NASCAR The Game: Inside Line - Race 1/36 - Daytona 500

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Scotty2303
    @Scotty2303 7 років тому +52

    Still Better Than Heat Evolution!

  • @snydertheslider
    @snydertheslider 4 роки тому +12

    Joseph: “I hope I don’t win like this.”
    7 year old me: “Hehehe.” Lets be honest we have all done that.

    @HOWTONEVOLUTION 9 років тому +10

    good tandem drafting in this game

  • @ringoflatts7848
    @ringoflatts7848 8 років тому +64

    Anyone who likes Jeff Gordon is my friend

  • @leahgarner8877
    @leahgarner8877 5 років тому +3

    You picked Jeff Gordon......
    Your are my friend now

  • @Y0UG0TR3KT
    @Y0UG0TR3KT 9 років тому

    This was my 1st ever NASCAR game I've ever played.

  • @EpicChickens1916
    @EpicChickens1916 6 років тому

    Time to binge watch the whole season!!! Will comment on past episode when finished!!

  • @X3MInternational
    @X3MInternational 8 років тому

    The very last NASCAR game I've played was NR2K3 and I've stood there (as I loved it and for newer games my PC has some weak conf's) but it seems that this NR2k16 it's a pretty easy game. Would you recommend me to play it?

  • @LordofTheWhales
    @LordofTheWhales 9 років тому

    So many memories on this game

  • @NASCARFAN93100
    @NASCARFAN93100 3 роки тому +1

    If I was Jeff Gordon I would be mortified to have a fan like Joseph

  • @greendayray
    @greendayray 8 років тому +1

    didnt hear the spotter the whole race, did it glitch out?

  • @austinstitzel
    @austinstitzel 9 років тому

    +N2SC4R Are you going to change your scheme for any races?

  • @Bigtmac_
    @Bigtmac_ 9 років тому +4

    I used to love nascar, my favourite driver is marcos ambrose, but i cant watch nascar in australia anymore because he left:(

    • @noahspatz6871
      @noahspatz6871 4 роки тому

      UA-cam Police what did he misspell???

    • @Bigtmac_
      @Bigtmac_ 4 роки тому

      UA-cam Police dumbass I’m Australian i spelt favourite correctly, the world doesn’t evolve around America all the time

  • @segbed
    @segbed 6 місяців тому

    what platform (xbox, ps3, pc) ? and what kind controller used?

  • @omegaformerlyknown
    @omegaformerlyknown 3 роки тому +1

    A lot better than 21 Ignition

  • @austinmclean3007
    @austinmclean3007 9 років тому +3

    I would love to play this again but my PS3 broke :(.

  • @masonb6967
    @masonb6967 4 роки тому +1

    That actually happened a lot in 2012 real life

  • @samevans4154
    @samevans4154 9 років тому

    looking foward to it

  • @Scotty2303
    @Scotty2303 3 роки тому +3

    ah the good ol days when he wasn't a creep 😔

    • @Dyrisee
      @Dyrisee 2 роки тому +1

      Probably was lol

  • @Tomsbananacakes
    @Tomsbananacakes 9 років тому

    The first NASCAR Game series I ever watched was kurtjmac's series of this game. It is the same game as you are playing, but it was the 2013 version and I believe you are playing the 2012 version.

  • @jace1713
    @jace1713 8 років тому +8

    I love how u know nascar and not like other UA-camrs and just say wassup guys I'm playing some nascar game and I wonder who I'm racing against and u know the names of the racers

  • @videogameskingvideogamerga9303
    @videogameskingvideogamerga9303 7 років тому

    nice video I enjoy watching it

  • @Dalton1294
    @Dalton1294 9 років тому +1

    I have this game, sucks that I can't use my wheel though

    • @Dalton1294
      @Dalton1294 9 років тому

      The wheel I own is the Xbox 360 Wireless Racing Wheel

  • @stephentylermcroy4140
    @stephentylermcroy4140 5 років тому

    How do you do the decal on here

  • @nascarkid96
    @nascarkid96 9 років тому +2

    Could you do this for vs?

