Lewis Wolpert: Science vs. Philosophy

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Adam's Opticks blog: www.adamsoptick...
    Bristol Centre for Science and Philosophy: www.bristol.ac....


  • @antoniolewis1016
    @antoniolewis1016 4 роки тому +3

    This is incredibly refreshing to hear! Thank you for recording this interview!

  • @animadverte
    @animadverte 8 років тому +13

    It seems that Wolpert thinks most of philosophy as actually done is science.

  • @IbrahimHany
    @IbrahimHany 8 років тому +7

    An interesting conversation. Thanks for filming it.

  • @guilhermesilveira5254
    @guilhermesilveira5254 4 роки тому +3

    Science is wonderful. Steven Weinberg, Robert Park, Victor Stenger, Joseph Silk, Alex Vilenkin, Margaret Geller, Sandra Faber, George C. Williams, Robert Trivers, Jacques Monod, Robert Axelrold, William Poundstone, Philip Johnson Laird, Douglas Lenat, Douglas Hofstadter, Ed Feingenbaum, Patrick Winston.

  • @ryanmartin6615
    @ryanmartin6615 7 років тому +19

    This is an interesting conversation. I haven't seen anything from Wolpert in the past, but he seems to be engaging in some fallacious thinking. Something of a mix between "No True Scotsman," and "Circular Reasoning." Every time someone widely regarded as a philosopher is mentioned, Wolpert claims that person as a scientist, then when asked about what the criteria for both are, he simply repeats that claim is that scientists contribute and philosophers don't. So by that closed-circuit system of logic, he'll always be right. If you accept his premises, you must accept the conclusion.
    However, I think one of the most telling parts of this video occurs at 14:14
    Boswell says "I don't think I'm going to convince you," to which Wolpert replies "Certainly not."
    This is a powerful demonstration of how even rational and logical thinkers engage in poor thinking. The whole idea of science is to keep yourself open to new ideas and change as necessary, but in that moment, it seems that he is as closed off as anyone else might be.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +3

      He is a bit absolute...but he is right to make that claim because from the moment a philosopher includes an empirical methodology in his evaluation, he automatically becomes a scientist.
      In my opinion Science is Philosophy. Its the only useful and best way to do philosophy.
      Its the only complete version of philosophy which includes ALL the steps of a valid philosophical approach. (epistemology, physics, metaphysics,aesthetics, ethics, politics ....loop).
      Philosophy without Physics(modern science) is just an incomplete and useless tool that can lead us to pseudo philosophical trails.
      I think that Philosophy is a great tool in its complete form and every version that does not include the scientific step should be labeled differently(pseudo philosophy).

    • @pookz3067
      @pookz3067 3 роки тому

      @@nickolasgaspar9660 what about mathematics? Epistemologically mathematical knowledge could all be known a priori. Although as a question of methodology when you work in the field there is of course some inspiration drawn from observations in the empirical world. But in that sense so does philosophy.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 3 роки тому

      @@pookz3067 Well mathematics is nothing more than an expression of Logic. Its a language that enables us to keep analogies and relations intact and induce our results.
      Mathematical "claims" without empirical verification are useless, since the GIGO effect lurks behind all aspects of our reasoning.
      Great example Higgs math. He did win the Nobel Prize 60 years ago with his mathematical "predictions". He was awarded the Prize after LHC empirically validated his math.
      I will agree, all our methods of reasoning are and should be based on Empirically based epistemology and all our logical conclusions should always seek empirical validation.

    • @owlnyc666
      @owlnyc666 3 роки тому

      That is because he is not a philosopher. W
      What has the philosophy of religion contributed to religion? What has the philosophy of art contributed to art

  • @pattube
    @pattube 9 місяців тому +1

    Speaking of science and philosophy, I enjoyed watching the Lewis Wolpert vs. William Lane Craig debate.

  • @naturphilosophie1
    @naturphilosophie1 7 років тому +4

    this is a great example of the fact that being a scientist doesn't mean you have an open mind without dogma. science is about questioning and so is philosophy. this is why they were considered the same subject for a long time.

