Ghost Beef DARK Beast Lv 7 Pendulum/Normal 4/4 ATK: 2000 DEF: 1000 Once per turn: You can roll a six-sided die. Until the end of this turn, increase this card's Pendulum Scale by that number (max. 10) _The Ghost of Christmas Dinner._
Wow hang on a minute, are you telling me Raid Shadow legends is FREE? You mean I can acquire, without having to pay a single penny, an amazing RPG, featuring over 600 unique heroes to collect? LITERALLY THE GAME THAT WILL FILL THE MASTER DUEL-SIZED HOLE IN MY HEART? Dayum what's the catch here mbt?
Always reminds me of Space Gift: "Draw a card for every Neo-Spacian monster you control." No once per turn, no restrictions, but Neo-Spacians being sh*t
Deus X-Krawler is the funniest card ever printed a one-sided Skill Drain when it's flipped face-up, and is immune to targeting while it's face-down somehow, that is easily searched and easily summonable by it's archetype. And also has 3k defense so good fucking luck getting over it in battle It's also a Krawler. And I love Krawlers, but...they're Krawlers
Tachyon Transmigration is one of the funniest cards ever, it is really held back by the fact it can't be searched and there just aren't good tachyon dragons. Also most other galaxy/photon spells would work here.
Photon Sanctuary used to be a free Union Carrier which could equip to itself Photon Orbital and jump start all of your plays, but no we can't have nice things because of ftk/buster lock players 😤
@@kingpin6173 don't kid yourself buddy. I too liked what union carrier did for rogue decks but you can't deny that it was LITERALLY lavalval chain but better
Surprised no one talked about any of the recent cyberdark support cards, they do basically everything for the deck including a boss monster and a card that BASICALLY SEARCHES OVERLOAD FUSION, but is held back by the fact that the original monsters are complete ass and Konami won't print another usable one
It’s actually held back by the fact that the fusions take up too many resources and Chimera is a glass cannon. The deck without fusions actually got top 8 at a regional not long ago.
@@aldolibreri791 It wouldn't be as entertaining as making a 5K boss monster that fused 2 of Zanes boss monsters, but if they wanted the deck to do more they should have just enabled a stun based strategy for it.
I accept that they suck and lose to any one hand trap or kaiju. I just wish they had a link 1 or 2 to help with those times you are 1 short for your Darkness Dragon off powerbond.
I love these videos, as supposedly "low effort" as they may be. It's really nice to get the insight into why the cards are busted out the ass or super trash. It's an inside look into the history behind the card / the theory of playing it that isn't so readily apparent by just reading the card. I'd love to see more of them just for the insights alone.
@@YamiSilaas It's also really nice that he gets a chance to flex the knowledge he has of YGO that isn't necessarily modern (IE: The last set or two). I feel like it's a way to show off the hard work he's putting into Jank / History with Cimoooo with the research they do for those programs.
Emergeroid Call is another good example : an omni-negate which sends others copies of the negated cards in the GY from Deck and Extra Deck with a recursion effect for one of your monsters when it hits the GY by banishing it, awesome isn't it ? It's a roid card, and not the rogue synchro one, the other ... thing
there's also a monster in the archetype that can add 2 non-wind roids from grave to hand when summoned. it's also a target for machine duplication so with the right setup you can go +7 with 1 activation of machine dupe. every other card in the archetype is terrible though so i guess that's why no one plays it.
I love the roid cards and I really wish they were usable. They are all cute cards with a lot of personality but they are just too weak. Emergency Roid call is such a great card with amazing art.
@@DM3-Music I still love that because of speedroids most of the once okay roid monsters aren’t able to be accesssed by modern support as they are wind attribute
Gotta love "non-wind "roid" monster" . Although honestly my main gripe is that they have a bootleg gaogaigar that is complete garbage despite needing 4 specific materials
As a Galaxy-Eyes player.... I really like the idea of just giving my opponent the middle finger with Transmigration, but.... everytime I see it I think "Can I keep a Galaxy-Eyes on board if I dont win this turn?" Its a funny card to resolve that once in every 10 matches though
You can actually put up a decent stun board with stuff like Lord and Solflare that pair really well with Transmigration. The problem is Transmigration is completely unsearchable.
Finally a fellow galaxy eyes player! People dont understand that we have a better game plan: OTK. Also we are using some control tools like lord and harbringer. It is just not alluring as a consistent 11200 one shot
Up until burst of destiny, no one appreciated how broken ALL FOUR of the yang zing synchros are. People knew yazi was good, and denglong is fucking banned, but that's not all. The other two are busted as hell too. Baxia can shuffle upwards of 4 cards on the field into the deck, and it has a GENERIC reborn effect for low level monsters. And choafeng is literally just Archnemesis Protos. It does basically the same thing as Protos, AND it floats.
I just really like the synchro mechanic, and also the idea of inherited effects. Also, I really want them to have a lvl 11 boss monster, since that's the sum of the levels of their first 5 monsters.
I think it’s a shame that even the recently announced Crystal Beast structure deck only advertised new spells and a new end boss monster, meaning that we’re still stuck playing Topaz Tiger over 15 years past it’s prime. On one hand, I respect that they’re sticking to the core identity of crystal beasts relying on only the original 7 monsters, but also I really don’t think a couple retrains would hurt the deck’s feel that much
They really just need to make Swinging Crystal Beasts or some nonsense which is just a retrain of all 7 of those cards as pendulum monsters. Just freaking go for it. Make their scales allow you to pend from the back row, and just pretend the past decade never happened.
@@MercuryA2000 The only issue is they basically want to be pendulum cards that can be set in any spell/trap zone. But pendulum is definitely the cleanest solution to their problem.
Yeah it's really frustrating how the anime gave us a pretty clear skeleton for retrains in the form of "Advanced Crystal Beasts". Just plop new effects on them, make them all dark (no need for that pepega field spell" and boom
My favourite example of this is Crystal Abundance; non-targeting non-destruction board wipe, then you get a full board of material with no restrictions. The downside? Playing Crystal Beasts and getting 4 in the backrow before you can activate it. Oh and if it gets negated, you auto lose due to losing so much card advantage
Well, with the new boss monster, Rainbow Dragon Overdrive, it has become outright obsolete. Overdrive uses resources from the GY, doesn't need to be searched, can either be a nuke or a 11k beater, is a quick effect, spins back to the deck to stop any floating, and always gives you 5 materials. Also because of the rest of the structure deck, the Crystal Beast archetype no longer qualifies as bad. You wouldn't believe how many different builds people are experimenting and finding success with. None strong enough to carry you through a YCS, but all of us them capable of fighting against any meta deck on nearly equal terms.
Oh man I didn't think of this when the post went up, but Thunder Seahorse was potentially the most powerful searcher ever printed EXCEPT that they hard OPTd it in an era when that wasn't standard, and locked you out of special summons. If either of those lines weren't on the card it would probably be playable to this day.
Reading that card, it is absolutely a play on sea dragons and Thunder Dragon, which is pretty fun. Setting aside the restrictions it basically is a Thunder Dragon but for 1 level lower & more generic.
That's not a bad card though. Until Shock Master was banned, the resulting Hunder deck was a good antimeta pick to Dragon Rulers, able to reliably drop Rank 3s, sealing monster effects and winning on tempo. Montreal also topped a YCS.
I swear, the minute that Galaxy Eyes gets a good way to search out the Tachyon side of their backrow, their going to wind up going from Blue Eyes but a bit more competent to an actually kind of a threat deck, specifically because of transmigration being the only omni negate that says "Fuck your entire chain, from any position, and your entire field is also wiped out because you tried to chain" On a deck who's signature ability is being an anime rival deck, so it can deal 10K damage in a single hit fairly consistently Insanity, held back by the fact that you cant search this shit worth a damn
@@xCorvus7x Then they'd walk into 38, or Lord, who both are also negates. Or any other amount of negations ya may have. It's highly telegraphed but that telegraph doesn't matter to much if ya got other negates to put em into a damned if ya do, damned if ya don't situation
If I was designing a searcher I would introduce more tachyon spells/traps with a field spell and at least 3 searches an if you control a galaxy eyes monster add 1 tachyon spell/trap to hand then your opponent can chose to banish 2 cards from your extra deck, a if you control a galaxy monster a 1 tachyon spell (specifically can't search the trap) and 1 galaxy spell/trap, after resolution your opponent can choose to draw and equal amount to the amount drawn or banish double the amount from your extra deck, and last a if you control a galaxy eyes or tachyon XYZ monster add to hand from deck 1 tachyon, galaxy or galaxy eyes spell/trap for each galaxy eyes or tachyon monster you control (a potential draw 7 but more likely a max draw 6 but for that maximum that would have to happen at the end of your combo effectively) and than your opponent must chose one of the following effects to use on themselves.(not sure if correct PSCT(problem solving card text)but this effect is for the oppoent to benefit from as the cost to the activating player) •selects double the number of cards drawn to banish face down from the deck or extra deck (the difficult cost) •draw the same number of cards as added to the deck After resolving either of these effects banish this card facedown and all other copies of "insert card name here" faceup you can only activate "name again" once per turn. The first 2 with the following sentence after this cards successful activation one cannot add cards to there hand or draw cards from the deck for the rest of the turn Yes I am also trying to make them meta viable additions
Tachyon Transmigration is so sad, because I love the card. I know that the moment Tachyon Dragon gets a decent retrain, the card will immediately be broken, because nothing says op more than an omni from hand that shuffles back, negates multiple cards and can't be responded to
The Fortune Lady cards are so strong on paper, Calling summons a monster from deck, Fortune Visions searches Calling, Past pops Light which floats into Water, to draw two and make a 6 star synchro, while setting up Fortune's Future to draw 2 again. None of their cards are HOPT's other than Past and the newer spells, when I get the Itch(TM), I break out my Fortune Exodia deck. Sure it dies to any interaction... Or going second... But it does have 11 Pot of greeds.
interesting itch deck, i have a lot of project decks i try to make ultimately since i havent played yugioh in a while a lot of em went to the wayside and i mainly focused on D/D/D's and testing everything i could under the sun with it. i think it was a deck that scratched the right itch for me. though i do remember the times i tried to make x-sabers, roids, and others work. man those were the times.
Actually flower cardians only have 1 spell that locks them into flower cardians, and thats flower gathering. The rest are like super koi koi which let you only special summon 3 from the top of your deck then banishes spell/traps and inflicta damage to you, flower stacking which has no drawbacks and lets you stack you next 3 draws, and reincardnation which lets you warrior returning alive a flower cardian then special summon one flower cardian from hand, which also doesnt have any restrictions and even lets you ignore summoning conditions. Really the only restrictions they have are the monsters that special summon themselves for free like zebra grass or willow. Flower cardians are a decent archetype but will lose to any player with a handtrap and a good sense of when to use it.
