One thing that bothers me is when people say they won’t buy replicas because of working conditions but still purchase from Dior. Just say you prefer to pay $10k for the same bag they got for $100 because you want the real thing. As you so eloquently said, if you have issues with company’s practices make sure you know all the companies they are associated with cuz it may be farther out than just the business itself. As for that luxury houses have to realize these quarterly price increases are going to cap out at some point and the same number of people won’t be able to afford it. It’s time to differentiate yourself and invest in different income streams. And restaurants are super smart. I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion!!!! ❤❤❤
@@NothingButBags Yes, I agree with you. Also, people have used the argument that you shouldn’t purchase inauthentic products because of the working conditions. Which you can no longer say that now that this article came out. These luxury houses will have to do something if they want to keep selling because I think most their sales came from everyday people not people that can spend $20k without thinking about it one month and do it again the next month. Thank you 😊.
Thanks for sharing this fashion news! There’s always so much going on it can be hard to keep up so I appreciate you breaking it down for us. Great video 😊
Oh, your hubby was too funny 😂 thanks for the news update! I'm really curious what's going to surface from the Dior/Armani investigation. I've been surprised how little outrage there's been about it all...
@@loyayyay 😂 I heard something moving around and it was him peeking in like a little kid. Yes, I am hoping we’ll continue to see more updates. It does seem more people are not as “upset” with this scandal this time around. I am hoping we’ll learn about the other companies currently under investigation soon.
I missed this and I’m so mad. I would definitely do a Coach restaurant/ coffee shop. I think if I truly love the brand I would take part in things like that if they offer it. The Celine pirates stuff, I’m not going to lie is a stretch, but I’m sure someone will buy it.
I agree and think I would try as long as it makes sense to me for what they're offering. Yes, you are right someone will buy it. No one that is thinking that it doesn't make sense to them to purchase something specifically for branding.
🎉Hi!!! Make sure to hit the like button and comment below 😊
One thing that bothers me is when people say they won’t buy replicas because of working conditions but still purchase from Dior. Just say you prefer to pay $10k for the same bag they got for $100 because you want the real thing. As you so eloquently said, if you have issues with company’s practices make sure you know all the companies they are associated with cuz it may be farther out than just the business itself. As for that luxury houses have to realize these quarterly price increases are going to cap out at some point and the same number of people won’t be able to afford it. It’s time to differentiate yourself and invest in different income streams. And restaurants are super smart. I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion!!!! ❤❤❤
@@NothingButBags Yes, I agree with you. Also, people have used the argument that you shouldn’t purchase inauthentic products because of the working conditions. Which you can no longer say that now that this article came out. These luxury houses will have to do something if they want to keep selling because I think most their sales came from everyday people not people that can spend $20k without thinking about it one month and do it again the next month. Thank you 😊.
Good points 👍
Thanks for sharing this fashion news! There’s always so much going on it can be hard to keep up so I appreciate you breaking it down for us. Great video 😊
@@AlanaMarieFashion You’re welcome. Thank you for watching 😊
Yasss, I was just getting ready for bed, now I can wind down with FASHION NEWSSS 🎶
Oh, your hubby was too funny 😂 thanks for the news update! I'm really curious what's going to surface from the Dior/Armani investigation. I've been surprised how little outrage there's been about it all...
@@loyayyay 😂 I heard something moving around and it was him peeking in like a little kid. Yes, I am hoping we’ll continue to see more updates. It does seem more people are not as “upset” with this scandal this time around. I am hoping we’ll learn about the other companies currently under investigation soon.
I missed this and I’m so mad. I would definitely do a Coach restaurant/ coffee shop. I think if I truly love the brand I would take part in things like that if they offer it. The Celine pirates stuff, I’m not going to lie is a stretch, but I’m sure someone will buy it.
I agree and think I would try as long as it makes sense to me for what they're offering. Yes, you are right someone will buy it. No one that is thinking that it doesn't make sense to them to purchase something specifically for branding.
😂😂 the sides
@@TheHopefulminimalist 🤣