    • @milesthomas8515
      @milesthomas8515 7 років тому +2

      I've met a lot of scientists who can't talk intelligently outside their own discipline. The same isnt true of most philosophers.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому

      The only problem of academic philosophy is that it chose to get rid one of the most essential steps in its methodology....science. So I guess in a way, he is right about philosophy and the way it is performed outside science or math.
      I can not see why someone could claim that he is close minded. I can blame him (and the host)for not setting their definitions straight.

    • @comicsans3845
      @comicsans3845 4 роки тому

      All he's saying is that science makes progress without the use of philosophy, most scientists don't know anything about philosophy and yet they do extremely well. And if asking questions is philosophy then everyone is a philosopher wich makes the "job" of the professional philosopher trivial.

  • @karlthomson7194
    @karlthomson7194 7 років тому +11

    muh scientific method

  • @anc5047
    @anc5047 3 роки тому +4

    Rest in peace amazing Lewis Walpert, you certainly will be remembered for your scientific approach and knowledge.

  • @milesthomas8515
    @milesthomas8515 7 років тому +12

    He's right about Popper - to an extent. But the irony is that his reasons for this are philosophical ones in themselves.

    • @WellBasicallyClub
      @WellBasicallyClub 3 роки тому +3

      How is he right about Popper? I don't know about other sciences, but in physics, falsifiability is one of the most important criteria that separate crackpot theories from actual ones.

  • @clodomirvianna6350
    @clodomirvianna6350 3 роки тому +2

    Great interview!!

  • @PicturesJester
    @PicturesJester 4 роки тому +28

    "I have no interest in the philosophy of science whatsoever" this is the type of arrogant and incredibly ignorant thing that empiricism leads to. It's pure scientism, a conception that science is a different form of knowledge creation than all other activities of knowledge creation. I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but jeez

    • @thxhxndrick6364
      @thxhxndrick6364 4 роки тому +4

      In my understanding, science is the analysis and derivation of theories and proofs based on observed evidences while philosophy is similar to "out of the box" thinking. Philosophy is coming up with ideas and theories out of thin air or based on experiences rather than observation. Having said that I do believe that philosophers are capable of analyzing and formulating theories based on evidence but it is not philosophy at that point.

    • @pookz3067
      @pookz3067 3 роки тому +2

      @@thxhxndrick6364 Pure mathematics shares the characteristics of philosophy you describe. Basing theories on the scientific method is one huge, important body of knowledge, but there are nonemprical truths that exist.

  • @rostamferdowsi2853
    @rostamferdowsi2853 7 років тому +6

    I love learning from Prof. Wolpert but I have to disagree with him on this issue. Does he not know what science is? Science is the union between philosophy (epistemology+) and mathematics (calculus+). The scientific method is not a scientific concept but a epistemological (i.e., philosophical) concept.
    Sorry Prof. Wolpert but without philosophy there would be no science. Great video Joe.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +1

      That is not what science is Rostam.
      allow me to copy what I wrote in a previous comment. I try to define science in relation to philosophy.
      "Philosophy is a toolbox that we came up with in order to achieve wisdom by accumulating knowledge. Science was a crucial step/method in that philosophical toolbox, capable at evaluating knowledge claims. Science even today is the best and most productive way to do philosophy(accumulate knowledge). Philosophy is an incomplete toolbox unable to evaluate truth or knowledge claims ...thus to produce knowledge."

    • @greaterthanharrowk1679
      @greaterthanharrowk1679 4 роки тому +1

      Yes philosophy on it's own wont really accomplish anything practical just like intentions without actions wont accomplish anything but philosophy itself precedes science and without it science would be without direction just like some1 acting without any actual intentions wouldn't really do much meaningful, on purpose at least

  • @ChocoDrum03
    @ChocoDrum03 3 роки тому +2

    "I didn't know
    Not really"
    lol how did he learn it in an instant
    seems like a cool man but why are some people so cocky?

