Fr. Zakaria Botros 37 - Origins of The Crescent Moon

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • The famous Coptic priest Father Zakaria Boutros, Islam's public enemy No. 1, gives light on Islam and rebuffs myths & criticism about Christianity using reason and the very same Islamic sources on his show "Questions about Faith". Fr. Zakaria clearly shows that there is a still living Christian tradition among Arabs and it is nothing wrong or unnatural for an Arab to be a follower of Jesus
    Worth watching for everyone who wants to know more about Islam, Christianity & the Holy Script
    More info - www.fatherzaka...


  • @tobiassiegenthaler4693
    @tobiassiegenthaler4693 5 років тому +19

    Thanks for the subtitles! Please make more of these subtitled videos as they help us in the West.

    • @silverltc2729
      @silverltc2729 3 роки тому

      Why? Nobody speaks Arabic, they speak Urdu or Turkish.

  • @straightforward4366
    @straightforward4366 3 роки тому +5

    Everybody should hear him

  • @dinomartini1993
    @dinomartini1993 3 роки тому +3

    greatest father academic and logic we love you dear father

  • @mni5245
    @mni5245 2 роки тому +4

    Only Jesus can give real peace!

  • @silverltc2729
    @silverltc2729 3 роки тому +5

    Thank you for sharing this video with UA-cam. I have liked and subscribed.

  • @shawnk2704
    @shawnk2704 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @sonusancti
    @sonusancti 11 місяців тому

    May God continue to bless Rev Botros in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ in unity with the Holy Spirit, amen.
    To the converted Emir seeking advice, may I also suggest you spread the healing truth of our Lord Jesus to young Muslims so that they will not waste a single day in their precious lives inside a false pagan cult worshipping his moon god.

  • @joebuda5687
    @joebuda5687 5 років тому +3

    شكرا جزيلا لهذه الحلقة الجميله.

  • @markc1234golf
    @markc1234golf 4 роки тому +7

    Ashtar that star is Venus ! It comes from Ashtarte ....

  • @walterfreeman9505
    @walterfreeman9505 4 роки тому +7

    Good for non Arabic speaking

  • @Timeone123.
    @Timeone123. 3 місяці тому


  • @whereafterdeathafterdeath2087
    @whereafterdeathafterdeath2087 2 роки тому +4

    Muslim brother and sister
    Ask yourself
    1 Why is Christ unique in that he was born of a virgin without a human father?
    2 Why divide history into before and after birth?
    3 Why was he alone in ascending alive to heaven?
    4 Why is he alone in being the son of the purest woman whom God has chosen over all the women of the worlds?
    Which is better than Amna, Khadija and Aisha?
    5 Why is he alone without sin ?
    6 Why is he alone in the ability to create a bird out of clay?
    7 Why did he only predict his death, its method, and his resurrection?
    8 Why is he the main character in the Qur’an..he was mentioned more than Muhammad?
    He is the only one who has been described as the word and spirit of Allah.
    9 Why is he alone in condemning people?
    No human has done this
    Because he is Allah manifesting in man
    For this
    People called him the teacher though he didn't go to university.
    People called him the king though he didn't have an army or enter battles.
    The people called him the master, though he had no slaves
    Two and a half billion people followed him, though he did not promise them my servants or boys!
    His book is the Bible, and Muhammad's book is the Qur'an
    Why don't you read his book the Bible to properly learn about his teachings ?!

    As for Muhammad, his morals are decadent!
    Why did Muhammad enter Hudhayfah between his legs while he was in women's clothing, then he kneeled and prostrated while he was between his legs!!
    Why while 53 years old consumed sex with Aisha 6 years old?
    And why did Muhammad suck the top of the penis of the child Hussain?
    Why suck child Zainab's tongue!!! And kissed between her breasts?
    My cousin Abu Sufyan said: You molested me.
    And he said to Maaez.. a bad word you “fucked” her !
    He ordered tying Om kirfa a 110 years old woman between 2 running camels to split her in halves?
    All of them are from true hadeeth ( confirmed documentations)
    What decadence!
    Compare his morals with the morals of Jesus before you die and you will be surprised that you came to the fire.

