University in Sweden is completely free. It’s not just a programme. This makes anyone who has made it through high school with average grades eligible for university. To support yourself during college/university, you get a study grant and if you want, a student loan with very low interest rates (0.3%). You start paying back your loan when you graduate and get a job. Currently the amortisation is 4% of your annual income.
I love this guy. He was the only prime minister that we had in sweden who had an inpact of the world. He was a humanist and we should need more people like him. I know many swedes hate him but it´s a hot topic. My dad didnt liked his politics but when Olof Palme was killed it was the first time i saw my dad cried. I remember that day in 1986 when we heard that he was killed and i was only six years old.
There are a couple of Palme speeches available here on youtube. One about immigration and one explaining why he is a democratic socialist. Might sound a bit dry, but they showcase how forward-thinking he was.
@@rayceofhistory "Olof Palme Why I am a Democratic Socialist (English Subtitles)" that's probably the best one. You could also checked out "Why did Sweden support the Viet-cong?" by History Matters
Politics and politicians are usually not that interesting. but Olof Palme and his government are one of the more interesting and really went their own way of doing things. For good and bad. It's not easy for a small nation depending on other bigger nations to stand up and complain about how superpowers are acting in the world, the relations between US and Sweden were probably all time low after Sweden publicly said the US did not have the right to invade Vietnam. His government where not against US and where complaining about Soviet Union and other countries too. Sweden where a big part of ending apartheid in South Africa and did a lot for world peace. But like all politics and politicians, there are good and bad parts. Regarding the murder I guess the assassination of Olof Palme is probably the second largest investigation in the world after the JFK assassination. Some less known facts were that the investigation where also using some illegal methods and made life hell for some of the people that were investigated, the stories about this have not been known for that many years.
The reason why university and healthcare is so expensive in the US is that private corporations run them. Not that attempts have been made to make them more available everyone. What you get it high quality high prices for those who can afford and low quality or no service for those who can’t afford.
The vast majority of universities here are public. So for healthcare there is an argument there for that, but with university it’s a bit more complicated. Especially with the correlation between government backed loans and costs rising.
@@rayceofhistory Looking at degree granting postsecondary institutions, there were as of 2020, a total of 2357 private colleges and 1625 public colleges. The private colleges are vastly dominating the 4 year colleges (1907 private to 772 public). This has generated an imbalance in higher education with rising costs.
I think you've heard his name before. He was in favor of nuclear power. What weapons could be made if you had nuclear powerplants? Who ran a certain secret project in the 60s? 😉
He liked to be drastic and controversial in his talks. That made him probably the most hated and loved person in the world at that time. The result is shocking as the end. Today sweden has a right wing coalition goverment, but his ideas he had have influenced many in the world. He was very popular in southamerica. Yes you are right in that some interventions give the opposite effect for a part of people. It gives unfair competition. Taking money from people who work hard to people who dont work is not always justice, especially to those people do not want to contribute to the country or not doing the best they can. Neither Autocracy, socialism or capitalism is a fix it all ideology. In fact the result is not even close to it´s meaning or vision, especially this is true to communism, and hard core socialism.
This is the same as economic schools of thought. While generally some seem to work better than others, they also have their shortcomings or situations they don’t answer very well. But instead of having a discussion about pros and cons of certain systems we tend to split into teams and become entrenched in the side we see as most right. Unfortunately I think most people actually agree with each other far more than it seems if the discussion is given nuance, but because it almost never is everyone seems and feels divided.
About the greens in west Europe, German shutting off the last reactor this year and Sweden already shut off 6 out of 12 reactors, forcing the old coal and oil plants to start up again to make power. The greens/socialists wind-power not working set the price up between 200 and 500% this winter. So the government paid back a small amount as a contribution to the swedes for electricity around 3 billion sek, but the state made 10 billion sek in extra tax on the high prices🙄
We’ve talked about this on the discord a bit. It’s a little hard for me to wrap my head around, just because it’s such a different position than most greens here. Most greens here(which, greens are a TINY party) would absolutely love a rhetoric switch from the government about cutting back fossil fuels in favor of nuclear energy.
@@rayceofhistory the greens are miniscule in sweden but they got the socialists by the b*lls so the socialists could stay in power. it failed last time at last. but we suffer the consequences of that now .