I wonder how many master duel kids who are trying their darndest to make blackwing playable and accidentally send simoon to the graveyard because "you click, is too late :)"
I'll just mention the oldest card that might fall into this list: Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan. To activate it, you have to have a Wind, Water, Fire, AND Earth monster(s) on the field. Then you can either Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Delinquent Duo, or Pot of Greed. All on a normal trap with no once per turn in sight. There are a small amount of monsters that can meet its requirements on their own, the only ones off the top of my head being Doriado and E-Hero Electrum. And there are plenty of archetypes that could use this card. Why don't they? It's too slow. If it were a spell with those same requirements, it would see play in every multi-attribute deck.
I remember struggling to make that card work back in the day, but actually with new Ancient Warrior spell coming out in DIFO that deck can consistently pull that off now
Sacred Beasts have a few cards that fit on this list. Awakening - 3 floodgate effects on 1 card. One name on board and you have a permanent superior version of Ghost Sister and Spooky Dogwood's effect. Two names and you have basically a one-sided Skill drain. Three and you get a one-sided Dimension Fissure. It's just that you need to play more than 1 name to make use of it's actual good effects. Fallen Paradise - If you have a Sacred beast on board and you activate this card it gives them targeting and destruction immunity and it is a Pot of Greed that on the next turn is just a free +2. Cerulean Skyfire - Not the best by a long shot but it is kinda nuts that Konami kinda invented Spell Speed 5 negation just for this not very good card in a really not good archetype. Its negation is not an activated effect and it doesn't negate effects or activations but the resolution of effects so it can stop Solemn Judgement and Super Poly and its negation cannot be responded to at all.
Surprised nobody brought up Wattrain. You know, a Spell that searches a number of “Watt” CARDS up to the number of Thunder monsters you control, then lets you Summon your entire hand next turn. If only there was a single card worth searching with this.
Weather's new field spell also falls under this category. It places a weather continuous s/t from deck, gives you an extra normal, and lets you use your CONTINUOUS S/T as LINK MATERIAL which summons an omni negate and a solemn warning. Shame that all weather cards suck except snow and the snow canvas.
@kichiroumitsurugi4363 Thundery Canvas is some of the best removal in the game. Nothing resists it besides pure Towers and even for Towers it's a "negate attack" as it triggers during damage step meaning the opponent can not redeclare an attack. If Painters had one card combos the deck could genuinely be competitive.
What about this for the next poll: Most expensive cards that see no competitive play like BLS Solider of Chaos, Heart-Earth Dragon, Air Neos, Ten Thousand Dragon (yes, I know it's a collector's card more than anything, but it's still not good)
3:23 there's a card that actually does this in MtG called The Grand Calcutron. It basically turns MtG into Robo Rally, a game also designed by Richard Garfield Your hand gets stuck in a set order, adding cards to hand makes you choose where in the order to place them, and turn player's end phase they draw until they have 5 cards in their hand
I love this series. Keep it up My example: Masked Beast Des Guardius. A 3200 special that floats into a Snatch Steal that can ungarnet itself so it'll always be live. I hope you like main-decking Grand Tiki Elder.
It's playable in Duel Links because there's a skill that can SS Tiki or Melchid outside your deck. And guess what? It's still sucks because people rarely send monster to gy as a removal. They're mostly bounce or banish to remove your shit.
well it's a old card, you can link it off and being sent to the grave is better than say being destroyed. The card it's self is just to un-generic in it's summoning condition to ever see play out side of gimmick decks
I've played the deck for a while now (I'm even the one who submitted Gathering) and the deck is just full the most powerful cards I've ever read and it's so funny how long a combo goes for lol It's so funny how often I've decked out people in Master Duel thanks to the sheer number of Maxx C draws and how well it plays against interaction lol
@@infiniteshay8660 true, I played the deck for years (and I cryed when I saw the most recent level 3 support) but honestly, the deck has 2 problems for me: 1st, you are too vulnerable to nibiru and you basically die 99% of the time by droll. 2nd, you have only 1 good boss monster and 1 decent one. I would love so much a couple new shyncro supports for the deck
@@malvo2099 honestly Nibiru doesn't really stop me. Any extender from Gathering to Recardination to Koi Koi does it. I remember one time this guy said to me "I have no idea when to Nibiru this archetype" and I told him "when I have no cards in hand." He activated Nibiru when I had two cards in hand and I still ended on four boss monsters.
@@johnnickfanaccount3492 I'd argue it's not bad. It's my least favorite of the spells but I picked it for this inevitable video because most people will see Soul Charge from Deck for 4 and understand the angle and if it weren't for the context of it being flower cardians, the card would be busted period.
The problem is that Sunavalon has little to no grind game. Sunavalon can play through handtraps and interruptions since they only need 1 vanilla to build a massive board = 4 extra cards in hand to follow up and/or compete. But once your combo ends you have almost burned through your complete extra deck and there are no good, specific archetype cards for recycling (except playing pot of avarice). This sleeping deck is very consistent and explosive. It has TON of potential. It just needs to abuse the general plant cards like blossom and jasmine to peak even higher. You can even play this alongside Brave engine.
Since I specialize in Melodious, it has some absolutely cracked cards: Ostinato is my pick, Harmonist as a followup. This deck curbstomps Sky Strikers, but it may struggle to play through any interruption of the aforementioned cards.
If Melodious and Wind Witches got half the kind of Support Lunalight and Lyrilisc got, they'd be much better decks and MELODIOUS WOULD BE THE YGO HEROES DECK THEY DESERVED TO BE!
It's so funny,that card alone is the whole reason sylvan decks are Uber combo b/c you could make a mid range-y one wth a ton of ht but nah they want their plus lol
Merlin when it came to Duel Links made Noble Knights so much more playable and even top tier thanks to their trap card Until Noble Arms Are Needed Again since they came together in the Noble Knight structure deck EX Tales of the Noble Knights. What I'm saying is that in Duel Links Merlin was really damn good.
I think my blood pressure permanently rose the first time I read that Urarctic draw card in a spoiler. Its only weakness is that no one plays Ursarctics.
@@Zetact_ kind of. It takes a -3 or -4 to do a full synchro combo, but thar synchro combo usually gets you multiple searches and 4 or 5 extra draws (playing entirely pure, that is). Problem is, if your first combo gets interrupted, you're fucked.
@@Jrpg_guy oh, i know. I enjoy playing them. They just take a lot of resources to start their combos and gain a lot of resources by the end of the combo - whereas to make a deck be meta viable you have to pretty much do the opposite.
Ah i missed the tweet for this one. Another great example is Wattrain. A possible 5 card search and 5 monster normal summon locked behind the slowest thunder archetype in the game (I play the deck religiously so it hurts me to say it lmao)
Simoon actually really good, if not one of the best blackwing cards and even being limited to dark monsters doesn't hurt the decknatball thanks to extra deck raidraptors, Phantom Knights, IP Masquerena, and DDDs.
yeah it was really confusing seeing simoon on this vid. it's not like the others where the archetype is bad or the restrictions make it shit, i actually don't really see why somebody suggested it.
As a blackwing player, I used to think Simoon was bad so I never ran it. Then I ran it. Oh my God it's good. Plus the synergy with Auster and then just get Auster back anyway.
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 Okay so I don't know what variant of blackwing you've played but usually when i play i don't brick. Simoon makes my hand so much better but just because I don't draw it doesn't mean I have no plays.
Plus having no tuner or same levesl makes go into extras hard, and sadly they have no advantage gain throught scale effects. And the spell and trap searcher is of course level 5
@@Jrpg_guy More link support would probably be the best way for the extra. You've got the one link monster but it doesn't do much for the actual endboard. Having some better negates or special summons from extra deck would be great.
A friend and I have been trying to make Solfachord moderately competitive for the past year, and we have some pretty good builds that can stand up to tier 1 strategies. The deck is honestly good in the purest context. It is not overly strong, it is not embarrassingly weak, it's just standard good. However, when modern Yu-Gi-Oh demands a lot of disruption to just stop your opponent from playing the game, a deck that doesn't do that just doesn't hold up to ones that do. Solfachord honestly needs some more link monsters that have quick effect disruption of some kind, a couple S/T cards, and slight reworks on the monsters due to their effects and stats just not making sense and begging the question, why? Small World would have been the best support for this deck, allowing you to go from any Solfachord into any Solfachord, since they don't share any levels, are all fairy, share 4 attributes through the archetype, and don't have the same attack. Sadly, the four "starters" (I'll talk about this later) all share the same defense for no reason. I just have to ask why? Out of the deck's "starters," of which I mean can be normal summoned and do something, only 2 have an effect that let's you do something. Cutia searches a Solfachord monster, but if she is negated, if you don't have the right hand, that is most likely your turn. Dreamia is an extender to go into a good link-2 like Musecia, but not a real starter herself. Eliteia bounces a S/T which is TOTALLY useful going first, so again, not a real starter. Finally, Fancia let's you add a Solfachord to your extra deck face up, which is a starter. Gracia has a starter effect of adding a S/T, but she is a level 5, why? Why not give the bounce effect to Gracia and the S/T search effect to Eliteia? It would make the deck quite a bit more consistent going first. It doesn't make sense why the majority of monster effects are hard once per turns. Coolia is not that good of a boss monster due to her effect having destruction of a monster that has activated its effect that is hard once per turn. Why? I understand that Konami doesn't want every Pendulum archetype to be negate spam, that' not the issue, the issue is that the destruction of only ONE monster ON THE FIELD is usually not enough to truly disrupt your opponent. Formal is purely defensive, but a hard once per turn (I don't think it would be too strong having no once per turn restriction but maybe not.) On the flip side, only Beautia and Coolia have legitimate quick effects, most of the rest are on summon effects, which is SO useful during your opponent's turn, the turn where you can't summon but once, ONLY IF you have Musica set with a valid target in your extra deck. Finally, you have effects that have better forms in other decks, I again just have to ask why? Both Gracia and Angelia (Named every single one 👍) have text that reads "While you have an X Pendulum Scale in your Pendulum Zone, if your 'Solfachord' Pendulum Monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate X (cards or) effects until the end of the Damage Step" for both monsters and S/T respectively. I can't for the life of me think of why they would make these say ATTACKS instead of battles. Th second would be so much more useful and other cards already have this kind of text, so why can't the pendulum waifus? So, I'll restate, Solfachord honestly needs some more link monsters that have quick effect disruption of some kind, a couple S/T cards, and slight reworks on the monsters. But it's pretty fun, Pend best deck, I have done my duty for the Waifus. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk against your will
Yeah once more this is amazing content. I'm impressed by your knowledge of fringe archetypes, and you're surprised often enough that it keeps it interesting. Keep it up if you can come up with ideas!
I actually used to play W Nebula Meteorite in my Alien deck. They’re (mostly) Light Reptiles and have exactly one level 7 Light Reptile in Cosmic Horror Gangi’el. Had the added benefit of turning my opponent’s face-down monsters face-up for those sweet sweet A-counters. It wasn’t good, but it was fun.
