Upper body First workout: Set a timer for 3 mins First min hammer curls (dumbbell lookin up) Second min regular curls (dumbbell lookin up then to the side) Last min hold the dumbbell in the air Second workout: bench press 4 sets x 8 reps Dumbbell rows 3 sets x 8 reps each arm Shoulder extensions 3 sets x 12 reps Tricep pulldown 2 sets x 1min Incline bench press 3 sets x 10 reps Shoulder press 3 sets x 10 reps Lat pulldowns 3 sets x 8 reps 5 pushups then hold the pushup position for 1 min 2 sets Lower body RDL barbell 3 sets x 12 reps Split squats 3 sets x 10 reps each leg Step ups 3 sets 5 reps each leg Calf raises 3 sets x 12 reps Slow to explosive squats 3 sets x 8 reps Luges 3 sets x 10 reps Core Sit-up reach 2 sets x 25 reps Russian twist with medicine ball 2 sets x 25 reps As many crunches as u can Plank 2 sets x 1min Flutter kicks 2 sets x 20 secs Side planks 2 sets x 30 secs each side Monday: Upper Body Tuesday: Lower Body/Core Wednesday: Rest Thursday: Upper Body Friday: Lower Body/Core Saturday: Rest Sunday: Rest
Upper Body Three minute - Bicep workout Set a timer for three minutes 3:00-2:00 Hammer curls 2:00-1:00 Normal curls 1:00-0:00 Dumbbell Hold No pause in between Bench press 4 sets x 8 reps Dumbbell rows Each hand 3 sets x 8 reps Shoulder extensions 3 sets x 12 reps Triceps pull down 2 sets x 1 minute Inclined Bench Dumbbell press 3 sets x 10 reps Shoulder press 3 sets x 10 reps TRX Band workout (back workout) 3 sets x 8 reps 100 push ups Push ups hold 2 sets x 1 minute Lower Body RDL Bardell or Dumbbell 3 sets x 12 reps Split scuat 3 sets x 10 reps Each leg Step up 3 sets x 5 reps Each leg Calf rises 3 sets x 12 reps Slow to explosive scuats 3 sets x 8 reps Lunges 3 sets x 10 reps Each leg Core Sit ups reach 2 sets x 25 reps Russian twists with medical ball 2 sets x 25 reps 200 crunches Plank 2 sets x 1 minute Flutter kicks 2 sets x 30 seconds Side Plank 2 sets x 30 seconds Each side
Full Body Workout (Basketball) 3 Minute Sequence First Minute Hammer Curls (No Pauses) Second Minute Regular Curls (No Pauses) Third Minute Dumbbell Hold (No Pauses) Upper Body Bench Press 4 Sets x 8 Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets x 8 (Each Arm) Shoulder Extension 3 Sets x 12 Tricep Extension 2 Sets 1 Minute Reverse Curls 3 Sets x 8 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets x 10 Shoulder Press 3 Sets x 10 TRX Band Workout 3 Sets x 8 25 Pushups Push-Up Hold 2 Sets x 1 Minute Lower Body RDL Dumbbell 3 Sets x 12 Dumbbell Split Squats Each Leg 3 Sets x 10 Dumbbell Step-Ups Each Leg 3 Sets x 5 Calf Raises 3 Sets x 12 Slow To Explosive Squats 3 Sets x 8 Dumbbell Lunges 3 Sets x 10 Core Sit-Ups Reach 2 Sets x 25 Russian Twist 3 Sets x 25 200 Crunches Plank 2 Sets x 1 Minute Flutter Kicks 2 Sets x 30 Seconds Side Plank 2 Sets x 30 Seconds (Each Side) Take Protein Shake After Workout 1 Gallon Of Water A Day
This is for everyone: on your rest days, still do active recovery like stretching, going on a walk, somethin’ very light. Rest doesn’t mean laying in bed all day haha
On rest days I usually take a 15 Minute run with low intensity, spinning and some blackroll/ stretching. Also if possible for y’all study some film and try to find what u can improve.