  • @bigredjaguar2365
    @bigredjaguar2365 9 років тому

    awesome graphics

  • @ssuuppeerrbbooyy
    @ssuuppeerrbbooyy 6 років тому

    So this game is basically just holding acceleration to the max and steering?

    @NASCARNASCAR-vp4tz 9 років тому

    I Did A NASCAR Inside Line Game In Thursday.

  • @drewbrislin26
    @drewbrislin26 4 роки тому +1

    Why is your profile name nstsbdjdn or something like that?

  • @BrasilEmFatos
    @BrasilEmFatos 7 років тому

    There's option for cockipit view?

  • @Frownysrubbishbin
    @Frownysrubbishbin 9 років тому

    How are you not able to use your custom driver in certain modes?

    • @Scotty2303
      @Scotty2303 7 років тому

      Frowna 9000 er Frowna Taboban Who Knows? Ask Activition

  • @thefacelessgamer8472
    @thefacelessgamer8472 6 років тому +2

    "Gotta help my teammate even though its johnson" -N2SC4R 2K16

  • @marleygoode8565
    @marleygoode8565 9 років тому

    great race. I have this on the Nintendo Wii.

  • @marcusvillarreal1518
    @marcusvillarreal1518 7 років тому

    I think I'm gonna get this game for my PS3.

  • @evanwatson822
    @evanwatson822 9 років тому

    good video

  • @ewhandt
    @ewhandt 9 років тому

    its weird looking at all those old cars

  • @tmmcpherson86
    @tmmcpherson86 6 років тому

    good job

  • @scottfanzini4912
    @scottfanzini4912 9 років тому +11

    +N2SC4R after this series you should do a NASCAR The Game 2011 series please

  • @LegoMakerNoah
    @LegoMakerNoah 9 років тому +3

    Hey N2SC4R you should show us your cars that you made

  • @supermariojasiah7487
    @supermariojasiah7487 2 роки тому

    By the way is Jeff Gordon your favorite NASCAR driver

  • @savagekingtexas_3990
    @savagekingtexas_3990 4 роки тому

    I used to play this game constantly on the Wii
    I finished the whole game
    Got 99% of the game completely

  • @flixoran9039
    @flixoran9039 9 років тому +16

    I have it on the wii and the graphics suck

    • @flixoran9039
      @flixoran9039 9 років тому +2

      For some reason they are worse than NASCAR 2011 on the wifi, like????? What

    • @flixoran9039
      @flixoran9039 9 років тому

      +Sleepingamer88 wii stupid autocorrect

    • @freedommachine4633
      @freedommachine4633 9 років тому +1

      +Sleepingamer88 they don't even go 4 rows deep going 3 wide and they don't do pack racing which suck on the wii no pace car! worst game EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @iamcheeks
      @iamcheeks 9 років тому +1

      +Sleepingamer88 Same here it sucks

    • @freedommachine4633
      @freedommachine4633 9 років тому

      I want a big refund!

  • @cameronrichison8826
    @cameronrichison8826 8 років тому

    hey n2sc4r do you have a ps3 because i would really like to race with you on nascar inside line

  • @notachannel6097
    @notachannel6097 9 років тому

    the same thing happens to me on my career mode on NTG11

  • @runrafarunthebestintheworld
    @runrafarunthebestintheworld 9 років тому

    the wii version of this game is a lot harder to race at Daytona because they pull away so fast in champion on the start and it's always like this at restrictor plate tracks

    • @runrafarunthebestintheworld
      @runrafarunthebestintheworld 9 років тому

      Z D Nascarperson uh I would but I did play this on PS3 never on champion difficulty because the disc insert on the playstation was making weird noises which means it doesn't work

    • @runrafarunthebestintheworld
      @runrafarunthebestintheworld 9 років тому

      Z D Nascarperson yeah I tried it with the wheel too you just got to turn it multiple times to not hit the hit wall and that's the only thing that really sucks I also used the analog stick and it's the same thing once you get tight you don't need to turn it multiple times

    • @runrafarunthebestintheworld
      @runrafarunthebestintheworld 9 років тому

      Z D Nascarperson I got 298 wins in the Wii version of this game because it's so easy in Champion difficulty at some tracks