Let's say that Olof Palme had two faces one for the official arena and one for the unofficial arena . Look for Olof Palmes contacts with Pentagon and CIA . He was a very intelligent person what ever you like his politics or not . He could speak against the US in a speech about Vietnam while at the same time sending an emissary to the Pentagon about information for an incoming offensive that North Vietnam would launch in the near future . Nixon hated him and pentagon/CIA ¨loved¨ him 😁😁
As a swede I don't like Palme. He was to leftist for me. Also he isn't that liked in Sweden today. He was not horrible but a little bit to radical to the left. He implemented a lot of good things, but then it never stopped. That's the problem during the 60's and 70's for Sweden. That we got the highest tax rates in the world. I can agree that we should pay high taxes, but not that high as it became. There is a balance and a limit to everything. In the beginning taxes were to low so they started raising them and that was fine, but then they never stopped. It was the socialdemocrats, his party that did this during the 70's. Even to this day, despite that we have among the highest tax rates in the world his party wants to raise them even more. The socialdemocrats is like a machine that you can't turn off, they never understand when enough is enough. And this is the reason why they had over 50% of the votes during the 70's, but today have lost a lot of votes in modern politics.
@@coole6825 There are none, due to Olof Palme. Goldrush don't even understand how well they made their point despite not knowing anything. I don't think I've seen a net tax increase proposal in 17 years from the Social Democrats. Sure, we've had to pay out banks and shit or live with 15% inflation and the following interests in the 90's but everyone were on that bus no matter which isle of the stand one was at. I've paid taxes for 20 years and I've never gotten a raise, I know that for certain. I've gotten plenty of reliefs though. During that time we've had governments from "left to right". Palme made us more liberal than any PM could ever do. I want less tax burden on the working- and middle class and for some reason Palmes' own party has been the major force for it allthough I'm not idealogically in that camp. Social Democrats in Sweden is a weird animal.
Well said. I was about to write the same thing. Palme was a great humanitarian and an inspiring speaker but the social democrats exploited the Swedish egalitarian culture and the leftist policys went too far. And we paid for it in the 80s and 90s.
The Social Democrats made sure that people who had a hard time in Sweden got better and better through all their reforms. These reforms influenced other countries in Europe to look at what Sweden did and is a big reason why welfare for all became a benchmark in Europe! Today, established social democrats have become a party that implements the same policies as other parties on the right and when some, who were previously better off with their reforms, have increased their incomes, they no longer want to support other vulnerable people. Then it's easy to say that those who need support are lazy and don't deserve any support! "Because I'm worth it"!
The opinion of this guy is very divided in Sweden. Personally I see him as one of the forerunners of the political disaster we see today in Sweden, (mainly in green politics and immigration), and I would go as far as calling him a traitor. I'm not saying anyone deserve to get murdered, but his progressive ideas laid the seeds of what would become a political nightmare and I'm not surprised why he had so many enemies. If his politics were so appreciated then why are the Swedish people and now including his own party actively doing their best to remove his legacy? Perhaps it was revolutionary thinking in the 60s with gender equality, green politics, and open borders, but today his ideas have become mainstream and are often seen as crazy. The only thing I like about the guy is his outspokenness about the major powers during the Cold War. But I'm glad now 36 years later Sweden took a big u-turn to reverse and dissolve his socialist dream in the last general elections and is now a conservative centre-right country.
What you don't seem to understand is that the moment OP was assassinated in 1986 his politics died, and became compromised by an elitist agenda. OP was anti-global elite & anti-authoritarian, which is why he called out the USSR, and the elites who wanted the Vietnam war. Today the left in the entire western world act in a way that support the elites agenda. What you vote for in Sweden is largely irrelevant, both the left and right-wing parties are walking hand in hand with the elite agenda one way or another. If OP was alive and in power today, following his principles he would not be getting along very well at all with the current "liberal" left. The core difference to understand here is that OP was a thinker of the enlightenment, which shaped our technology and science the past centuries. The left-wing agenda today is controlled by an ideology called Critical Theory, which is a communist philosophy, communism of which OP was against even more so than capitalism. The compromise of immigration and many other political problems in Sweden right now come directly from this communist ideology thinking, an ideology of which that OP would've told, as we know his outspoken principled character already, to go screw itself.
University in Sweden is completely free. It’s not just a programme. This makes anyone who has made it through high school with average grades eligible for university. To support yourself during college/university, you get a study grant and if you want, a student loan with very low interest rates (0.3%). You start paying back your loan when you graduate and get a job. Currently the amortisation is 4% of your annual income.
I love this guy. He was the only prime minister that we had in sweden who had an inpact of the world. He was a humanist and we should need more people like him. I know many swedes hate him but it´s a hot topic. My dad didnt liked his politics but when Olof Palme was killed it was the first time i saw my dad cried. I remember that day in 1986 when we heard that he was killed and i was only six years old.
