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This is the very definition of a slow burn horror film - the tension builds until it becomes unbearable, and the true horror is the betrayal of trust which is revealed at the end. At the time of this film, Mia Farrow was the very young girlfriend of Frank Sinatra who made himself a pest during this film- demanding that Mia not kiss anyone, that Mia not touch anyone, that Mia wasn’t getting enough screen time, etc.
@@CBGB_1977 Sinatra had her served with divorce papers on the set of the movie. Everyone was really worried she would be too upset to finish the movie, but she took the attitude of “screw him!” and wanted the movie to do better than the movie he was making at the same time, “The Detective”. The Detective is a GREAT movie (Sinatra could be an asshole, but he was a great actor), but “Rosemary’s Baby” was a massive success and won lots of awards. It made Mia Farrow even more famous, even though she was already a big star. I live in northwest Connecticut, not far from Mia Farrow, and I’ve seen her a few times at the country fairs we have all over Connecticut in the summer and fall. She’s always with some of the many kids she’s adopted. She looks incredible for her age, and she is very friendly and doesn’t have any “attitude”.
There's a made for TV film called Look What Happened to Rosemary's Baby that kinda answers some of your questions and ,without giving away spoilers, just sets up even more questions. It's ok for what it is, just don't expect too much from it. It's on UA-cam.
You know you're getting older when you see people getting down on a bare, dusty floor and all you can think of is how much your back would hurt and that you'd just wait for the movers to bring your bed in.
Oh and Also, you some old school Sunday 70 cinema you should familiarize yourself with if you've never saw them.. Sssssss (1973), Squirm (1976), and Frogs (1972). 70's cheese at it's best !
Robert Redford and Warren Beatty were approached to play Guy, but they were too protective of their image so John Cassavetes got the part. And he is great but like Jack Nicholson in the Shining he looks too much like the devil to start with. And Nicholson looked crazy from the beginning of The Shining. The tabloids hated this movie and hated Roman Polanski, the 'hippie' director. Every week in magazines like National Enquirer there were stories of Polanski holding black masses on the set while filming was going on. And oh my God, when wife Sharon Tate was killed/butchered in 1969, Polanski was blamed for that, too. He had supposedly sold his soul so that Rosemary's Baby would be the box office monster that it was, making unheard of millions of 60s dollars. The tabloids were out to get Polanski from his first American movie, RB, until he does the country. And I've never known why. The poor guy lost almost all his family in the Holocaust, barely escaped the Nazis himself as a 7year old boy, and then lost his wife to the Manson Family. And he has always remained one of the greatest directors in history, from Repulsion to Chinatown to Bitter Moon to The Tenant to The Ghost Writer to The Pianist. Any other director would sell HIS soul just to have 2 of those movies on their Filmography. And Chinatown and The Pianist are as close to perfection as humans are allowed to be. Thanks for reviewing Rosemary's Baby. Please do Deliverance soon.
Ah! FINALLY! In u case y'all don't know, director Polanski's wife, actress Sharon Tate was later murdered by Manson Family, & this was filmed inside The Dakota in NY where John Lennon lived & died. ✌😎❤
Is it right, I heard in the scene where she walks into the traffic, that was for real? No staging, no safety, just straight out with the camera following her!
Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby is a 1976 American made-for-television horror film and a sequel to Roman Polanski's 1968 film Rosemary's Baby starring Stephen McHattie, Patty Duke, George Maharis, Ruth Gordon and Ray Milland. The film premiered as the ABC Friday Night Movie on October 29, 1976.
I’ve never seen that, but I sure hope it’s better than the Son of Rosemary, the 1997 sequel to the original book. I don’t think any book has ever been a better example of an author losing his touch than that one. It had an interesting premise and seemed like it had potential, but then just as things were getting climactic, Ira Levin either ran out of ideas or just gave up or something, because, suddenly (spoiler alert… but it doesn’t really matter, because no one should read this book), it was all a dream that Rosemary had in one night… not just the events of the that book but the first one as well! When Rosemary wakes up, she and Guy haven’t even moved to the Dakota yet! Somehow, all in one night, she managed to have a dream in which all the events of Rosemary’s baby took place, she was in a coma for 25 years (how the hell do you dream about something like that?!), she came out of it in 1999 and somehow envisioned the future exactly as it was going to be, and all this weird stuff with her son happened. One of the biggest cop-outs I’ve ever seen. It’s no wonder that was the last book Ira Levin ever put out.
