The very last NASCAR game I've played was NR2K3 and I've stood there (as I loved it and for newer games my PC has some weak conf's) but it seems that this NR2k16 it's a pretty easy game. Would you recommend me to play it?
The first NASCAR Game series I ever watched was kurtjmac's series of this game. It is the same game as you are playing, but it was the 2013 version and I believe you are playing the 2012 version.
I love how u know nascar and not like other UA-camrs and just say wassup guys I'm playing some nascar game and I wonder who I'm racing against and u know the names of the racers
+Sleepingamer88 they don't even go 4 rows deep going 3 wide and they don't do pack racing which suck on the wii no pace car! worst game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the wii version of this game is a lot harder to race at Daytona because they pull away so fast in champion on the start and it's always like this at restrictor plate tracks
Z D Nascarperson uh I would but I did play this on PS3 never on champion difficulty because the disc insert on the playstation was making weird noises which means it doesn't work
Z D Nascarperson yeah I tried it with the wheel too you just got to turn it multiple times to not hit the hit wall and that's the only thing that really sucks I also used the analog stick and it's the same thing once you get tight you don't need to turn it multiple times
I would say that nascar 2011 is harder than inside line from what I seen from 2011, I've played inside line, and seems easier to drive, and I play on hard difficulty, and it is easy on inside line, but I use driving assists so that explains a lot
Second time watching this video Enjoyed it , the problem I had the first time , somebody handed me some french style steak I'm telling you , I've heard of rare meat before , but I threw that stuff out in the back yard and it started grazing .
Ps single season you have to use a real driver because it would not make sense because you use your custom car in career mode so that's why it won't show up in single season
Considering I am just terrible at the next gen NASCAR games, you should have a BUNCH of fun at Talladega... I can win there easily on the hardest difficulty in this game... XD (Dega is gonna suck so bad)
Still Better Than Heat Evolution!
@@BarndoFN yes
Ya your right
Very true and maybe even heat 5
Even better than ANY heat game
Joseph: “I hope I don’t win like this.”
7 year old me: “Hehehe.” Lets be honest we have all done that.
RedCarAiden 222 hi
good tandem drafting in this game
Anyone who likes Jeff Gordon is my friend
RINGO FLATTS I love Jeff Gordon
Me too
I love him
well then im a enemy lol
You picked Jeff Gordon......
Your are my friend now
This was my 1st ever NASCAR game I've ever played.
Time to binge watch the whole season!!! Will comment on past episode when finished!!
The very last NASCAR game I've played was NR2K3 and I've stood there (as I loved it and for newer games my PC has some weak conf's) but it seems that this NR2k16 it's a pretty easy game. Would you recommend me to play it?
So many memories on this game
If I was Jeff Gordon I would be mortified to have a fan like Joseph
didnt hear the spotter the whole race, did it glitch out?
+N2SC4R Are you going to change your scheme for any races?
I used to love nascar, my favourite driver is marcos ambrose, but i cant watch nascar in australia anymore because he left:(
UA-cam Police what did he misspell???
UA-cam Police dumbass I’m Australian i spelt favourite correctly, the world doesn’t evolve around America all the time
what platform (xbox, ps3, pc) ? and what kind controller used?
A lot better than 21 Ignition
I would love to play this again but my PS3 broke :(.
That actually happened a lot in 2012 real life
looking foward to it
ah the good ol days when he wasn't a creep 😔
Probably was lol
The first NASCAR Game series I ever watched was kurtjmac's series of this game. It is the same game as you are playing, but it was the 2013 version and I believe you are playing the 2012 version.
I love how u know nascar and not like other UA-camrs and just say wassup guys I'm playing some nascar game and I wonder who I'm racing against and u know the names of the racers
nice video I enjoy watching it
I have this game, sucks that I can't use my wheel though
The wheel I own is the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel
How do you do the decal on here
Could you do this for vs?
awesome graphics
So this game is basically just holding acceleration to the max and steering?
I Did A NASCAR Inside Line Game In Thursday.
Why is your profile name nstsbdjdn or something like that?
There's option for cockipit view?
How are you not able to use your custom driver in certain modes?
Frowna 9000 er Frowna Taboban Who Knows? Ask Activition
"Gotta help my teammate even though its johnson" -N2SC4R 2K16
great race. I have this on the Nintendo Wii.
I think I'm gonna get this game for my PS3.
good video
its weird looking at all those old cars
good job
+N2SC4R after this series you should do a NASCAR The Game 2011 series please
I have that game, and I really like it.
Good video joe
Hey N2SC4R you should show us your cars that you made
By the way is Jeff Gordon your favorite NASCAR driver
I used to play this game constantly on the Wii
I finished the whole game
Got 99% of the game completely
I don't wanna imagine having to play this on a Wii.