@@lateef7212 tbh I avoid a lot of meat in rest days because eating a lot of meat slows down your recovery. Plant based diets are known for faster recovery!
@@dakotarivers is there a way we can practice basketball and workout at the same time using this schedule? If so when do you think it’s best to play or practice
This is what I needed. I’ve been training like I want to be a bodybuilder not an basketball athlete💀😂. Thank you for this workout plan bro💙 keep it up!
GYM WORKOUT PLAN: UPPER BODY: - Three minute - Bicep workout Set a timer for three minutes 3:00-2:00 Hammer curls 2:00-1:00 Normal curls 1:00-0:00 Dumbbell Hold No pause in between - Bench press 4 sets x 8 reps - Dumbbell rows Each hand 3 sets x 8 reps - Shoulder extensions 3 sets x 12 reps - Triceps pull down 2 sets x 1 minute - Inclined Bench Dumbbell press 3 sets x 10 reps - Shoulder press 3 sets x 10 reps - TRX Band workout (back workout) 3 sets x 8 reps - push ups 3 sets to failure - Push ups hold 2 sets x 1 minute LOWER BODY: - RDL Bardell or Dumbbell 3 sets x 12 reps - Split scuat Each leg 3 sets x 10 reps - Step up Each leg 3 sets x 5 reps - Calf rises 3 sets x 12 reps - Slow to explosive scuats 3 sets x 8 reps - Lunges Each leg 3 sets x 10 reps CORE: - Sit ups reach 2 sets x 25 reps - Russian twists with medical ball 2 sets x 25 reps - crunches to failure - Plank 2 sets x 1 minute - Flutter kicks 2 sets x 30 seconds - Side Plank Each side 2 sets x 30 seconds
I want to start out by saying thank you for posting this video, I needed a starting workout plan and this helped a lot! The push-ups on upper body days are the absolute worst! I can barely do 30 a day hopefully in the next couple months I can push it to 100
I can’t do the exercises with barbells and the other expensive gym equipment but I’ve been doing all the other exercises to improve my strength in basketball. I didn’t have a good record when I played for 8th grade varsity but after doing this I’m getting better, thanks
first i wanna tell you something that i saw 200 videos this one was the best thing that i write it down to start ! secound really it was pro. i liked it third share more and more and GOOD JOB BRO
@@jeeannapierantoni5023 sorry for getting back to you late but now it takes me like 45min when its single leg or arm day but on the days with core added it’ll take up til a max hr.
Wasssup Dakota broski. I've been following your workout plan for almost a year now on and off, but the past 4 months was the most consistent I have ever been with this set workout, and I have made gains. I started the summer at 165 lbs now I am up to 172lbs currently and for some reason I could never get pass the 170 thresholds but now I am, just wanted to say thank you bro. I have seen some major improvements in my body as well as my basketball game, vert has definitely increased a little bit as well. So, I was wondering what's the update on this workout? I know you did videos for beginners but it's not necessarily the same as this one, are you still doing the 4/day or is there something new ?, possible update video? Appreciate everything bro! Reply
Thanks man... Always wanted to know what training basketball 🏀 players do. Incorporated the routine to my basketball training. Can't wai for results.. let's see!
Thank you so much man I’ve been trying to balance my gym and basketball workouts and have been struggling to improve I hope that now I can get better and hit the weight room
Bro just wanna say I’m rlly thankful for that workout I’m doing it 2-3 Months now, I started it with less intense reps and worked my way up to you’re lvl. Since than my vert have gone crazy, less injuries, I’m faster and stronger. I can recommend every baller who got a slashing shot creator playing type to do this workout but don’t forget to add stretch routine in it. Much love and good night 😴
@@soggymilk56 Yeah i got 3 Splits means Upperbody, Lowerbody and Core + Pain Preventions Workouts cause i also play a lot of Basketball and have to Work Parttime. so i have to take proper care to my body to do it constantly
This video is very informative and straight forward. Anybody can follow this workout plan no matter what sport they play or if they just want to stay in shape in general.
