My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theory

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #leonardo #raphael #donatello #michaelangelo #splinter


  • @tresdj
    @tresdj Рік тому +373

    I have heard the OG theory for years, taking your theory and considering the real possibility that maybe... in my mind... Splinter was both intuitive to which weapons could best enhance their natural skills and qualities but perhaps also saw how the weapons could help channel their negative qualities into a better frame of mind. Idfk 😅

    • @snrkybrd
      @snrkybrd Рік тому +24

      I agree, I do believe with my whole chest that the turtles all struggled immensely to learn their weapons for the old theory reasons and then some. leo being too afraid to seriously hurt someone so he holds back (this happens in cannon!) raph probably broke many, many training sai by trying to stab or slash things, we do see him stab people with the sai in canon and it's because of his weapon that those people didn't die. Mikey also does hurt himself consistently with his nunchucks (as with all of his stunts) when he pushes his limits too much. Donnie having the bowstaff is I think a little more complicated, i think he likes it for the practicality and defensive capacity, but especially in the comics where they're younger you can see how clumsy he is with it, panicking in close quarters etc. When they eventually do master these weapons, as full adults they are all equally as capable of killing someone as all of their brothers, with the restraint, discretion and tools in hand to approach that choice.
      im rambling at this point but tl;dr i think it's all of the above and even more stuff

    • @reagandotson2059
      @reagandotson2059 Рік тому +5

      I was going to say something very similar to this.

    • @tresdj
      @tresdj Рік тому +4

      @@snrkybrd Thank you, I didn't want to go into the comics because tbh, I learned more from my husband about the cannon than I had on my own. I wouldn't want to mis state something- especially for those who the cannon is gospel, like the hubster.
      I am so glad you had the knowledge to share all of the details because I would've mucked it up 😆
      The first time hubby told me the OG weapons theory was after we had our then 4 yr old son watch the TMNT movies from our childhood. The new ones hadn't come out yet. I remember really watching for the things he mentioned and I felt like, even in that live action, I COULD see what Splinter had done for them. Lmao... maybe it was just mental wishes lol...

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому

      If yall want i can just like ask why they gave them the weapons they did

    • @TheFaytkaiser
      @TheFaytkaiser Рік тому +3

      I like both theories together. Leo has the most efficient and deadly weapon but also needs to overcome his own empathy. Raph has a weapon that allows him to use his best qualities, but not in an intuitive way, forcing him to be more calm and considered rather than angry. Don has a weapon well designed for zoning and practicality, but it's also incredibly low-tech. Mikey IS incredibly talented and the most skilled and creative, but also needs to overcome his low attention span.

  • @pocketmonster1088
    @pocketmonster1088 Рік тому +257

    I like the idea of the weapons serving both purposes. Yes, they enhance their strengths, but they also force them to confront their own weaknesses to truly use them to their fullest potential. Leo has to be able to make quick life-or-death decisions in order to make his swords most effective, Raph has to wait for the moment he can sword-break to bring the fight to close quarters, Donnie has to rely on a simple weapon to make the most of his complex brain and Mikey needs to combine his free-flowing style with focus on not losing control of his own weapon. Once they overcome these flaws and challenges, not only will they be more complete people, but their weapons, which already emphasize their best qualities, will be even more effective at letting them excel at what they're best at.

  • @carljameson3082
    @carljameson3082 Рік тому +84

    Interesting to note: Mikey is often the only one who uses his weapon as it was originally intended. Leo uses the blunt end and hilt of his swords to attack so he doesn't kill anyone, Raph sharpens his sai to make them just as lethal as Leo's katana are supposed to be, and Donnie often modifies his staff with his tech to give it a taser or some other batman kinda stuff. Mikey doesn't really do any of that sort of thing with his nunchucks, though

    • @mutes8022
      @mutes8022 Рік тому +3

      I mean what are you gonna do to what is basically a two tiny sticks with a chain in between it