  • @angelshanaya6737
    @angelshanaya6737 5 років тому +1

    Very useful video thank you

  • @arielguzman2875
    @arielguzman2875 7 років тому +2

    Very good points Joe. Philosophy focuses on the bigger picture, fields and knowledge come about from certain conclusions, doubt of all conclusions, answers are never enough because if our human minds can imagen or ponder them then the possibility of more conclusions become as real as the empirical world itself. Science definitely was born from philosophy and continues to borrow from it to grow.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +2

      That is a common misconception about the difference between philosophy and science.
      Science was not born from philosophy. Our empirical curiosity to understand the world always comes first. We fist burn our selves and then think what we can do with fire.
      Science is nothing more than an ESSENTIAL step/branch in our philosophical toolbox. In order to do good philosophy you need to include science in the mix...period.
      Science (physics) was an crucial step after epistemology and before metaphysics in philosophy.
      Science did not choose to abandon the philosophical toolbox. Its was philosophy (academic) that chose to leave science out from its methodology.
      Academic philosophy (outside math and science) is a lazy version of real philosophy. its like all those stupid painting styles or music styles or sculptures etc.
      Not all people are suitable to create (with their hands or their minds) so we have those special versions of niches to accommodate everybody. Academic philosophy tends to accommodates many intellectually lazy individuals...that is the said truth. In science due to its procedures and standards makes it way more difficult.

  • @MontyCantsin5
    @MontyCantsin5 8 років тому +7

    'I can't even understand the titles.' Ha!

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому

      in reality science is the best way to do philosophy. He is criticizing the decision of academic philosophy to leave science outside its toolbox.

    • @MontyCantsin5
      @MontyCantsin5 4 роки тому

      @@nickolasgaspar9660: Most, if not all, contemporary analytic philosophy departments do not leave science outside of the metaphysical toolbox required to attempt an understanding of reality. Philosophy needs science and vice versa.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 4 роки тому

      @@MontyCantsin5 Agree

  • @ankitkumarchaudhary1968
    @ankitkumarchaudhary1968 4 роки тому

    Society & State can’t work without contribution of both.

  • @BerishaFatian
    @BerishaFatian Рік тому +1

    Philosophy explains why we can think at all, why things make sense. To say philosophy is not important means either you don't understand it or you're just ignorant in general.

  • @josephknecht4675
    @josephknecht4675 5 років тому +4

    It is astonishing to see that a clever person can be so closed-minded, as if he is trapped into a stubborn fanaticism. I wish I were with you there, just to mention some facts that Prof. Wolpert did not seem to know. I would like to tell him that philosophical reflections came into importance for my field, theoretical physics, when new radical ways of thinking were required in the formulations of relativity and quantum mechanics, as admitted by Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, etc. As for the relation of philosophy to biology, I would mention that philosophical musing of Schroedinger in 'What is Life?' inspired Crick and Watson for the discovery of DNA. I am also eager to ask Prof. Wolpert this: 'Some great biologists such as Ernst Mayr and Jacques Monod felt compelled to formulate the philosophical implications of their works, do you think their efforts are nonsenses?'. I believe he would say yes, but at least it can show him that a scientist should keep his mind open for many possible perspectives.
    Good video though. Regards from an Indonesian living in Japan.

  • @rodolfo9916
    @rodolfo9916 3 роки тому +1

    He is really ignorant, he says that he admire Hume, but based o Hume Is-Ought problem we can say that science can not by it self give us any definition of what is good or bad, and what is moraly correct or wrong, which are things that everyone has a difinition about.
    If tou didn't read philosophy to construct your definition about this things it only means your lazy and accepted the first definition that you learned

  • @aradais1087
    @aradais1087 8 місяців тому

    I think he was wrong, but he was a nice guy! lol

  • @rocio8851
    @rocio8851 6 років тому +3

    What does Lewis Wolpert have in common with common sense? Nothing.

  • @guilhermesilveira5254
    @guilhermesilveira5254 4 роки тому +2

    Science can explain everything. Philosophy is very obscure. There are few rational philosophers: Democritus, Holbach, Diderot, Ludwig Buchner, Adolf Grunbaum, George Gale, Helena Cronin, Gilbert Ryle, Hilary Putnam, Ned Block, Daniel Dennett, Patricia Churchland, Paul Kurtz, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff.

  • @daniels9956
    @daniels9956 7 років тому +7

    This guy doesn't know what philosophy is...