@@magicdra7344 sure, but I wouldn't recommend lifting weights at 12, it could stunt your growth, use your body weight instead, pushups, pull ups, dips, etc. I believe athletes shouldn't start lifting until they're in high school, you can make additions and subtractions to the work out as you like, whatever works for you
@Zubairkhan-mj9rn that is true, however you don't need to lift weights to get stronger. And if you are lifting as a young kid, make sure you're being supervised and know exactly what your doing, because lifting weights wrong can cause injury and the injury is what can stunt your growth
Thanks for upload! Good editing work. Also can you show how many times a week you train in the gym with shooting/playing with team, same as you did with workouts. I play everyday, but i feel like i need a rest not only from lifting weight but also playing basketball.
Thank you bro, that was this type of video I wanted,I don't know if u really know it but ure video help a lot of people here, keep going, from France🔥🔥🔥🇨🇵
Salut mec j’voulais savoir si tu a toujours continué le programme ? Et si tu a vue les différences et quand tu a débuté les séances est ce que tu faisait des répétions avec des poids léger ou lourd ?
I just came across your channel bro, this is awesome.I would love to know your caloric in-take / what you eat in a day because nutrition is very important for all athletes! Haha! would love to see a video of this though. Thanks! Bless up!
Should you do all of these workouts all in one workout session, or should you split it up in different days? And how often should you do these workouts?
After losing 35lbs of muscle due to Valley Fever about 10 years ago (gained 12lbs back naturally) I’m ready to gain it back. Coming from wrestling, this is a solid routine.
Next time you lift consider changing your lifting order usually the larger muscles groups you target first. (E.g Bench or Squat are compound lifts that target large muscle groups at once) this will help make your workout more efficient & effective dope vid tho 💪🏾
@@tshiris1708 Yes & no they aren’t bad. As Nukesnipa you’d wanna train the larger muscle groups first as they’re compound movements ( multiply muscle groups ) after that move onto the smaller ones Isometric ( bicep curls Tricep pull downs etc ) since it’s basketball specific you’d also want plyometric movements in there. These aren’t plyo movements but are in my opinion more basketball specific so I’d probably do like Box Squats, DB Split lunge SS with Jumping Split Lunge, clean jerk & Single Leg Glute Bridge something like that. For core I don’t think you’d even need to do that much volume something like DeadBugs, Hollow Holds, Bicycle Crunch & Iron Butterfly or Plank doing 2-3 sets of those is pretty solid too. Again this is just what I’d change/ Do an it’s more of an example if anything
fr 100 can be done 20 in 5 mins like that aint work at all tf it shoulda been 400 in 10 mins o som, search up antwan sumter n that 15 year old dude do 2000 pushups in a day like 100 a day wont do SHIIIII
Boy, I love that you're pushing yourself and think some of your workout parts are great, especiallythe time part. However, your workout looks a bit random.. I would actually advice you to watch some of overtime athletes, the dude has some great advice on programming your workout
Thanks for this video, I'm 24 years old and i want to loose some weights. I love playing basketball but since im over weight (currently 97 kilo 5'10) this holding me to move faster oncourt. Thankyou
Bro said EVERYTHING in 8 min! Thanks helped a lot
Of course! More content on the way!
@@dakotarivers Bro one question do you use creatine ?
@@MakaveliDior he doesn’t
@@dakotarivers bro can you do a lower plyometrics routine
@@dakotarivers how old were u at 16 bro?