Better Noble Knight examples would be Heritage of the Chalice and Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again. A searcher spell that does every single monster and equip spell within the archetype while also recurring itself from the graveyard plus a trap that adds a card off the top of the deck and is a free special summon from the deck.
With the Blackwing Simon the Poison Wind, the normal summon doesn’t actually take up your normal summon for the turn. It just summons it to trigger the effect meaning that you have another normal summon still for however many black whirlwinds you have (let’s go with 2 for this example). If you manage to get out Nothung then you have a third normal summon that turn meaning you get to add a total of 6 cards off of black whirlwind. One black whirlwind is destroyed during the end phase of course, but you can get around this by returning it to the hand with Zephos the Elite (I’m not good with the first names for these things). It’s a pretty good combo overall, but blackwings don’t have much in the way of negates so they’re not going to be anything amazing. Just wanted to say something to clear up that bit.
Superheavy Samurai cards. Sure you have to either banish all your spell traps, or not play any, but: Soulpiercer is a non-opt rota for the deck. Wagon searches the Soul cards. Thief beats skill drain, Erupt, etc and takes them. Susanowo steals your opponent's gy spell/traps. Gauntlet is a better honest. Peacemaker can tribute off the link monster you no longer need to keep going.
I feel that galaxy eyes tachyon thingy in my soul. Yeah it's nice if everything works out perfectly to use because it can stop chain combos completely. It destroys backrow trap stuff that activates 5 traps all at once. Yet if you draw into it at the start your boned. Because galaxy literally requires every card in your hand to make a combo and if you just dont have a strong galaxy eyes it's a brick
Also I got one. Alien Amonite + Alien Dog It’s Junk Synchron for the entire deck and the other specials itself, if you just summon any Alien. And they both came out right at the start of 5Ds. Making them the one of the best lvl 5 or 8 synchro enablers. And they never tipped even once.
Mostly because the actual monsters themselves are kinda terrible. I messed about with Ogdoadic Aliens in Master Duel though, and Slicer + Kid is insane - and Slicer can search Kid on summon - and then summon it. Any special summoned monster on your opponents field cannot activate it's effects. They're negated, but they also can't, like, tribute themselves as cost to get around it. And if they get something too big out? Just Mysterious Triangle kill it into a Shocktrooper, because why not?
Idk if I'm wrong or not but mayakashi. Just mayakashi. They have a card that special summons itself from the graveyard as long as they synchro using the card and it's not once per turn, shame it's locked into mayakashi. Would probably be a synchro user's dream.
@@gagabarbidou5975 Mayakashi Return. The problem with Mayakashi? Its Synchros are not good going 1st, and not opening Return or Hajun is a death sentence. Same with getting your Dakki hit with Called by or D.D. Crow
Been watching YGO content on youtube recently despite not actively playing it or keeping up with the meta but just cuz it's fun to watch what kinda stuff the game can do these days, and occasionally with the added benefit of learning about a cool little dude I didn't know. The cool little dude of the day is Appliancer Laundry Dragon.
Bamboo Shoot also suffered from the issue where you spent 3 cards and 2 turns to set it up only for your opponent to summon a Cyber Dragon and kill it tbh
Gemini ablation is actually nuts in infernoble: Special summons pheonix gearfried from deck with his effects live Can special summon evocateur from the deck with his effects which then special summons any fire warrior from your graveyard (Charles, gearfried, etc) Then it has a second effect you can use instead of the previous one where if you already control a Gemini monster With its effects (something the card already sets up on its own so you can do this on the next turn if your opponent doesn’t kill your spell trap negate with 2800 atk it’s free on the next turn) tribute it and special summon any fire warrior from your deck (immortal phenix gearfried) and then destroy 1 card on the field (lol). And it’s a continuous trap you can use every turn, it’s legit an entire archetype in one card. But you have to play 1 or two Gemini monsters ( pheonix gearfried + evocateur) to make it live 🤢 It would prob be better if it was a fucking normal trap so you could get to it from trap trick and not have to run 2 for 3 play set of dead cards.
No one mentioned Fallen Paradise and I feel that's a mistake. Give all your Sacred Beasts protection from targeting and destruction, on top of being a Pot of Greed every single turn if you control at least one of the beasts. Seems pretty nuts to me if not for the Sacred Beast parts.
All the Sacred Beast support is crazy. The issue is, they have absolutely no negates. They have a trap that's like "if you control 1, gain infinite LP. If you control 2, one sided Skill Drain. If you have 3, I'm also a one sided Dim Fissure. I'm still bad." And you can search Paradise - IT LITERALLY HAS A ROTA
Sacred Beasts are consistent though. You've, got the lv2, opening, and piri which all start the combo and you only need 2 cards in hand to end on 2 Beasts on field, draw 2, with extra cards in hand. Loses to 90% of available handtraps though, its only good combo loses to nibiru because your negates are skill drain and a s/t negate (which can negate fuckin super Poly by the way). Busted cards, I love playing them, but they just don't quite do it.
When they made Worms they did a funny thing where there is exactly one Worm for each letter of the alphabet. They've already printed all 24 so they can't print any more monster support for the archetype without breaking the pattern. Personally though I wouldn't have a problem with them printing retrained versions of the less playable worms. By the way, Worms are the canonical enemies of another unplayable Duel Terminal archetype, the Ally of Justice archetype. Thus, they are also the entire reason why Ally of Justice is focused on hosing light attribute monsters.
Fur Hire Folgo is a draw 3 whenever a card on the opponents side is destroyed. Its generally suprising how bad this deck can be. It has the "one more summon" style like flundereeze, has literally the same quickplay spell to dodge negates, no xenolock and can run tcboo.
All of the Vendread ritual spells. A ritual version of shadows fusion and a ritual spell that summons from the graveyard and uses materials from the graveyard. They would've been the best rituals ever if they weren't in Vendread.
Abyss actor cards in general. Namely Hyper director and the scripts Hyper director is basically a free +2 that also special summons a monster (doesnt even need to be an actor) on a link 1, but it xenolocks you And the abyss scripts are honestly CRAZY with their floating effects. Draw up to 5, summon 5 from deck, bounce EVERYTHING your opponent controls, spin shit to the deck, the amount of crazy shit these scripts do would make them banworthy in a competent deck.
At a recent locals a kid resolved Rage with Eyes of Blue against me when I tried to negate it by chaining Forbidden Chalice. Banishing your hand field and GY is part of the effect
I really love "Mischief of the Timegoddess" for this, cause it just allows you to skip your opponents turn and jump right into your next battlephase. Since you jump from Battlephase to Battlephase you don't get an additional draw or main phase, but you can do so much dumb shit with it like reusing once per turn effects, immediately activating trapcards you just set, skipping phases where bad things would have happened (like opponent DPE ressurecting) but you can only use it while you controll nothing but Valkyrie Monsters, basically all of which are bad.
While I actually like the archetype a lot, the Ancient Warrior link fits, it's a search of any Ancient Warrior card when link summoned, gives 500 atk to each of them, and is a quick effect bounce for a send...and it's used more as a disruption in Tri-brigade then anything else
W Nebula Meteorite is so sad because Worms was actually a playable archetyoe during the XYZ era, but they just never gave it anything good other than it.
I dunno if you consider Dragunity penis enough for this, but Dragunity Whirlwind is basically a custom card. Summons 2 monsters from the deck and immediately synchro summons on a quick play spell, so you can literally Black Rose your opponent on their turn.
Its funny how Ghostrick Angel of mischief has this completely separate effect that is an alternate win condition (if you get 10 Xyz Materials on this card you win) but nobody uses it for that OMEGALUL
It's funny and a bit interesting too see how many of these cards have helped people climb to KOG in duel links like fortune lady exodia has been one of the most entertaining loses I've experienced
I think the star non-archetype version of this is Witch's Strike. Just OBLITERATES all your opponent's presence if they try to negate... but it itself can be negated. And its destruction doesn't affect cards like REDD, so sometimes even if it goes off it doesn't so its job!
Solfachord in ocg and master duel can end on odd-eyes vortex, 3-mat apollousa, ip mascarena, and it’s trap card that can either special any solfachord from extra or destroy any card on the field (assuming you have your scales). Solfachord in tcg ends on a 4-mat appolousa that was protected from nib until her summon. It’s more of tcg doesn’t have electrumite problem
I can end on 3 mat Appolusa and Savage Dragon or Barrone and a floodgate if I get the right cards. Sometimes I'll set up Avramax and Coolia. A lotta times it's just Masq into Avramax pass, which surprisingly works sometimes lol
I just realized that there's a monster which in its archetype can attack 3 times and stop your opponent from activating cards or effects during your turn. Sadly it's a kaiju which costs 3 kaiju counters to activate the effect, it's name is thunder king, the lightningstrike kaiju
all of the harpie spell/trap cards are pretty silly ngl. only issue is that you have nowhere to go with the deck as you get locked into winged beasts, only good option was simorgh but .... yeah lol
So many but just to name a few of my fav: rikkas have an insane starter that either searches or mills and recurs herself every turn but her lock is so hard,and the other so bad,that sometimes is better as a one off lol and of course the classic example,all the ice barrier synchros were/are broken beyond belief... But they were almost incapable of summoning them xD
I like ursarctics, play a build that uses them and a diva water synchro engine. They toe a fun like between batshit combo where they do draw all 7 cards and end on 1 or 2 negates, an xyz and link floodgate, a loaded wolfrayet and a field spell that can just permenant snatch steal, and sometimes your playing a game of making one guy and just playing on your opponents turn using them as handtraps. And all the while the card that says draw 7 feels totally fair. I also feel nothing can ever make the deck good good. Give them a s/t searcher, give them effs that proc on tribute, whatever. They just hemmorage advantage so fast that unless you start with radiation you aren’t recouping.
If the deck's ever to be rogue viable it really needs more monster names. Because they're all hard OPT they're more bricky than you'd expect and ideally they'd want to have enough in archetype interruption to completely forgo staple hand traps too.
I’ve actually been tinkering with Bamboo Shoot Turbo. All you need is a way to make Halq without using your normal, and to open either Shoot, Small World, or FBG sending Naturia Sacred Tree.
If I got my hands on this thread (and already saw Flower Gathering mentioned) I would have put The Weather Forecast. Allowing you to link summon using your canvases is insane! Shame you can only summon one of two L3 monsters that require you to have more monsters on field to even do anything
Honestly one card that I walkways though would be great is "pot of riches" witch read Shuffle 3 Pendulum Monsters into the Deck, from your GY and/or face-up from your Extra Deck, then draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Riches" per turn. You cannot Special Summon the turn you activate this card, except by Pendulum Summon. I always thought that this card would be good if it wasn't for the part the you can't special summon monsters except by pendulum summon
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi. Level 2 Zombie/Tuner/Effect ATK 1000 DEF 0 You can only control 1 "Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi". When a "Mayakashi" monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field from the Extra Deck, while this card is in the GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except "Mayakashi" monsters. + Infinitely recursive material + Tuner + Zombie support + Archetype can SS her from deck + Archetype can Foolish Burial her - Mayakashi Synchros are piss bad - "This turn your ED is piss bad" - Hello Nibiru how are you - No ED fun allowed - Kinda bricky in hand - Did I mention the horrific ED lock? Surprised she didn't get mentioned. Maybe like me, no other Mayakashi player uses Twitter.