@@crescentfreshbret I recall that Levin said in an interview that he eventually came to be disturbed by the reaction to both book and film and wanted to do something to end it.
I forgot to mention that Polanski himself operated the camera when the very pregnant Rosemary crossed that busy Manhattan street, just him and Mia Farrow out in the street. And when Rosemary called the actor who went blind, Polanski had Tony Curtis do the voice. He was a close friend of Mia Farrow but he and Polanski didn't tell her that he would be doing the voice, off of the set and in a closed room. That accounts for the puzzling look on Farrow's face as she's talking. After the scene, and after Curtis and Polanski told her, she said that that voice made her uneasy because it sounded so familiar when it shouldn't have; Polanski had told her that an extra in another room would be on the phone. Farrow said it was driving her crazy to talk because she couldn't place that familiar voice. So Polanski got Farrow's acting plus her non-acting look of genuine concern. That was a very British School Of Acting trick. America actors uae the Method Acting School. Where an American would think of some personal tragedy to produce tears, for instance, a British actor might simply pop a Teardrop capsule and sniff it. Instant tears and no sad events to think of in order to cry. British acting: speak clearly, stand in your mark, and look other actors in the eye. American acting: become the character as much as possible, understand all the emotions your character feels, and don't use tricks to get real emotions.
The building they are filming is the Dakota where John Lennon an d Yoko Ono lived. I think she still lives there. He was murdered right in front of it. I lived in NYC and often walked by it. You just couldn't help but think about his murder and Rosemary's Baby.
Great recap of one of my favourite films, Mia Farrow is amazing in it. You have a new fan from the UK and you possibly have my favourite vouce I have heard 😃
ruth gordon is one of my favorites. wanna see two other wonderful ruth gordon movies? watch "lord love a duck" (1966) with harvey korman, tuesday weld and roddy mcdowell - this thirty year old convincingly played a high school senior. and you have "harold and maude" (1971). co-starring bud cort with an unsurpassed score by cat stevens. both films are fantastic!
@@CherylHughes-ts9jz .... its one of my favorites too. if you like quirky films like that you should watch "lord love a duck" (1966). its like a precursor to "harold and maude" without the emotional impact. although it does have a few very dramatic scenes its mainly played sctrictly for laughs. both films are very dark comedies ahead of their times. even the trailer, you can see it on yt, is original and very quirky. it says - earth is the lunatic asylum of the galaxy and goes on to say that the film is AGAINST practically everything. sadly no one has reacted to "lord love a duck" but the few who've reacted to "harold and maude" seem to completely miss its message. they rarely laugh at its jokes and seemed more shocked than inspired. for me its not a film that's hard to understand. but i guess it's message just goes right over most people's heads.
SWEET! Showdown is going back to the 60's now. Pretty sure this is the oldest movie reaction on the channel to date? But it is timeless. Revisiting this with you and looking back on it now, this to me feels like the original A24 movie. Like, 50 years ahead of its time. Love a good slow burn.
Her husband is indeed not worth shit. Her plan should've been to stay at a friend's house once she figured it out. ...and to not say anything about witches to anyone.
This is probably my favorite movie. I never watched the second film, but I read the book. The book was good and it has a surprise ending. That’s all I’m going to say. I think it was called Whatever Happened To Rosemary’s Baby.
