Taec always looked so relax and warm knowing he is no less tired than the others. A beautiful person inside and out indeed. God bless you more, Ok Taecyeon!
😢 Taecyeon is so humble and polite He's always so warm with all people. You'll never feel like you're too far from your idol beside him😢he makes ppl feel precious as they r . Now it's disg*usting that many of other celebrities think people are low and they're like GOD😕 Just never felt that way with Taec and I'm so proud of stanning this great man 😢
Thank you 2pm for your hard efforts. Junho coming out alone, Nichkhun and Jun K coming like the honeymoon couple, Wooyoung and Chansung holding arms. Taec holding a lovely lady's bag almost haha. I love you all and hope you get some well deserved rest now.
Welcome home after your glorious concerts, dearest 2PM legends!!! Thank you so much for the spectacular performances and abundant emotions 😭❤️🔥💯 True Kings❣️
Someone said " Taecyeon is the only one being an IDOL FOR REAL ! But behaving like a normal HUMAN being" 🥲 Wish I could write this using Gold nd Gemstones n hang it everywhere How down to earth this man is .Im proud 2pm, thanks for all beautiful memories u make for us❤❤❤we r there for u
무사히 한국으로 돌아와서 감사합니다
하루 푹 쉬셨으면 좋겠네요
사랑해요 이준호💛💛💛
모두 수고하셨어요
준호 ❤
너무좋아 이준호😍
마스크를 써서 얼굴이 다 안보이지만 많이 피곤할텐데 잘다녀왔어😊😊😊
준호는 혼자 엄청빨리나왔네💛💛💛 이제는 좀 쉴수 있는거니😢😢
lee jun ho. ..바라보아도 사랑스럽다...매우..행복해.
잘도착해서다행이야 얼마나피곤할까 준호야건강해야돼 주말부터 팬미투어시작이니 또바쁠테니..푹자고화이팅해❤❤❤
Taecyeon is so friendly, smiling as always, lights up the place like sunshine! that's why he is my favorite!
Welcome home 2pm good performance. Junho you’re amazing!
Lee junho❤❤❤
Glad to see you back in Seoul Lee Junho. ❤
Taec always looked so relax and warm knowing he is no less tired than the others. A beautiful person inside and out indeed. God bless you more, Ok Taecyeon!
Yes no matter how tired he is, he never misses that beautiful smile and that unique energizing aura of him 😍🥲
Awesome and the best Junho 👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
😢 Taecyeon is so humble and polite
He's always so warm with all people.
You'll never feel like you're too far from your idol beside him😢he makes ppl feel precious as they r . Now it's disg*usting that many of other celebrities think people are low and they're like GOD😕
Just never felt that way with Taec and I'm so proud of stanning this great man 😢
진짜 고생 많았어요 준호오빠 마지막날에 힘들어보이던데 고생했어요 푹쉬세요
It was nice watching their concert. I am from Jamaica 🇯🇲
Lee JunHo ❤❤❤
서울에 도착했네요 고생했어요 쉬세요~~
Thank you 2pm for your hard efforts. Junho coming out alone, Nichkhun and Jun K coming like the honeymoon couple, Wooyoung and Chansung holding arms. Taec holding a lovely lady's bag almost haha. I love you all and hope you get some well deserved rest now.
왔구나 😍😍😍
고생했어요 우리 아티스트들 ❤
고생많았어요 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛이준호
Love leejunho 💛
모두 고생많았어요~
이준호 사랑해❤
고생많았어요.푸욱 쉬면서 컨디션 조절 잘 하세요~^^
Welcome home after your glorious concerts, dearest 2PM legends!!! Thank you so much for the spectacular performances and abundant emotions 😭❤️🔥💯 True Kings❣️
Taec is so polite and warm person
일콘 무탈하게 마치고 돌아와 고마워여🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
멋진무대 프로페셔널하게 잘 했어요🫠
푹 쉼하길 바랍니당😊
이준호 너무 좋아 사랑해 고생했어
이준호 최고 🤩😍💛
고생 많았어요~ 이준호💛💛💛
이준호😊😊😊 푹 쉬길 바라지만 바쁠 것 같은ㅎㅎ
welcome back to your home 2PM.. let's continue to holding our hands - hottest... Let us lead to our goals and dreams together...🙏🙏🙏
Welcome home dear Jun Ho forever love
몸 피곤할텐데..
건강관리 잘하시고,
ㅁ모두 박수 👏 🙌
It would be awesome seeing the six of them working together in a drama or a movie.
준호 ❤❤❤
2PM 멤버팀..이준호님..넘 수고하셨네요
결항때문에 예상시간보다 늦어진 비행시간때문에 너무 피곤하겠어요 오늘 하루는 쉬는날이길
오빠들 너무너무 수고하셨어요 푹쉬세여❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
What a long day it would've been for them. Flight delayed 7hrs 40min. They must be so tired.
Saw the concert online and it was incredible! My dream is to see them in concert live one day! 🙏
모두들 잘.돌아왔구나❤❤수고했어~
비행기가 문제가 있어 연착하느라 늦었다고 들었는데 공연자체도 힘들었을텐데 6명 모두 고생이 많았네요 푹 쉬었으면 해요😊😊😊😊
.투피엠 좋아 준호 넘좋아요 ❤❤❤
Taecyeon very polite always smiling I love him so much ❤❤❤
Jun. K ❤❤❤❤ I love his bucket hat 😍
Wow, it's Junho! Such a head turnner.
우영아 공연 너무 멋졌어 ❤
Wooyoungie and Chanana huddled together is so cute.
고생했어요 이준호 솔콘단콘잘끝났네요🎉
다들 고생 했어요~ 핫티는 행복했어요.💔♥💚💙💛💜
길을 터줘야. 빨리가서 쉴거아니야...갈수록 질서가 엉망이다,
우영씨가 아픈가 찬성씨가 부축하는 것처럼 보이지 ㅜㅜ
다들 푸욱 쉬어요~
고생했어요~^^ 😊 😮 혹시 궁금해서 지방순례는 안하는가 ㅋㅋ
how did those people know of their flight time etc???
Gets leaked by airport staff
@@milZ1 those staff should be fired.
I didn’t see Chansung
flight delayed?
7hrs 40min delay.
준호 주변 그림이 아주 별로였어.!!
보고싶고 주고싶고 그 맘은 다 알겠는데 좀 엉기지좀 맙시다.
2pm 15주년 공연 축하하고 다들 너무 고생했다.
Someone said " Taecyeon is the only one being an IDOL FOR REAL !
But behaving like a normal HUMAN being" 🥲
Wish I could write this using Gold nd Gemstones n hang it everywhere
How down to earth this man is .Im proud
2pm, thanks for all beautiful memories u make for us❤❤❤we r there for u