There are a couple of Palme speeches available here on youtube. One about immigration and one explaining why he is a democratic socialist. Might sound a bit dry, but they showcase how forward-thinking he was.
Thanks, I’ll go find a couple so I can kinda get a feel for him politically.
@@rayceofhistory "Olof Palme Why I am a Democratic Socialist (English Subtitles)" that's probably the best one. You could also checked out "Why did Sweden support the Viet-cong?" by History Matters
Politics and politicians are usually not that interesting. but Olof Palme and his government are one of the more interesting and really went their own way of doing things. For good and bad.
It's not easy for a small nation depending on other bigger nations to stand up and complain about how superpowers are acting in the world, the relations between US and Sweden were probably all time low after Sweden publicly said the US did not have the right to invade Vietnam. His government where not against US and where complaining about Soviet Union and other countries too. Sweden where a big part of ending apartheid in South Africa and did a lot for world peace. But like all politics and politicians, there are good and bad parts.
Regarding the murder I guess the assassination of Olof Palme is probably the second largest investigation in the world after the JFK assassination. Some less known facts were that the investigation where also using some illegal methods and made life hell for some of the people that were investigated, the stories about this have not been known for that many years.
The reason why university and healthcare is so expensive in the US is that private corporations run them. Not that attempts have been made to make them more available everyone. What you get it high quality high prices for those who can afford and low quality or no service for those who can’t afford.
The vast majority of universities here are public. So for healthcare there is an argument there for that, but with university it’s a bit more complicated. Especially with the correlation between government backed loans and costs rising.
@@rayceofhistory Looking at degree granting postsecondary institutions, there were as of 2020, a total of 2357 private colleges and 1625 public colleges. The private colleges are vastly dominating the 4 year colleges (1907 private to 772 public). This has generated an imbalance in higher education with rising costs.
Hi. This is something you realy sould react to. So accurat. Med fienden i garderoben − Därför är strid i bebyggelse så farligt
Remember hearing his name from a episode of Forensic Files.
I think you've heard his name before. He was in favor of nuclear power. What weapons could be made if you had nuclear powerplants? Who ran a certain secret project in the 60s? 😉
Yeah I didn’t put two and two together. I guess it’s because I had no idea about his death and so it seemed totally new to me.
Totally unclear statement. Pls read yourself and clarify…
Sweden = free college/university education.
He liked to be drastic and controversial in his talks. That made him probably the most hated and loved person in the world at that time. The result is shocking as the end. Today sweden has a right wing coalition goverment, but his ideas he had have influenced many in the world. He was very popular in southamerica. Yes you are right in that some interventions give the opposite effect for a part of people. It gives unfair competition. Taking money from people who work hard to people who dont work is not always justice, especially to those people do not want to contribute to the country or not doing the best they can. Neither Autocracy, socialism or capitalism is a fix it all ideology. In fact the result is not even close to it´s meaning or vision, especially this is true to communism, and hard core socialism.
This is the same as economic schools of thought. While generally some seem to work better than others, they also have their shortcomings or situations they don’t answer very well. But instead of having a discussion about pros and cons of certain systems we tend to split into teams and become entrenched in the side we see as most right. Unfortunately I think most people actually agree with each other far more than it seems if the discussion is given nuance, but because it almost never is everyone seems and feels divided.
Olof Palmes christmas speech 1972
(It is Plame criticizing "Operation Linebacker II" 18-29 December 1972).
One big memory from childhood the day after hi was murdered whole country was in chock!
And he dared talk about things the other did not.
ask palme centers over the world.
About the greens in west Europe, German shutting off the last reactor this year and Sweden already shut off 6 out of 12 reactors, forcing the old coal and oil plants to start up again to make power. The greens/socialists wind-power not working set the price up between 200 and 500% this winter.
So the government paid back a small amount as a contribution to the swedes for electricity around 3 billion sek, but the state made 10 billion sek in extra tax on the high prices🙄
We’ve talked about this on the discord a bit. It’s a little hard for me to wrap my head around, just because it’s such a different position than most greens here. Most greens here(which, greens are a TINY party) would absolutely love a rhetoric switch from the government about cutting back fossil fuels in favor of nuclear energy.
@@rayceofhistory the greens are miniscule in sweden but they got the socialists by the b*lls so the socialists could stay in power. it failed last time at last. but we suffer the consequences of that now .
He was great
Let's say that Olof Palme had two faces one for the official arena and one for the unofficial arena .