Lately when I see your thumbnails. I think it's some random channel that UA-cam is trying to recommend. I've almost added you to the do not recommend like 3 times. Lol
"He chose you, honey! From all the women in the world to be the mother of his only living son!" Fun Fact: Mia Farrow does the vocals on the title-sequence lullaby. Real Acting Fact: According to Mia Farrow, the scenes where Rosemary walks in front of traffic were spontaneous and genuine. (SOB Fugitive Director) is reported to have told her that "nobody will hit a pregnant woman" before filming. The scene was successfully shot with Farrow walking into real traffic and (SOB Fugitive Director) following, operating the hand-held camera since he was the only one willing to do it. Hot Take Fact: Many scenes are shot in one continuous unbroken take or with minimal cuts in an unnoticeable way, such as the opening scene where Rosemary and Guy first tour their apartment (two cuts), the laundry room scene (only one cut), the "let's have a baby" scene, the New Year's Eve party, Rosemary's and Guy's argument after their party, Rosemary's getting the unfortunate phone call about Hutch, the final scene at Dr. Sapirstein's office where she tells him of Adrian Marcato, Rosemary's phone call with Baumgard, and the famous phone booth scene.
Sharon Tate husband directed movie ..Sharon Tate was an actress. Her and friends were killed . True story. Folgers coffee ...owner ..and maker grand daughter was one of Sharon's friends that was killed. Sharon was 8 months pregnant at time of death. The baby in womb died. Sharon was stabbed all over True story So the director of this movie, wife Sharon died 2 years after this movie was made.
Do you really need a sequel? It’s the book of revelations, the rivers turn to blood, plagues, etc. Basically the end of everything. Let’s just say, shit turns ugly after this.
Part two is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Has nothing to do with these actors. I was excited when I discovered it on UA-cam a few years ago, until I watched it.
Great reaction! You gave me some good chukcles watching! =X-D In a much different genre have you ever watched the 1979 movie "The Warriors"? Would love to see you react to that! =;-)
He has his father’s popcorn! The sequel is called Whatever Happened to Rosemary’s Baby? And it is unwatchable garbage. When the kid becomes a teenager, he is filled with weird dreams. Nothing happens in the film, and it is cheap trash.
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Love this film. The idea that everyone you love and trust are secretly scheming against you is way scarier than any dumb monster or slasher movie.
I'm the only one who assumes that then? 😂
Why I always keep that G26 on me
Agreed. I refer to this film in one of my videos, but I'm so not ready to do a deep dive yet 🥶👍
That theme rings true in my life and makes this my favorite movie.
2:30 Little fact: That IS Victoria Vetri.
One of my favourite all time films. Ruth Gordon won an Oscar for her performance as Minnie.
Mid 50's and I finally got the Rosemary's Baby haircut!!
Loved it since I saw the movie as a child ❤
One of my all time fave movies!!
This is the very definition of a slow burn horror film - the tension builds until it becomes unbearable, and the true horror is the betrayal of trust which is revealed at the end. At the time of this film, Mia Farrow was the very young girlfriend of Frank Sinatra who made himself a pest during this film- demanding that Mia not kiss anyone, that Mia not touch anyone, that Mia wasn’t getting enough screen time, etc.
Oh wow didn't know that thank you for that
And Sinatra supposedly broke up with her during filming because he was angry with Mia cutting her hair.
@@CBGB_1977 Sinatra had her served with divorce papers on the set of the movie. Everyone was really worried she would be too upset to finish the movie, but she took the attitude of “screw him!” and wanted the movie to do better than the movie he was making at the same time, “The Detective”. The Detective is a GREAT movie (Sinatra could be an asshole, but he was a great actor), but “Rosemary’s Baby” was a massive success and won lots of awards. It made Mia Farrow even more famous, even though she was already a big star.
I live in northwest Connecticut, not far from Mia Farrow, and I’ve seen her a few times at the country fairs we have all over Connecticut in the summer and fall. She’s always with some of the many kids she’s adopted. She looks incredible for her age, and she is very friendly and doesn’t have any “attitude”.
@@CBGB_1977 It was because he had wanted her to stop working after marriage and she didn't want that.
There's a made for TV film called Look What Happened to Rosemary's Baby that kinda answers some of your questions and ,without giving away spoilers, just sets up even more questions. It's ok for what it is, just don't expect too much from it. It's on UA-cam.
My mom was actually pregnant with me when she saw this in theater. She didn't realize it was horror. Lol . RIP Mom ya nut! Miss you.