It's saying enough that this card was single-handedly responsible from 90% of the victories of my pre structure deck pre Tribrigade Crystal Beast deck.
I love that Crystal Beasts have some of the best spell and traps for searching, negation, revival and Consistency but is held back by having 2 1/2 good monsters to use them on.
My pick would be Dakki, The grateful Mayakashi. A level 2 tuner that can special summon itself anytime you special summon from the extra deck, including using itself. Imagine that in a deck that end goal wasn't sitting on 1 monster and hoping your opponent is stupid enough to crash into them
That's what I'm saying, if Dakki wasn't locked in mayakashi it would have made synchro climbing 10x easier (but then it would've joined the group of cards banned because of link summoning).
I mean, to be fair, now they have a Vanity's Emptiness, and a Link 3 that negates and can be climbed into, but the deck has three chokepoints, two of which answered by Ash
Fun fact about simoon btw, IT GIVES YOU 2 NORMALS! yeah so you because it counts as an effect to normal summon it you can actually search auster the south wind to revive your banished blackwing monster and get a second trigger of black whirlwind, this results in some bs shenagans that almost always end in a zephyros saving your whirlwind by bouncing it and ending in a glorious full armor master turn one, its so consistent I can't remember a duel where I didn't pull that off turn one.
I’ll say this much: Ever seen a go-first Dream Mirror board before BACH? What about after? Wait why are there 3 negates- Yeah, Dark Neiroy will do that.
Comic Hand would be ban worthy if not for the fact that Took Bookmark is the ONLY toon card that can search it, and you can only use one bookmark per turn. So if your bookmark doesn't get ashed and you already have a toon kingdom on the field, congrats! You get 1 free snatch steal (use it wisely)
Back in the day i'd tech in DNA surgery into my heraldic beast deck so I could declare dinosaur to play heraldry art and summon lagia/dolka or declare machine to summon cyber dragon to contact fuse their entire board. You'd be amazed how often DNA surgery could brick a deck back in 2011.
Very surprising to not see Springans Watch in this video. If you don't control the field spell, it's Terraforming, and then if you DO have the field spell already online, you get to search ANY Springans monster and then send ANY Springans monster to the graveyard from deck. Because like who cares, just do it.
Since I play the Deck, I'm going to say _ALL THREE GUSTO CARDS FROM DAWN OF MAJESTY_ Gusto Vedir literally floats from hand and doesn't miss timing, sends a guy to the GY then summons ANOTHER guy from your hand. And by _guy_ , I mean _girl_ and by _girl_ I mean _Pilica_ Daigusto Lamplampilica literally says _SUMMON A GUSTO FROM HAND AND DECK AND SYNCHRO SUMMON_ and gives your other Gusto Synchros targeting protection. -And has a big booty- Tailwind of Gusto is one of the most absurd cards I ever read for an equip spell... Practically does almost every thing you could ever want, and when in the GY is a searcher for the Gusto S/T (including itself) ... _GUSTO BEST DECK LET'S GOOOOO_ -I am not coping I swear-
I swear if Sphreez ever gets a higher level retrain with both battle and effect immunity, and something along the lines of her original effect, Gusto's might have a gameplan.
i loved DAMA support for gusto, but if you notice all of those 3 new cards require you to have resources in hand, vedir summons a gusto from hand, laplam needs a gusto in hand, tailwind's search needs another gusto in hand. This forces you to play a more pure build if you want to use them all. It would fit better if gustos had a reliable way to generate advantage and they don't (sphreez is a good one but not enough IMO) Now, i know that the plan is not to use every single Gusto card effect every turn, nor make it more engine-like (i personally like pure gusto builds), but i think it's a bit weird that konami gave support cards that have the same needs also laplam's role is a bit underwhelming synchro monster for the time it was released
11:14 if you discard "Terrifying Toddler of Torment" and send Intruder, he will be summoned too... And why that revival is a mandatory effect? Respect for caring about my boi Jrleth... Notification bell will be on
Red reign. Control a level 8 or higher dark dragon synchro? Banish every other monster, also the cards not banished are also unaffected for the rest of the turn. Oh yeah did you discard it, mill it with chaos ruler or use it last turn? Add it back to your hand, no problem. Feel free to have it chain block an important effect too.
Red-eyes fusion definitely, its shadoll fusion but ur opponent doesn't have to have a monester but its restrictions make it unplayable. I mean look how verte broke the card cause it bypasses that no summoning restriction
Personal gripe, revolving switchyard is potentially game breaking. But why does it PREVENT BATTLE DAMAGE when you use its amazing effect Or infinitrack dozer locking me into earth when it gives me cyber dragon infinity turbo
Rank up magic the 7th one would be insane if it wasnt so heavily restricted... Ik it wouldnt be the best target but just imagine going into C107 with 0 effort.
@@heatsflamesman5353 Hm C106 also does that? C107 cuz all monsters on field negated and they cant activate card effects edit: all cards* on top of a 4.5k beater
Install Raid for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days 💥
Ghost Beef
DARK Beast
Lv 7 Pendulum/Normal
ATK: 2000 DEF: 1000
Once per turn: You can roll a six-sided die. Until the end of this turn, increase this card's Pendulum Scale by that number (max. 10)
_The Ghost of Christmas Dinner._
honorable mention to emergeroid call
Can i normal summon oviraptor on it?
Wow hang on a minute, are you telling me Raid Shadow legends is FREE? You mean I can acquire, without having to pay a single penny, an amazing RPG, featuring over 600 unique heroes to collect? LITERALLY THE GAME THAT WILL FILL THE MASTER DUEL-SIZED HOLE IN MY HEART? Dayum what's the catch here mbt?
You should do video on cards that looks bad but actually good
Always reminds me of Space Gift: "Draw a card for every Neo-Spacian monster you control." No once per turn, no restrictions, but Neo-Spacians being sh*t
Certain ones even count as having 2 names. Though that line was discontinued.
You ain't heard of dolphin draw, bruh?
Don't they also have a card that says pitch a neo-spacian then foolish 1 and draw 2?
@@xolotltolox Yeah, but only if you control no monsters
@@gabrielt.harris8885 "counting as 2 names" isnt the same as "counting as 2 Monsters"
Deus X-Krawler is the funniest card ever printed
a one-sided Skill Drain when it's flipped face-up, and is immune to targeting while it's face-down somehow, that is easily searched and easily summonable by it's archetype. And also has 3k defense so good fucking luck getting over it in battle
It's also a Krawler. And I love Krawlers, but...they're Krawlers
They will be good after Suma gets released COPIUM
@@chincrimson3970 Suma is another candidate for this exact thing lol
[Laughs in Shaddoll Krawler]
You can play it with Tarotrei in Shaddolls in 2015 lmfao
The only good Krawler I've seen is..... Crusadia Krawler
I will never stop watching bad yugioh vids Joseph
Spoken like a true MBT fan. Bravo!
This sounds like a weirdly worded threat.
Yes this is why I’ve been binging farfa
Same, I don't even play Yu-Gi-Oh anymore (until toad comes back :'(
Edit:ronintoadin I mean
Tachyon Transmigration is one of the funniest cards ever, it is really held back by the fact it can't be searched and there just aren't good tachyon dragons. Also most other galaxy/photon spells would work here.
Photon Sanctuary used to be a free Union Carrier which could equip to itself Photon Orbital and jump start all of your plays, but no we can't have nice things because of ftk/buster lock players 😤
@@kingpin6173 don't kid yourself buddy. I too liked what union carrier did for rogue decks but you can't deny that it was LITERALLY lavalval chain but better
also its application is limited. After all, most of the time chains include your cards as well, which you dont want to negate
@@foji-video it doesn't negate your cards it's only all of your opponents cards in that chain
@@kingpin6173 i mean.... you can still do that play in Master Duel....
Surprised no one talked about any of the recent cyberdark support cards, they do basically everything for the deck including a boss monster and a card that BASICALLY SEARCHES OVERLOAD FUSION, but is held back by the fact that the original monsters are complete ass and Konami won't print another usable one
It’s actually held back by the fact that the fusions take up too many resources and Chimera is a glass cannon.
The deck without fusions actually got top 8 at a regional not long ago.
@@aldolibreri791 It wouldn't be as entertaining as making a 5K boss monster that fused 2 of Zanes boss monsters, but if they wanted the deck to do more they should have just enabled a stun based strategy for it.
I accept that they suck and lose to any one hand trap or kaiju. I just wish they had a link 1 or 2 to help with those times you are 1 short for your Darkness Dragon off powerbond.
And the kicker is that Cyber Dragons are using the new Cyberdark support better than the actual Cyberdarks.
Chimera doesn't search Overload. It searches Power Bond.
I love these videos, as supposedly "low effort" as they may be. It's really nice to get the insight into why the cards are busted out the ass or super trash. It's an inside look into the history behind the card / the theory of playing it that isn't so readily apparent by just reading the card. I'd love to see more of them just for the insights alone.
It's also nice that Joseph seems to actually be having fun with these videos. Most of his "daily content" stuff he just seems kinda miserable.
@@YamiSilaas It's also really nice that he gets a chance to flex the knowledge he has of YGO that isn't necessarily modern (IE: The last set or two). I feel like it's a way to show off the hard work he's putting into Jank / History with Cimoooo with the research they do for those programs.
To me these videos are kind of a variant of theduellogs' top tens
@@evan-bunch-of-numbers very much so, there's even thematic overlap
Emergeroid Call is another good example : an omni-negate which sends others copies of the negated cards in the GY from Deck and Extra Deck with a recursion effect for one of your monsters when it hits the GY by banishing it, awesome isn't it ? It's a roid card, and not the rogue synchro one, the other ... thing
Roid the earth machine archetype that the other ones don't sit with at lunch not even gadget
there's also a monster in the archetype that can add 2 non-wind roids from grave to hand when summoned. it's also a target for machine duplication so with the right setup you can go +7 with 1 activation of machine dupe. every other card in the archetype is terrible though so i guess that's why no one plays it.
I love the roid cards and I really wish they were usable. They are all cute cards with a lot of personality but they are just too weak. Emergency Roid call is such a great card with amazing art.
@@DM3-Music I still love that because of speedroids most of the once okay roid monsters aren’t able to be accesssed by modern support as they are wind attribute
Gotta love "non-wind "roid" monster" . Although honestly my main gripe is that they have a bootleg gaogaigar that is complete garbage despite needing 4 specific materials
As a Galaxy-Eyes player.... I really like the idea of just giving my opponent the middle finger with Transmigration, but.... everytime I see it I think "Can I keep a Galaxy-Eyes on board if I dont win this turn?" Its a funny card to resolve that once in every 10 matches though
You can actually put up a decent stun board with stuff like Lord and Solflare that pair really well with Transmigration. The problem is Transmigration is completely unsearchable.