Upper body
First workout:
Set a timer for 3 mins
First min hammer curls (dumbbell lookin up)
Second min regular curls (dumbbell lookin up then to the side)
Last min hold the dumbbell in the air
Second workout: bench press 4 sets x 8 reps
Dumbbell rows 3 sets x 8 reps each arm
Shoulder extensions 3 sets x 12 reps
Tricep pulldown 2 sets x 1min
Incline bench press 3 sets x 10 reps
Shoulder press 3 sets x 10 reps
Lat pulldowns 3 sets x 8 reps
5 pushups then hold the pushup position for 1 min 2 sets
Lower body
RDL barbell 3 sets x 12 reps
Split squats 3 sets x 10 reps each leg
Step ups 3 sets 5 reps each leg
Calf raises 3 sets x 12 reps
Slow to explosive squats 3 sets x 8 reps
Luges 3 sets x 10 reps
Sit-up reach 2 sets x 25 reps
Russian twist with medicine ball 2 sets x 25 reps
As many crunches as u can
Plank 2 sets x 1min
Flutter kicks 2 sets x 20 secs
Side planks 2 sets x 30 secs each side
Monday: Upper Body
Tuesday: Lower Body/Core
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Upper Body
Friday: Lower Body/Core
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest
Love u for this
Thanks bro
This is very helpful thank you
Dang i was following along and doing everything 😂
So you don’t do the whole workout on one session?
Upper Body
Three minute - Bicep workout
Set a timer for three minutes
3:00-2:00 Hammer curls
2:00-1:00 Normal curls
1:00-0:00 Dumbbell Hold
No pause in between
Bench press
4 sets x 8 reps
Dumbbell rows
Each hand
3 sets x 8 reps
Shoulder extensions
3 sets x 12 reps
Triceps pull down
2 sets x 1 minute
Inclined Bench Dumbbell press
3 sets x 10 reps
Shoulder press
3 sets x 10 reps
TRX Band workout (back workout)
3 sets x 8 reps
100 push ups
Push ups hold
2 sets x 1 minute
Lower Body
RDL Bardell or Dumbbell
3 sets x 12 reps
Split scuat
3 sets x 10 reps
Each leg
Step up
3 sets x 5 reps
Each leg
Calf rises
3 sets x 12 reps
Slow to explosive scuats
3 sets x 8 reps
3 sets x 10 reps
Each leg
Sit ups reach
2 sets x 25 reps
Russian twists with medical ball
2 sets x 25 reps
200 crunches
2 sets x 1 minute
Flutter kicks
2 sets x 30 seconds
Side Plank
2 sets x 30 seconds
Each side
Thank you so much I was looking for this comment so that I don’t have to write it down myself
Bro this man the goat
tysm man you just saved me more time
U dropped something 👑
Goat activity
Full Body Workout (Basketball)
3 Minute Sequence
First Minute Hammer Curls (No Pauses)
Second Minute Regular Curls (No Pauses)
Third Minute Dumbbell Hold (No Pauses)
Upper Body
Bench Press 4 Sets x 8
Dumbbell Rows 3 Sets x 8 (Each Arm)
Shoulder Extension 3 Sets x 12
Tricep Extension 2 Sets 1 Minute
Reverse Curls 3 Sets x 8
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets x 10
Shoulder Press 3 Sets x 10
TRX Band Workout 3 Sets x 8
25 Pushups
Push-Up Hold 2 Sets x 1 Minute
Lower Body
RDL Dumbbell 3 Sets x 12
Dumbbell Split Squats Each Leg 3 Sets x 10
Dumbbell Step-Ups Each Leg 3 Sets x 5
Calf Raises 3 Sets x 12
Slow To Explosive Squats 3 Sets x 8
Dumbbell Lunges 3 Sets x 10
Sit-Ups Reach 2 Sets x 25
Russian Twist 3 Sets x 25
200 Crunches
Plank 2 Sets x 1 Minute
Flutter Kicks 2 Sets x 30 Seconds
Side Plank 2 Sets x 30 Seconds (Each Side)
Take Protein Shake After Workout
1 Gallon Of Water A Day
This is for everyone: on your rest days, still do active recovery like stretching, going on a walk, somethin’ very light. Rest doesn’t mean laying in bed all day haha
On rest days I usually take a 15 Minute run with low intensity, spinning and some blackroll/ stretching. Also if possible for y’all study some film and try to find what u can improve.
