New Miracles From Heaven, Movie - About Girl Who Went to Heaven and Back, and was HEALED!!

  • Опубліковано 17 бер 2016
  • See how a little girl went to heaven and back, and was healed from two incurable conditions, which had her in terrible pain. All of this from a 30 foot fall INSIDE a hollow tree!
    888-777-1999 - Toll Free Prayer Line
    If you would like to learn more about what it means to accept Jesus into your heart and life, and become Born Again, and how to become Born Again, here are two links to information. The first one tells how spiritual things fit together, and the second one is detailed Born Again information. They are both in .pdf files, so you will need to have the FREE Adobe Reader installed on your computer.
    Get the free Adobe Reader here and install it on your computer, if you don't already have it:
    This link tells how things fit together spiritually:
    Here is the link to the detailed Born Again information:


  • @patriciabelalcazar6194
    @patriciabelalcazar6194 7 років тому +20


  • @rslaw1009
    @rslaw1009 7 років тому +15

    What's the plan when a family like ours loses a fast 7 week battle to cancer that takes our 16 year old son ? Been a Christian committed for 35 years. We believe in healing and 100% trusted he would be healed. We fasted we cried and God was all we had Losing my son has been life altering on a level I would not wish on anyone and no one, no one can come close to knowing what it's like to lose a child. It's been 1 1/2 years and I weep daily. We are not angry with God as we know His goodness but our lives are left in ruin and our boy is gone. He loved God and I gave him ALL a father could as did his mother. I need answers please anyone.

  • @wildtard7006
    @wildtard7006 8 років тому +3

    This is incredible!! I'm definitely going to see this movie. :)

  • @jacobsecrest3418
    @jacobsecrest3418 8 років тому +7

    i ove god and jesus

  • @cam4002
    @cam4002 8 років тому +7

    Earth is a test heaven is reality hell for people who won't believe reality

  • @ethan4671
    @ethan4671 8 років тому +2

    God is the best!

  • @loganwells8460
    @loganwells8460 8 років тому +3


    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +2

      +Logan Wells You are most welcome, Logan! Did you read it and then pray the Prayer of Salvation, and totally mean it, yet?

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +Logan Wells Sorry, but somehow I lost your last few comments. Will you repeat them?

  • @annanielsen7846
    @annanielsen7846 8 років тому +1

    Thank you Joel bless you

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +Anna Nielsen Do you know how to accept Jesus and repent of your sins? If not do you want me to help you with that? This is the only way to be sure you will go to heaven!

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +joel10000a Are you saying yes that you know how, or yes you want help doing it?

  • @Adamslee72
    @Adamslee72 8 років тому +1


  • @loganwells8460
    @loganwells8460 8 років тому +6

    im wondering im 11 years old and i wonder how to let god more into my life

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +Logan Wells The first thing to do is to make sure you are right with God, and on His side (and not on the devil's side!). Would you like to know how to do that?

    • @cam4002
      @cam4002 8 років тому +1

      +joel10000a I would

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +Logan Wells - You didn't reply, so do you want to know how you can be totally sure you are on God's side?