"This is no dream! This is really happening!"
Definitely a slow classic
The book is terrific as well.
Ira Levin wrote it, I think ☮️
You know you're getting older when you see people getting down on a bare, dusty floor and all you can think of is how much your back would hurt and that you'd just wait for the movers to bring your bed in.
RIGHT ! 😅😅😅😅
No lies told! 😭🙃😭
This movie has always been close to my horror heart. Not scary to me but it did satisfy my needs !
Goodie Mob reference "who's there peepin my window?"
thank you
love this flick,,
Oh and Also, you some old school Sunday 70 cinema you should familiarize yourself with if you've never saw them.. Sssssss (1973), Squirm (1976), and Frogs (1972). 70's cheese at it's best !
Robert Redford and Warren Beatty were approached to play Guy, but they were too protective of their image so John Cassavetes got the part. And he is great but like Jack Nicholson in the Shining he looks too much like the devil to start with. And Nicholson looked crazy from the beginning of The Shining.
The tabloids hated this movie and hated Roman Polanski, the 'hippie' director. Every week in magazines like National Enquirer there were stories of Polanski holding black masses on the set while filming was going on. And oh my God, when wife Sharon Tate was killed/butchered in 1969, Polanski was blamed for that, too. He had supposedly sold his soul so that Rosemary's Baby would be the box office monster that it was, making unheard of millions of 60s dollars.
The tabloids were out to get Polanski from his first American movie, RB, until he does the country. And I've never known why. The poor guy lost almost all his family in the Holocaust, barely escaped the Nazis himself as a 7year old boy, and then lost his wife to the Manson Family.
And he has always remained one of the greatest directors in history, from Repulsion to Chinatown to Bitter Moon to The Tenant to The Ghost Writer to The Pianist. Any other director would sell HIS soul just to have 2 of those movies on their Filmography. And Chinatown and The Pianist are as close to perfection as humans are allowed to be.
Thanks for reviewing Rosemary's Baby. Please do Deliverance soon.
Ah! FINALLY! In u case y'all don't know, director Polanski's wife, actress Sharon Tate was later murdered by Manson Family, & this was filmed inside The Dakota in NY where John Lennon lived & died.
Is it right, I heard in the scene where she walks into the traffic, that was for real? No staging, no safety, just straight out with the camera following her!
it looked real
Yoooooo first time I saw this movie I was pregnant with my first baby. I was already really nervous so this movie scared the shit outta me 😭
I bet !!
BTW: The blind guy that Rosemary's talking to on the phone is Tony Curtis, aka Jamie Lee Curtis's Dad.
nice! old classic.
Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby is a 1976 American made-for-television horror film and a sequel to Roman Polanski's 1968 film Rosemary's Baby starring Stephen McHattie, Patty Duke, George Maharis, Ruth Gordon and Ray Milland. The film premiered as the ABC Friday Night Movie on October 29, 1976.
I’ve never seen that, but I sure hope it’s better than the Son of Rosemary, the 1997 sequel to the original book. I don’t think any book has ever been a better example of an author losing his touch than that one. It had an interesting premise and seemed like it had potential, but then just as things were getting climactic, Ira Levin either ran out of ideas or just gave up or something, because, suddenly (spoiler alert… but it doesn’t really matter, because no one should read this book), it was all a dream that Rosemary had in one night… not just the events of the that book but the first one as well! When Rosemary wakes up, she and Guy haven’t even moved to the Dakota yet! Somehow, all in one night, she managed to have a dream in which all the events of Rosemary’s baby took place, she was in a coma for 25 years (how the hell do you dream about something like that?!), she came out of it in 1999 and somehow envisioned the future exactly as it was going to be, and all this weird stuff with her son happened. One of the biggest cop-outs I’ve ever seen. It’s no wonder that was the last book Ira Levin ever put out.
@@crescentfreshbret I recall that Levin said in an interview that he eventually came to be disturbed by the reaction to both book and film and wanted to do something to end it.
