Third Pregnancy DIFFERENCES.... any guesses on gender?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @JTDPM
    @JTDPM 4 місяці тому +3

    I was exhausted when I was pregnant with my second. Like, couldn’t function without multiple naps even though I slept through the night. I had my iron levels checked and I was severely anemic…. Always good to have your doc check those levels! I ended up needing an iron infusion and within days I felt so much better.

  • @Kiwicanuck3000
    @Kiwicanuck3000 4 місяці тому +3

    It sounds like you’re in a great headspace and everything will work out just fine!

  • @haley2542
    @haley2542 4 місяці тому +10

    I’ve often wondered about “why don’t we moms get extra arms”…. The answer is we’re not supposed to. We’re supposed to let the older kids go.

  • @VeronicaPash
    @VeronicaPash 4 місяці тому +6

    I’m currently pregnant with baby #3, too! ;)
    As far as pregnancy goes, all 3 thus far have been pretty similar in how I feel/symptoms, etc. I have 1 girl 1 boy and pregnant with another boy.
    Cravings/aversions were different with each pregnancy but my sweet tooth has been real with all pregnancies (maybe it’s hormone related?) so this time around I’m opting for “healthy sweets” that have more protein/fiber and less sugar.
    This 3rd pregnancy my weight gain so far has been the lowest . My daughter I gained over 45 pounds, my son I gained a little over 35 and with this one I’m at 25 (and have about 1 month left). I’m definitely allot more emotional this pregnancy and surprisingly not as swollen in the 3rd trimester as I was with my previous 2 (by the third trimester my wedding rings wouldn’t fit me - this time my wedding rings still fit ).
    A lot of the old wives tales get debunked, I feel like a lot of our symptoms and all are related to our lifestyle, hormones, stress levels, activity and etc. As long as mama and baby are doing well that’s all that matters
    God bless the remainder of your pregnancy and wish you a blessed labor and delivery of a healthy happy baby 💕
    If I were to guess I’m saying possibly a boy .. my first instinct says girl but I never follow it lol

  • @taylorswann58
    @taylorswann58 4 місяці тому +3

    It’s nice to hear someone else describe a car sick feeling in pregnancy! I’ve never heard anyone else talk about that, but that’s what I had with my second pregnancy! I thought everyone thought I was crazy when I tried to describe it 😅

  • @tchatman770
    @tchatman770 4 місяці тому +3

    Girl it’s a boy! I’m calling it! And the salad thing is spot on for me too. It was the strangest thing. My husband would ask what I wanted to eat after I wake up from my 4 o clock coma. “And I would say idk but salad sounds amazing!” And o have a girl and a boy already. Savory was his thing.

  • @anjalicat
    @anjalicat 4 місяці тому +3

    When I was pregnant with my son, I also loved salads. Anything raw and/or cold: salads, fruit, milk and cereal. Sushi sounded good to me and so did cold cuts, but I stayed away from those. I had aversions to cooked meat and vegetables, which had basically been my diet before pregnancy. I had some nausea (which also improved once I started eating spoonfuls of peanut butter), but the aversions weren't even due to that. I just didn't want hot and/or cooked foods anymore, and I am pretty sure those aversions lasted into the second trimester. I had had several miscarriages before that, and I had been super hungry with those, so I was so confused with my aversions at first. So I guess put me down for boy lol!

  • @maiaatkinsschalchlin2075
    @maiaatkinsschalchlin2075 4 місяці тому +5

    You've got this, Mama! Just love those babies try to get rest and it will all work out.

  • @xenos911
    @xenos911 4 місяці тому +4

    Arms are looking jacked 💪. So interesting to hear the differences in the 3.

  • @heyitshannah21
    @heyitshannah21 4 місяці тому +16

    I want to say boy, but I feel like it's going to be like GOTCHA 😂and it will be a girl

    • @FermataNote
      @FermataNote 4 місяці тому +2

      Agreed! Experiencing that right now, everyone keeps thinking boy because of the wives tales. Well, 50-50 either way!
      Would love if Shayla is able to have a boy!

  • @henrysmama2874
    @henrysmama2874 4 місяці тому +2

    You're soooooo funny!!! Thank you for being my friend 😅

  • @madiArabella
    @madiArabella 4 місяці тому +3

    I’m loving the valley girl accents coming through when u exaggerate something 😂😂😂😂 literally gold!