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +6

      +Xyln Trn - Ok, GREAT that you want to know how! Here's how!!
      And believe me, this is the ONE and ONLY way to heaven, no matter what anyone else might say!! If anyone tries to tell you that there are other ways to heaven, just ignore them, because that's SATAN influencing what they are saying! Everyone who has not accepted Jesus is influenced by satan to some degree - some much more than others.
      How to Be Sure You Will Go to Heaven!
      This is kind of long, but you do want to know what you are doing and why you are doing it, right? This is why I went into this much detail - to tell you about what you are doing when you pray the prayer below, to accept Jesus and become spiritually reborn! So PLEASE, PLEASE read it all and then pray the prayer at the bottom, and then let me know when you have prayed it!
      To be SURE you will go to heaven, you must become "saved" (truly spiritually reborn, also called Born Again). You are basically, totally submitting and committing your heart and life to Jesus, and promising to serve Him by following His teachings, in the Bible, forever!
      In return God gives you eternal life in heaven, when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus), gives you a spiritual link to Himself, so He can help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your human life. He also writes your name in the Book of Life in heaven (on judgment day that book is opened, and anyone whose name is NOT found in the Book of Life, will be sent to hell).
      So to become Born Again, first of all you have to confess and admit you are a sinner. Then you repent of your sins (means two things - first you are totally sorry for all your sins, and second, you have to be totally WILLING to turn away from your sins and sinful ways of living, and turn TO God's ways of living, as He tells us in the Bible).
      Totally stopping sinning is impossible for us humans to do, because we are human, but we have to be WILLING to stop, and then God will help us cut way down on our sinning!
      The reason it's impossible for a human to not sin, is because we live in a fallen body and a fallen world. That all happened in the Garden of Eden, when Adam first sinned. God had given Adam dominion over all the world, but when Adam sinned, Adam forfeited that dominion over to satan, and satan remains the "god of this world" to this day, and until Jesus comes back the second time.
      Yes, the Bible actually does say that satan is the god of this world! The Bible tells us also that when we become Born Again that we are no longer of this world, but we are now citizens of the Kingdom of God and that we are really now ALIENS in this world!! All the world systems and governments are influenced greatly by satan, including the United States!!
      So satan brought sin into this world, and we all inherit a "sin nature" into our bodies or our flesh (the combo of our mind and our soul). This sin nature makes us want to rebel against God and makes us want to do the will of satan, until we become Born Again.
      When we become Born Again, God actually recreates our spirit and makes it brand new and spiritually connected to Him! Now you will get your prayers heard and answered!! He does this by actually coming to live inside your spirit, to help you, teach you, and guide you for the rest of your life, and then you go to heaven when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus and never leave Him, reject Him and stop believing in Him).
      Our flesh does not get Born Again, only our spirit does, and our body does not change. So it's like a conflict and battle between our Born Again spirit which now wants to do the will of God, and our flesh, which continues just as it was before - wanting to do its own thing, plus it easily falls for the temptations from satan to sin.
      So it's a battle we have to face for the rest of our human lives - until we shed this human body and get our new eternal body, just like the body Jesus had when He rose from the dead!! This is what we will have in heaven, for eternity, not just a spirit, but a brand new eternal body too!!
      So it's OUR job to keep our spirit stronger than our flesh (in will power), so we will not fall for all the temptations to sin, that will come at us over time.
      We do this by doing 4 things, after we are Born Again. Reading the Bible daily, praying daily, attending a good Bible teaching church regularly, and helping others (to ultimately result in helping them find Jesus and become Born Again, so they too can avoid hell and go to heaven)!!
      The MOST important of these 4, for keeping your spirit stronger than your flesh, is to READ THE BIBLE DAILY!! The Bible (the Word of God), is like spiritual food for our Born Again spirit. We need to feed it regularly (daily) to keep it strong so that its will, will overcome the evil desires of our flesh! See what I mean? Of course it's important to do the other three things too!
      See we are a three part being, just like God is in three parts. God is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Each one is God and together they are ONE God! We don't have to understand how that works, just have faith and believe it, because the Bible tells us that's the way they are. So we humans are also in three parts, body, soul and spirit. Again take it by faith because this is what the Bible tells us!
      Now back to the things you need to do to become Born Again.
      Then, after you repent, you need to ask for forgiveness of all your sins.
      Then tell Jesus you believe He died for the forgiveness of your sins, and that He rose from the dead to give you eternal life in heaven.
      Also you need to tell Jesus you believe that Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one God, but three separate persons.
      Then you need to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and invite Him, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and life and help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your life!
      You can do all of this in a prayer, which is below.
      What the prayer below does, is it causes you to totally and completely dedicate, submit, and commit your life to Jesus and the Kingdom of God! That's why it's totally important for you to mean it with all your heart, when you pray it (read it out loud)!
      Just read it over a couple of times silently, so you can see what it says, and then read it OUT LOUD, and mean what you are saying with all your heart, and you will INSTANTLY become spiritually reborn (Born Again), or "saved".
      You don't have to keep your eyes closed, or memorize the prayer, just read it out loud and mean it with all your being! You may definitely want to save this message to your hard drive for future reference or give it to others to help them accept Jesus and also become Born Again so they can be in heaven with you!! Just copy it and paste it into a word processing program, and save it to your HD.
      Jesus said in the Bible - John 3:3 - that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God (heaven)!
      Here's the prayer. It's called either "The Prayer of Salvation" or "The Sinner's Prayer". Some call it one and some call it the other name. This prayer is not in the Bible, but it's like a combination of the things the Bible tells us we need to believe and commit to, which are located in different places in the New Testament.
      It does tell us that we need to confess what we believe about Jesus with our mouth, so this is why I say to pray it out loud and mean it. If you mean it, God knows it, because God knows our deepest thoughts, desires, and beliefs.
      Dear Heavenly Father,
      I am ready to surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I cannot go on any longer trying to live my life for myself. I am ready to give my heart and life to Christ and surrender everything to Him and allow Him to lead me!
      I confess that I am a sinner, and I'm truly sorry for all of my sins, I repent of all my sins and I am totally WILLING to turn away from all my sins, and I ask that You wash them away with the precious Blood of Jesus, and help me to change to your ways of doing things.
      I believe with all my heart that Jesus is your Son, the Son of God, and that he died for the forgiveness of my sins on the cross, and that he arose from the dead on the third day, to give me eternal life in heaven with You, and he is alive right now along with You and the Holy Spirit.
      I believe that Jesus and You, Father, and the Holy Spirit, are ONE God, and that each of you is God.
      I invite Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, to come into my heart right now and save me! I promise to live for and follow Jesus' teachings, all the remaining days of my life.
      I believe I receive eternal life right now, and that my spirit has been reborn anew and is alive right now within me and in Christ! Father, I welcome You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit into my spirit and my life right now!
      Thank you, for saving me and making me in right standing with you. Thank you for writing my name in the Lambs Book of Life!
      In Jesus' Name I pray,
      Please come back and tell me when you have prayed the Prayer of Salvation out loud and you have meant it with all your heart, and I will send you some extra information that will help you get started in your new TRUE Christian walk with Jesus! (a person is not a "true" Christian, and he is NOT on his way to heaven, until he becomes Born Again)!
      Also, if you would like to have the Bible verses that back up everything that is in the Prayer of Salvation, just let me know, and I will give them to you.
      With Peace in Jesus!

