Thank You Captain Obvious | The Mean Time

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @teenageeyes
    @teenageeyes 15 днів тому +21

    This was the literal best episode of this podcast to date. We're so back

  • @nessawowie
    @nessawowie 15 днів тому +12

    I'm so glad that Jared liked the bracelet 😂😂

    • @nessawowie
      @nessawowie 15 днів тому +9

      Also I was literally wearing a shirt that said all tits no brains you could've def made jokes js

    • @_perfectpillow88
      @_perfectpillow88 9 днів тому

      Omg was it you? Respect!!!

  • @paytonlong9227
    @paytonlong9227 14 днів тому +4

    we have NEVER been so back !!! (also pat i saw you in chicago and it was the best concert i’ve ever been to, thanks for being so kind and putting on such an amazing show!!!)

  • @maybelatermariah
    @maybelatermariah 15 днів тому +6

    We’re soooooooooo back

  • @camcassels1158
    @camcassels1158 13 днів тому +2

    Trying to explain to my trainees why I'm cracking up at work what I'm listening to is gonna be quite difficult this week

  • @kathrynfaull8727
    @kathrynfaull8727 10 днів тому +1

    WE ARE SO BACK! Missed Pat's presence and big schnoz 😂 y'all killed this episode!

  • @yvetterippee3648
    @yvetterippee3648 14 днів тому +2

    Thanks for the shout out guys❤️

  • @camillevalenzuela8457
    @camillevalenzuela8457 15 днів тому +3

    No but on a serious note guys, please be mindful at the NMW shows. For example, there was this one time I felt the urge to tell Patrick that I was tryna go south on his Dakota just so he'd let me Mount his Rushmore. But I didn't. That's called self control. Practice it.

    • @Vaines
      @Vaines 14 днів тому +1

      You are very strong and brave.

  • @emilycdey
    @emilycdey 15 днів тому +2

    the vibes are so right we’re so back

  • @brandonpetronella5593
    @brandonpetronella5593 14 днів тому +2

    We are so fucking back best podcast ever

  • @bettatech2000
    @bettatech2000 13 днів тому

    The special guests were great! But I'm glad Pat is back. Yall had me dying with the HP riffing. Sending love from Southern Ontario, Canada! 🇨🇦

  • @mystuhree8827
    @mystuhree8827 13 днів тому +1

    Hearing the smash bros jokes made me realize that Patrick would rock a Link costume and Jared could totally pull off Ganondorf or Captain Falcon if they decide to revisit Hallowmeantime

    • @Vaines
      @Vaines 10 днів тому +1

      we were very close to putting Pat in a Link costume

  • @greensprite28
    @greensprite28 15 днів тому +3

    Goddamn I missed Boi’s Night so much 😂💕

  • @AaliaLeigh-wd5tg
    @AaliaLeigh-wd5tg 15 днів тому +2


  • @summerjasminelaugh
    @summerjasminelaugh 15 днів тому +2

    A spit take AND a quality Dexter joke from Pat?? We’re SO back!!

  • @cljohns19
    @cljohns19 15 днів тому +2

    Oh you are so back

  • @montholdmayo
    @montholdmayo 13 днів тому +1


  • @jennienortonn
    @jennienortonn 15 днів тому +2

    Soooooo back

  • @AaliaLeigh-wd5tg
    @AaliaLeigh-wd5tg 15 днів тому +2

    We’re so freakin back

  • @ashash-zv5qp
    @ashash-zv5qp 14 днів тому +1

    dude we are so back

  • @ocean_mage
    @ocean_mage 15 днів тому

    “i can’t pick a favorite yu gi oh card” The Agent of Mystery - Earth, easy. i love that The Agent set so damn much

    • @Vaines
      @Vaines 14 днів тому

      Alright maybe it's Dark Magician, maybe it's Super Polymerization, maybe it's Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall BUT I DON'T KNOW

  • @cadencewarren3215
    @cadencewarren3215 15 днів тому +2

    We’re so back

  • @mollycdodson
    @mollycdodson 14 днів тому +1

    We are so back

  • @Heartz4_willow
    @Heartz4_willow 3 дні тому


  • @delaneycox398
    @delaneycox398 13 днів тому

    PK thunder PK fire coming out of Jared’s mouth so accurately was a little unnerving. I switched over from Podcast to UA-cam to see if it was actually real

  • @mxsinisterr
    @mxsinisterr 15 днів тому

    someone help me im in TEARS and im not even halfway through the episode

  • @_perfectpillow88
    @_perfectpillow88 9 днів тому

    I am begging the lads to drop a Christmas song cover PLEASE

  • @mxsinisterr
    @mxsinisterr 15 днів тому


    • @mxsinisterr
      @mxsinisterr 15 днів тому

      i very clearly had not made it far enough to be mentally prepared

  • @michaelrumsey7932
    @michaelrumsey7932 14 днів тому

    we're so back and I'm so hard I mean we're so hard

  • @kristianedawson6980
    @kristianedawson6980 6 днів тому

    Can you do a billie eilish style look back video in 2 years of this clip 😁

  • @nixgamx4086
    @nixgamx4086 14 днів тому


  • @TheeLyonsDen
    @TheeLyonsDen 14 днів тому

    I used to think id never fall for the emotional manipulation of, or help hide the identity of someone who shows signs of having a narcissistic-hyperactive-disorder. At first i wasnt a big fan of Jared. After a huge bought of fear and confusion i just realized hes like the best dude ever. I only need him and dont watch anyone else. He only cares about other people and would never hurt anyone else ever or me.

  • @Digitalcasey
    @Digitalcasey 14 днів тому

    Love you 2nd cousin ❤️

  • @ocean_mage
    @ocean_mage 15 днів тому

    that opening-y’all made me try to pause my fortnite match. i still got #5, it’s fine
    edit: we’re so back, i dunno how i feel about posting 3 different comments
    (i got #1 towards the end tho, while y’all talkin about the glok glok 3000)