@@OG.600 what foods do you avoid
@@lateef7212 tbh I avoid a lot of meat in rest days because eating a lot of meat slows down your recovery. Plant based diets are known for faster recovery!
@@OG.600 i would say avoid red meat not meat in general, maybe a bit cliche but chicken and salmon are great for example
you’re so goated for this, the amount of people you can help just from this video alone. Much fucking respect to you dawg.
Thanks dawg
@@dakotarivers is there a way we can practice basketball and workout at the same time using this schedule? If so when do you think it’s best to play or practice
@@camricks4461 Practice on rest days
@@camricks4461 you can still do both on the same day, pjf performance talks about this in his vids
@@adrianpintor7516 yeah i do both on the same day
Man is an absolute beast and he helps us get better!
Thank you!
Ayy bruh I was never D1 but I was pretty nice at hooping, watching this got me motivated to quit smoking weed and get my athleticism back
ik im late but good for you man, have you been off since?
Bro how are u rn⁉️🙏
This is what I needed. I’ve been training like I want to be a bodybuilder not an basketball athlete💀😂. Thank you for this workout plan bro💙 keep it up!
Same 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
Bro same, how is ur progress after 11 months? Do u use this program?
These videos help you a lot if you don't have a routine, the video is very simple and everything is perfectly understood.thanks bro
This video is an absolute W. I was researching on what to do as a hooper, and this really helped me.
- Three minute - Bicep workout
Set a timer for three minutes
3:00-2:00 Hammer curls
2:00-1:00 Normal curls
1:00-0:00 Dumbbell Hold
No pause in between
- Bench press
4 sets x 8 reps
- Dumbbell rows Each hand
3 sets x 8 reps
- Shoulder extensions
3 sets x 12 reps
- Triceps pull down
2 sets x 1 minute
- Inclined Bench Dumbbell press
3 sets x 10 reps
- Shoulder press
3 sets x 10 reps
- TRX Band workout (back workout)
3 sets x 8 reps
- push ups
3 sets to failure
- Push ups hold
2 sets x 1 minute
- RDL Bardell or Dumbbell
3 sets x 12 reps
- Split scuat Each leg
3 sets x 10 reps
- Step up Each leg
3 sets x 5 reps
- Calf rises
3 sets x 12 reps
- Slow to explosive scuats
3 sets x 8 reps
- Lunges Each leg
3 sets x 10 reps
- Sit ups reach
2 sets x 25 reps
- Russian twists with medical ball
2 sets x 25 reps
- crunches
to failure
- Plank
2 sets x 1 minute
- Flutter kicks
2 sets x 30 seconds
- Side Plank Each side
2 sets x 30 seconds
Broski a hero
i see this right after I wrote this one by one in my notes
@@llukicmihajlo3 shitt happens
How do u copy this
Do you do the bicep workout before the other stuff like bench press
I want to start out by saying thank you for posting this video, I needed a starting workout plan and this helped a lot! The push-ups on upper body days are the absolute worst! I can barely do 30 a day hopefully in the next couple months I can push it to 100
Any update
if u seekin 100 a day jus know 8 year old boys are doin that daily before bed.. maybe try 300 weighted a day as a goal
Keep workin big dog! ✊🏽
Bro I’ve been watching you for years. Thank you for the love man 💯
kis from king plamen u can 1v1 him and he will bust yo ass #1 SETT in the world #freeelo#bezplatenuslessbott#ezwitthazattheend
@@dakotarivers bro I would go crazy if Zach commented on one of my videos 😂
Tried the workout today and there's a huge difference 🙏🏾
Any possibility that you could make a video on a conditioning and running routine to stay in shape for the season?
Would be dope
Yes muuuuuuuch needed
He should! It would be useful.
No coaches in there either, just you putting in that work 💪 Great stuff!
I’m trying to get back in basketball shape, so I appreciate this heavy
Just did this for the first time and i can say that it's a killer workout
All in one day?
