Master Your Tools - Constraints

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jeanpierrepolnareff9919
    @jeanpierrepolnareff9919 10 місяців тому +3

    Wow that shift constraint tips is a game changer

  • @niros9667
    @niros9667 Рік тому +10

    You're the best Arimus, so glad you've been bringing these kinds of video back again. Thanks for your hard work.

  • @rodriges14
    @rodriges14 Рік тому +5

    Hello Arrimus, thank you for what you doing. It's not just great viedos. What you give us is something more. Currentely im persuing careeer in 3d and your knowlege helped me alot. And I mean ALOT. You not simply doing tutorials, you give other opportunity to change their live to better.

  • @nutella3356
    @nutella3356 Рік тому +17

    Shift Happens

    • @nsevv
      @nsevv Рік тому +4

      Home boy, you have very Alt views please Ctrl yourself or it might not End well.

  • @annekedebruyn7797
    @annekedebruyn7797 Рік тому

    Ooh thank you for this!
    I am just dipping my feet in 3D modeling and I never understood how people were able to add details to corners like that. Constraints makes total sense now

  • @project-mk-ultra
    @project-mk-ultra Рік тому +1

    great tip, sometimes gizmo is too much hussle, I wish I figured it out earlier that I can work with Shift and constraints. Thanks man!

  • @alexdwilliamson
    @alexdwilliamson Рік тому

    we love arrimus 3d

  • @Salamando3D
    @Salamando3D Рік тому +1

    "Because eventually, shift happens"
    I see what you did there...😆

  • @roy3458
    @roy3458 Рік тому +1

    Super interesting I'll have to try this out.

  • @echopathy
    @echopathy Рік тому

    immensely helpful collection. thank you!

  • @adiiiiii1
    @adiiiiii1 Рік тому

    Awesome, thanks a lot Arrimus!

  • @_savvy_9902
    @_savvy_9902 Рік тому

    You're so brilliant!

  • @jaimecolodro1588
    @jaimecolodro1588 5 місяців тому

    Great video !!

  • @FlickerJab
    @FlickerJab Рік тому

    Will you be doing more blender tips? Or are you dedicating your channel to mostly 3ds max and plasticity moving forward?

  • @rodrigobutron1983
    @rodrigobutron1983 Рік тому

    Excellent tutorial as always, thanks so much for sharing!

  • @Consciousnessbin
    @Consciousnessbin Рік тому

    Brilliant! Very helpful, thanks

  • @nickcifarelli8887
    @nickcifarelli8887 Рік тому +1

    between you and Jonas Knoll, one could learn more on youtube then a 4 year degree.

  • @qurradesign4812
    @qurradesign4812 Рік тому

    You are master ❤️❤️❤️

  • @semechcooo
    @semechcooo Рік тому +1

    Simple and easy, but how to know by beginner? Thanks a lot for your experience!

  • @anderson_dallmann
    @anderson_dallmann 2 місяці тому

    Do you know of any scripts for working with splines that conform to surfaces?

  • @samirmehtiyev32
    @samirmehtiyev32 Рік тому

    You are an amazing !

  • @tuner777
    @tuner777 Рік тому +1

    what shortcut is to create the circle?

  • @omarleyvaofficial
    @omarleyvaofficial Рік тому

    Nice Remainder!!!

  • @MrCowyedeater
    @MrCowyedeater Рік тому +1

    I've been looking for a feature like this in blender for a long time. is face/edge constraining possible in blender by default and if not is there an addon?

  • @EmEmEmTrippleEm
    @EmEmEmTrippleEm Рік тому

    Can I do something similar in Blender? I don't recall any surface, edge constraints which would work in loop tools for example.. At the moment I am forced to use edge slide or knife tool.

  • @indexego
    @indexego Рік тому

    Arrimus, спасибо большое! Давно смотрю ваши уроки и это мега познавательно! 👍🏼

  • @abdullahubeyd3060
    @abdullahubeyd3060 Рік тому


  • @randomusername6565
    @randomusername6565 Рік тому +1

    Is this available in MAYA?

  • @GuestUser-jf8uj
    @GuestUser-jf8uj Рік тому

    hey bro, can you reupload "updating a design"? The samus helmet series

  • @maxgordon3194
    @maxgordon3194 7 місяців тому

    arimus please explain all options like this. thank you so much.