we have NEVER been so back !!! (also pat i saw you in chicago and it was the best concert i’ve ever been to, thanks for being so kind and putting on such an amazing show!!!)
No but on a serious note guys, please be mindful at the NMW shows. For example, there was this one time I felt the urge to tell Patrick that I was tryna go south on his Dakota just so he'd let me Mount his Rushmore. But I didn't. That's called self control. Practice it.
Hearing the smash bros jokes made me realize that Patrick would rock a Link costume and Jared could totally pull off Ganondorf or Captain Falcon if they decide to revisit Hallowmeantime
PK thunder PK fire coming out of Jared’s mouth so accurately was a little unnerving. I switched over from Podcast to UA-cam to see if it was actually real
I used to think id never fall for the emotional manipulation of, or help hide the identity of someone who shows signs of having a narcissistic-hyperactive-disorder. At first i wasnt a big fan of Jared. After a huge bought of fear and confusion i just realized hes like the best dude ever. I only need him and dont watch anyone else. He only cares about other people and would never hurt anyone else ever or me.
that opening-y’all made me try to pause my fortnite match. i still got #5, it’s fine edit: we’re so back, i dunno how i feel about posting 3 different comments (i got #1 towards the end tho, while y’all talkin about the glok glok 3000)
This was the literal best episode of this podcast to date. We're so back
I'm so glad that Jared liked the bracelet 😂😂
Also I was literally wearing a shirt that said all tits no brains you could've def made jokes js
Omg was it you? Respect!!!
we have NEVER been so back !!! (also pat i saw you in chicago and it was the best concert i’ve ever been to, thanks for being so kind and putting on such an amazing show!!!)
We’re soooooooooo back
Trying to explain to my trainees why I'm cracking up at work what I'm listening to is gonna be quite difficult this week
WE ARE SO BACK! Missed Pat's presence and big schnoz 😂 y'all killed this episode!
Thanks for the shout out guys❤️
No but on a serious note guys, please be mindful at the NMW shows. For example, there was this one time I felt the urge to tell Patrick that I was tryna go south on his Dakota just so he'd let me Mount his Rushmore. But I didn't. That's called self control. Practice it.
You are very strong and brave.
the vibes are so right we’re so back
We are so fucking back best podcast ever
The special guests were great! But I'm glad Pat is back. Yall had me dying with the HP riffing. Sending love from Southern Ontario, Canada! 🇨🇦
Hearing the smash bros jokes made me realize that Patrick would rock a Link costume and Jared could totally pull off Ganondorf or Captain Falcon if they decide to revisit Hallowmeantime
we were very close to putting Pat in a Link costume
Goddamn I missed Boi’s Night so much 😂💕
A spit take AND a quality Dexter joke from Pat?? We’re SO back!!
Oh you are so back
Soooooo back
We’re so freakin back
dude we are so back
“i can’t pick a favorite yu gi oh card” The Agent of Mystery - Earth, easy. i love that The Agent set so damn much
Alright maybe it's Dark Magician, maybe it's Super Polymerization, maybe it's Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall BUT I DON'T KNOW
We’re so back
We are so back
PK thunder PK fire coming out of Jared’s mouth so accurately was a little unnerving. I switched over from Podcast to UA-cam to see if it was actually real
someone help me im in TEARS and im not even halfway through the episode
I am begging the lads to drop a Christmas song cover PLEASE
i very clearly had not made it far enough to be mentally prepared
we're so back and I'm so hard I mean we're so hard
Can you do a billie eilish style look back video in 2 years of this clip 😁
I used to think id never fall for the emotional manipulation of, or help hide the identity of someone who shows signs of having a narcissistic-hyperactive-disorder. At first i wasnt a big fan of Jared. After a huge bought of fear and confusion i just realized hes like the best dude ever. I only need him and dont watch anyone else. He only cares about other people and would never hurt anyone else ever or me.
Love you 2nd cousin ❤️
that opening-y’all made me try to pause my fortnite match. i still got #5, it’s fine
edit: we’re so back, i dunno how i feel about posting 3 different comments
(i got #1 towards the end tho, while y’all talkin about the glok glok 3000)