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому

      No he is just talking about a certain version of Philosophy, the philosophy done outside science and math, the kind of philosophy that the Academy patronizes.

  • @SeanAnthony-j7f
    @SeanAnthony-j7f 6 місяців тому

    He can't reason properly, it just all condescension.

  • @rafikbouaouni5499
    @rafikbouaouni5499 4 роки тому +2

    You are afraid about philosophy because it sheds light about the true nature of science.

  • @MiteranOfficial
    @MiteranOfficial 7 років тому +3

    Does any body know what philosophy is ? Philosophy is all about thinking in a clever way. What is science ? Science is thinking in a clever way and finding ways to experiment it in reality . The problem is that if a theory is well done people call it science but if it is wrong they just call it philosophy. This is just a wrong judgemant that people do.

    • @milesthomas8515
      @milesthomas8515 7 років тому +3

      You obviously don't have a clue what philosophy actually is.

    • @MiteranOfficial
      @MiteranOfficial 7 років тому

      Miles Thomas please tell me what the philosophy is ?

    • @milesthomas8515
      @milesthomas8515 7 років тому

      Generally speaking it is the use of reason to investigate questions about ethics, knowledge and how we acquire it, how scientific knowledge is acquired, the nature of logic and mathematics, the existence of God or not, the relation of language to the mind and reality, the purpose of existence, whether we have free will, whether the mind exists separately from the body and if so in what sense, the nature of time (which is also a scientific question) etc etc. The list Is endless.

    • @MiteranOfficial
      @MiteranOfficial 7 років тому

      yes , generally you are right but i was speaking more generally. Everything you wrote is about what mind can reationalize so it is the same as i wrote that the philosophy is all about thinking in a clever way.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +1

      Your definitions are a bit vague and unidentifiable.
      Philosophy is a toolbox that we came up with in order to achieve wisdom by accumulating knowledge. Science was a crucial step/method in that philosophical toolbox, capable at evaluating knowledge claims. Science even today is the best and most productive way to do philosophy(accumulate knowledge). Philosophy is an incomplete toolbox unable to evaluate truth or knowledge claims ...thus to produce knowledge.

  • @judyneville8800
    @judyneville8800 5 років тому +9

    Lewis is my stepfather and though I may not always agree with his theories I love him dearly 💜

    • @joeboswellphilosophy
      @joeboswellphilosophy  5 років тому +2

      I actually live on the same road as him now! I see him popping out to Tescos occasionally.

  • @imatrOlda
    @imatrOlda 3 роки тому +4

    The question that is making Mr. Wolpert so emotional is purely philosophical one. So it looks like philosophy does touch something in human. :)

  • @wade5941
    @wade5941 10 місяців тому +2

    So he HAS read something by a philosopher that was worthwhile.

  • @milanmihailovic2113
    @milanmihailovic2113 3 роки тому +3

    Smart man will simply ignore philosophy and philosophers and will not waste his time on their meaningless chewing.

    • @lymmy9609
      @lymmy9609 2 роки тому +2

      If someone makes the argument that "evolution is wrong because science was wrong in the past" how can you argue against them without using philosophy? You cant. Science is built upon philosophy.
      A PH.d is literally a doctorate of philosophy.

    • @millerstation92
      @millerstation92 2 роки тому +3

      @@lymmy9609 if everything is philosophy, then nothing is philosophy. if me debating with the electrician about where the cables, lines should be and cost, etc is philosophy then...lol IDK. Science guides itself by the results, not by authority. Philosophers are always telling you to go read Plato or Heidegger or Hegel and who tf said those white men who been dead for along time should be dictating what is and is not a good argument or what reality is and on what standards? makes no fucking sense. "metaphysical concepts" have existed way before classical Greece, probably other hominids like neanderthals also had words equivalent to "freedom" or even religions. Philosophers know that philosophy is JUST A GAME that's why their only accomplishments were the birth of math and science (and that's debatable)....yeah having rules in dialogues and explaining what you're talking about helps. Mayan and aztec societies used math and built complex architecture without the help of WHITE MEN

    • @lymmy9609
      @lymmy9609 2 роки тому

      @@millerstation92 so ignorant

  • @DiegoMsCoelho
    @DiegoMsCoelho 7 років тому +3

    "I could sue you" - Good job and conversation. Waiting for new videos.