    • @bestfans
      @bestfans Рік тому

      Dear can you please send me the verses or Hadith numbers of all you mentioned! I need it please! God bless you!

  • @joebuda5687
    @joebuda5687 5 років тому

    هل ممكن ان تدلني عن حلقة ابونا زكريه اللتي شرح فيها عن اصل ترنيمة "طاع البدر علينا"؟ وشكرا

  • @markuslappalainen6847
    @markuslappalainen6847 5 років тому +2

    see book of Judges 8:21

    • @warakahbinnauval1016
      @warakahbinnauval1016 2 роки тому

      They don’t understand Chapter nor Paragraph nor Title nor context. They never read a whole text completely. They only do cherry picking and mutilating selected phrase as they wish. Stupid to the bone...idiot..illiterate same as their prophet.

  • @heshamelkafoury
    @heshamelkafoury 5 років тому +2

    صدق او لا تصدق ⌚
    #كونواربانين ⌚
    يقابلك واحد يقولك شوفت الرسول فى رؤيا وواحد يقولك وانا شوفت المسيح ولما تقوله وانا شوفت
    يقولك انت مجنون شوفته اذاى تقوله ماحنا شفناه لما كنا ناس انفس يعنى قبل مانكون بشر وادم كمان شافه لما كان ساكن في الجنه قبل مايخرج منها☑️
    ومتقوليش ده بيتجسد فى بشر لكن يبقى اسمك مؤيد
    ويعني ايه
    وجوه يومئذ ناضرة إلى ربها ناظرة☑️
    وانقياء القلوب يعاينون الله☑️
    يقولك جبت الكلام ده منين تقوله
    هكذا كان ويكون المؤيدون
    والراجل ده كان مسيح بس محدش صدقه ربنا بعثه وفطره وقام من بين الاموات ودخل الجنه وشافه وعاش الاخره حكايه بتتكرر وازليه
    ان مثل عيسى عند الله كمثل ادم
    مثل ابن مريم المتكرر بيكون مسيح ذى الراجل ده كده ومحدش بيصدقه الا لما بيموت
    وده قاله مسيح🌈
    حيث تكون الجثه #تهبط_النسور 😇
    يعني بعد موته☑️
    وجاء من #اقصى_المدينه رجل 👨 يسعى قال ياقوم اتبعوا المرسلين اتبعوا من لايسئلكم اجرا وهم مهتدون ومالي لا اعبد الذى فطرنى واليه ترجعون قيل
    #ادخل_الجنه قال ياليت قومي يعلمون#بماغفرلي ربي وجعلني من #المكرمين☑️
    ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚
    وقالوا اتخذ الرحمن ولدا👨
    سبحانه بل عباد #مكرمون☑️
    لايسبقونه بالقول وهم بامره يعملون💓
    مأمورين بأمر الله
    وان كان من #المقربين☑️ فروح وريحان وجنه نعيم☑️
    ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚ ⌚
    كفر الذين قالوا ان المسيح هو الله⚠️
    ان تحرص على هداهم فان الله لايهدي من يضل ومالهم من ناصرين
    واقسموا بالله جهدايمانهم لايبعث الله من يموت بلي وعدا عليه حقا ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون☑️
    ⚠️لماذا يبعث الله من يموت؟⚠️
    ليبين لهم الذي يختلفون فيه وليعلم الذين كفروا انهم #كانواكاذبين انما قولنا لشئ اذا اردناه ان نقول له
    #كن_فيكون 💓
    💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓
    انى متوفيك ورافعك الى💓
    💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓
    (وإن من أهل الكتاب إلا ليؤمنن به قبل موته ويوم القيامة يكون عليهم شهيدا)
    اني متوفيك ورافعك الي
    والسلام على يوم ولدت ويوم اموت ويوم ابعث حيا
    💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓 💓
    فطرت الله بقلب سليم ❤️
    صدقا وحقا وعلم وعين اليقين ❤️
    العبد لله
    هشام حسن الكافوري