Thanks man, i love this movie, and it's so full of tension and paranoia. Who can be trusted. Is anyone really who they say they are? Great movie.
Fun fact Terry who Rosemary said looked like Victoria Vetri was played by Victoria Vetri
I love a slow burn and this movie excels at that.
I forgot to mention that Polanski himself operated the camera when the very pregnant Rosemary crossed that busy Manhattan street, just him and Mia Farrow out in the street. And when Rosemary called the actor who went blind, Polanski had Tony Curtis do the voice. He was a close friend of Mia Farrow but he and Polanski didn't tell her that he would be doing the voice, off of the set and in a closed room. That accounts for the puzzling look on Farrow's face as she's talking. After the scene, and after Curtis and Polanski told her, she said that that voice made her uneasy because it sounded so familiar when it shouldn't have; Polanski had told her that an extra in another room would be on the phone. Farrow said it was driving her crazy to talk because she couldn't place that familiar voice. So Polanski got Farrow's acting plus her non-acting look of genuine concern.
That was a very British School Of Acting trick. America actors uae the Method Acting School. Where an American would think of some personal tragedy to produce tears, for instance, a British actor might simply pop a Teardrop capsule and sniff it. Instant tears and no sad events to think of in order to cry.
British acting: speak clearly, stand in your mark, and look other actors in the eye. American acting: become the character as much as possible, understand all the emotions your character feels, and don't use tricks to get real emotions.
An absolute classic
That's Samantha from Bewitched father.
nice !
Dr. Sapperstein (Ralph Bellamy) was also in His Girl Friday. Check it out.
A reimagining of Rosemary's Baby with Zoe Saldana was on TV in 2014. Nothing can top the classic, though.
The building they are filming is the Dakota where John Lennon an d Yoko Ono lived. I think she still lives there. He was murdered right in front of it. I lived in NYC and often walked by it. You just couldn't help but think about his murder and Rosemary's Baby.
Angela's Ashes.
Boys don't cry
All three good movies !!
Great recap of one of my favourite films, Mia Farrow is amazing in it. You have a new fan from the UK and you possibly have my favourite vouce I have heard 😃
Awesome! Thank you!
Thank's for Sharing
ruth gordon is one of my favorites. wanna see two other wonderful ruth gordon movies? watch "lord love a duck" (1966) with harvey korman, tuesday weld and roddy mcdowell - this thirty year old convincingly played a high school senior. and you have "harold and maude" (1971). co-starring bud cort with an unsurpassed score by cat stevens. both films are fantastic!
Harold and Maude is my all time favorite movie 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@CherylHughes-ts9jz .... its one of my favorites too. if you like quirky films like that you should watch "lord love a duck" (1966). its like a precursor to "harold and maude" without the emotional impact. although it does have a few very dramatic scenes its mainly played sctrictly for laughs. both films are very dark comedies ahead of their times. even the trailer, you can see it on yt, is original and very quirky. it says - earth is the lunatic asylum of the galaxy and goes on to say that the film is AGAINST practically everything.
sadly no one has reacted to "lord love a duck" but the few who've reacted to "harold and maude" seem to completely miss its message. they rarely laugh at its jokes and seemed more shocked than inspired. for me its not a film that's hard to understand. but i guess it's message just goes right over most people's heads.
SWEET! Showdown is going back to the 60's now. Pretty sure this is the oldest movie reaction on the channel to date? But it is timeless. Revisiting this with you and looking back on it now, this to me feels like the original A24 movie. Like, 50 years ahead of its time. Love a good slow burn.
trying to stick to a formula that works for the channel I appreciate you as always
"the original A24 movie" is a perfect way to describe the tension and paranoia of this movie. One of my favorites!
Her husband is indeed not worth shit. Her plan should've been to stay at a friend's house once she figured it out. ...and to not say anything about witches to anyone.
Hey Popcorn just watch your last upload 🙂 Liked it ☺️ Waiting to see what's next.🙂🙂Thank's for Sharing
Ruth Gordon is a hoot
Due to what Roman Polanski did to that girl, we don't watch this movie anymore but the memories of the film hold up.
brilliant film ❤
This is probably my favorite movie.
