• @M4rtyMcFly21
    @M4rtyMcFly21 7 років тому +2

    House of wax 😳 that was a fucked movie! Hey, I got cut off by an asshole rider last night driving home from work. I'm literally always okay with letting them in but this guy flew up out of no where. He crossed in front of me from left to right across 3 lanes. I think he had a death wish. Oh well 😔

    • @RyderRyan8787
      @RyderRyan8787 7 років тому +1

      JaLuck88 that rider was a sandal face! Not all are like that, I try to be reasonably courteous :)

    • @M4rtyMcFly21
      @M4rtyMcFly21 7 років тому +1

      UNZIP....... 😩

  • @M4rtyMcFly21
    @M4rtyMcFly21 7 років тому