  • @baileywhitlow9161
    @baileywhitlow9161 4 місяці тому +1

    I feel the exact same as you described with my second! I’m 37 weeks now but most of this pregnancy I haven’t checked an app or kept up with pictures 😅 I’m so nonchalant about it but also have moments where I freak out about a little baby being here soon!! I will say I’ve had different pregnancy experiences, even carrying different this time and we are having another boy! Really convinced myself it was a girl in the beginning 😂

  • @MarianneMedlin-dz4dz
    @MarianneMedlin-dz4dz 3 місяці тому +1

    Those cabinet locks are the bomb diggity! After installing the first one i was like 😱🤯… that’s it. Yanked the cabinets really hard to check… AMAZING!
    I found them after first installing a different brand that fell off all the time.
    We didn’t do much baby proofing either. We used outlet plugs when she started trying to play with them. put locks on the dresser drawer & 2 kitchen cabinets. One cabinet was cleaners & the other was glass bakeware.

  • @Shadowlan2082
    @Shadowlan2082 2 місяці тому +1

    😂 We even have a Cali King bed and I don't even like sharing it with my husband 😂 I couldn't imagine having my 4yr and my 16mo old in bed with me. Plus I'm super possessive over my pillows and blankets and I often wake up to find that somehow I slept diagonally 🤣
    I have wondered about those mesh framed net barriers you can put up around the entire bed for when we have our 3rd because I kept both my babies in a bedside bassinet with the side that can fold down into the bed for quick easy access to baby and that so far has been my favorite.

  • @jurassicclevergirl2490
    @jurassicclevergirl2490 4 місяці тому +1

    So interesting to hear the differences. I am 28 weeks and some days pregnant with a second boy and my pregnancies are about the same morning sickness was longer, sciatica hit earlier, heartburn this time.
    Your journey with two helps me be ok starting mine and excited to hear about the third.

  • @danielabize1398
    @danielabize1398 4 місяці тому +1

    Oh my goood!!!! I'm pregnant with my third too! 5 weeks. I'm excited we'll be doing this together.

  • @dana8208
    @dana8208 4 місяці тому +2

    3 girls would be so much fun! They would grow up being the best of friends. At first my guess was boy, but after seeing all of your pictures, I think baby is a girl! Either way, such a beautiful blessing.

  • @chiloveisintheair
    @chiloveisintheair 4 місяці тому +1

    Highly recommend checking your Iron and Ferratin. Being cold, craving ice and all that can be due to anemia. Sending so much love to you friend!! It’s rough! Could not be me, one and done (most likely) lol😂

  • @jasminegenovesi
    @jasminegenovesi 4 місяці тому +2

    This is random, but how do you handle discipline? Do you practice time outs? And at what age did you implement it? Or is it more of the cognitive level of the child? My mom had time out chairs made for my 23 month girl without my permission. Definitely feeling some kind of way about it.
    Great video by the way! I vote boy !

  • @carrietriambuck457
    @carrietriambuck457 4 місяці тому +2

    I can speak from experience family bed is where it’s at! We love ours! We have a 3 1/2 year old, 1 1/2 year old and a 1 month old.
    We did a king mattress and a twin shoved together!

  • @claudiaaegsidone
    @claudiaaegsidone 4 місяці тому +2

    Your pregnancy sounds like my current pregnancy. I was cold in my first and second trimester, exhausted, stiff muscles when walking too fast, really sick, showing early, carrying low, craving salt over sugar... I'm having a boy! So you might be too. Never know.

  • @MJ-op7ut
    @MJ-op7ut 4 місяці тому +1

    I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my 3rd. For this pregnancy, I get sick every month. I didn't get sick when I was pregnant with the other two kids. Maybe they didn't go to school at that time.
    I got a cold sore, pink eyes, stomach flu and other regular cold. I have been taking care of myself a lot like eating healthy, working out and more.. but oh man... I'm tired of getting sick all the time.