@@dimi_nkcway better to make one per one to reduce the injury risk
Thx am in the 11th grade and started hitting the gym for the first time. Am 15 atm. This will be a good help in my basketball journey
Imma be d1 and y’all are gonna know my name but for now I wanna say thank you my boy for being straight to the point. Good luck👍🏽
You got it chief. I’m trying to make the varsity first then work my way up. 👍🏾
@@YzrtSushi tryna make it out of Australia🤣
@@Hsianggsusjxbxb Melbourne?
@@Hsianggsusjxbxb I'm trynna make it outta Africa bro😭
Who know D1 players. Ima be there
Lots of love bro! Thanks for the guidance! You ve outdone most atheletes/coaches in sharing knowledge of higher level hoops~ respect!
I can’t do the exercises with barbells and the other expensive gym equipment but I’ve been doing all the other exercises to improve my strength in basketball. I didn’t have a good record when I played for 8th grade varsity but after doing this I’m getting better, thanks
Any update
@@nonchalantvonno9537 I’m still a lazy piece of shit
video production gettin better bra good vid
Thanks man!
the upper body workout has helped me a lot!! Appreciate it broski
do u do upper rest lower rest core rest and keep going or do u do something else?
@@brosel3951 schedule at the end
Can you please show us you basketball schedule?? full basketball training routine drills shooting everything you do
Keep on grinding man, hope to see you in the big league
Trying to get bigger and better at basketball starting at 14, till my journey the best.
2:54 - Leg Workout
4:30 - Core
Why only those?
@@kaminokento find later bruh
first i wanna tell you something that i saw 200 videos this one was the best thing that i write it down to start !
secound really it was pro. i liked it
third share more and more and GOOD JOB BRO
I’m gonna do this with my middle school team. Thanks Sir
going to follow your traning item for making myself stranger! hope next basketball match can improve my performace! ?Thanks for sharing!
Damn bro this training methods inspired me a lot. God bless you. Wish you best in reaching your goals.
did this workout help you build muscle
@@eankoz630Its about the driver not the fuel
I really enjoyed seeing your workout routine my guy.Looking forward to incorporating it into mine💯🤞🏽
Yea this my first time doing the upper body , and I was dead at the push up part of the workout. This is gonna be my routine from now on thank you 💪
how's it going so far?
U still doing it?
@@kduceeyasu4682 ended up having a surgery done on my abdominal so I had to stop I’ll be back on soon tho
@@ADONISRRNB did the workout caused the surgery?
Dakota Bro I started your workout routine 2 days ago im now on the rest day and my entire body sore asl, great workout routine bro!
How long did it take you to complete the full workout?
@@jeeannapierantoni5023 sorry for getting back to you late but now it takes me like 45min when its single leg or arm day but on the days with core added it’ll take up til a max hr.
Wasssup Dakota broski. I've been following your workout plan for almost a year now on and off, but the past 4 months was the most consistent I have ever been with this set workout, and I have made gains. I started the summer at 165 lbs now I am up to 172lbs currently and for some reason I could never get pass the 170 thresholds but now I am, just wanted to say thank you bro. I have seen some major improvements in my body as well as my basketball game, vert has definitely increased a little bit as well. So, I was wondering what's the update on this workout? I know you did videos for beginners but it's not necessarily the same as this one, are you still doing the 4/day or is there something new ?, possible update video? Appreciate everything bro!
Thanks man... Always wanted to know what training basketball 🏀 players do. Incorporated the routine to my basketball training. Can't wai for results.. let's see!
How is it going
Thank you for this workout , i've been training like a bodybuilder this whole year 😩
thanks lil yatchy you're the goat
Thank you so much man I’ve been trying to balance my gym and basketball workouts and have been struggling to improve I hope that now I can get better and hit the weight room
Have you been using this recommended workout if so how did you see yourself improve from it?
Keep up the hard work 💪🏼🔥
Thanks man!!
Bro just wanna say I’m rlly thankful for that workout I’m doing it 2-3 Months now, I started it with less intense reps and worked my way up to you’re lvl. Since than my vert have gone crazy, less injuries, I’m faster and stronger. I can recommend every baller who got a slashing shot creator playing type to do this workout but don’t forget to add stretch routine in it. Much love and good night 😴
How long till you started seeing results bro?