Finally a fellow galaxy eyes player! People dont understand that we have a better game plan: OTK. Also we are using some control tools like lord and harbringer. It is just not alluring as a consistent 11200 one shot
An OTK deck has one of the best negate traps in the game. I just find the idea of that hilarious
@@Evil_Florida I think konami initially wanted them to be a control deck. Later they changed the idea
@@P.I.M.P. it was always an xyz spam deck but afterglow singlehandedly made it an otk deck
Up until burst of destiny, no one appreciated how broken ALL FOUR of the yang zing synchros are. People knew yazi was good, and denglong is fucking banned, but that's not all. The other two are busted as hell too.
Baxia can shuffle upwards of 4 cards on the field into the deck, and it has a GENERIC reborn effect for low level monsters.
And choafeng is literally just Archnemesis Protos. It does basically the same thing as Protos, AND it floats.
Keep that quiet, with Skill Drain at three they might be on to us.
I just really like the synchro mechanic, and also the idea of inherited effects. Also, I really want them to have a lvl 11 boss monster, since that's the sum of the levels of their first 5 monsters.
I think it’s a shame that even the recently announced Crystal Beast structure deck only advertised new spells and a new end boss monster, meaning that we’re still stuck playing Topaz Tiger over 15 years past it’s prime. On one hand, I respect that they’re sticking to the core identity of crystal beasts relying on only the original 7 monsters, but also I really don’t think a couple retrains would hurt the deck’s feel that much
Well, 5-6 retrains would be what it needs.
To be fair, only Crystal beasts in the optimal deck you play are the new dragon, pegasus and 1 cobalt eagle. Rest are spells and Tri-brigades :-)
They really just need to make Swinging Crystal Beasts or some nonsense which is just a retrain of all 7 of those cards as pendulum monsters. Just freaking go for it. Make their scales allow you to pend from the back row, and just pretend the past decade never happened.
@@MercuryA2000 The only issue is they basically want to be pendulum cards that can be set in any spell/trap zone. But pendulum is definitely the cleanest solution to their problem.
Yeah it's really frustrating how the anime gave us a pretty clear skeleton for retrains in the form of "Advanced Crystal Beasts". Just plop new effects on them, make them all dark (no need for that pepega field spell" and boom
My favourite example of this is Crystal Abundance; non-targeting non-destruction board wipe, then you get a full board of material with no restrictions.
The downside? Playing Crystal Beasts and getting 4 in the backrow before you can activate it. Oh and if it gets negated, you auto lose due to losing so much card advantage
Well, with the new boss monster, Rainbow Dragon Overdrive, it has become outright obsolete. Overdrive uses resources from the GY, doesn't need to be searched, can either be a nuke or a 11k beater, is a quick effect, spins back to the deck to stop any floating, and always gives you 5 materials.
Also because of the rest of the structure deck, the Crystal Beast archetype no longer qualifies as bad. You wouldn't believe how many different builds people are experimenting and finding success with. None strong enough to carry you through a YCS, but all of us them capable of fighting against any meta deck on nearly equal terms.
@@joanaguayoplanell4912 And then guess what happened? Tearlament yoinked Bridge of Salvation and Emerald Tortoise of all cards
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 yeah. But at least CBs are a legit rogue deck that has exceeded expectations. Even some YCS tops have happened!
@@joanaguayoplanell4912 Conclave control best deck
Oh man I didn't think of this when the post went up, but Thunder Seahorse was potentially the most powerful searcher ever printed EXCEPT that they hard OPTd it in an era when that wasn't standard, and locked you out of special summons. If either of those lines weren't on the card it would probably be playable to this day.
Reading that card, it is absolutely a play on sea dragons and Thunder Dragon, which is pretty fun. Setting aside the restrictions it basically is a Thunder Dragon but for 1 level lower & more generic.
That's not a bad card though. Until Shock Master was banned, the resulting Hunder deck was a good antimeta pick to Dragon Rulers, able to reliably drop Rank 3s, sealing monster effects and winning on tempo.
Montreal also topped a YCS.
I swear, the minute that Galaxy Eyes gets a good way to search out the Tachyon side of their backrow, their going to wind up going from Blue Eyes but a bit more competent to an actually kind of a threat deck, specifically because of transmigration being the only omni negate that says "Fuck your entire chain, from any position, and your entire field is also wiped out because you tried to chain"
On a deck who's signature ability is being an anime rival deck, so it can deal 10K damage in a single hit fairly consistently
Insanity, held back by the fact that you cant search this shit worth a damn
"chain block?"
'lol no'
imagine wizard or solider being able to search it... would actually see play
After you searched it, would your opponent not just avoid chains of effects?
@@xCorvus7x Then they'd walk into 38, or Lord, who both are also negates. Or any other amount of negations ya may have. It's highly telegraphed but that telegraph doesn't matter to much if ya got other negates to put em into a damned if ya do, damned if ya don't situation
If I was designing a searcher I would introduce more tachyon spells/traps with a field spell and at least 3 searches an if you control a galaxy eyes monster add 1 tachyon spell/trap to hand then your opponent can chose to banish 2 cards from your extra deck, a if you control a galaxy monster a 1 tachyon spell (specifically can't search the trap) and 1 galaxy spell/trap, after resolution your opponent can choose to draw and equal amount to the amount drawn or banish double the amount from your extra deck, and last a if you control a galaxy eyes or tachyon XYZ monster add to hand from deck 1 tachyon, galaxy or galaxy eyes spell/trap for each galaxy eyes or tachyon monster you control (a potential draw 7 but more likely a max draw 6 but for that maximum that would have to happen at the end of your combo effectively) and than your opponent must chose one of the following effects to use on themselves.(not sure if correct PSCT(problem solving card text)but this effect is for the oppoent to benefit from as the cost to the activating player)
•selects double the number of cards drawn to banish face down from the deck or extra deck (the difficult cost)
•draw the same number of cards as added to the deck
After resolving either of these effects banish this card facedown and all other copies of "insert card name here" faceup you can only activate "name again" once per turn.
The first 2 with the following sentence after this cards successful activation one cannot add cards to there hand or draw cards from the deck for the rest of the turn
Yes I am also trying to make them meta viable additions
Tachyon Transmigration is so sad, because I love the card. I know that the moment Tachyon Dragon gets a decent retrain, the card will immediately be broken, because nothing says op more than an omni from hand that shuffles back, negates multiple cards and can't be responded to
Congrats, you got it and also THREE searchers for Trasmigration so you can spam it to your heart's content.
2 years later, the retrain came in the form of a main deck searcher and god its still not good enough xD
As a solfachord user, elegance is indeed really bonkers and I'd love to see your take on that archetype
Given how poorly he plays combo decks, I'd rather not. Have you seen the mess he made with Crystal Beasts?
@@joanaguayoplanell4912 Yea, even I think he didn't do well with Conclave Control
14:16 Yu-Gi-Oh players never read, but get hyped by cards that have a lot of text on them. The duality of man.
"Look how small the text is, it's gotta be good if it does that much stuff! Who cares what that stuff is?"
The Fortune Lady cards are so strong on paper, Calling summons a monster from deck, Fortune Visions searches Calling, Past pops Light which floats into Water, to draw two and make a 6 star synchro, while setting up Fortune's Future to draw 2 again. None of their cards are HOPT's other than Past and the newer spells, when I get the Itch(TM), I break out my Fortune Exodia deck. Sure it dies to any interaction... Or going second... But it does have 11 Pot of greeds.
interesting itch deck, i have a lot of project decks i try to make ultimately since i havent played yugioh in a while a lot of em went to the wayside and i mainly focused on D/D/D's and testing everything i could under the sun with it. i think it was a deck that scratched the right itch for me. though i do remember the times i tried to make x-sabers, roids, and others work. man those were the times.
Actually flower cardians only have 1 spell that locks them into flower cardians, and thats flower gathering. The rest are like super koi koi which let you only special summon 3 from the top of your deck then banishes spell/traps and inflicta damage to you, flower stacking which has no drawbacks and lets you stack you next 3 draws, and reincardnation which lets you warrior returning alive a flower cardian then special summon one flower cardian from hand, which also doesnt have any restrictions and even lets you ignore summoning conditions. Really the only restrictions they have are the monsters that special summon themselves for free like zebra grass or willow. Flower cardians are a decent archetype but will lose to any player with a handtrap and a good sense of when to use it.
to this day i still have no idea why simoon allows you to just pitch it to the yeah, free minus cuz why not
It was made so cimo can misplay it
I wonder how many master duel kids who are trying their darndest to make blackwing playable and accidentally send simoon to the graveyard because "you click, is too late :)"
@@kaifulbright5241 Well, it is better than arguing with random people about whether he eats your normal summon or not.
I don't play Simoon cuz I feel like it's not consistent but it looks very good when others play it.
Maybe they were thinking about something like Summon Limit saying 'hey you only get so many summons, make them count'... but still,
I'll just mention the oldest card that might fall into this list: Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan. To activate it, you have to have a Wind, Water, Fire, AND Earth monster(s) on the field. Then you can either Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Delinquent Duo, or Pot of Greed. All on a normal trap with no once per turn in sight. There are a small amount of monsters that can meet its requirements on their own, the only ones off the top of my head being Doriado and E-Hero Electrum. And there are plenty of archetypes that could use this card. Why don't they? It's too slow. If it were a spell with those same requirements, it would see play in every multi-attribute deck.
I remember struggling to make that card work back in the day, but actually with new Ancient Warrior spell coming out in DIFO that deck can consistently pull that off now
Sacred Beasts have a few cards that fit on this list.
Awakening - 3 floodgate effects on 1 card. One name on board and you have a permanent superior version of Ghost Sister and Spooky Dogwood's effect. Two names and you have basically a one-sided Skill drain. Three and you get a one-sided Dimension Fissure. It's just that you need to play more than 1 name to make use of it's actual good effects.
Fallen Paradise - If you have a Sacred beast on board and you activate this card it gives them targeting and destruction immunity and it is a Pot of Greed that on the next turn is just a free +2.
Cerulean Skyfire - Not the best by a long shot but it is kinda nuts that Konami kinda invented Spell Speed 5 negation just for this not very good card in a really not good archetype. Its negation is not an activated effect and it doesn't negate effects or activations but the resolution of effects so it can stop Solemn Judgement and Super Poly and its negation cannot be responded to at all.
I remember running it in an Invoked Elementsaber deck. It never came up
I think some people tried this card in prank kids
@@andersondavis1228 Why, though? The PK cards that could be used to activate the effect are always never on the field at the same time.
Surprised nobody brought up Wattrain. You know, a Spell that searches a number of “Watt” CARDS up to the number of Thunder monsters you control, then lets you Summon your entire hand next turn. If only there was a single card worth searching with this.
These TCG names are URGH!!