I never watched the second film, but I read the book. The book was good and it has a surprise ending. That’s all I’m going to say.
I think it was called Whatever Happened To Rosemary’s Baby.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the movie
Parts might stick in your head 🤔
Lately when I see your thumbnails. I think it's some random channel that UA-cam is trying to recommend. I've almost added you to the do not recommend like 3 times. Lol
Never thought of that thank you for that thank you ☺️
Good dream's watching this 🥺
Can you post these videos as audio only on audea? I would really appreciate just the audio. Love your stuff btw, keep pushing out content!
I'll try!
Great reaction to this classic horror movie!
Thanks for watching!
Part 2 is called Look What Happened to Rosemary's Baby. It's not as good as this first one, but it's still worth watching.
Thanks for watching both parts! I appreciate your support.
my brother
This movie eventually sparked a religious revival in the 1970s.
"He chose you, honey! From all the women in the world to be the mother of his only living son!"
Fun Fact: Mia Farrow does the vocals on the title-sequence lullaby.
Real Acting Fact: According to Mia Farrow, the scenes where Rosemary walks in front of traffic were spontaneous and genuine. (SOB Fugitive Director) is reported to have told her that "nobody will hit a pregnant woman" before filming. The scene was successfully shot with Farrow walking into real traffic and (SOB Fugitive Director) following, operating the hand-held camera since he was the only one willing to do it.
Hot Take Fact: Many scenes are shot in one continuous unbroken take or with minimal cuts in an unnoticeable way, such as the opening scene where Rosemary and Guy first tour their apartment (two cuts), the laundry room scene (only one cut), the "let's have a baby" scene, the New Year's Eve party, Rosemary's and Guy's argument after their party, Rosemary's getting the unfortunate phone call about Hutch, the final scene at Dr. Sapirstein's office where she tells him of Adrian Marcato, Rosemary's phone call with Baumgard, and the famous phone booth scene.
Check out "Behind the Mask" think you'll love it. It's had some horror legends in it.
Sharon Tate husband directed movie ..Sharon Tate was an actress. Her and friends were killed . True story.
Folgers coffee ...owner ..and maker grand daughter was one of Sharon's friends that was killed.
Sharon was 8 months pregnant at time of death. The baby in womb died. Sharon was stabbed all over
True story
So the director of this movie, wife Sharon died 2 years after this movie
was made.
Do you really need a sequel? It’s the book of revelations, the rivers turn to blood, plagues, etc. Basically the end of everything. Let’s just say, shit turns ugly after this.
They actually made a sequel to this movie called Whatever happened to Rosemary's baby.
It's crap.
If You Don't Look Good, We Don't Look Good.. Rich Color... Vidal Sassoon
Part two is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Has nothing to do with these actors. I was excited when I discovered it on UA-cam a few years ago, until I watched it.
thank you
Great reaction! You gave me some good chukcles watching! =X-D In a much different genre have you ever watched the 1979 movie "The Warriors"? Would love to see you react to that! =;-)
A classic
He has his father’s popcorn!
The sequel is called Whatever Happened to Rosemary’s Baby? And it is unwatchable garbage. When the kid becomes a teenager, he is filled with weird dreams. Nothing happens in the film, and it is cheap trash.
I remember that.It was a quickie TV-movie.
Read the book. The book was good.
how you doing brother?
I'm good ! how you been?
Ugh I hate this movie! It’s my son’s favorite for some crazy reason lol. I loved your reaction though, but that’s just a given 😆
thank as always Mrs.B!
How cLouD THe DeViL LoVe a PeRsoN THe DeViL HaTes eVeRyoNe iN THis woRLD He caN'T sTaND us B̊eiNg HaPPy
🌸 ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒˢᵐ
Part two was garbage - not worth seeing. Rosemary's Baby is my favorite movie.
I heard
Part 2 is boring
Fucked up flick!
not for me
Don't bother with 2 it's rubbish
The sequel is crap, as is usually the case.
I bet it is
Never really liked this movie maybe worth a watch I guess.
slow movie