    • @originalnamehere470
      @originalnamehere470 Рік тому +8

      @@mutes8022in 2012 TMNT Mikey’s Nunchucks could also turn into a “Kusarigama” where the hilt of the handle had a sickle-like blade for attacking, it also functioned pretty well as a tether/grapple hook it was sick as hell

  • @tyrongkojy
    @tyrongkojy Рік тому +102

    Well... why not both at the same time? The weapons complement each turtle's style, their strength, AND help them work on their weakness. Mike's is the most obvious. He has MASSIVE talent and ability to be creative, while at the same time requiring the training of his focus. To me both benefiting their strength AND helping them overcome and work on their weakness, that is what Splinter wanted to do.

    • @Palar47
      @Palar47 Рік тому +2

      I agree. Most martial arts seek balance, and having a weapon that would not only highlight your strengths but keep you mindful of ways to grow through your weaknesses is exactly the kind of thing that an instructor like Splinter would do.

    • @tyrongkojy
      @tyrongkojy Рік тому +1

      @@Palar47 Sticking with Mikey, he requires discipline, and focus. Nunchaku GREATLY require this, while allowing one to be creative in their attacks and use one's natural talent.
      Doubly so since he uses two.

    • @Palar47
      @Palar47 Рік тому

      @@tyrongkojy exactly!

  • @qqu2182
    @qqu2182 Рік тому +14

    An interesting addition: Raphael sharpened his sai so that they can be used to stab. So maybe that says something about customizing their weapons to make them work for them.

  • @DoctorKidemonas
    @DoctorKidemonas Рік тому +38

    I like this, but I distinctly recall several episodes from the 2012 series that flow more in line with the original theory? Raph needed to exercise patience and focus (Turtle Temper), and Donnie needed to leave his comfort zone and be more flexible (metalhead)

    • @Tyleregor4588
      @Tyleregor4588 Рік тому

      Mikey got it because why not (Lone Rat and Cubs)

    • @LibertyMonk
      @LibertyMonk Рік тому

      The original theory has basis in the show, the weaknesses listed are all baked into the characters. That doesn't mean the driving factor in their weapons is to force growth, there are other ways to encourage growth, and hampering yourself in a real fight is a stupid method.

  • @Nick_261
    @Nick_261 Рік тому +16

    The IDW comics (which are written by the original creators, Eastman and Laird) confirmed that there is a reason they all use those weapons. The Turtles are the reincarnated souls of Hamato Yoshi's sons (which was Splinter in human form) and, being part of the Hamato clan, they all had to pick different weapons. At first, they chose different weapons but Hamato decided they would need to master every single one of them to take down the Foot clan one day. Sadly, they were killed by Oroku Saki (Shredder) before they could so, when they were reincarnated, Splinter gave all of them the weapons they had been buried with.
    In the original 1984 Mirage comics, they had those weapons because the artist liked drawing them. That's genuinely the only reason. They kinda retconned it later by saying that all of the weapons are used to master their weaknesses but the original reason is just that they liked drawing those weapons. The Turtles also had no real distinction in terms of personality, they were just all kind of "the angry one" so they just drew weapons on whoever. It's also cause they were in black and white so yeah, no bandanas to distinguish them (also the bandanas would have been red regardless cause they all worse red ones).

  • @duskonparis
    @duskonparis Рік тому +28

    See, i personally think its a bit of both. When they were first given their weapons, they have to learn to adapt to use their personal weapons. But i dont think splinter would ever have given his sons weapons that didn't fit them. Splinter is a true master. He likely was able to know what weapons would be true extensions of the turtles while also forcing them to use their heads. For leo, he has the ability to very easily take a life. However, instead of doing the easy thing and just cutting down his enemies as if they were worthless, he uses them in a non-lethal manner. For Raph, he is often quick to anger. But sai being a defensive weapon means he has to think outside of just, "get mad, hit hard". He needs to find a way to use his sai to work for him and work into his strengths. For donny, hes a techie who was given the lowest tech weapon possible. At first, he likepy struggled to see how it was a good fit for him, but after figuring out how to use it to keep enemies at a distance and use the environment to his advantage, hes able to see just how perfect a bo staff is for him. As for Mikey, he is a free spirit and often appears to lack disapline. However, i truely think splinter saw through that facade. Mikey is constantly bouncing around and moving, and as such he tends to have a pretty solid awarness of his immediate surroundings, something absolutely key for nunchucks. He likely struggled at first, trying to control the nunchucks as if they were any other weapon. After finding his rhythm, i think he realized they allow him to be more free while he fights.