I have it on the wii and the graphics suck
For some reason they are worse than NASCAR 2011 on the wifi, like????? What
+Sleepingamer88 wii stupid autocorrect
+Sleepingamer88 they don't even go 4 rows deep going 3 wide and they don't do pack racing which suck on the wii no pace car! worst game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Sleepingamer88 Same here it sucks
I want a big refund!
hey n2sc4r do you have a ps3 because i would really like to race with you on nascar inside line
cameron richison I do man and I'll race ya
what is your ps3 name mine is davesmith73
the same thing happens to me on my career mode on NTG11
the wii version of this game is a lot harder to race at Daytona because they pull away so fast in champion on the start and it's always like this at restrictor plate tracks
Z D Nascarperson uh I would but I did play this on PS3 never on champion difficulty because the disc insert on the playstation was making weird noises which means it doesn't work
Z D Nascarperson yeah I tried it with the wheel too you just got to turn it multiple times to not hit the hit wall and that's the only thing that really sucks I also used the analog stick and it's the same thing once you get tight you don't need to turn it multiple times
Z D Nascarperson I got 298 wins in the Wii version of this game because it's so easy in Champion difficulty at some tracks
you do NIL lets play
Gordon is it in NASCAR
Remember this was before 2 tandem racing wasn't a thing anymore
I want that game i wish i had but i did have nascar the game 2011
Also, who else thinks he would be a good commentator?
whos your team mate?
It looks like those cars are fast because they're from the next generation of high tech racers
The driver who was in front of N2RS4R brake checks him
hey N2SC4R who is ur fav driver
Pits Jeff Gordon
+Samirayan Khan Jeff Gordon
what is the best nascar game?
I liked the loose steering in this game.
+N2SC4R after this let's play is done you should do Nascar The Game 2011 but please do the 2010 career
Is NASCAR inside line more harder then NASCAR 11?
I would say that nascar 2011 is harder than inside line from what I seen from 2011, I've played inside line, and seems easier to drive, and I play on hard difficulty, and it is easy on inside line, but I use driving assists so that explains a lot
I like the way you act like the announcer
Joseph the same thing on NASCAR the game 2011
crash physics are more realistic in this than 14 or 15
Think I'm really gonna enjoy this LP!
why are you so careful? I would just wreck everyone and stay on the inside lane..
You look like a young Jeff Gordon lmao
I have this game for my PS3
JG all the way!
nascar race without pitstop is not cool, I would suggest 25% lenght and x4 tire and fuel
I think the developers of this game should let you choose your paint schemes
Jimmie Johnson's car had damage
He looks like a younger Jeff Gordon!
If I was Jeff Gordon I would be mortified to have a fan like Joseph
do NASCAR 2018 gameplay please
I have the game for Xbox 360 and it dose not work for my Xbox 360 and I play it a capol times
that actually happened
Second time watching this video Enjoyed it , the problem I had the first time , somebody handed me some french style steak I'm telling you , I've heard of rare meat before , but I threw that stuff out in the back yard and it started grazing .
If you like the 24 car so much, why don't you drive it in a few years
Let the 2012 Menards ARCA series Begin
Zachery Lombard (Driver of the Number No.24 Chevrolet impala
He had me subscribed at Jeff gordon
He had you unsubscribed at.......
mine is Aric.almirola
let's go Gordon
this is like 2011 game like if u agree
Kirk bush is op
I am in my 5th season in this game
How many championships
4 championships
wild blue younger time XD
I have this game on Xbox 360
Any one else think the commentator looks like and sounds like Jeff gourdan
I have this game
Ps single season you have to use a real driver because it would not make sense because you use your custom car in career mode so that's why it won't show up in single season
hey um i have this game would u like to race me
It's Jeff Gordon its and its easy on everything
Considering I am just terrible at the next gen NASCAR games, you should have a BUNCH of fun at Talladega... I can win there easily on the hardest difficulty in this game... XD
(Dega is gonna suck so bad)
no kidding
to win you need to play aggresavely
I have NASCAR '15
Do Race Now Then Click Your team
if u got NASCAR the inside line for ps3
like and drop them psn names
jeff burTTTTon
hey joseph i post nascarthegameinsideline videos but its for wii... just wanting to know if u can check it out, im trying to post full races
Full races on the Wii wow for me that would suck just saying
+mr.bobatron_2000 its actually not bad i like it because the ai is actually a challenge, and the cause thier own wreacks alot
+Baxter White oh ok I guess I didn't play it a lot because I didn't like it that much
+mr.bobatron_2000 if u subscribe im actually going to start uploading in a few weeks
+Baxter White already have
Joseph, NASCAR 08 is more loose than Inside Line in my opinion
Tony beat Johnson by .002 to get 2nd