  • @owlnyc666
    @owlnyc666 3 роки тому +2

    Why vs and not and?

  • @theskull1
    @theskull1 7 років тому +9

    I've defined, for my convenience, all the positive aspects of philosophy as science, thereby confirming my belief that science is useful and philosophy is useless - at least he's funny

  • @jayarava
    @jayarava 3 роки тому +1

    I love a good curmudgeon.

  • @alwaysgreatusa223
    @alwaysgreatusa223 6 місяців тому

    First of all, making the distinction between philosophy and science is itself philosophical. Science is not itself a subject for science, yet both philosophy and science are subjects for philosophy. Science studies the physical universe in general, but it does not study its own paradigms and methods in order to determine their limits and their veracity in producing sound scientific conclusions. Only in philosophy are the limits, the veracity, the ethics of science a subject for debate. Moreover, there are subjects of vital human importance that science simply can never adequately address -- not least of all human values, and the social and moral consequences of scientific discoveries themselves.

  • @johnericsson5286
    @johnericsson5286 9 місяців тому

    Lovely conversation! It really should have been pointed out to him though just how much philosophy he did throughout his life. Most of the videos of him found online are essentially philosphical; he discussed God, the nature and danger of science, bioethics, science vs philosophy, Mahler seeking God etc
    Rest in peace 🙏

  • @alwaysgreatusa223
    @alwaysgreatusa223 6 місяців тому

    Does Wolpert understand that philosophy and science were exactly the same thing in ancient times up until the twentieth century ? That in fact science, as a separate discipline -- aka, modern science -- grew out of philosophy ? He certainly appears clueless of both the history of both philosophy and science. Who is this guy and what exactly is his contribution to either philosophy or science ?

  • @enomikebu3503
    @enomikebu3503 5 місяців тому

    He is just simply philosophizing

  • @ktheodor3968
    @ktheodor3968 8 років тому +8

    It is bad enough to be a poor interlocutor, as prof Wolpert is here with J.Boswell, it is incredible to be a braggart about one's complete ignorance of the interface, mingling, between science and philosophy from time immemorial. Before anything else (and this doesn't require any historical knowledge whatsoever), there is absolutely no way that one can do any science without *first* settling the question of the method by which one is to do science. And, settling the question of method is a meta-scientific preoccupation. Science, prof Wolpert, does not fall from the sky. It requires first certain assumptions, "axioms", about which you are fairly satisfied with and then on one proceeds to build his science edifice. Secondly (and linking to my earlier point of one being a braggart about one's ignorance), has not prof Wolpert ever heard of Francis Bacon & Novum Organum? Has not the professor ever heard of René Descartes & Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison? Has he not heard of Leibniz? For goodness' sake, has not the professor ever heard, in the 20th c. (!), and never mind "dusty" figures from centuries of yore, of Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg,...? To name just a few. If one's shocking ignorance about one's very ill-informed beliefs were a virtue, then some publishing scientist in developmental biology would be a very virtuous man.
    Ultimately though perhaps the professor is not responsible. Perhaps we should blame the curricula of the science departments of universities which in their majority provide their first-degree science students with no exposure to the deep relation between philosophy and science. Today's renowned developmental biology professor, was yesterday's "humble" first-degree science student. That was the case at Wolpert's time, as a first-degree student, it's (regrettably) still the case now in most universities in the UK and elsewhere. If anything, time and again we have seen that scientists who have publicly grappled with philosophy (I mentioned two giants above from the 20th c.) have bequeathed us gold as great rounded inquiring minds in both philosophy and science.