  • @ChampionPlayzOfficial
    @ChampionPlayzOfficial 9 років тому

    you do NIL lets play

  • @lauren-zp9sk
    @lauren-zp9sk 8 років тому

    Gordon is it in NASCAR

  • @blakewalker4814
    @blakewalker4814 9 років тому

    Remember this was before 2 tandem racing wasn't a thing anymore

  • @jaredluunderhilll7416
    @jaredluunderhilll7416 9 років тому

    I want that game i wish i had but i did have nascar the game 2011

  • @leahgarner8877
    @leahgarner8877 5 років тому +1

    Also, who else thinks he would be a good commentator?

  • @kaekino796
    @kaekino796 7 років тому

    whos your team mate?

  • @marcusvillarreal1518
    @marcusvillarreal1518 7 років тому

    It looks like those cars are fast because they're from the next generation of high tech racers

  • @mackattackgameingawesome3666
    @mackattackgameingawesome3666 6 років тому

    The driver who was in front of N2RS4R brake checks him

  • @SamiKhanKSA
    @SamiKhanKSA 9 років тому +1

    hey N2SC4R who is ur fav driver

  • @jrt3717
    @jrt3717 8 років тому

    what is the best nascar game?

  • @nabor9856
    @nabor9856 9 років тому

    I liked the loose steering in this game.

  • @austinstitzel
    @austinstitzel 9 років тому

    +N2SC4R after this let's play is done you should do Nascar The Game 2011 but please do the 2010 career

  • @brandonewing5083
    @brandonewing5083 9 років тому

    Is NASCAR inside line more harder then NASCAR 11?

    • @YungM0nęy1
      @YungM0nęy1 5 років тому

      I would say that nascar 2011 is harder than inside line from what I seen from 2011, I've played inside line, and seems easier to drive, and I play on hard difficulty, and it is easy on inside line, but I use driving assists so that explains a lot

  • @ramonaboudreaux5438
    @ramonaboudreaux5438 8 років тому

    I like the way you act like the announcer

  • @ChampionPlayzOfficial
    @ChampionPlayzOfficial 9 років тому

    Joseph the same thing on NASCAR the game 2011

  • @licorice5266
    @licorice5266 9 років тому

    crash physics are more realistic in this than 14 or 15

  • @wesleyem3
    @wesleyem3 9 років тому +1

    Think I'm really gonna enjoy this LP!

  • @gamercm
    @gamercm 8 років тому +4

    why are you so careful? I would just wreck everyone and stay on the inside lane..

  • @nierenjoyer3015
    @nierenjoyer3015 6 років тому

    You look like a young Jeff Gordon lmao

  • @marcusvillarreal8987
    @marcusvillarreal8987 6 років тому

    I have this game for my PS3

  • @blondie214
    @blondie214 9 років тому

    JG all the way!

  • @cyxgamegod
    @cyxgamegod 7 років тому


  • @segbed
    @segbed 6 місяців тому

    nascar race without pitstop is not cool, I would suggest 25% lenght and x4 tire and fuel

  • @flashspeeder
    @flashspeeder 8 років тому

    I think the developers of this game should let you choose your paint schemes

  • @TraceyButtigieg
    @TraceyButtigieg 5 місяців тому

    Jimmie Johnson's car had damage

  • @cooperwoodruff2968
    @cooperwoodruff2968 4 роки тому

    He looks like a younger Jeff Gordon!

    • @NASCARFAN93100
      @NASCARFAN93100 3 роки тому +1

      If I was Jeff Gordon I would be mortified to have a fan like Joseph

  • @kylebushfanforlife1788
    @kylebushfanforlife1788 6 років тому

    do NASCAR 2018 gameplay please

  • @pamdalziel1577
    @pamdalziel1577 8 років тому

    I have the game for Xbox 360 and it dose not work for my Xbox 360 and I play it a capol times

  • @jordanp7001
    @jordanp7001 7 років тому

    that actually happened

  • @sindessaorellia
    @sindessaorellia 8 років тому

    Second time watching this video Enjoyed it , the problem I had the first time , somebody handed me some french style steak I'm telling you , I've heard of rare meat before , but I threw that stuff out in the back yard and it started grazing .