Weather's new field spell also falls under this category.
It places a weather continuous s/t from deck, gives you an extra normal, and lets you use your CONTINUOUS S/T as LINK MATERIAL which summons an omni negate and a solemn warning.
Shame that all weather cards suck except snow and the snow canvas.
Thunder Canvas is not too bad if coupled woth Kaijus.
@kichiroumitsurugi4363 Thundery Canvas is some of the best removal in the game. Nothing resists it besides pure Towers and even for Towers it's a "negate attack" as it triggers during damage step meaning the opponent can not redeclare an attack. If Painters had one card combos the deck could genuinely be competitive.
What about this for the next poll: Most expensive cards that see no competitive play like BLS Solider of Chaos, Heart-Earth Dragon, Air Neos, Ten Thousand Dragon (yes, I know it's a collector's card more than anything, but it's still not good)
The Ultra and Secret Rare printings of Satellite Cannon are $100+ cards 😂
@@mudachaproductions If Naturia Cherries wasn't in the Hidden Arsenal packs that just released, i'd say that card.
Isn't Heart-Earth part of a Draglubion combo? Or is it something else?
I play bls soldier of chaos in my invoked Mekk-knight deck and it's very useful vs eldlich and sky striker :)
@@runningoncylinders3829 Dunno. Saw it for a bit, but it might have been at the high of covid remote dueling so my memory is foggy.
3:23 there's a card that actually does this in MtG called The Grand Calcutron. It basically turns MtG into Robo Rally, a game also designed by Richard Garfield Your hand gets stuck in a set order, adding cards to hand makes you choose where in the order to place them, and turn player's end phase they draw until they have 5 cards in their hand
I love this series. Keep it up
My example: Masked Beast Des Guardius. A 3200 special that floats into a Snatch Steal that can ungarnet itself so it'll always be live. I hope you like main-decking Grand Tiki Elder.
Des might not Garnet, but Tiki/Melchid sure are.
that card is just plain awful lmao
Give them a year, they ain't finished scraping the bottom of the dm barrel
It's playable in Duel Links because there's a skill that can SS Tiki or Melchid outside your deck. And guess what? It's still sucks because people rarely send monster to gy as a removal. They're mostly bounce or banish to remove your shit.
well it's a old card, you can link it off and being sent to the grave is better than say being destroyed. The card it's self is just to un-generic in it's summoning condition to ever see play out side of gimmick decks
I'm a proud player of flower cardian, and I completly agree with your description of the gameplay of the deck!
I've played the deck for a while now (I'm even the one who submitted Gathering) and the deck is just full the most powerful cards I've ever read and it's so funny how long a combo goes for lol
It's so funny how often I've decked out people in Master Duel thanks to the sheer number of Maxx C draws and how well it plays against interaction lol
That reason is exactly why I play the deck. That, and the great artwork (especially in the Ultra prints).
@@infiniteshay8660 true, I played the deck for years (and I cryed when I saw the most recent level 3 support) but honestly, the deck has 2 problems for me: 1st, you are too vulnerable to nibiru and you basically die 99% of the time by droll. 2nd, you have only 1 good boss monster and 1 decent one. I would love so much a couple new shyncro supports for the deck
@@malvo2099 honestly Nibiru doesn't really stop me. Any extender from Gathering to Recardination to Koi Koi does it. I remember one time this guy said to me "I have no idea when to Nibiru this archetype" and I told him "when I have no cards in hand." He activated Nibiru when I had two cards in hand and I still ended on four boss monsters.
@@johnnickfanaccount3492 I'd argue it's not bad. It's my least favorite of the spells but I picked it for this inevitable video because most people will see Soul Charge from Deck for 4 and understand the angle and if it weren't for the context of it being flower cardians, the card would be busted period.
As someone who just started playing Solfachord, the deck is exceptionally based, andI would love to see your take on it, esp in the tcg
The problem with Sunavalon is that they lose to most handtraps in the game
I literally watched a Sunavalon player extend through Ash and Ghost Belle before this video.
The problem is that Sunavalon has little to no grind game. Sunavalon can play through handtraps and interruptions since they only need 1 vanilla to build a massive board = 4 extra cards in hand to follow up and/or compete. But once your combo ends you have almost burned through your complete extra deck and there are no good, specific archetype cards for recycling (except playing pot of avarice).
This sleeping deck is very consistent and explosive. It has TON of potential. It just needs to abuse the general plant cards like blossom and jasmine to peak even higher. You can even play this alongside Brave engine.
@@nebula6053 and that exodus monster if your really scraping the bottom of the barrel
I think the problem is that they don’t really end on a strong board.
@@daniellopez8302 Have you ever seen a sunavalon endboard with 1 Vanilla? Its so nuts.
Since I specialize in Melodious, it has some absolutely cracked cards:
Ostinato is my pick, Harmonist as a followup.
This deck curbstomps Sky Strikers, but it may struggle to play through any interruption of the aforementioned cards.
If Melodious and Wind Witches got half the kind of Support Lunalight and Lyrilisc got, they'd be much better decks and MELODIOUS WOULD BE THE YGO HEROES DECK THEY DESERVED TO BE!
Sylvan Charity gets my vote. It's so ridiculously strong compared to every other spell/trap in that archetype.
It's so funny,that card alone is the whole reason sylvan decks are Uber combo b/c you could make a mid range-y one wth a ton of ht but nah they want their plus lol
Ya but Sylvans were a meta deck in their time tho
Merlin when it came to Duel Links made Noble Knights so much more playable and even top tier thanks to their trap card Until Noble Arms Are Needed Again since they came together in the Noble Knight structure deck EX Tales of the Noble Knights.
What I'm saying is that in Duel Links Merlin was really damn good.
That, and Balance made them never brick. Then Balance got nerfed and Noble Nuts died
I think my blood pressure permanently rose the first time I read that Urarctic draw card in a spoiler. Its only weakness is that no one plays Ursarctics.
Doesn't Usarctic need to go like -3 to make a single Synchro?
@@Zetact_ kind of. It takes a -3 or -4 to do a full synchro combo, but thar synchro combo usually gets you multiple searches and 4 or 5 extra draws (playing entirely pure, that is).
Problem is, if your first combo gets interrupted, you're fucked.
@@jaernihiltheus7817 they are not that bad as people often say, just they are really weak to some specific chokepoints
@@Jrpg_guy oh, i know. I enjoy playing them. They just take a lot of resources to start their combos and gain a lot of resources by the end of the combo - whereas to make a deck be meta viable you have to pretty much do the opposite.
Its weakness is that ursarctics are ugly so nobody wants to play them
Ah i missed the tweet for this one. Another great example is Wattrain. A possible 5 card search and 5 monster normal summon locked behind the slowest thunder archetype in the game (I play the deck religiously so it hurts me to say it lmao)
Watts need like 2 or 3 summons per turn consistently to be playable
@@martinnielsen2470 unfortunately yeah. I have resorted to using ties of the brethren into Zap Mustung and Thunderclap Monk
Simoon actually really good, if not one of the best blackwing cards and even being limited to dark monsters doesn't hurt the decknatball thanks to extra deck raidraptors, Phantom Knights, IP Masquerena, and DDDs.
yeah it was really confusing seeing simoon on this vid. it's not like the others where the archetype is bad or the restrictions make it shit, i actually don't really see why somebody suggested it.
As a blackwing player, I used to think Simoon was bad so I never ran it. Then I ran it. Oh my God it's good. Plus the synergy with Auster and then just get Auster back anyway.
@@technodragon990 Problem is, Blackwing is bricky as hell if it doesn't open Simoon
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 Okay so I don't know what variant of blackwing you've played but usually when i play i don't brick. Simoon makes my hand so much better but just because I don't draw it doesn't mean I have no plays.
@@technodragon990 popping the Black Whirlwind at EOT though, with how much of a PITA it is to recur?
Solfachord has ridiculous S/T support...but the deck isn't great because Konami keeps piling restrictions on it that prevents it from being playable.
Plus having no tuner or same levesl makes go into extras hard, and sadly they have no advantage gain throught scale effects. And the spell and trap searcher is of course level 5
I legitimately think with some more spell/traps the deck could be great.
@@Jrpg_guy More link support would probably be the best way for the extra. You've got the one link monster but it doesn't do much for the actual endboard. Having some better negates or special summons from extra deck would be great.
@@TinPrince yeah havig a good link 3 or 4 would help a lot, not always going then into avramax lol
A friend and I have been trying to make Solfachord moderately competitive for the past year, and we have some pretty good builds that can stand up to tier 1 strategies. The deck is honestly good in the purest context. It is not overly strong, it is not embarrassingly weak, it's just standard good. However, when modern Yu-Gi-Oh demands a lot of disruption to just stop your opponent from playing the game, a deck that doesn't do that just doesn't hold up to ones that do. Solfachord honestly needs some more link monsters that have quick effect disruption of some kind, a couple S/T cards, and slight reworks on the monsters due to their effects and stats just not making sense and begging the question, why?
Small World would have been the best support for this deck, allowing you to go from any Solfachord into any Solfachord, since they don't share any levels, are all fairy, share 4 attributes through the archetype, and don't have the same attack. Sadly, the four "starters" (I'll talk about this later) all share the same defense for no reason. I just have to ask why?
Out of the deck's "starters," of which I mean can be normal summoned and do something, only 2 have an effect that let's you do something. Cutia searches a Solfachord monster, but if she is negated, if you don't have the right hand, that is most likely your turn. Dreamia is an extender to go into a good link-2 like Musecia, but not a real starter herself. Eliteia bounces a S/T which is TOTALLY useful going first, so again, not a real starter. Finally, Fancia let's you add a Solfachord to your extra deck face up, which is a starter. Gracia has a starter effect of adding a S/T, but she is a level 5, why? Why not give the bounce effect to Gracia and the S/T search effect to Eliteia? It would make the deck quite a bit more consistent going first.
It doesn't make sense why the majority of monster effects are hard once per turns. Coolia is not that good of a boss monster due to her effect having destruction of a monster that has activated its effect that is hard once per turn. Why? I understand that Konami doesn't want every Pendulum archetype to be negate spam, that' not the issue, the issue is that the destruction of only ONE monster ON THE FIELD is usually not enough to truly disrupt your opponent. Formal is purely defensive, but a hard once per turn (I don't think it would be too strong having no once per turn restriction but maybe not.)
On the flip side, only Beautia and Coolia have legitimate quick effects, most of the rest are on summon effects, which is SO useful during your opponent's turn, the turn where you can't summon but once, ONLY IF you have Musica set with a valid target in your extra deck. Finally, you have effects that have better forms in other decks, I again just have to ask why? Both Gracia and Angelia (Named every single one 👍) have text that reads "While you have an X Pendulum Scale in your Pendulum Zone, if your 'Solfachord' Pendulum Monster attacks, your opponent cannot activate X (cards or) effects until the end of the Damage Step" for both monsters and S/T respectively. I can't for the life of me think of why they would make these say ATTACKS instead of battles. Th second would be so much more useful and other cards already have this kind of text, so why can't the pendulum waifus?