    • @cam4002
      @cam4002 8 років тому +1

      +joel10000a done

  • @annanielsen7846
    @annanielsen7846 8 років тому +1


  • @annanielsen7846
    @annanielsen7846 8 років тому +2

    Omg well I do but I'm also kinda scared of him but Jesus no im realy trying to do the right things

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому

      +Anna Nielsen The right thing is to make sure you will go to heaven! That's where God wants you to be - with Him and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit forever, and to loyally serve them while you are here on earth in your human body!

    • @sunnyliston7503
      @sunnyliston7503 8 років тому

      +joel10000a hey man I just wanted to ask I did some of my own research and I am now a firm believer in jesus christ amen and I give him my life soul and spirit and I was wondering I have this big nba dream I play basktball and I'm a small forward and the height required for that is 6'8 and I'm unfortunately 5'9 and I wanted to now can the Holy Spirit guide me to the nba by increasing my height I really need it plz respond

  • @annanielsen7846
    @annanielsen7846 8 років тому +1

    Yes I need help

  • @loganwells8460
    @loganwells8460 8 років тому +3


    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +Logan Wells Ok, GREAT that you want to know how! Here's how!!
      And believe me, this is the ONE and ONLY way to heaven, no matter what anyone else might say!! If anyone tries to tell you that there are other ways to heaven, just ignore them, because that's SATAN influencing what they are saying! Everyone who has not accepted Jesus is influenced by satan to some degree - some much more than others.
      How to Be Sure You Will Go to Heaven!
      This is kind of long, but you do want to know what you are doing and why you are doing it, right? This is why I went into this much detail - to tell you about what you are doing when you pray the prayer below, to accept Jesus and become spiritually reborn! So PLEASE, PLEASE read it all and then pray the prayer at the bottom, and then let me know when you have prayed it!
      To be SURE you will go to heaven, you must become "saved" (truly spiritually reborn, also called Born Again). You are basically, totally submitting and committing your heart and life to Jesus, and promising to serve Him by following His teachings, in the Bible, forever!
      In return God gives you eternal life in heaven, when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus), gives you a spiritual link to Himself, so He can help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your human life. He also writes your name in the Book of Life in heaven (on judgment day that book is opened, and anyone whose name is NOT found in the Book of Life, will be sent to hell).
      So to become Born Again, first of all you have to confess and admit you are a sinner. Then you repent of your sins (means two things - first you are totally sorry for all your sins, and second, you have to be totally WILLING to turn away from your sins and sinful ways of living, and turn TO God's ways of living, as He tells us in the Bible).
      Totally stopping sinning is impossible for us humans to do, because we are human, but we have to be WILLING to stop, and then God will help us cut way down on our sinning!
      The reason it's impossible for a human to not sin, is because we live in a fallen body and a fallen world. That all happened in the Garden of Eden, when Adam first sinned. God had given Adam dominion over all the world, but when Adam sinned, Adam forfeited that dominion over to satan, and satan remains the "god of this world" to this day, and until Jesus comes back the second time.
      Yes, the Bible actually does say that satan is the god of this world! The Bible tells us also that when we become Born Again that we are no longer of this world, but we are now citizens of the Kingdom of God and that we are really now ALIENS in this world!! All the world systems and governments are influenced greatly by satan, including the United States!!
      So satan brought sin into this world, and we all inherit a "sin nature" into our bodies or our flesh (the combo of our mind and our soul). This sin nature makes us want to rebel against God and makes us want to do the will of satan, until we become Born Again.
      When we become Born Again, God actually recreates our spirit and makes it brand new and spiritually connected to Him! Now you will get your prayers heard and answered!! He does this by actually coming to live inside your spirit, to help you, teach you, and guide you for the rest of your life, and then you go to heaven when your body dies (as long as you stick with Jesus and never leave Him, reject Him and stop believing in Him).
      Our flesh does not get Born Again, only our spirit does, and our body does not change. So it's like a conflict and battle between our Born Again spirit which now wants to do the will of God, and our flesh, which continues just as it was before - wanting to do its own thing, plus it easily falls for the temptations from satan to sin.
      So it's a battle we have to face for the rest of our human lives - until we shed this human body and get our new eternal body, just like the body Jesus had when He rose from the dead!! This is what we will have in heaven, for eternity, not just a spirit, but a brand new eternal body too!!
      So it's OUR job to keep our spirit stronger than our flesh (in will power), so we will not fall for all the temptations to sin, that will come at us over time.