  • @dennyhamlinfan11nascarnort59
    @dennyhamlinfan11nascarnort59 7 років тому

    If you like the 24 car so much, why don't you drive it in a few years

  • @sezniteowl5398
    @sezniteowl5398 4 роки тому

    Let the 2012 Menards ARCA series Begin
    Zachery Lombard (Driver of the Number No.24 Chevrolet impala

  • @scottysilverVA
    @scottysilverVA 5 років тому

    He had me subscribed at Jeff gordon

  • @SamiKhanKSA
    @SamiKhanKSA 9 років тому +1

    mine is Aric.almirola

  • @aaronneal8162
    @aaronneal8162 8 років тому

    let's go Gordon

  • @Sam-ml5ez
    @Sam-ml5ez 9 років тому

    this is like 2011 game like if u agree

  • @cloutaddictions1818
    @cloutaddictions1818 5 років тому

    Kirk bush is op

  • @krislovelace9707
    @krislovelace9707 9 років тому

    I am in my 5th season in this game

  • @PetanPohl
    @PetanPohl 5 років тому

    wild blue younger time XD

  • @reyliruiz5525
    @reyliruiz5525 9 років тому


  • @redcaraiden
    @redcaraiden 4 роки тому

    I have this game on Xbox 360

  • @rougeracer8875
    @rougeracer8875 7 років тому

    Any one else think the commentator looks like and sounds like Jeff gourdan

  • @CECandNASCARFan
    @CECandNASCARFan 9 років тому

    I have this game

    • @CECandNASCARFan
      @CECandNASCARFan 9 років тому

      Ps single season you have to use a real driver because it would not make sense because you use your custom car in career mode so that's why it won't show up in single season

  • @Wreckedftfoxy
    @Wreckedftfoxy 5 років тому

    hey um i have this game would u like to race me

  • @hosaipopal1872
    @hosaipopal1872 9 років тому +1

    It's Jeff Gordon its and its easy on everything

  • @jc1424
    @jc1424 9 років тому

    Considering I am just terrible at the next gen NASCAR games, you should have a BUNCH of fun at Talladega... I can win there easily on the hardest difficulty in this game... XD
    (Dega is gonna suck so bad)

  • @civic2sg
    @civic2sg 9 років тому

    no kidding

  • @adamhdflive7650
    @adamhdflive7650 7 років тому

    to win you need to play aggresavely

  • @austinbennett8419
    @austinbennett8419 7 років тому

    I have NASCAR '15

  • @imatthewnguyen6588
    @imatthewnguyen6588 8 років тому

    Do Race Now Then Click Your team

  • @iiStaySidewayz
    @iiStaySidewayz 9 років тому +1

    if u got NASCAR the inside line for ps3
    like and drop them psn names

  • @Mrtestdrivex
    @Mrtestdrivex 4 роки тому

    jeff burTTTTon

  • @agamersworld4741
    @agamersworld4741 9 років тому +1

    hey joseph i post nascarthegameinsideline videos but its for wii... just wanting to know if u can check it out, im trying to post full races

    • @LegoMakerNoah
      @LegoMakerNoah 9 років тому

      Full races on the Wii wow for me that would suck just saying

    • @agamersworld4741
      @agamersworld4741 9 років тому

      +mr.bobatron_2000 its actually not bad i like it because the ai is actually a challenge, and the cause thier own wreacks alot

    • @LegoMakerNoah
      @LegoMakerNoah 9 років тому

      +Baxter White oh ok I guess I didn't play it a lot because I didn't like it that much

    • @agamersworld4741
      @agamersworld4741 9 років тому

      +mr.bobatron_2000 if u subscribe im actually going to start uploading in a few weeks

    • @LegoMakerNoah
      @LegoMakerNoah 9 років тому

      +Baxter White already have

  • @thesonic2423
    @thesonic2423 8 років тому

    Joseph, NASCAR 08 is more loose than Inside Line in my opinion

  • @edog556
    @edog556 8 років тому

    Tony beat Johnson by .002 to get 2nd