  • @bjanise
    @bjanise 4 місяці тому +1

    HEY SHAYLA!!! I’m pregnant with my second. I think I was pregnant the last time you were also… anyways .. I ditto almost everything you’re saying. Know that someone out here relates with you

  • @ginakkarow89
    @ginakkarow89 4 місяці тому +2

    It's been one year since I met you and broke down about my positive pregnancy test with baby #2. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Postpartum this time around has been so different but still hard. Happy that you're venturing into three kids before me so I have someone to give me advice when I get to that stage. 😆 Also, would love to know how your sister is doing in her pregnancy. Is she learning the gender early?

  • @ciaraross889
    @ciaraross889 4 місяці тому +4

    That outfit is so cute!!!

  • @KatieVernon09
    @KatieVernon09 4 місяці тому +2

    Freezing in my pregnancies- and usually 🥵 hot always! Ended up being Anemia. In my second pregnancy I even needed iron infusions it was so low!

  • @colleenatow
    @colleenatow Місяць тому +1

    I'm also always cold while pregnant. Currently 12 weeks with my third.

  • @ahsa222
    @ahsa222 4 місяці тому +1

    Aw love hearing the differences between each pregnancy. I have a feeling it will be another girl this time around 💖

  • @nicolevdb6301
    @nicolevdb6301 4 місяці тому +1

    Well i resonated with like 80% of your pregnancy symptoms and i had a boy soooo... thats my guess haha, super imperical.
    Also dont forget your girls are going to want to play with your third as much as you!!! 😊 so wont have to choose between baby and toddlers as much as you fear ❤.

  • @Jfkdjf
    @Jfkdjf 4 місяці тому +2

    I’ve heard how the pregnancy is can have to do with the temperament/personality of the child more than the gender and that was true with me- 1st was a girl, 2nd a girl, and 3rd a boy- but my first and third are SO alike, look identical and their pregnancies were the same, but my middle child is wild and crazy…and so was my pregnancy w her 😂

  • @jessicacamp22
    @jessicacamp22 3 місяці тому

    I’m 18 weeks with my first and you and I have the exact same symptoms, it’s gotta be a boy like mine. 😊💙

  • @weldonservicegroup6962
    @weldonservicegroup6962 3 місяці тому +1

    I carried low and had a girl. My sister carried high and had a boy.
    I think you have another girl. ❤😊😊

  • @daynawaters8706
    @daynawaters8706 4 місяці тому +1

    When I was 5 months with my second I was done! My youngest is now 14 months and still have not had baby fever or anything, was I sad? No, I was excited for them to get older together and do fun things. When you know you know

  • @user-mg2sc3et1z
    @user-mg2sc3et1z 4 місяці тому +1

    I have four boys and all my pregnancies were quite different. Im guessing boy for you this time as your symptoms sound very similar to a lot of mine. But three girls would be so sweet too ❤️ Wishing you all the very best. Children are such an incredible blessing 🥰

  • @breevestrand
    @breevestrand 4 місяці тому +1

    All 3 of my pregnancies have been different. I’m delivering my 3rd next week and this one has been the most different. My first was a boy and the second a girl and this one is a boy. I’ve had no energy and just constantly need to rest, but I’ve had no morning sickness. The other two I was sick until halfway into the second trimester. He’s also my smallest baby by a lot. My other two were over 8lbs and this one they said probably won’t even make it to 7lbs.

  • @Casmomof3
    @Casmomof3 4 місяці тому +1

    You're giving me boy vibes Shay. I felt way more nauseous on my girls and craved sugar, mainly cereal. I hate cereal. It was bizarre. I had no cravings with my boy pregnancy.

  • @mariocartel544
    @mariocartel544 3 місяці тому +1

    The baby on board sign was made so in the event of an accident, paramedics know to search for a baby in the car

  • @falb619
    @falb619 4 місяці тому +1

    Based on this I’m going to say boy! I didn’t crave or want sweets at all during my pregnancy and I love sweets normally

  • @ChelseyOBrien08
    @ChelseyOBrien08 4 місяці тому +2

    I'm gonna say boy!! p.s. you're glowing and look amazing!!

  • @emilygnatt3457
    @emilygnatt3457 4 місяці тому +1

    I just gave birth to my second girl (surprise sex) and everyone was convinced it was a boy. Everything was different with the pregnancy- nausea, the way I carried, etc. I believe none of the old wives tales. Enjoy the surprise!

  • @brittanymaag5173
    @brittanymaag5173 3 місяці тому

    Cravings and fatigue varied from kid to kid no matter the gender, but the food aversions were both boys.

