Ita Wegman Birthday Celebration 2021: part 4 of 6

  • Опубліковано 25 лют 2021
  • James Kuhn introduces Jaimen McMillan's offering (not recorded
    Milena Kowarik's offering and conversation on Neutrality
    ‘Balancing the inner and outer movement of the I Organization through Spacial Dynamics
    Rudolf Steiner wrote this text for Ita Wegman in October, 1923. It speaks volumes of what Ita Wegman called forth from Dr. Steiner.
    What I speak out of my physical body is mere semblance--- I must speak out of my etheric body, to penetrate true reality:
    1) You spirits beneath the Earth, press upon the soles of my feet. I walk over you and forth.
    2) You spirits of moisture, stroke my skin. I push you to all sides.
    3)You spirits of the air fill my inner depths. I unite myself with you.
    4) You spirits of warmth, ensoul my inner depths. I live in you.
    5) You spirits of light, permeate my inner depths with spirit. I think with you.
    6) You spirits of forces, lame my forces. I overcome you.
    7)You spirits of life, take my life. I await you in death.
    Thus speaking this, I am in my etheric body.
    Let all of you come: colors, sounds, words of the etheric world.
    From the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner
    Mantric Sayings, Meditation 1903-1925
    Steiner Books 2015
    Christ you who shines in my thinking
    Christ, you who lives in my feeling
    Christ, you who works in my willing
    Illumine me from my head to my heart
    Weave in me from my heart to my limbs
    Radiate from my limbs into the world
    That I may behold your loving being of light
    Learn[ing] to live in your sacrificial will
    as it lives and works in humanity’s becoming
    And so I feel a part of your being
    And so fully imbued by your stream of love
    Not I, the Christ wills in me
    Christus, der Du leuchtest in meinem Denken
    Christus, der Du lebest in meinem Fühlen
    Christus, der Du wirkest in meinem Wollen
    Leuchte mir vom Kopf hin zum Herzen
    Weben in mir vom Herzen zu den Gliedern
    Strahle von den Gliedern in die Welt
    Dass ich schaue, dein lichtes Liebewesen
    Leben lern in deiner Opferwillen
    Wie er wirkend lebt im Menschheitswerden
    Und so fühl ich mich als Glied von deinem Wesen
    Und so durchdrungen ganz von deinem Liebesstrom
    Nicht ich, der Christus will in mir
    R. Steiner to E. Leinhas