The Guards Mission 100% By 2ItalianCats (Extreme Demon Platformer)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • I was already pushing it with putting void world in a compilation, I can't put a 21 minute long level in a compilation.
    The Guards Mission (106427169): There is a lot I like about this level, which is why I feel extra annoyed about the smaller things that really make it imperfect because with a couple of small tweaks I really think this level could be so much better.
    The first dual section is cool with a really cool gimmick with being able to stand on each player's head. Its just unfortunate that this ends up being a little glitchy with me dying multiple times to what felt like random bugs. Again, its really cool and is pretty fun, just a little bit more tweaking and it's perfect I think.
    The second section, the cave, is the best part of the level, I love the moving platforms and the energy it brings, absolutely the best part of the level and I have no complaints about it.
    The third section, the wind part, I got really unlucky. I died 56 times in the indoor section and beyond, which wouldn't even bother me that much because I think the wind gameplay is fun and I don't mind playing fun gameplay over and over again. However, I had a little issue with the way the final few clicks were done. The wind changes strength which makes it completely unreadable and I really don't know why they would make it like that, it made dying to that part just feel unfair. The last few jumps should've just kept the same wind strength as before and it'd be fine. The falling part is good as well, I have no complaints for that part.
    I'll group up the slope boost and needle section because they are both sorta just alright. Not really the most interesting gameplay but it is a change of pace before the boss and I don't think its bad. Although its a little repetitive at times and I feel like some cuts could've been done to the gameplay as some parts felt a little unnecessary (see the end of both those parts)
    The boss, Probably the only 'bad' part of the level. It's just way too rng dependent to be good. The switching of gravity is fun in concept but it just ends up meaning sometimes you get unlucky gravity changes during tight gameplay which makes the boss a lot harder. When the boss reaches the second half, I believe they have a chance to do new attacks. Which is a cool idea but the new attacks are all a lot harder than the old ones and you can still get the old ones so you just end up hoping you don't get any of the new attacks. The most notable is the attack which combines the falling rain and the spinner which I think is super unfair and downright impossible and should be removed. I didn't pass it once and I'm not sure anyone has ever in a run. The other notable attack is the green strip line attack where you have to go to a specific area. I think this attack is notable since it doesn't end when it should I think, meaning it goes on a little longer and the next attack starts appearing, which can put you in really unfavorable situations, especially if you get the attack back to back, it becomes really hard to go from one area to another as it happens really sudden. Overall, I think some more playtesting / balancing would've helped this part but really, the attacks should've been done differently imo to make it better.
    The speedrun section is good, I would only say the decoration is a little messy making it hard to see where you are going quickly, some visual clarity would be nice (the timer in the background is the main thing that makes this happen and would be nice to have an option to remove it)
    And the end, which while yeah is a funny joke crediting a lot of random things, having gameplay during that part and having it be super repetitive is kinda an annoying move, it feels like padding for the sake to make the level longer and I really don't like it.
    I say all this because I really do like the level, it has great theming and ideas, it feels like a real level with a lot of passion put behind it but there are just some flaws that stop me from fulling enjoying it which really disappointed me while playing. 6.5/10
    5625 Attempts


  • @2ItalianCats
    @2ItalianCats 2 місяці тому +6

    Yoooo, thanks for beating it I get the complaints most of this level was made late at night so I didn't make the best decisions and it being my first proper platformer, trying to improve so hopefully my next level is better, enjoy your place on the podium ; )

  • @hamadcheats
    @hamadcheats Місяць тому +1

    wow gg

  • @klutoy_tema
    @klutoy_tema 2 місяці тому +1

    gg on masterpiece level

  • @SWBPro
    @SWBPro 2 місяці тому +1

    Gg on cool level

  • @PeasantBanana
    @PeasantBanana 2 місяці тому +2

    free tbh

    • @2ItalianCats
      @2ItalianCats 2 місяці тому +1

      @@PeasantBanana nuh uh mister 21 hours

    • @2ItalianCats
      @2ItalianCats 2 місяці тому +1

      I think you have the second longest verification on tpl

  • @zanxl7140
    @zanxl7140 2 місяці тому +1

    i would never in a million years have thought you would have beaten this level

  • @SillyGadda
    @SillyGadda 2 місяці тому +1