  • @CountryKids1234
    @CountryKids1234 4 місяці тому +2

    Boy for sure!

  • @jamie.8525
    @jamie.8525 4 місяці тому

    Those cabinet locks all broke for me. I had to get the ones that stick to the outside of the cabinet and hang there while the cabinet is open. They lasted much better.

  • @sometimesyaya5110
    @sometimesyaya5110 4 місяці тому +2

    Definitely getting boy vibes but it’s really just me comparing my boy pregnancy and girl pregnancy
    Also… it may be a nyc thing but the baby on board sign means nothing and the drivers are jerky jerks

  • @vitomira5
    @vitomira5 2 місяці тому +1

    i liked this video after intro, than i wanted to like it again after 4min! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @ameliaduden488
    @ameliaduden488 4 місяці тому +1

    My 2nd pregnancy with a boy was completely different then my 1st with a girl! The nausea was different, im carrying way different ( super low) cravings are different, my smell sensitivity is different, i have a lot of pelvic pain and discomfort this time that i didnt have a with my first, i had a weird skin rash from hormones this time . Just a super odd pregnancy compared to my first 🤣🤷‍♀️

  • @rachelle2227
    @rachelle2227 4 місяці тому +1

    So nice to hear how you’re doing with thoughts about 3 kids and being pregnant for the third time.
    I’m 38 weeks pregnant with my second and so ready to be done! My 2 year old started going to a good friend’s house (she has a toddler too) twice a week in the mornings so we could more easily cope with sleep deprivation with baby number 2 (so we can nap in the mornings, will be every weekday morning once baby comes). She’s doing so well, she loves having a little playmate!

  • @cariiinen
    @cariiinen 4 місяці тому +1

    Pregnancy exhaustion is so rough!

  • @crismphillips
    @crismphillips 4 місяці тому +1

    I had NO appetite in the first trimester with baby boy. My vote is boy! Which would be so fun because of the whole gender reveal mistake with your first 😅

  • @kalarandazzo2691
    @kalarandazzo2691 4 місяці тому +1

    Please tell me if you find out why youre cold! Im 25 weeks (2nd pregnancy) and constantly freezing even at 78 degrees with a jacket!

  • @karinseaman4060
    @karinseaman4060 4 місяці тому +1

    All the wives tales said I would have a girl, but I have a son 😂
    So I don't think anything really points to any specific gender.. But I'll say boy, just because 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

  • @willowbosela
    @willowbosela 4 місяці тому +1

    I think boy! Your pregnancies sound similar to my girl / boy pregnancies

  • @Lifestinks
    @Lifestinks 4 місяці тому +1

    If the heartbeat is really fast it's a girl if it's in normal range it's a boy. I'm hoping you have a boy just to have the experience of both and boys are fun but a handful compared to girls.

  • @brookerosener3186
    @brookerosener3186 4 місяці тому +1

    Low iron can make you feel cold.

  • @lauralewis3715
    @lauralewis3715 4 місяці тому +2

    I think boy! Where are your overalls from!? I love them!

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  4 місяці тому +1

      They're hand me downs! I looked them up and they don't sell them anymore!!

    • @lauralewis3715
      @lauralewis3715 4 місяці тому +1

      @@heyshayla oh bummer! Thanks for checking!

  • @angelareneef
    @angelareneef 4 місяці тому +1

    I vote boy! Out of all the gender wives tales, I’m most likely to believe the cravings one just bc it’s been accurate to anyone I’ve observed… 😝

  • @user-vx5kq8lo1m
    @user-vx5kq8lo1m 4 місяці тому +1

    For some reason I already thought you announced it was a boy. But then I know you didn’t announce a gender. So it must just be my gut and it’s a boy! 😅

  • @prachitipsandvlogs
    @prachitipsandvlogs 4 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for sharing this video ❤❤❤❤

  • @Molls784
    @Molls784 4 місяці тому +1

    I vote boy!

  • @MamaSav812
    @MamaSav812 4 місяці тому +1

    I’m voting that it’s going to be a boy!! 💙

  • @astro.amanda2860
    @astro.amanda2860 4 місяці тому +1

    Girl!!! Though I hope for you it's a boy!!
    But girls are the best. I'm from a family of girls. No regrets.