    • @rdoetjes
      @rdoetjes 8 років тому

      +K Theodor Working in an organized manner (which science and engineering are) does not require any background let alone a PhD in philosophy. Mere theoretical or thought experiments is not philosophy. Einstein would turn in his grave when he was said to be a philosopher because he excelled in his thought experiments. His thought experiments were always supported by maths to prove (or as often disprove) them and Einstein was notoriously bad in Mathematics so he often relied on others to verify his work or assist him.
      I can;'t recall a philosopher who actually proves his hypnothesis in a concrete matter in mathematics (even psychologists of all people are moving to more predictive mathematical models because their general assumptions proved them often wrong).
      Most philosophy students can't even properly perform maths and physics nor could they create or think up good experiments to prove (or more important disprove) their axioms.
      In that case I think philosophy is useless, metaphysical hypothesis are all fun but nothing more than games. If you can't prove or disprove (which gets increasingly harder with metaphysical questions) that what's the worth for the world?
      Science like Prof. Wolpert says contributes noticeably to the world, it improves our lives and the way we look up on the world and the universe -- more concretely and I dare so more correctly than most philosophers argued it would be in the past.
      So if anything applied science actually does more for philosophy than philosophy does for all of mankind.

    • @ktheodor3968
      @ktheodor3968 8 років тому +2

      +Raymond Doetjes You're right: the scientific method just happened to fall from the sky, and ever since it landed scientists have been doing science.

    • @rdoetjes
      @rdoetjes 8 років тому +1

      K Theodor The scientific method is not something that is solely from the brain of a philosopher. It's something we keep evolving and it's not attributed to philosophy -- Hell most philosophers have no idea how to empirically disprove an hypnothesis. This is why philosophy has been stuck in a rut for the past 300+ years and real empirical science has changed the world for the better.

    • @vincenzopoliti6949
      @vincenzopoliti6949 8 років тому +7

      +Raymond Doetjes What is your knowledge of philosophy to support your claim that philosophy has been struck for the past 300+ years? Do you think that what bioethicist do is a waste of time? Do you think that the philosophical questions about the nature of the mind which led to the creation and establishment of the so-called cognitive sciences were just a joke? What about the work of some philosophers on the foundations of evolutionary game theory, and how such work had an impact on disciplines such as economics? That said (or that asked) I wonder why scientists are always insisting with the fact that philosophy has never contributed to science. So what? No one is ever asking whether the history of art has contributed to political science, or whether literature had an impact on biology, or whether physics contributed to the establishment of peaceful international relations. The point is that philosophy first of all contributes to philosophy, than some philosophical ideas may permeate society and affect other fields (both in the humanities and sometimes in the natural sciences too). Saying that "philosophy has never contributed to science, therefore philosophy is useless" is like saying "the *only* useful thing in the world is science, so all the other things (i.e., art, literature, political science, but even photography, cinema, marketing, and so on and so forth) are useless and should not be pursued at all". Nice...