@@mohameda1165 2 month after began, the people on court told me i have get much faster and stronger
this isn't 2k stfu
Do you do the entire workout in one day? Or do you set out different days for core, then another day for lower body, then upper body
@@soggymilk56 Yeah i got 3 Splits means Upperbody, Lowerbody and Core + Pain Preventions Workouts cause i also play a lot of Basketball and have to Work Parttime. so i have to take proper care to my body to do it constantly
amazing! what about your conditioning? do you go for runs or is that all in the training?
Going for runs helps a lot
You have the strongest shouldest gaw damn bro good genes fr
Thanks that helps me alot 🙏continue doing a basketball daily workout.
Can you please make a video about basketball practice routine and what you working on each practice? btw thank you for the helpful content
This workout had my body shivering after 😂😂
Just did this and it's the best workout I had in a looooong time. Thanks for it. Also what are the names of those songs?
Hey man, would you mind sharing the results of the routine? Did you get faster, stronger, more explosive, bulkier? Thanks in advance!
This video is very informative and straight forward. Anybody can follow this workout plan no matter what sport they play or if they just want to stay in shape in general.
@@magicdra7344 sure, but I wouldn't recommend lifting weights at 12, it could stunt your growth, use your body weight instead, pushups, pull ups, dips, etc. I believe athletes shouldn't start lifting until they're in high school, you can make additions and subtractions to the work out as you like, whatever works for you
@@NigerianBaller lifting weights doesn't stunt growth that's a myth with no evidence
@Zubairkhan-mj9rn that is true, however you don't need to lift weights to get stronger. And if you are lifting as a young kid, make sure you're being supervised and know exactly what your doing, because lifting weights wrong can cause injury and the injury is what can stunt your growth
How do Keep up your schedule and the basketball games/training?
Thx a lot dope content broski 🐐
Them 100 push ups and push up holds look KILLER after all that other shit! DAMN!
is 1:31 shoulder extension same as doing lateral raise
i’m late but yeah just different wording
Young baller from belgium it helped me a lot keep grinding 🙏💪
this is a huge help to me broo thanks gang much love🤞🏽💯
you're a big inspo man, how's your diet like, do you eat certain things or particularly not eat certain things
Thank you bro! Been looking for a good workout routine for basketball players but in Germany everybody just cares about soccer
norway 2 lol
Bruder bringt das was
I haven`t found a vid like this my whole live it is just perfect thx
amazing video dog, keep grinding god has a plan.✊
Thanks for upload! Good editing work. Also can you show how many times a week you train in the gym with shooting/playing with team, same as you did with workouts. I play everyday, but i feel like i need a rest not only from lifting weight but also playing basketball.
This would be good
Thank you bro, that was this type of video I wanted,I don't know if u really know it but ure video help a lot of people here, keep going, from France🔥🔥🔥🇨🇵
Salut mec j’voulais savoir si tu a toujours continué le programme ? Et si tu a vue les différences et quand tu a débuté les séances est ce que tu faisait des répétions avec des poids léger ou lourd ?
This video may be from many months ago but it still works and inspires me, I also play basketball and believe me you have to be very strong for this!
Do I do all of these workouts in one day and repeat for the whole week or do I do like for example upper body one day lower one day etc?
@@celfizy1512 upper then lower, u could do upper/lower with core, so upper and core or lower then core
@@kyledulakso do we split it up in days like 2 or 1 of these upper body workouts, or is the entire vid what we should do in a day
This was great, easy to understand and straight to the point 👍🏻
When did you do cardio?
Please do more of these workout videos I love them
Will do 🤞🏾
Thank you for this brooo!It helps me alot as an Filipino athlete.
2:05 anyone see that monster benching 2 plates with resistance bands???
ahahahahh yeah
I just came across your channel bro, this is awesome.I would love to know your caloric in-take / what you eat in a day because nutrition is very important for all athletes! Haha! would love to see a video of this though. Thanks! Bless up!
