9:33 Seek Allah 13:25 everything parishes except Allah 16:40 company of those who seek Allah 18:48 be Sadiq in seeking 22:43 in the company you become like those you are with. 24:00 what is Sadiq? 26:24 Siddiq of the heart 30:09 Actions that move the heart, be true 37:14 be of the heart, wake up 38:27 dua of Prophet, Salallahu Alayhi wa Salaam. 41:25 when we look at a mirror 47:10 Sadiqun have drunk from three rivers. Patience, Pleased, and Bashfulness
Ha’yaka Allah Sheikh
Excellent Inspiring Speech.
JazakAllah khair
May Allah Swt keep you blessed with Afiya.
9:33 Seek Allah
13:25 everything parishes except Allah
16:40 company of those who seek Allah
18:48 be Sadiq in seeking
22:43 in the company you become like those you are with.
24:00 what is Sadiq?
26:24 Siddiq of the heart
30:09 Actions that move the heart, be true
37:14 be of the heart, wake up
38:27 dua of Prophet, Salallahu Alayhi wa Salaam.
41:25 when we look at a mirror
47:10 Sadiqun have drunk from three rivers. Patience, Pleased, and Bashfulness