  • @MusicIsMyAeroplane09
    @MusicIsMyAeroplane09 4 місяці тому +1

    Third girl that's my guess

  • @madiArabella
    @madiArabella 4 місяці тому +1

    Boy I think boy

  • @hannahkate2342
    @hannahkate2342 3 місяці тому

    If you're cold u need to eat

  • @Thisorganizedmother
    @Thisorganizedmother 4 місяці тому +1

    I can relate to so much of this right now!! I think it’d be fun if you had a boy to round it out. My two get along *so well* I’m worried about the dynamic of a third. First trimester and I’m SO tired. But I will take it over being sick my entire pregnancy. 🫠 I am feeling similar, it could be the last one and I originally considered four.

  • @daryakozh
    @daryakozh 4 місяці тому +1

    I wanna say boy, but I feel like just as I can't make a girl, you can't make a boy 😂😂 whatever the gender, I am really happy for you and your babies though, wishing all the best❤

  • @ashleysspot
    @ashleysspot 4 місяці тому +1

    What kind of electrolytes do you use?

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  4 місяці тому

      Nuun is what my midwife reccomended when I was taking liquid iv
      I’m taking lmnt now or coconut water!

  • @kathleenhochstatter822
    @kathleenhochstatter822 4 місяці тому +1

    I think boy :)

  • @katelynworley7456
    @katelynworley7456 4 місяці тому +1


  • @Freyasmom13
    @Freyasmom13 4 місяці тому +1

    What is the gender of first second and third and how tired were you with girl vs boy?

    • @shola7987
      @shola7987 4 місяці тому +1

      She has two girls

  • @vasibitica7863
    @vasibitica7863 4 місяці тому +1

    I wanna say it will be a boy😊

  • @evelynsblessedhome
    @evelynsblessedhome 4 місяці тому +1

    Oh my goodness I think it’s a BOY!😭🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  • @the_kate_co
    @the_kate_co 4 місяці тому +1

    Wives tales would say boy....but my gut instinct is girl.

  • @AS-cn9yk
    @AS-cn9yk 4 місяці тому +1


  • @doravalencia2214
    @doravalencia2214 4 місяці тому +1

    Where is the jumpsuit from?

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  4 місяці тому

      It's a hand me down and isn't sold anymore!

  • @eddieczarinahaney
    @eddieczarinahaney 4 місяці тому +1

    The guessing game is so much fun when you’re in your last haul 😂 I’m in my 8th month now and we decided to not know until birth like our first. This pregnancy is completely different too. We’re gunna do a guess baby gender and minute at what they’ll be born to raise some money. My aunt won the minute and gender bonus first time 😂🩷

  • @jourdancatts2367
    @jourdancatts2367 4 місяці тому +1

    It's a Boy!!!

  • @Lisa-ui5xl
    @Lisa-ui5xl 4 місяці тому +1

    I am so sorry. I can't continue to watch. We are TTC and it's not working. I feel so sad when I see you in your pregnancy bliss. All the best for you and your family for the time being!

    • @oceaneyeye
      @oceaneyeye 4 місяці тому +1

      I am wishing you all the success on your TTC journey 🙏🏽

    • @heyshayla
      @heyshayla  4 місяці тому +1

      10000% support your decision and sending you all the love

  • @ameliaduden488
    @ameliaduden488 4 місяці тому +1

    I think its probably gonna be a boy!💙

  • @hannahkate2342
    @hannahkate2342 3 місяці тому

    1st was a boy. Spic y foods and salty. This one is sugar I think it's a girl

  • @anitavandermerwe7797
    @anitavandermerwe7797 4 місяці тому +1


  • @jo_nathan_nation6544
    @jo_nathan_nation6544 4 місяці тому

    So dumb

  • @beckyhankins7134
    @beckyhankins7134 4 місяці тому +1

    My current pregnancy (second) has been SO MUCH rougher than my first. So much more tired, so much more sick.
    Turns out it’s twins. 🫠 Looks like you dodged the bullet and it hit me. 😂

  • @Search4Cherise
    @Search4Cherise 4 місяці тому +1

    I think Boy 💙♡🩵
    I'm 38 weeks 4 days pregnant

  • @iloveaginganddying6207
    @iloveaginganddying6207 4 місяці тому +1

    Those symptoms sound like a boy is in there!