  • @Craig_Ackmen
    @Craig_Ackmen Рік тому +76

    This is amazing. We need more TMNT theories.

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому

      If you want TMNT fact instead of theory I can always just ask my uncle

    • @Craig_Ackmen
      @Craig_Ackmen Рік тому

      @@ConstantChaos1 please do.

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому

      @Ackmen he says they just liked drawing the weapons and then later they came up with more complex characters and retconed a reason behind them that's about how they are reincarnated humans

    • @Craig_Ackmen
      @Craig_Ackmen Рік тому

      @@ConstantChaos1 how neat, thanks :)

    • @ConstantChaos1
      @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому

      @@Craig_Ackmen no problem, my uncle was friends in college with the original artists so he knows all things TMNT since he like still knows them and what not, and if he had an extra hundred bucks back then the family would have been set for life lol

  • @dragonboyjgh
    @dragonboyjgh Рік тому +4

    Knowing Splinter, it can be both.
    In fact, it would make a great flashback episode.
    Each turtle is given a weapon they initially think is challenging. This results in sibling envy: the Sai are too passive for Raph he wants the swords, the staff is too boring for Donnie he wants the Sai, Mikey keeps getting distracted and hitting himself with the nunchukka, he wants something simple like the staff, and Leo has no issue with focusing enough to use them and they'd be both flashier and less responsibility than his swords. BUT Leo refuses any trading between the brothers out of obedience to their Sensei. But after extended struggling, eventually he relents. However, the trades result in yearning for the ability of their original weapon. Sais are defensive, but they lead the opponent up in your face where you can't think cause even a disarmed guy will still punch you. Swords are indeed more lethal, but wielding them with just brute force like a club gets you nowhere and their length gets in the way in a fistfight. Staff is simple, but it's also very telegraphed, they always see it coming, you can't fake them out or handle it in weird ways. By the end of the episode they discover that each weapon, once they adjust their mindset to stop wanting to do the easy thing, actually suits their needs perfectly.

  • @vlad_ussr8390
    @vlad_ussr8390 Рік тому +9

    I like your theory, as instead of having the turtles using the weapons like a lesson (which should've made them closer to the way you use the weapon, so the sai should've made him more defensive), splinter gave the weapons because it suits them, which could help them understand themselves better and enhance their fighting styles

  • @RavenLunatic517
    @RavenLunatic517 Рік тому +21

    I was a little skeptical at first but oh my God that actually makes so much sense w h a t

  • @FoboS_IX
    @FoboS_IX Рік тому +3

    Interesting. I raise you new theory. Splinter is paranoid after the betrayal of Oroku Saki so he gives his sons with counter picks against each other. Raph got sai to break Leos swords. Mikkie got nunchucks to punish Raphael for getting close. Donnie got bo staff to attack Mikelangello from safe distance. Finaly Leo got double katanas to have an easy time outmanuvering Donatello.

  • @getthedunkon9347
    @getthedunkon9347 Рік тому +15

    Beautiful theory, i applaud you.

