just like physical death is the separation of the spirit from the body. "Being by nature children of wrath" is a second nature, which is the result of our deviations from God...our own trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2. Your interpretation of what dead in trespasses and sins means is erroneous.. We inherit mortality from Adam but not his personal guilt. See Ezekiel 18. The reformers were heretics no less that the Romanists.... Regeneration is our death and burial with Christ to newness of life in holy baptism. This is God's gift to us and includes justification. It is not biblical to separate this.. Romans 6, Colossians 2:10-13. Titus 2, 1 Peter 3:21, Acts 2:38,39. It is not irrestible grace as in this unbiblical paradigm you are promoting. I am a former 5 point calvinist and I renounce this heresy. It is very destructive and a misrepresentation of God. Your False doctrine of God makes God the author of sin because the westminster confession says he decreed everything that comes to pass and it happens for that reason. No thank you. I will pass on this ugly heresy. If our ability is owing to God's grace...then Glory to him...without him we can do nothing. We cannot first give to him and him recompense us! We are responding to his gift and initiative in every case. Their is no robbing God of His glory...calvinism robes God of his perfection...making him the cause of all evil. I reject this idol of calvinists.

    • @Akihito007
      @Akihito007 3 роки тому

      @@deaconjohn7875 Now you're just speaking an outright FALSEHOOD about what the Reformers actually teach. YOU are the one teaching HERESY and promoting a FALSE VIEW of God's character by equating God's Sovereignty and perfect Righteousness with being evil because it doesn't bow down to and depend on man's so-called "free will"! NO WHERE in the Westminster Confession nor Canons of Dort does it say ANYTHING except to condemn the Arminian and Papist LIE that the Reformers preached and believed that God is the "author of sin". That is a LIE sir! What the Bible SAYS is that God created vessels out of clay for His Glory and vessels of clay for His Wrath. Paul in Romans 9 makes the exact SAME false objection that you do, in that God is somehow "unjust" for not saving everyone. Well as he stated, WHO ARE YOU O MAN TO ANSWER BACK TO GOD??? God saves a people for HIS GLORY and leaves the rest in their total depravity and He IS JUST TO DO IT! God doesn't need you. God is fully self-sufficient in Himself.
      You Arminians continually showcase Jesus as some begger messiah, repeatedly begging and pleading with people to repent, making the Gospel some plea instead of a COMMAND. Salvation isn't a "decision" made by someone in a church pew after saying the "Sinner's Prayer" while "Just As I Am" is being played in the background. It is a FULLY SOVEREIGN work of God to save HIS PEOPLE for HIS GLORY and for the good of HIS PEOPLE! Jesus didn't die on the Cross to make salvation possible based on human decision but He died FOR HIS SHEEP! And Jesus KNOWS HIS SHEEP! But you Arminians continually try and find ways to downplay the evils and depravity of man because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the Perfect Righteousness of God and how wicked sin is.

  • @makarov138
    @makarov138 Рік тому +3

    I consider the 1901ASV to be the very best English translation to use. Far less futurist bias in it than the others.

  • @SaltyPalamite
    @SaltyPalamite 3 роки тому +5

    What is this guy referring to when he says "the false doctrine of original sin"? Is he denying original sin?

    • @jimcook1747
      @jimcook1747 3 роки тому +3

      The logical consequence of Protestantism.

    • @3ggshe11s
      @3ggshe11s Місяць тому

      It's made up by Augustine. It doesn't exist in scripture.

  • @ric_gatewood
    @ric_gatewood Рік тому +2

    There are any moving to the Majority Text over the critical text. The are problems with modern reasoned eclecticism in that you create new variants that do not exist in any earlier greek manuscripts. Critical Text proponents have often stated older and better without giving any compelling reason why other than if it's older it must be better.

  • @redknightsr69
    @redknightsr69 Рік тому +2

    Original sin is not false doctrine dude

  • @GoldAndSilver988
    @GoldAndSilver988 5 років тому +3

    I use the ASV because it retains the name "Jehovah" and the second-person pronoun differentiation. It's the only translation I know of that does both.

    • @benedictalmarines721
      @benedictalmarines721 3 роки тому

      How about the NWT? It also uses Jehovah instead of LORD.

    • @GoldAndSilver988
      @GoldAndSilver988 3 роки тому

      @Elvis Edge RR Woodward no and no

    • @GoldAndSilver988
      @GoldAndSilver988 3 роки тому

      @@benedictalmarines721 I have that, but I prefer the ASV because it retains the old and more accurate pronoun usage like the KJV.

    • @mikerichards1264
      @mikerichards1264 3 роки тому +3

      @@GoldAndSilver988 the ASV-1901 is very close to the "original" text that we're known during their time. It is known for legendary accuracy. It is not a perfect translation, but it is in many ways the best study Bible for a serious student.

  • @williambrewer
    @williambrewer 4 місяці тому

    1Co 14;34-38 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? 37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 38 But if any man doesn't recognize this, he is not recognized.

  • @byhisstripes2713
    @byhisstripes2713 5 років тому +1

    "Thee" and "thou" are singular, whereas "you" can be both plural and singular.
    Old Quakers used to use "thee" when talking directly to one person. It's not just a question of tradition. One deacon once told me he used it because there is only one God