    • @GainingOne
      @GainingOne 8 років тому +1

      +Raymond Doetjes Typical example of someone trashing philosophy whilst demonstrating they know virtually nothing about it. Much like the Professor admitted in this video. Trashes it without having read much of it. Let's go through the nonsense you wrote.
      "Working in an organized manner (which science and engineering are) does not require any background let alone a PhD in philosophy. Mere theoretical or thought experiments is not philosophy. Einstein would turn in his grave when he was said to be a philosopher because he excelled in his thought experiments. His thought experiments were always supported by maths to prove (or as often disprove) them and Einstein was notoriously bad in Mathematics so he often relied on others to verify his work or assist him."
      This is mostly fine. Don't think there's anything too bad here. Bit speculative, but whatever.
      "I can;'t recall a philosopher who actually proves his hypothesis in a concrete matter in mathematics (even psychologists of all people are moving to more predictive mathematical models because their general assumptions proved them often wrong)."
      What philosophy have you read? Why do you think you need maths in particular to prove a hypothesis in a 'concrete' manner? What even is proving something in a 'concrete' manner, versus just proving something? This reads like you're assuming you need maths to prove anything - an obviously bogus claim. (Socrates is a man, all men are mortal, so Socrates is mortal. - no maths there!)
      "Most philosophy students can't even properly perform maths and physics nor could they create or think up good experiments to prove (or more important disprove) their axioms."
      Got any data to back up that baseless sweeping generalisation? Let's suppose your nonsense claim was supported by some evidence. Why does it even matter? Most Philosophy students can't do a physics experiment. Ok. Most Physics students can't read the works of Homer in the original Greek. So what? Most Maths students can't perform the same as a Physical Education student on an endurance test. So what? You see the point. You're just making irrelevant and speculative claims about what philosophers can and can't do. Maybe this comes back to your seeming assumption (in the previous quote) that you need maths to prove anything (which is also nonsense).
      And what axioms do you have in mind? What exactly do you think philosophers are out to prove or disprove? An axiom is something you postulate. It's like a premise. So you're saying philosophers can't prove their premises? Ever? Again, give some examples. And why suppose you need experiments to prove and disprove axioms? Plenty of stuff doesn't require experimentation. At this point you're just waffling/bullshitting.
      "In that case I think philosophy is useless, metaphysical hypothesis are all fun but nothing more than games"
      In what case? What you concluded in the previous quote? Ok. So philosophy is useless because philosophy students aren't good at maths and physics? That seems silly. What about the work of their professors? Seems pretty stupid to judge a whole field on the basis of the work of its students, no? Seems even stupider once you realise that many philosophers are also qualified physicists and that many places offer joint degrees in physics and philosophy, or maths.
      Or maybe you think it's useless because of what you seemed to suggest earlier, that you need maths to prove anything, and that since philosophy students (you say nothing about their professors) can't do maths they can't prove anything. So philosophy is useless because its students can't prove anything? Well that argument requires that assumption that you need maths to prove anything, an already highly suspicious assumption which you have offered 0 reasons to buy.
      "If you can't prove or disprove (which gets increasingly harder with metaphysical questions) that what's the worth for the world?"
      That's just a stupid rhetorical question. Your insinuation is that philosophy is not valuable because it can't prove or disprove anything. That's a stupid assumption which you haven't backed up. And besides, can art prove or disprove anything? Is it also worthless? Most of human history suggests art is worthwhile.
      "Science like Prof. Wolpert says contributes noticeably to the world, it improves our lives and the way we look up on the world and the universe -- more concretely and I dare so more correctly than most philosophers argued it would be in the past."
      The second half of this sentence barely makes sense. It reads like pontification.
      "So if anything applied science actually does more for philosophy than philosophy does for all of mankind."
      You stated this as if it's the conclusion of an argument. You didn't argue for it. You just stated it as if it's obviously true (it isn't).
      "The scientific method is not something that is solely from the brain of a philosopher."
      Trivially true.
      "It's something we keep evolving and it's not attributed to philosophy"
      It is attributed to philosophy by some, so that's false.
      "-- Hell most philosophers have no idea how to empirically disprove an hypnothesis."
      Yet more speculative nonsense. You have no evidence for this.
      "This is why philosophy has been stuck in a rut for the past 300+ years and real empirical science has changed the world for the better."
      It hasn't been stuck in a rut, and the fact you claim it has been shows you don't know what you're talking about.
      Moreover philosophy has changed the world for the better, and the fact you think it hasn't shows you don't know what you're talking about. Two examples come immediately to mind. First, effective altruism. That has certainly improved the world. It has been championed, developed, and argued for by a number of philosophers. Second Nozick's influence on libertarianism, depending on if you think free market libertarianism was good or bad under Regan, Thatcher, etc. (see: www.slate.com/articles/arts/the_dilettante/2011/06/the_liberty_scam.html)
      I wouldn't argue that science has had *more* positive influence on the world. But you insinuate that philosophy has no positive influence on the world, which is false.

  • @Vic2point0
    @Vic2point0 7 років тому +4

    False dilemma. Everyone is in need of both.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +1

      You are much closer to the real issue than any one else in this thread.

  • @guilhermesilveira5254
    @guilhermesilveira5254 3 роки тому +3

    Philosophy is an empty set.

  • @guilhermesilveira5254
    @guilhermesilveira5254 4 роки тому +3

    Elaine Rich, professor of computer science, said about philosophy : " is a empty set". For the reasons i wrote here, i agree.

    • @pookz3067
      @pookz3067 3 роки тому

      Philosophers have contributed theorems taught in graduate level theoretical CS courses, while believing they were doing philosophy, not computer science. It’s only an empty set if you don’t consider any of its useful contributions (e.g the scientific method itself) to be philosophy.

