  • Опубліковано 17 лют 2022
  • "No violence...No fights...No...No...
    No kicks...No blows...No...No...
    No laughter...No jokes...No...No...
    No cry...No tears...No...No...
    Fights, kicks, blows...tears, last for a while,
    Peace endures forever,
    It is in your hands,
    The Peace that they all seek,
    It is in your hands,
    The Peace that they all need,
    It is in your hands,
    The Peace that they all hope for,
    It is in your hands,
    The Peace freely given
    The poorest man sang as he removed jiggers from his oozing feet...There were flies every where...There was stench everywhere...He was stinking...He had not taken bath for a month...He sung with passion ...while listening to the sound of drum beats...carried by the wind...from far far away...He sang..."No violence...No fights...No kicks...No blows...No laughter...No jokes...No cry...No tears...Peace...Peace...Peace..."
    What does it profit a man, when another man is suffering?...What does it profit a woman, when another woman is suffering?...What does it profit a son or daughter...when another child is suffering?...Peace...Peace...Peace...It is all in your hands, the Peace that they all need...Some say, the winner takes all...Others say, there is no title...there will never be a title...There is only one winner...PEACE...Some say, poor people are insane...poor people are mad...poor people are idiots...poor people are bits of wood...Some say, in suffering and in pain...in sweat and in blood...there is only one winner...PEACE...
    When I look at the horizon...I see Egmes Kofyid...When I look at the horizon...I see pain, suffering, betrayal, sweat, blood and devastation...When I look at Wisdom...I see PEACE, calm, happiness, great wealth, advancement and beauty...When I look at the land...I see electricity...When I look at the air...I see devastation...When I look at the water...I see horror...When I look at the humans...I see two paths...the path of PEACE...and the path of electricity...While road leads to another road, the road of PEACE endures forever...
    The poorest man from birth with nothing to loose said these words to himself, hoping that the wind that carried the drum beats, could take them along...to where it matters...where Wisdom would lead...and PEACE would prevail...
    Passing by were two young people...When they heard what he said to the wind, they became so angry...They beat the poor man so badly that he could hardly walk, saying, "spoiler...insane coward...stupid imbecile...fake...You are nothing...You are nobody...You are insane...You are a coward..." With a piece of straw...the well educated, well fed young people, lighted a small fire...The small fire became medium fire...The people began to dance...The villages began to dance around the fire...They danced with vigor and enthusiasm...for the young people had lighted a small fire...and the villages were eagerly waiting for a dance...a big dance...The medium fire became bigger fire...The people dances with more vigor and enthusiasm...for the well educated young people had lighted a small fire... they were all dancing in joy and ridicule...
    When the poorest man gained some strength, he packed his bag...a small greasy sack... In it he put a small calabash, a small bowl and a small dirty book...The Book of Revelations...Then the journey began, a journey of fifty kilometers...to the market square...where he would tell a rare dream...
    The poorest man arrived at the market square just before noon...He was sweating, shabby and stinking badly...Nobody was interested in him...Most people were busy...Busy about the small fire started by the well educated, well fed young people...and also busy with the big dance...He arrived shouting in the traditional style...He was shouting while walking slowly in a slant manner, because he had severe pain all over his body...He was shouting, "I have a dream...I have a dream...I have a rare dream..." A group of youth who were following the big dance became so angry about his shouting that they beat him so badly, with rage...They beat him until he could hardly walk...
    After a while, the poor man gained some strength, staggered to his feet and faced the busy crowd...Nobody wanted to listen to him...They never wanted to listen to his boring story...The more thy ignored him...the more he looked at them...then there was silence...Then he addressed the people...