So, I'll restate, Solfachord honestly needs some more link monsters that have quick effect disruption of some kind, a couple S/T cards, and slight reworks on the monsters. But it's pretty fun, Pend best deck, I have done my duty for the Waifus. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk against your will
Yeah once more this is amazing content. I'm impressed by your knowledge of fringe archetypes, and you're surprised often enough that it keeps it interesting. Keep it up if you can come up with ideas!
I actually used to play W Nebula Meteorite in my Alien deck. They’re (mostly) Light Reptiles and have exactly one level 7 Light Reptile in Cosmic Horror Gangi’el.
Had the added benefit of turning my opponent’s face-down monsters face-up for those sweet sweet A-counters.
It wasn’t good, but it was fun.
Better Noble Knight examples would be Heritage of the Chalice and Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again. A searcher spell that does every single monster and equip spell within the archetype while also recurring itself from the graveyard plus a trap that adds a card off the top of the deck and is a free special summon from the deck.
With the Blackwing Simon the Poison Wind, the normal summon doesn’t actually take up your normal summon for the turn. It just summons it to trigger the effect meaning that you have another normal summon still for however many black whirlwinds you have (let’s go with 2 for this example). If you manage to get out Nothung then you have a third normal summon that turn meaning you get to add a total of 6 cards off of black whirlwind. One black whirlwind is destroyed during the end phase of course, but you can get around this by returning it to the hand with Zephos the Elite (I’m not good with the first names for these things). It’s a pretty good combo overall, but blackwings don’t have much in the way of negates so they’re not going to be anything amazing.
Just wanted to say something to clear up that bit.
That's why the best card in Blackwings is D/D/D Kali Yuga lol
Superheavy Samurai cards. Sure you have to either banish all your spell traps, or not play any, but:
Soulpiercer is a non-opt rota for the deck. Wagon searches the Soul cards. Thief beats skill drain, Erupt, etc and takes them. Susanowo steals your opponent's gy spell/traps. Gauntlet is a better honest. Peacemaker can tribute off the link monster you no longer need to keep going.
And guess what, there were some big brain players who ran an SHS engine in EARTH Machine to turbo out VFD and a fusion off Cyber Stein
I feel that galaxy eyes tachyon thingy in my soul. Yeah it's nice if everything works out perfectly to use because it can stop chain combos completely. It destroys backrow trap stuff that activates 5 traps all at once. Yet if you draw into it at the start your boned. Because galaxy literally requires every card in your hand to make a combo and if you just dont have a strong galaxy eyes it's a brick
Seeing him rant on sowing literally two days after it won European championships is pretty funny 🤣
Also I got one.
Alien Amonite + Alien Dog
It’s Junk Synchron for the entire deck and the other specials itself, if you just summon any Alien.
And they both came out right at the start of 5Ds. Making them the one of the best lvl 5 or 8 synchro enablers.
And they never tipped even once.
Mostly because the actual monsters themselves are kinda terrible. I messed about with Ogdoadic Aliens in Master Duel though, and Slicer + Kid is insane - and Slicer can search Kid on summon - and then summon it. Any special summoned monster on your opponents field cannot activate it's effects. They're negated, but they also can't, like, tribute themselves as cost to get around it. And if they get something too big out? Just Mysterious Triangle kill it into a Shocktrooper, because why not?
The Alien Archetype feels like it could do damage…
It just… DOES NOT
Idk if I'm wrong or not but mayakashi. Just mayakashi. They have a card that special summons itself from the graveyard as long as they synchro using the card and it's not once per turn, shame it's locked into mayakashi. Would probably be a synchro user's dream.
Humorously, something like Bone Tower mill is the strongest you can get with this endless Synchro ladder deck.
well they recently got the link 3 yuki so we finally have a full ladder that also has a quick effect of summoning a mayakashi from the grave.
Not to mention Ghost meets Girl which can stop special summons and gets you a banished zombie back
And they also have a card (forgot its name) that can be either ROTA or Foolish for the archetype
@@gagabarbidou5975 Mayakashi Return. The problem with Mayakashi? Its Synchros are not good going 1st, and not opening Return or Hajun is a death sentence. Same with getting your Dakki hit with Called by or D.D. Crow
Been watching YGO content on youtube recently despite not actively playing it or keeping up with the meta but just cuz it's fun to watch what kinda stuff the game can do these days, and occasionally with the added benefit of learning about a cool little dude I didn't know. The cool little dude of the day is Appliancer Laundry Dragon.
I must say, I would very much like my washing machine to also be a Dragon. That would be very fun
Bamboo Shoot also suffered from the issue where you spent 3 cards and 2 turns to set it up only for your opponent to summon a Cyber Dragon and kill it tbh
Gemini ablation is actually nuts in infernoble:
Special summons pheonix gearfried from deck with his effects live
Can special summon evocateur from the deck with his effects which then special summons any fire warrior from your graveyard (Charles, gearfried, etc)
Then it has a second effect you can use instead of the previous one where if you already control a Gemini monster With its effects (something the card already sets up on its own so you can do this on the next turn if your opponent doesn’t kill your spell trap negate with 2800 atk it’s free on the next turn) tribute it and special summon any fire warrior from your deck (immortal phenix gearfried) and then destroy 1 card on the field (lol).
And it’s a continuous trap you can use every turn, it’s legit an entire archetype in one card.
But you have to play 1 or two Gemini monsters ( pheonix gearfried + evocateur) to make it live 🤢
It would prob be better if it was a fucking normal trap so you could get to it from trap trick and not have to run 2 for 3 play set of dead cards.
You haven't lived until you resolved Tachyon Transmigration against a full-powered Prank-Kids combo before an OTK 😌
No one mentioned Fallen Paradise and I feel that's a mistake. Give all your Sacred Beasts protection from targeting and destruction, on top of being a Pot of Greed every single turn if you control at least one of the beasts. Seems pretty nuts to me if not for the Sacred Beast parts.
All the Sacred Beast support is crazy. The issue is, they have absolutely no negates. They have a trap that's like "if you control 1, gain infinite LP. If you control 2, one sided Skill Drain. If you have 3, I'm also a one sided Dim Fissure. I'm still bad."
And you can search Paradise - IT LITERALLY HAS A ROTA
Sacred Beasts are consistent though. You've, got the lv2, opening, and piri which all start the combo and you only need 2 cards in hand to end on 2 Beasts on field, draw 2, with extra cards in hand. Loses to 90% of available handtraps though, its only good combo loses to nibiru because your negates are skill drain and a s/t negate (which can negate fuckin super Poly by the way). Busted cards, I love playing them, but they just don't quite do it.
@@martinnielsen2470 Yeah, you almost always end on 'pretty good board', then 1 card and a S/T removal immediately breaks it and you lose
@@GRSZiik *silently rotates my Hamon.
"Im making these videos until you stop watching them"
Aight seems like a fair deal
When they made Worms they did a funny thing where there is exactly one Worm for each letter of the alphabet. They've already printed all 24 so they can't print any more monster support for the archetype without breaking the pattern. Personally though I wouldn't have a problem with them printing retrained versions of the less playable worms.
By the way, Worms are the canonical enemies of another unplayable Duel Terminal archetype, the Ally of Justice archetype. Thus, they are also the entire reason why Ally of Justice is focused on hosing light attribute monsters.
There are 26 letters. 24 is still two too short.
Solfachord is actually fire, so much synergy with Zefra, and the Darkwurm package. Makes Pendulum easy to understand and fun
Fur Hire Folgo is a draw 3 whenever a card on the opponents side is destroyed.
Its generally suprising how bad this deck can be.
It has the "one more summon" style like flundereeze, has literally the same quickplay spell to dodge negates, no xenolock and can run tcboo.
Yea, and the flaw is, they cannot play on the opponent's turn the same way Floo does
All of the Vendread ritual spells. A ritual version of shadows fusion and a ritual spell that summons from the graveyard and uses materials from the graveyard. They would've been the best rituals ever if they weren't in Vendread.
Vemdreads are so cool but the "you gotta tribute this Mf from field to gain a cool effect or you are basically a vanilla" is gaaaaarbo
Currently doing TransSonic Vendread with Needleworm Nest in Master Duel
I think I confused someone into CONNECTION FAILED
Abyss actor cards in general. Namely Hyper director and the scripts
Hyper director is basically a free +2 that also special summons a monster (doesnt even need to be an actor) on a link 1, but it xenolocks you
And the abyss scripts are honestly CRAZY with their floating effects. Draw up to 5, summon 5 from deck, bounce EVERYTHING your opponent controls, spin shit to the deck, the amount of crazy shit these scripts do would make them banworthy in a competent deck.
I am shocked we didn't see a single Red-Eyes, Dark Magician or (to a lesser extent) Blue-Eyes card
At a recent locals a kid resolved Rage with Eyes of Blue against me when I tried to negate it by chaining Forbidden Chalice. Banishing your hand field and GY is part of the effect
Ultimate Creature of Destruction, Destined Rivals, Ultimate Fusion, the list goes on
soul servant was in the video. He just didn't talk about it.
As a Solfachord player I welcome MBT into our midst.
Genuinely think the deck could be pretty good with some support.
I really love "Mischief of the Timegoddess" for this, cause it just allows you to skip your opponents turn and jump right into your next battlephase. Since you jump from Battlephase to Battlephase you don't get an additional draw or main phase, but you can do so much dumb shit with it like reusing once per turn effects, immediately activating trapcards you just set, skipping phases where bad things would have happened (like opponent DPE ressurecting) but you can only use it while you controll nothing but Valkyrie Monsters, basically all of which are bad.
it's also unsearchable
@@xatuyou8045 You can search it actually with Ride of the Valkyries. Which in turn can be searched with Valkyrie Dritte.
While I actually like the archetype a lot, the Ancient Warrior link fits, it's a search of any Ancient Warrior card when link summoned, gives 500 atk to each of them, and is a quick effect bounce for a send...and it's used more as a disruption in Tri-brigade then anything else
W Nebula Meteorite is so sad because Worms was actually a playable archetyoe during the XYZ era, but they just never gave it anything good other than it.
I dunno if you consider Dragunity penis enough for this, but Dragunity Whirlwind is basically a custom card. Summons 2 monsters from the deck and immediately synchro summons on a quick play spell, so you can literally Black Rose your opponent on their turn.
Its funny how Ghostrick Angel of mischief has this completely separate effect that is an alternate win condition (if you get 10 Xyz Materials on this card you win) but nobody uses it for that OMEGALUL
I'm still workshopping on making it feasible in Duel Links. Even then exclusively for PVE.
It's funny and a bit interesting too see how many of these cards have helped people climb to KOG in duel links like fortune lady exodia has been one of the most entertaining loses I've experienced
I think the star non-archetype version of this is Witch's Strike. Just OBLITERATES all your opponent's presence if they try to negate... but it itself can be negated. And its destruction doesn't affect cards like REDD, so sometimes even if it goes off it doesn't so its job!
