Funny transcript Tone: (for 1.5 minutes) bowoawoawewwewowoawoawoa (popping sound’s with it) (then cuts out) (clicks up without heard from here) (echoing) This this has been been a test a test of the of the emergency gency warning warning system system system this this was only only a test a test a test (quietly clicks off) (quiet popping) (air noise) (possibly in the recording) echoing esta esta ha sido ha sido una prueba prueba del sistema stema de aviso viso de emergencia gencia esta esta es solo solo una prueba prueba prueba (clicks off without sounding like it)
Also can you do me a favor which is try not swear as much cuz if you do it when you’re triggered to and say low vulgar words like damn and hell that’s fine but if highly vulgar words are said constantly that fears me they’re growing up to be crazy bad people who easily rage on roads kids trespassing their yards and then they try to hurt them for something they did to them
Funny transcript
Tone: (for 1.5 minutes) bowoawoawewwewowoawoawoa (popping sound’s with it) (then cuts out) (clicks up without heard from here) (echoing) This this has been been a test a test of the of the emergency gency warning warning system system system this this was only only a test a test a test (quietly clicks off) (quiet popping) (air noise) (possibly in the recording) echoing esta esta ha sido ha sido una prueba prueba del sistema stema de aviso viso de emergencia gencia esta esta es solo solo una prueba prueba prueba (clicks off without sounding like it)
Also can you do me a favor which is try not swear as much cuz if you do it when you’re triggered to and say low vulgar words like damn and hell that’s fine but if highly vulgar words are said constantly that fears me they’re growing up to be crazy bad people who easily rage on roads kids trespassing their yards and then they try to hurt them for something they did to them
uh ok