Nje njeri shum shum i madh, ka nje Retorike shum te Pastert, nje Njeri shum i menqur dhe nje njeri jashtezakonisht i lehte per ta ndigjuar duke folur. Azem Vllasi eshte nje Helmut Schmid Shqiptar....! E pershendes nga Zvicrra Ing. Shaip Krasniqi nga Gjakova
Ky trim hero po i perngjan shum ukshin Hotit esht shum njeri i mencur.asht ujk per serbin.Zoteri Azem vllasi shum Rrespekt per ty nete njejten koh gjith te mirat per ty dhe familjes sate Rrofsh sa malet e shciperis
he is the head and the brain who knows the most for Serbia very sad he’s not in parliament in in Greece has the city they’re called Kret in Albanian has a mean means at all Phillozofs came from there thousands of years ago whole world learn something from them if you want to believe was more Albanians when Greeks Alexander the great doesn’t mean anything in all languages of God created but in Albanian has it mean big dream and everything came like a dream Azem vllasi how’s the mine .........
Albini mir është me mar Bacin vllasi ne partie,ka përvojë e ka njohuri intelegjent i ndihmon Albinit tonë...🇦🇱🇧🇦🇭🇷🇨🇭🇨🇦
Nje njeri shum shum i madh, ka nje Retorike shum te Pastert, nje Njeri shum i menqur dhe nje njeri jashtezakonisht i lehte per ta ndigjuar duke folur. Azem Vllasi eshte nje Helmut Schmid Shqiptar....! E pershendes nga Zvicrra Ing. Shaip Krasniqi nga Gjakova
.. Ivo volta
Baca Azem shum njeri i sinqert respekt 👍👍👍
jeshum politikan i aft kam shum respekf per ju juroj xhithatmirat ne familje elmi tusha
ka me ardhe koha kur azem vllasi ka mu mbajt mend si gjergj kastrioti [skenderbeu] sot.............
fitim elezi e vertet
Ky trim hero po i perngjan shum ukshin Hotit esht shum njeri i mencur.asht ujk per serbin.Zoteri Azem vllasi shum Rrespekt per ty nete njejten koh gjith te mirat per ty dhe familjes sate Rrofsh sa malet e shciperis
Njeri I papar poltikan shum I zoti qe e njeh politiken uj
Azem Vllasi e din Edhe sa zorrë ne bark i kan shkit
Eine braut kommt selten allein
he is the head and the brain who knows the most for Serbia very sad he’s not in parliament in in Greece has the city they’re called Kret in Albanian has a mean means at all Phillozofs came from there thousands of years ago whole world learn something from them if you want to believe was more Albanians when Greeks Alexander the great doesn’t mean anything in all languages of God created but in Albanian has it mean big dream and everything came like a dream Azem vllasi how’s the mine .........
njeri i menqur njeer me experiens,,,,,,
çfar do te thote fjala ANETEMI?...________________genova____________________italy.
Miku me i mire i milosevicit
Ja paske fut si kavi peles mos fol kur nuk mer vesh ky ka qen i burgosur me urdher te millosheviqit ose je i ri ose je total i pa informum