  • @PotatoChicken-gg1ju
    @PotatoChicken-gg1ju Рік тому +3

    Funny story: So I watched a LOT of TMNT growing up, and I later got into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I was rolling with someone one day and my professor pulls me aside afterwards and tells me that I have to learn how to commit to a move (he said that he could see it in my eyes how all of the options were flickering through my mind) and it reminded me of an episode of TMNT where Donnie had to learn the exact same lesson 😂 (also as a side note, my current favorite weapon is a baseball bat, so basically a stick)

  • @Arkylie
    @Arkylie Рік тому +1

    OutSTANDING concept! Your version makes me feel even closer to my main guy Donatello -- I have long been a sniper type, a "stay far away from danger" type, and I get easily frustrated when a game like *World of Warcraft* refuses to let me use that style (enemies will climb sheer cliffs to get to you, and you literally cannot harm a water-based creature if you're not exposing yourself to that danger). I have a lot in common with Donatello but the idea of him maintaining a ranged style and a zone of protection, especially to give him more of a chance to consider the possible ways to handle a situation, that just feels so right!

  • @zinnialynn9757
    @zinnialynn9757 Рік тому +2

    Part of the reason this idea works for me specific to Mikey is the theory/projection that he has ADHD? Which means it's not just about creativity and improvisation, but simply put he *needs* a more complex weapon in order to focus in battle, occupying more of his mind for sufficient serotonin. The last thing anyone needs is for him to get bored/distracted in a life or death situation and while that may not sound possible... yeah it kinda is.

  • @multiplesingular294
    @multiplesingular294 Рік тому +18

    Great video. :D
    It's funny that I realize, in every iteration of the turtles I'm aware of, there has NEVER been even a single episode where they switched weapons. >.> That would have been so interesting though to see them either trying to emulate one anothers techniques or see how their styles differ while using different weapons. O.O

    • @Dr.Dumptruck__YT
      @Dr.Dumptruck__YT Рік тому +13

      Actually in the 2012 show, my personal fav, there is I think 2 episodes where that happens. One where they switch bodies for the episode and another where they accidentally get each other's weapons

    • @head-clanka69
      @head-clanka69 Рік тому +11

      @@Dr.Dumptruck__YT i think the second example was when splinter was teaching them not to rely on just thier wepons, but instead of learning new styles, they just picked up junk that reminded them and improvised

    • @Dr.Dumptruck__YT
      @Dr.Dumptruck__YT Рік тому +4

      @@head-clanka69 yeah I'm pretty sure that is what happened that episode, it's been awhile since I binged the show, so sorry if I get some details wrong

    • @multiplesingular294
      @multiplesingular294 Рік тому +3

      @@Dr.Dumptruck__YT Thank you. Will check it out. :D

    • @theanathema3062
      @theanathema3062 Рік тому +5

      The 2012 show(the best iteration) actually does have an episode like that, where they are forced to use each others weapons in order to foster adaptability. And it doesn’t actually go well at first, showing just how set in their ways they had gotten, and why that test was so necessary.

  • @CM-yz3ze
    @CM-yz3ze Рік тому +1

    I like to think that with wisdom and time, The Turtles would learn that the weapon assignments were meant to be multi-purpose.
    The practical starting reason- to have them work on what they were lacking, with Splinter having the intuition that the weapons would help them lean into their true selves in the long-term.
    He would also know that each turtle would better benefit as a specialist instead of a jack-of-all-trades, and so I think it's all three reasons put together, that the turtles have the weapons that they were assigned.
    Splinter meant to polish up their weaknesses, have them flourish by developing their strengths, and bring different abilities to the table, creating a well rounded team.

  • @kariqdatmenace6642
    @kariqdatmenace6642 Рік тому +6

    that's an even better theory.

  • @pepperbird67657
    @pepperbird67657 Рік тому +5

    This is such a good take

  • @meradisiacal
    @meradisiacal Рік тому +2

    Thanks for this! Wow I actually want to rewatch TMNT now lol. I never really thought about how well their weapons suited them before but this makes so much sense! And it really adds more depth to the characters including Splinter. You're explanation makes it so Splinter's observation and knowledge of his sons is so much deeper than I thought. Though, again, it makes a lot of sense, seeing how much he cared for them as well. Thank you and great insight. 🙂 I hope everyone who sees this has a wonderful day and lots of joy in their life. Remember, every day has a chance to be something special.