      We do this by doing 4 things, after we are Born Again. Reading the Bible daily, praying daily, attending a good Bible teaching church regularly, and helping others (to ultimately result in helping them find Jesus and become Born Again, so they too can avoid hell and go to heaven)!!
      The MOST important of these 4, for keeping your spirit stronger than your flesh, is to READ THE BIBLE DAILY!! The Bible (the Word of God), is like spiritual food for our Born Again spirit. We need to feed it regularly (daily) to keep it strong so that its will, will overcome the evil desires of our flesh! See what I mean? Of course it's important to do the other three things too!
      See we are a three part being, just like God is in three parts. God is God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Each one is God and together they are ONE God! We don't have to understand how that works, just have faith and believe it, because the Bible tells us that's the way they are. So we humans are also in three parts, body, soul and spirit. Again take it by faith because this is what the Bible tells us!
      Now back to the things you need to do to become Born Again.
      Then, after you repent, you need to ask for forgiveness of all your sins.
      Then tell Jesus you believe He died for the forgiveness of your sins, and that He rose from the dead to give you eternal life in heaven.
      Also you need to tell Jesus you believe that Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are one God, but three separate persons.
      Then you need to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, and invite Him, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and life and help you, guide you, and teach you for the rest of your life!
      You can do all of this in a prayer, which is below.
      What the prayer below does, is it causes you to totally and completely dedicate, submit, and commit your life to Jesus and the Kingdom of God! That's why it's totally important for you to mean it with all your heart, when you pray it (read it out loud)!
      Just read it over a couple of times silently, so you can see what it says, and then read it OUT LOUD, and mean what you are saying with all your heart, and you will INSTANTLY become spiritually reborn (Born Again), or "saved".
      You don't have to keep your eyes closed, or memorize the prayer, just read it out loud and mean it with all your being! You may definitely want to save this message to your hard drive for future reference or give it to others to help them accept Jesus and also become Born Again so they can be in heaven with you!! Just copy it and paste it into a word processing program, and save it to your HD.
      Jesus said in the Bible - John 3:3 - that unless a person becomes Born Again, he CANNOT see the Kingdom of God (heaven)!
      Here's the prayer. It's called either "The Prayer of Salvation" or "The Sinner's Prayer". Some call it one and some call it the other name. This prayer is not in the Bible, but it's like a combination of the things the Bible tells us we need to believe and commit to, which are located in different places in the New Testament.
      It does tell us that we need to confess what we believe about Jesus with our mouth, so this is why I say to pray it out loud and mean it. If you mean it, God knows it, because God knows our deepest thoughts, desires, and beliefs.
      Dear Heavenly Father,
      I am ready to surrender my life to Jesus Christ. I cannot go on any longer trying to live my life for myself. I am ready to give my heart and life to Christ and surrender everything to Him and allow Him to lead me!
      I confess that I am a sinner, and I'm truly sorry for all of my sins, I repent of all my sins and I am totally WILLING to turn away from all my sins, and I ask that You wash them away with the precious Blood of Jesus, and help me to change to your ways of doing things.
      I believe with all my heart that Jesus is your Son, the Son of God, and that he died for the forgiveness of my sins on the cross, and that he arose from the dead on the third day, to give me eternal life in heaven with You, and he is alive right now along with You and the Holy Spirit.
      I believe that Jesus and You, Father, and the Holy Spirit, are ONE God, and that each of you is God.
      I invite Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, to come into my heart right now and save me! I promise to live for and follow Jesus' teachings, all the remaining days of my life.
      I believe I receive eternal life right now, and that my spirit has been reborn anew and is alive right now within me and in Christ! Father, I welcome You, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit into my spirit and my life right now!
      Thank you, for saving me and making me in right standing with you. Thank you for writing my name in the Lambs Book of Life!
      In Jesus' Name I pray,
      Please come back and tell me when you have prayed the Prayer of Salvation out loud and you have meant it with all your heart, and I will send you some extra information that will help you get started in your new TRUE Christian walk with Jesus! (a person is not a "true" Christian, and he is NOT on his way to heaven, until he becomes Born Again)!
      Also, if you would like to have the Bible verses that back up everything that is in the Prayer of Salvation, just let me know, and I will give them to you.
      With Peace in Jesus!