Should you do all of these workouts all in one workout session, or should you split it up in different days? And how often should you do these workouts?
Spilt up in different days he already said in a full body workout at home
Love you bro this is really helping my game and strengths in basketball 🏀
That bicep no joke still sore 2 days later
bro best workout plan to follow plus the presentation was cool and easy to understand and follow
How do I fit basketball work and agility drills into this schedule and do you have any recommendations for those, nice vid btw
ayo u look like u finna be in the league (or already is) keep it up man
After losing 35lbs of muscle due to Valley Fever about 10 years ago (gained 12lbs back naturally) I’m ready to gain it back.
Coming from wrestling, this is a solid routine.
W we
Hey man, would you mind sharing the results of the routine? Did you get faster, stronger, more explosive, bulkier? Thanks in advance!
I'm gonna try it as soon as I'm back to the gym (currently sick)!
How long does this workout take? I have an hour before school and I’m wanting to do it then.
doesn’t take too long but seems tough and effective, Imma try this this winter
Bro is improving my game, thx
what's the rest period in between sets/exercises?
Personally, I usually rest for 2 - 3 mins
thank u so much bro needed it!
How long does this routine take you? And each segment separately like Upper and Lower
Dope content bro! Locked in 🔥💎
Earned a sub from me im a skinny guy im trying to get a lean muscular build like you simple straight too the point
good honest comment
@@ynwgoob6467 Update I went from 6'2 130 to 6'3 155 im still working though.
i just found this man 30 mins ago and i love him
Treino monstro vai Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
é o brasa!
That beat go hard!
How long does the workouts usually take
took me atleast 1 hour and 30 min for the upper body
Thank u man, keep going❤
if you weak and lazy dont do this shi, its not for the weak💯💯
Thank you. Looking for college workouts for my son in high school ❤
Next time you lift consider changing your lifting order usually the larger muscles groups you target first. (E.g Bench or Squat are compound lifts that target large muscle groups at once) this will help make your workout more efficient & effective dope vid tho 💪🏾
Will doing exercises on the vid help with basketball specific strength?
Yes & no they aren’t bad. As Nukesnipa you’d wanna train the larger muscle groups first as they’re compound movements ( multiply muscle groups ) after that move onto the smaller ones Isometric ( bicep curls Tricep pull downs etc ) since it’s basketball specific you’d also want plyometric movements in there. These aren’t plyo movements but are in my opinion more basketball specific so I’d probably do like Box Squats, DB Split lunge SS with Jumping Split Lunge, clean jerk & Single Leg Glute Bridge something like that. For core I don’t think you’d even need to do that much volume something like DeadBugs, Hollow Holds, Bicycle Crunch & Iron Butterfly or Plank doing 2-3 sets of those is pretty solid too. Again this is just what I’d change/ Do an it’s more of an example if anything
we want updated one!
it was all good until he said 100 push ups
fr 100 can be done 20 in 5 mins like that aint work at all tf it shoulda been 400 in 10 mins o som, search up antwan sumter n that 15 year old dude do 2000 pushups in a day like 100 a day wont do SHIIIII
Bro my new fav D1 player
Boy, I love that you're pushing yourself and think some of your workout parts are great, especiallythe time part. However, your workout looks a bit random.. I would actually advice you to watch some of overtime athletes, the dude has some great advice on programming your workout
He d1 tho
@@augustindemenibus958 and ? that means he cant do wrong thing or what?
@@ms-cp6qk you d1?
@@augustindemenibus958 played pro 3 years
@CHE-B5 : what would you switch for the Trx band sets
Watched this too many times man, the vid almost at 1mil 🎉
4:31 my back hurt 😢
U deserve more subs love the content bro keep it up
Thanks for this video, I'm 24 years old and i want to loose some weights. I love playing basketball but since im over weight (currently 97 kilo 5'10) this holding me to move faster oncourt. Thankyou