  • @Eszra
    @Eszra Рік тому +3

    If you look at Rise of the Teenage mutant ninja turtles, you will see due to the boys updated personalities their weapons have new meaning. Leo isnt leader in the series Raph is. But same weapons. In this case Leo equals flamboyant and Raph is grounded. Donnie is a soft shell turtle tus his range is a defence and is more depends on his tech. Mikey is more child like and innocent the chucks are fun but also allow him to be creative.

  • @icydragon5906
    @icydragon5906 Рік тому +3

    insightful and thought provoking, 10/10. I have never watched an episode of tmnt in my life

  • @LOBricksAndSecrets
    @LOBricksAndSecrets Рік тому +1

    KoreanBeef "I think Splinter wanted them to realize their true selves"
    Some guy in China a few hundred years ago: "If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a thousand battles"

  • @dimensionalriftfilms2755
    @dimensionalriftfilms2755 Рік тому +2

    I read the original Eastman and Laird comics and they only picked at why the weapons the boys were given and for what reason but never truly elaborate on it. Other writers may have given a spin on the origins but the og writers Kevin and Peter didn't truly touch on that subject. Nice fan theory though NgL.

  • @leokonge4624
    @leokonge4624 Рік тому +1

    Not only are Ralph's Sai good for making the fight a brawl they also are great for opening opportunities to counterattack

  • @doejersey
    @doejersey 11 місяців тому

    I think that’s what really makes this theory interesting. It’s Master Splinter’s intention. And since we can’t ask him we have to see how he trains them. And obv different iterations come with different motives. But yea. I think you’re probably as right as someone can be in something like a film theory. Splinter does constantly emphasize them as a group. Some of his strongest and longest lasting lessons to the turtles are that of family, community, and their bond. If he wants the turtles to just be strong maybe he does the OG theory. But he’s not training 4 ninjas, his goal is much more revolutionary than that. He’s teaching his family how to live good lives. Which would feed your theory. You wouldn’t give your son a weapon they’re bad at just cause. You’d just make you kid resent you. What you do is learn from them while you teach and emphasize the traits they have and have them practice drills together. Which is literally what we see in most tmnt comics. Good theory. I’m gonna refer to it as a the Korean Turtle theory from now on. 😅

  • @katara9
    @katara9 Рік тому

    I haven't even been into TMNT for a long time but I enjoyed listening to this a lot. You're really enjoyable to listen to talk fr

  • @Hollyberrystreats
    @Hollyberrystreats Рік тому

    Ok, now I need to find that "Which Turtle are You?" quiz, I'm intrigued. I know, stories arent mirrors, but still

  • @brandtcampbell3610
    @brandtcampbell3610 Рік тому +3

    Love both theories. Very well done.

  • @russelldouglas8746
    @russelldouglas8746 Рік тому

    "You train in martial arts without weapons first, right?" *Laughs in Kali Escrima*
    Love your videos, Dude! Love the theory! Have a great day!

  • @jadynkay5241
    @jadynkay5241 Рік тому +1

    I agree with what you're saying for the most part, but some of it i disagree with.
    I still don't see it with Leo, a single sword or a spear is a better fit in my mind. I just struggle to see two swords as the measure.
    With Donnie, i agree mostly but i think there is also a large degree of control and space to think that factors into his combat. Especially cuz a lot of his gadgets and tech was made much later, and he got the same treatment as his brothers in regard to training, so a lot of that tech either wouldn't be there or would not be used during his training.
    With Mikey i disagree with the fact that he was the only one skilled enough, i feel as if it is more like he is the only one pioneering and creative enough to kinda forge his own way. I think he is also the most "neurodivergent" both in the comics, shows, and movies, although Donnie is def second haha!
    No notes on Raphy, i feel like you hit the nail on the head with that one.
    I also disagree heavy with the 4 specialities vs 4 good at everything. 4 beings who at base level can beat hella ass/are all generally good but have specific strengths is way better than 4 who are only good in one aspect. I mean just look at the last ronin!! I hope this doesn't come off as overly critical or just hate or whatevs, that is def not my intention but intention doesn't equal effect y'know?

