I feel like the style itself is "old" as it seems like something I would have found in my grandmother's or great grandmother's homes, but the title on the backs of the cards takes away from it for me. Even in the late 1800s through early 1900s I don't know of any historical decks that had the title of the deck on the backs of the cards. Doesn't mean one might not exist, I just haven't seen one. I feel like these backs are a contemporary take on the backs of the original Game of Hope which is in the British Museum. They aren't a reproduction of that by any stretch, but I can see the inspo. If you like the fronts though, you could always reback the deck. I've turned several decks that were "unusable" to me into working decks by doing this.
The back ruin it not very “old style”
I feel like the style itself is "old" as it seems like something I would have found in my grandmother's or great grandmother's homes, but the title on the backs of the cards takes away from it for me. Even in the late 1800s through early 1900s I don't know of any historical decks that had the title of the deck on the backs of the cards. Doesn't mean one might not exist, I just haven't seen one. I feel like these backs are a contemporary take on the backs of the original Game of Hope which is in the British Museum. They aren't a reproduction of that by any stretch, but I can see the inspo. If you like the fronts though, you could always reback the deck. I've turned several decks that were "unusable" to me into working decks by doing this.