    • @guilhermesilveira5254
      @guilhermesilveira5254 3 роки тому

      @@pookz3067 But this contributions is science.. Science can do that.

    • @DrDruid-ui1jv
      @DrDruid-ui1jv 3 роки тому

      @@guilhermesilveira5254 read some Nietzsche; he will enlighten you to the modernistic scientist society in which we deceptively live in .

  • @amirbens2278
    @amirbens2278 4 роки тому +5

    I agree philosophy is a waste of time. No scientists think seriously about philosophy of science

    • @MontyCantsin5
      @MontyCantsin5 4 роки тому +1

      You could not be more wrong.

    • @lymmy9609
      @lymmy9609 2 роки тому

      Without philosophy of science scientists can't reasonably argue against mystics claiming that their medicine is legit. If someone said "evolution is wrong because science has been wrong in the past" the only way you could argue against them is by using philosophy. Without philosophy there is no science, without science there is still philosophy.

    • @hubertkorzeniak5549
      @hubertkorzeniak5549 9 місяців тому

      The battle between modern philosophers and scientists is the internal war between two denominations of materialism.
      Just like the war between Protestants and Catholics is the war between two denominations of Christianity.
      Besides this I must say that there are many enemies of philosophy among totally different peoples, with different worldviews.
      Atheist Wolpert, many Protestants, many Salafi Sunnis, many Orthodox Jews...

  • @patmoran5339
    @patmoran5339 4 роки тому +1

    I believe it was Max Born who remarked that theoretical physics is philosophy.

  • @TheSteinmetzen
    @TheSteinmetzen 8 років тому +5

    Ha! I can see a lot of philosophers turning red. LOL. Awesome.

  • @thisismyname9569
    @thisismyname9569 3 роки тому +3

    Never in the history of the world has anybody been more right about anything than Wolpert is in this video.

    • @lymmy9609
      @lymmy9609 2 роки тому +1

      Let's say that someone says "evolution is wrong because science has been wrong before" how do you argue against that person without using philosophy. Science is built on philosophy. The idea of logic and logical contradictions is philosophy but all of philosophy is built on this concept.

  • @joshfabisiak4515
    @joshfabisiak4515 2 роки тому

    Philosophy= the study of fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. Also defined as the study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience. Both definitions come from Oxford Dictionary, so if Lewis Wolpert is to be taken correctly that philosophy and science have no relation, then how can Wolpert, a man of science be seen as knowledgeable?

  • @kelvyndidaskalos547
    @kelvyndidaskalos547 4 роки тому

    hahhahahaha this old man is very funny

  • @milesthomas8515
    @milesthomas8515 7 років тому

    A dated view of philosophy by Wolpert. Psychology and physics especially raise huge philosophical questions and there is there is no reason to assume that these would disappear completely, however much progress science makes. Philosophy of science and philosophy in general go well beyond this. Thales was a philosopher. Science partly got going because of people asking philosophical questions. To an extent the argument is partly semantic as the distinction isnt totally clear cut. Philosophy isnt interested in producing useful results in the way that science is. Not that that's the only purpose of science either. He needed a more powerful and incisive interviewer.

    • @nickolasgaspar9660
      @nickolasgaspar9660 6 років тому +1

      I c you are interested in this debate.
      The truth is that Science is (was) a crucial step in the Philosophical toolbox. Its the second step, identified in the early days of philosophy by Aristotle.
      For more than 2000 years we understood that in order to produce valuable philosophical concepts, we must not skip any of those steps (epistemology, physics(science), metaphysics, aesthetics, ethics, politics and back to epistemology).
      Science did not choose a separate way! It was philosophy (bad philosophy) that chose to continue without the second important step in its methodology. This poor version adopted by the Academy is what Wolpert's talk is all about.

  • @pratikhmasulkar
    @pratikhmasulkar 5 років тому +1

    Philosophers should stop seeking validation from scientists. If there was no philosophy we wouldn't have a correct direction to the various political revolutions that have taken place. The world would have been a hellish place.

  • @guilhermesilveira5254
    @guilhermesilveira5254 4 роки тому

    Read and watch For The New Intellectual, by Ayn Rand. You will see how philosophy is false in general. George Smith wrote a good book about atheism.