  • @JoelGloade
    @JoelGloade Рік тому

    there's something about how me and my brother would draw the turtles when we were very young. he would always have leonardo's swords be triangles on a handle and i would try to have them be rectangular like in the cartoon with a square handguard. neither of us had raphael hold the sais in any kind of safety in mind and an uncolored picture might mistake raph for mike. michealangelo's freedom would be expressed through movements and i liked having him use a lot of kicks with the nunchaku as a follow up or as combo pieces. the bo staff that is used to trip enemies into walls or push buttons at a distance or he just frickin' JAVELIN tosses it into a robot's camera and the whole thing explodes, i think we rendered it as acting like a steel pole that is just painted brown so people think it's wood but look at how jacked they are. i'm not saying Raphael isn't the most JACKED of the four but they're all superhuman strong where their punches are measured in metric tonnes
    putting them on the fringe of kaiju level meaning they don't need a megazord to take down a giant monster as long as all four of them are together. i like the interpretation of Michelangelo having both the pair of nunchucks and the grappling hook cuz it's a functional tool that they can use to express his creativity, or in the case of a giant opponent it gives them an easy means to bring the enemy to their level but even that would be a team effort possibly requiring all of their abilities and co-operative attacks like using Donatello's bo staff as a range extender for how far you can throw the grappling hook by casting it out like a fishing rod and hand it to Raph who loves fishing in this vision of the turtles. it's a bit schlocky to bring back klunk the cat so maybe Raph just feeds his catches to local strays who he gets along with in his "leave me alone" walks through the city. he can name all of the cats and maybe use klunk as one of them but it's mostly easter eggs and staff appreciation expressed through cat names. typing all this out is making me remember the rules of giant monster combat so a specifically power rangers monster vs the turtles they need to inflict a massive critical hit and cut the thing in half, the hard way and all i keep coming back to is power armor and enhanced weapons so maybe the party van is the core of a giant robot that brings back easter eggs of past turtle series vehicles i think it would be really cool for the 2016 truck to be the lower arm so it can have motorcycle fingers and throw like a slash slap and you can have a chorus of three motorbikes cranking the motor BBBRRRRRR to add impact to that move

    • @JoelGloade
      @JoelGloade Рік тому

      it's pretty much the biggest truck they had so it might work better as a leg and just launch the bike like a missile but i don't think that's as cool

    • @JoelGloade
      @JoelGloade Рік тому

      you made good content that's able to stimulate my imagination like this but all credit goes to Eastman and Laird

  • @pHBADRO
    @pHBADRO Рік тому

    can't believe you passed up the shell pun and instead said donny's bo staff provides a "dome" of protection

  • @colleenmarin8907
    @colleenmarin8907 Рік тому

    That is the best explained take on this topic - and it makes absolute sense

  • @pedrogarcia8706
    @pedrogarcia8706 Рік тому

    I love both interpretations are valid and fulfilling readings of the text.

  • @Barnaclebeard
    @Barnaclebeard Рік тому

    Thought experiments without any actual references to the text. You can argue for any underlying theory this way.

  • @eliscoby3242
    @eliscoby3242 Рік тому +1

    This makes significantly more sense

  • @marshallrockwell5866
    @marshallrockwell5866 Рік тому +1

    Idk how I found your page. I don't follow much, but you've been one for a while now. It's stuff like this that keeps me coming back. Obviously this is a niche genre, but boy did you hit home.
    Excellent analysis. I can only hope someone would give me that kind of positive backup

  • @tverdyznaqs
    @tverdyznaqs Рік тому

    Your brain is so huge and massive and I agree completely. Also I think both theories can be true at the same time, they don't necessarily contradict one another

  • @Fayanora
    @Fayanora Рік тому

    Very insightful and cool theory. Headcanon accepted.

  • @espeon13
    @espeon13 Рік тому

    dude, i'm a huge tmnt fan. was not expecting to see you make a video on it!!!!!