    • @OfficialArthurNguyen
      @OfficialArthurNguyen 7 років тому +1

      Wait Joel! How will we look like when in heaven? The age we die? Young kids again? Mid life?

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  7 років тому +1

      +Arthur N. - No one knows for sure, but from accounts like this video and others, I think we might all look the same as we looked at the age Jesus was when He rose from the dead (around 33). If we died as a child then we would look the way we would have looked at age 33. Just my thoughts.

    • @OfficialArthurNguyen
      @OfficialArthurNguyen 7 років тому +1

      joel10000a Can you ask God to alter your age in heaven?

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  7 років тому +1

      +Arthur N. - I don't know, but that's an interesting thought! What age would you like to be in heaven?

  • @annanielsen7846
    @annanielsen7846 8 років тому +3

    Do you believe in God and Jesus Joel

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +2

      +Anna Nielsen ABSOLUTELY! How about you?

  • @thesaviorofsouls5210
    @thesaviorofsouls5210 8 років тому +1

    Joel over here :D

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому +1

      +roy fredriksz Ok, GREAT! You started a new thread!!

    • @thesaviorofsouls5210
      @thesaviorofsouls5210 8 років тому


    • @thesaviorofsouls5210
      @thesaviorofsouls5210 8 років тому +1

      Ok first quistion i hears something aboaut an satanist or somethig what is that?

    • @joel10000a
      @joel10000a  8 років тому

      +roy fredriksz Apparently there are different "satanists" groups, which believe different things. Some of them actively follow satan, and others don't even believe in satan or God, but follow either nature or the heavens (astrology).
      Basically anyone who has not accepted Jesus is some sort of satanist, because their thinking is being actively influenced by satan, whether they know it or not, or believe it or not! That's just the way it is - satan tries to influence EVERYONE's thinking, but he has little success with truly Born Again Christians, who are doing their best to live according to how God tells us to live, in the Bible!
      Obviously people who are not Born Again, have no help from God to resist the devil's temptations. They only have their own will power to help them resist the evil things demons and satan try to get them to do! Thus the terrorists are ALL HEAVILY influenced by demons and satan! Some are possessed - which means both mental and spiritual control by demons.
      Very few people are actually possessed, but EVERYONE can be either demonically oppressed or obsessed!
      Oppression is mind control, and has to do with panic and anxiety and depression, which is put onto people by demons.
      Obsession, is mind control and it is what is happening to everyone who has a sin that he keeps doing over and over, and can't stop. In other demonic obsession, is the root cause of all evil addictions - everything from drugs, to alcohol, to sex, and everything in between.
      Anyone who is Born Again has been given the authority from Jesus to chase demons away from places, and cast them out of others AND themselves! Jesus said in the Bible that Born Again believers can do the same things (miracles and healings) that He did, and MORE! When we become Born Again, we have access, through the Name of Jesus, to the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had, and to His Power!
      Did you know that Jesus did all of his miracles and healings through the Power of the Holy Spirit, and NOT by His own Power as God? The Bible tells us that Jesus stripped Himself of all of His Powers as God when He came to earth in His human body! He lived His human life, on earth, as a mere man, and NOT as God!! After all, anyone could live a perfect life if he were living it as God, right? So the devil could have rightly accused Jesus of cheating, if Jesus was living His human life as God!! To me that makes Jesus' ability to live a human life without sinning even once, even more amazing!!
      So if you want to know more about how to cast out demons, let me know!

    • @thesaviorofsouls5210
      @thesaviorofsouls5210 8 років тому

      joel10000a wait wait wait so sex is an sin?!