Solfachord in ocg and master duel can end on odd-eyes vortex, 3-mat apollousa, ip mascarena, and it’s trap card that can either special any solfachord from extra or destroy any card on the field (assuming you have your scales).
Solfachord in tcg ends on a 4-mat appolousa that was protected from nib until her summon.
It’s more of tcg doesn’t have electrumite problem
I can end on 3 mat Appolusa and Savage Dragon or Barrone and a floodgate if I get the right cards. Sometimes I'll set up Avramax and Coolia. A lotta times it's just Masq into Avramax pass, which surprisingly works sometimes lol
I just realized that there's a monster which in its archetype can attack 3 times and stop your opponent from activating cards or effects during your turn.
Sadly it's a kaiju which costs 3 kaiju counters to activate the effect, it's name is thunder king, the lightningstrike kaiju
all of the harpie spell/trap cards are pretty silly ngl. only issue is that you have nowhere to go with the deck as you get locked into winged beasts, only good option was simorgh but .... yeah lol
So many but just to name a few of my fav: rikkas have an insane starter that either searches or mills and recurs herself every turn but her lock is so hard,and the other so bad,that sometimes is better as a one off lol and of course the classic example,all the ice barrier synchros were/are broken beyond belief... But they were almost incapable of summoning them xD
Fluffal patchwork cameo is funny, because that deck is honestly fine? But that's not even the broken card, that's 100% vendor
Witch's Strike is a devastating trap card, but very specific, should be here
I like ursarctics, play a build that uses them and a diva water synchro engine. They toe a fun like between batshit combo where they do draw all 7 cards and end on 1 or 2 negates, an xyz and link floodgate, a loaded wolfrayet and a field spell that can just permenant snatch steal, and sometimes your playing a game of making one guy and just playing on your opponents turn using them as handtraps. And all the while the card that says draw 7 feels totally fair. I also feel nothing can ever make the deck good good. Give them a s/t searcher, give them effs that proc on tribute, whatever. They just hemmorage advantage so fast that unless you start with radiation you aren’t recouping.
If the deck's ever to be rogue viable it really needs more monster names. Because they're all hard OPT they're more bricky than you'd expect and ideally they'd want to have enough in archetype interruption to completely forgo staple hand traps too.
@@NolenJacobsonbut like what does opening 5 different monsters get you? Septentrion, dipper and a rank 9. I dont see how more of thm helps
@@cephery8482 The problem is, not opening your backrow means you cannot get your draw 7
@@kichiroumitsurugi4363 dont worry im intimately aware of this.
I’ve actually been tinkering with Bamboo Shoot Turbo. All you need is a way to make Halq without using your normal, and to open either Shoot, Small World, or FBG sending Naturia Sacred Tree.
Galaxy trance feels like this sometimes, locks you to galaxy and photons, but there’s no rank 5 galaxy xyz monster
If I got my hands on this thread (and already saw Flower Gathering mentioned) I would have put The Weather Forecast. Allowing you to link summon using your canvases is insane! Shame you can only summon one of two L3 monsters that require you to have more monsters on field to even do anything
Imagine a ghostrick counter trap that negates and then adds a material to an xyz? That’d be awesome
Oh my god, I always saw this Among Us Gif as a fat belly wobbling, I've just now realized I looked at it all wrong. Thanks. I guess
Honestly one card that I walkways though would be great is "pot of riches" witch read Shuffle 3 Pendulum Monsters into the Deck, from your GY and/or face-up from your Extra Deck, then draw 2 cards. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Riches" per turn. You cannot Special Summon the turn you activate this card, except by Pendulum Summon.
I always thought that this card would be good if it wasn't for the part the you can't special summon monsters except by pendulum summon
You could play it in some beatdown jank like Dinomist but then the problem is getting 3 names to the ED
Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi.
Level 2
ATK 1000 DEF 0
You can only control 1 "Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi". When a "Mayakashi" monster(s) is Special Summoned to your field from the Extra Deck, while this card is in the GY (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card. You cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck the turn you activate this effect, except "Mayakashi" monsters.
+ Infinitely recursive material
+ Tuner
+ Zombie support
+ Archetype can SS her from deck
+ Archetype can Foolish Burial her
- Mayakashi Synchros are piss bad
- "This turn your ED is piss bad"
- Hello Nibiru how are you
- No ED fun allowed
- Kinda bricky in hand
- Did I mention the horrific ED lock?
Surprised she didn't get mentioned. Maybe like me, no other Mayakashi player uses Twitter.
Harpies feather storm is literally a one sided skill drain that can also be used to protect against hand traps and negation on your own turn
But it's used by actual competent stuff: Bird up and Floo
It's saying enough that this card was single-handedly responsible from 90% of the victories of my pre structure deck pre Tribrigade Crystal Beast deck.
I love that Crystal Beasts have some of the best spell and traps for searching, negation, revival and Consistency but is held back by having 2 1/2 good monsters to use them on.
My pick would be Dakki, The grateful Mayakashi. A level 2 tuner that can special summon itself anytime you special summon from the extra deck, including using itself. Imagine that in a deck that end goal wasn't sitting on 1 monster and hoping your opponent is stupid enough to crash into them
That's what I'm saying, if Dakki wasn't locked in mayakashi it would have made synchro climbing 10x easier (but then it would've joined the group of cards banned because of link summoning).
I mean, to be fair, now they have a Vanity's Emptiness, and a Link 3 that negates and can be climbed into, but the deck has three chokepoints, two of which answered by Ash
Fun fact about simoon btw, IT GIVES YOU 2 NORMALS! yeah so you because it counts as an effect to normal summon it you can actually search auster the south wind to revive your banished blackwing monster and get a second trigger of black whirlwind, this results in some bs shenagans that almost always end in a zephyros saving your whirlwind by bouncing it and ending in a glorious full armor master turn one, its so consistent I can't remember a duel where I didn't pull that off turn one.
I’ll say this much: Ever seen a go-first Dream Mirror board before BACH?
What about after? Wait why are there 3 negates-
Yeah, Dark Neiroy will do that.
Yea. Hell, the deck straight up doesn't even need Hypnagogia anymore because of Dark Neiroy. Too bad he is also an Ash and Imprrm magnet
Comic Hand would be ban worthy if not for the fact that Took Bookmark is the ONLY toon card that can search it, and you can only use one bookmark per turn. So if your bookmark doesn't get ashed and you already have a toon kingdom on the field, congrats! You get 1 free snatch steal (use it wisely)
Fortune lady really hurts, cause the theme is so good and yet the whole archetype is crap. As for Bujins it's classic case of power creep.
their gimmick is crap now because of how fast the game is
@@dudono1744 That, and the monsters except Water simply do far too little
Back in the day i'd tech in DNA surgery into my heraldic beast deck so I could declare dinosaur to play heraldry art and summon lagia/dolka or declare machine to summon cyber dragon to contact fuse their entire board. You'd be amazed how often DNA surgery could brick a deck back in 2011.
Very surprising to not see Springans Watch in this video. If you don't control the field spell, it's Terraforming, and then if you DO have the field spell already online, you get to search ANY Springans monster and then send ANY Springans monster to the graveyard from deck. Because like who cares, just do it.
Combine Falling Down and Comic Hand together using Toon Summoned Skull for the double Snatch Steal *chef's kiss*
Since I play the Deck, I'm going to say _ALL THREE GUSTO CARDS FROM DAWN OF MAJESTY_
Gusto Vedir literally floats from hand and doesn't miss timing, sends a guy to the GY then summons ANOTHER guy from your hand. And by _guy_ , I mean _girl_ and by _girl_ I mean _Pilica_
Daigusto Lamplampilica literally says _SUMMON A GUSTO FROM HAND AND DECK AND SYNCHRO SUMMON_ and gives your other Gusto Synchros targeting protection. -And has a big booty-
Tailwind of Gusto is one of the most absurd cards I ever read for an equip spell... Practically does almost every thing you could ever want, and when in the GY is a searcher for the Gusto S/T (including itself)
... _GUSTO BEST DECK LET'S GOOOOO_ -I am not coping I swear-
I swear if Sphreez ever gets a higher level retrain with both battle and effect immunity, and something along the lines of her original effect, Gusto's might have a gameplan.
i loved DAMA support for gusto, but if you notice all of those 3 new cards require you to have resources in hand, vedir summons a gusto from hand, laplam needs a gusto in hand, tailwind's search needs another gusto in hand. This forces you to play a more pure build if you want to use them all. It would fit better if gustos had a reliable way to generate advantage and they don't (sphreez is a good one but not enough IMO)
Now, i know that the plan is not to use every single Gusto card effect every turn, nor make it more engine-like (i personally like pure gusto builds), but i think it's a bit weird that konami gave support cards that have the same needs
also laplam's role is a bit underwhelming synchro monster for the time it was released
Laplam would be much better if the summon from hand was optional. I rarely have enough gustos in hand.
11:14 if you discard "Terrifying Toddler of Torment" and send Intruder, he will be summoned too... And why that revival is a mandatory effect?
Respect for caring about my boi Jrleth... Notification bell will be on
I put that thing at 1 in galaxy eyes... is like copium when it work is like a drugs
Red reign. Control a level 8 or higher dark dragon synchro? Banish every other monster, also the cards not banished are also unaffected for the rest of the turn. Oh yeah did you discard it, mill it with chaos ruler or use it last turn? Add it back to your hand, no problem. Feel free to have it chain block an important effect too.
Yeah, too bad RDA is so damn fragile
Red-eyes fusion definitely, its shadoll fusion but ur opponent doesn't have to have a monester but its restrictions make it unplayable. I mean look how verte broke the card cause it bypasses that no summoning restriction
I love playing solfachords and was just waiting for elegance to show up, the card is ridiculously good.
Personal gripe, revolving switchyard is potentially game breaking. But why does it PREVENT BATTLE DAMAGE when you use its amazing effect
Or infinitrack dozer locking me into earth when it gives me cyber dragon infinity turbo
fluffal cat + wings + toy vendor combo is honestly incredible. It just sucks that the deck dies to anything resembling interaction
Rank up magic the 7th one would be insane if it wasnt so heavily restricted... Ik it wouldnt be the best target but just imagine going into C107 with 0 effort.
Never forget about C106 negating everything
@@heatsflamesman5353 Hm C106 also does that? C107 cuz all monsters on field negated and they cant activate card effects
edit: all cards* on top of a 4.5k beater
There’s a new card in the ocg that can summon any number monster except the 0s and XX and gives the monster 4 material. It just requires math to use.
@@Xero-rr2ol C106's negate is a mandatory effect btw
shout outs to fortune ladies for enabling at least 15 different ftks in duel links.
3:20 Okay but like.... you should look up Shahrazad sometime, and see why this statement is so topical
Yes but that card just makes you play another game of Magic within your game of Magic. You do have a point though.