  • @nathanlocke9108
    @nathanlocke9108 Рік тому

    I want to play a tabletop rpg campaign with you. Maybe pick your brain and homebrew the system together. I can GM but if you do it you'll be my best friend

  • @lordmegatrondoesntdodarken5852

    Someone get this man to the Nickelodeon writing board after the strike is over.

  • @matthewgordon3281
    @matthewgordon3281 Рік тому +2

    much better theory

  • @byronrush9802
    @byronrush9802 Рік тому +1

    Look at the Ronin storyline for TMNT

  • @RioDrake
    @RioDrake Рік тому

    I really like this idea. Headcanon accepted

  • @justingraves1291
    @justingraves1291 Рік тому

    Mikey truly is the best turtle, hence Last heartbreaking

  • @thebrawler4486
    @thebrawler4486 Рік тому

    This is my head cannon now

  • @melodyrivas2777
    @melodyrivas2777 Рік тому

    Nah I'm not tearing up over a ninja turtle theory it's cool

  • @jaxionmaxomus4315
    @jaxionmaxomus4315 Рік тому

    That’s why Mikey is the Ronin

  • @roma540
    @roma540 Рік тому +1

    To be fair, those two approaches are not mutually exclusive.

  • @jadethest0ne
    @jadethest0ne Рік тому

    I really love this interpretation of their weapons!

  • @graveyardshift2100
    @graveyardshift2100 Рік тому

    Raph: stab.

  • @C8J9
    @C8J9 Рік тому

    I like this theory way better.

  • @Bucketlord_
    @Bucketlord_ Рік тому

    I mean, you can kill with anything given you do it correctly

  • @ConstantChaos1
    @ConstantChaos1 Рік тому

    I could like ask if you want but I'm not sure they put that much thought in when they wrote it

  • @newts6402
    @newts6402 Рік тому

    Both theories are valid and I'm choosing to believe both

  • @Technodreamer
    @Technodreamer Рік тому

    I really like your take!

  • @annakoutsandreou2214
    @annakoutsandreou2214 Рік тому

    Smart. Is this about the 2012 series or the older one cause i only watche the one in 2012

  • @user-yz5xd4hb1u
    @user-yz5xd4hb1u 11 місяців тому

    Donatello forever 🐢🟣

  • @John-yh3je
    @John-yh3je Рік тому

    I like this theory was more.l and it makes more sense.

  • @a-garden-of-worlds
    @a-garden-of-worlds Рік тому

    I love this!

  • @freya002YT
    @freya002YT Рік тому

    I can agree with this

  • @ByrdieFae
    @ByrdieFae Рік тому

    This makes a heck of a lot more sense, especially when you think about sais as sword breaking weapons and what Raphael's contentious relationship with Leonardo in most interpretations.

  • @wonderscall6486
    @wonderscall6486 Рік тому


  • @asrieldreemurr1988
    @asrieldreemurr1988 Рік тому +1

    good theory

  • @islandgyal3730
    @islandgyal3730 Рік тому


  • @cosmicriptid
    @cosmicriptid Рік тому

    I agree with the other commenters that it is both

  • @rasati
    @rasati Рік тому

    why not both, the weapons both make them work on their biggest weaknesses and they help them use their strengths

  • @rangerecho
    @rangerecho Рік тому +1

    I mean, why not both?

  • @kamavonender7069
    @kamavonender7069 Рік тому

    You're not wrong on any point

  • @wishfulthunker8131
    @wishfulthunker8131 Рік тому +1

    Why not both?

  • @kingburrito.
    @kingburrito. Рік тому

    This is wilddddddd 💥

  • @nicolasloyola3382
    @nicolasloyola3382 Рік тому

    Am I the only one just inspired to make better dnd weapons.

  • @OdaKa
    @OdaKa Рік тому

    Both? Both.

  • @Mrdrdxse
    @Mrdrdxse Рік тому

    Bro. Cool theories and whatnot, but wtf is going on with your eyes?

  • @schizopenguin
    @schizopenguin Рік тому