Look for Olof Palmes contacts with Pentagon and CIA .
He was a very intelligent person what ever you like his politics or not .
He could speak against the US in a speech about Vietnam while at the same time sending an emissary to the Pentagon about information for an incoming offensive that North Vietnam would launch in the near future .
Nixon hated him and pentagon/CIA ¨loved¨ him 😁😁
As a swede I don't like Palme. He was to leftist for me. Also he isn't that liked in Sweden today. He was not horrible but a little bit to radical to the left. He implemented a lot of good things, but then it never stopped. That's the problem during the 60's and 70's for Sweden. That we got the highest tax rates in the world. I can agree that we should pay high taxes, but not that high as it became. There is a balance and a limit to everything. In the beginning taxes were to low so they started raising them and that was fine, but then they never stopped. It was the socialdemocrats, his party that did this during the 70's.
Even to this day, despite that we have among the highest tax rates in the world his party wants to raise them even more. The socialdemocrats is like a machine that you can't turn off, they never understand when enough is enough. And this is the reason why they had over 50% of the votes during the 70's, but today have lost a lot of votes in modern politics.
And these taxes are?? Please give an example..
@@coole6825 There are none, due to Olof Palme. Goldrush don't even understand how well they made their point despite not knowing anything. I don't think I've seen a net tax increase proposal in 17 years from the Social Democrats. Sure, we've had to pay out banks and shit or live with 15% inflation and the following interests in the 90's but everyone were on that bus no matter which isle of the stand one was at.
I've paid taxes for 20 years and I've never gotten a raise, I know that for certain. I've gotten plenty of reliefs though. During that time we've had governments from "left to right". Palme made us more liberal than any PM could ever do. I want less tax burden on the working- and middle class and for some reason Palmes' own party has been the major force for it allthough I'm not idealogically in that camp. Social Democrats in Sweden is a weird animal.
Well said. I was about to write the same thing. Palme was a great humanitarian and an inspiring speaker but the social democrats exploited the Swedish egalitarian culture and the leftist policys went too far. And we paid for it in the 80s and 90s.
The Social Democrats made sure that people who had a hard time in Sweden got better and better through all their reforms. These reforms influenced other countries in Europe to look at what Sweden did and is a big reason why welfare for all became a benchmark in Europe!
Today, established social democrats have become a party that implements the same policies as other parties on the right and when some, who were previously better off with their reforms, have increased their incomes, they no longer want to support other vulnerable people. Then it's easy to say that those who need support are lazy and don't deserve any support! "Because I'm worth it"!
The opinion of this guy is very divided in Sweden. Personally I see him as one of the forerunners of the political disaster we see today in Sweden, (mainly in green politics and immigration), and I would go as far as calling him a traitor. I'm not saying anyone deserve to get murdered, but his progressive ideas laid the seeds of what would become a political nightmare and I'm not surprised why he had so many enemies. If his politics were so appreciated then why are the Swedish people and now including his own party actively doing their best to remove his legacy? Perhaps it was revolutionary thinking in the 60s with gender equality, green politics, and open borders, but today his ideas have become mainstream and are often seen as crazy. The only thing I like about the guy is his outspokenness about the major powers during the Cold War. But I'm glad now 36 years later Sweden took a big u-turn to reverse and dissolve his socialist dream in the last general elections and is now a conservative centre-right country.
What you don't seem to understand is that the moment OP was assassinated in 1986 his politics died, and became compromised by an elitist agenda. OP was anti-global elite & anti-authoritarian, which is why he called out the USSR, and the elites who wanted the Vietnam war. Today the left in the entire western world act in a way that support the elites agenda. What you vote for in Sweden is largely irrelevant, both the left and right-wing parties are walking hand in hand with the elite agenda one way or another.
If OP was alive and in power today, following his principles he would not be getting along very well at all with the current "liberal" left. The core difference to understand here is that OP was a thinker of the enlightenment, which shaped our technology and science the past centuries. The left-wing agenda today is controlled by an ideology called Critical Theory, which is a communist philosophy, communism of which OP was against even more so than capitalism. The compromise of immigration and many other political problems in Sweden right now come directly from this communist ideology thinking, an ideology of which that OP would've told, as we know his outspoken principled character already, to go screw itself.
Olof Palme was a bad man who was good at lying.
You mistake him for Jimmy Åkesson, Eva-Ebba Braun-Thor and the little rat called Ulf Kristersson...
Are you showing your intellectual knowledge now? Some make it easy for themselves!
And your insinuation about Palme says even more. Tell us a lie!