Feels Like the Raindrops On My Skin (Kingdom Hearts)

  • Опубліковано 27 сер 2007
  • This song is like crack, I swear. xD
    Anyways, hey, new AMV.
    And this one has no actual pairing or theme, just like my older videos. :'D
    I'd like to note that the variety of clips used is low, because since this is the first video I've made from the computer in my room, all I have downloaded were the two intros and a trailer. I was going to download the two endings too, but not only was my computer being a prick, but the KHII ending wasn't available on Kh-vids.net.
    Soooo sorry about that. I did the best I could without repeating any clips, so I hope you like it.
    The song used is 'Raindrops' by.... I have no idea, so don't bother asking. But if you know, tell me please?
    Edit: Okay, so, apparently the song's by Stunt, thank you MissJenovah! :D