  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
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    I did not become affirming overnight. It took me about 11 years. The “cues” I talk about in this video were not what changed my heart fully… but they were moments in my life that got me to dig deeper.
    And before anyone quotes scriptures, please know that I am well acquainted with all the verses you may quote on this topic. If you want to believe being gay is a sin - you can take verses from the Bible and “prove” that its a sin. However, if you really want to figure out God’s heart on the matter - you can’t just pick Bible verses. You have to do an earnest deep dive. You have to look at the ancient Greek and Hebrew. For a little while, I put the conversation with God on hold while I was in the limelight of being a touring Christian artist. And I was thankful the topic of homosexuality never really came up because I was so conflicted. I didn’t want to talk about it. But in the last few years, since being married to the love of my life and being off tour and having my own faith challenged through life circumstances - I picked that conversation with God back up. And I dove deep.
    As a Christian, I believe that Scripture informs our walk, but an encounter with the Holy Spirit can change everything. Through my cues as an adult, it was as if God was allowing me to feel the weight of it all. This was the beginning. And I read my Bible, and listened to podcasts, researched the Greek and Hebrew, watched youtube videos… I did the work. All while listening to God’s voice speak to me.
    Fear not. God used my human experiences to allow me to ask the hard questions, and bring me to a greater understanding.
    Below I have listed some potentially helpful resources if you want to do your own work. :) I highly recommend Sarah Bessey’s article first. She helped me see so clearly.
    Sarah Bessey's article on affirmation:
    List of books to read on LGBTQ Christianity (Stolen from Sarah Bessey):
    Jeff Chu: Does Jesus Really Love Me? A Gay Christian’s Search for God in America
    Rev. Emmy Kegler: One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins
    Matthew Vines: God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships
    Dr. David P. Gushee: Changing Our Minds
    Vicky Beeching: Undivided: Coming Out, Becoming Whole, and Living Free from Shame
    ♥ Hit SUBSCRIBE, and never miss out on a peek into my crazy life ☼
    Music Cred:
    * Eventide’s Website:
    * Eventide on Spotify:
    * Eventide on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: @eventide_music
    * Eventide on Facebook: /
    ► Thank you SO much for watching! I am grateful for each one of you. ☺
    Let's get SOCIAL!
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  • @KK-ko5rq
    @KK-ko5rq 5 років тому +39

    I'm crying. You have no idea what this means to me. I struggled my whole life with my pansexual identity, and I knew family members and the church wouldnt accept me. It made me feel like a person less than worth of God's love and is why I turned from any sort of religion. How could I believe someone would love me if they didn't love all of me, and a huge part of who I am. I couldn't change that I love a person's soul and not their outer shell. There aren't enough words to thank you for taking this brave step out.

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +4

      oh my sweet, caroline. you are deeply loved. thank YOU for being authentically you.

    • @stefanosgr1234567
      @stefanosgr1234567 4 роки тому

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      *The thing that gets me the most about pro LGBT+ Christians today is that I don't think the basis of their arguments are coming from the Bible but from society. The Bible clearly shows that God despises homosexuality but society is saying that "love is love". So it makes me wonder who these "christians" are following: God or Man?*

    • @KK-ko5rq
      @KK-ko5rq 3 роки тому

      @@stefanosgr1234567 no thanks, have a nice life

    • @KK-ko5rq
      @KK-ko5rq 3 роки тому +1

      @@stefanosgr1234567 okay....I don't believe the Bible so I don't have to follow it. If you believe being gay is bad, don't be gay, but don't force those of us who don't believe in your religion to follow your religion. I'm not forcing you to practice Wiccan or Islam so respect my choice not to follow your religion. There are so many different kinds of Christian sects who believe all kinds of things. The Bible was written by man and man has continually changed religions. If you think you are following the same type of Christianity that was first practiced you are very wrong. If you are following this kind of Christianity you preach, I don't think Jesus would appreciate your publishing of naked women on your page. Go fix your own stuff before coming at others

  • @malp292
    @malp292 2 роки тому +3

    The Bible is a library of old books that reflects the values of the age back when it was written. On the subject of Homosexuality, the Bible has no clear answers. While some would say it does say that Homosexuality is wrong, back in those times Homosexuality had a different meaning and not how we understand it today. There's no reason to believe what the Bible says about Sex, any more than what it says about the world been created in 6 days. The message of Jesus is about how we should love and care for others and not judge them. If more people were to heed his message this world would be a far better place for all. ( I am a Lesbian and a Christian myself)

  • @veronicapaxton9166
    @veronicapaxton9166 3 роки тому +11

    Following Jesus means giving up what WE want and stop living for ourselves and the culture and instead live for Jesus. God takes over the desires of our heart, He becomes our #1, not our sexuality or our relationships. Our society is so obsessed with sexuality and relationships and who you marry, God should be WAYY above all of these things. You are not supposed to look like the rest of the world. We don't hold people accountable who do not follow Jesus but being a Christian is a lot more than support and love everyone, Jesus sat with sinners He didn't sin with them.

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      You don't get to tell other Christians what to think.

    • @veronicapaxton9166
      @veronicapaxton9166 2 роки тому +1

      @@StevenWaling I actually didn't? this is biblical so if you have a problem with it take it up with God.

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому +1

      @@veronicapaxton9166 No it is not 'biblical'. It is your homophobic church's erroneous, evil interpretation of the bible. You do not own the bible. Neither you nor any evangelical has the right to tell anyone except their own small-minded homophobic what it means. Real Christians can interpret it properly.

    • @veronicapaxton9166
      @veronicapaxton9166 2 роки тому +2

      no its biblical. not my opinion not the churches opinion its God's word. God gives us so much more than the world or sex could ever provide for us. in him we find freedom, not in our sexuality.
      Galatians 2:20
      I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
      Luke 9:23
      And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Galatians 5:24
      And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. John 12:24
      Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
      2 Corinthians 5:17
      Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
      Matthew 10:38
      And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
      I could go on and on. I don't listen to my church I listen to the word of God. I'd love to have sex before marriage, God says no, so I die to that desire and trust him plan, thats an example of this.
      1 Corinthians 6:9-11
      Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat peoplenone of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
      1 Timothy 1:8-10
      Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine ....
      Jude 7
      And don't forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God's judgment.

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      @@veronicapaxton9166 No it's not biblical. Do some study outside your homophobic fundamentalist bubble.

  • @Em-ru6wi
    @Em-ru6wi 4 роки тому +12

    You ARE brave! I am Christian and gay. It takes courage to go against church doctrine. Thank you for reading the Bible for yourself and speaking out.

    • @estellexlx
      @estellexlx 3 роки тому +1

      Why are you a Christian if you go against the Bible?

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +2

      *The thing that gets me the most about pro LGBT+ Christians today is that I don't think the basis of their arguments are coming from the Bible but from society. The Bible clearly shows that God despises homosexuality but society is saying that "love is love". So it makes me wonder who these "christians" are following: God or Man?*

    • @peterwilkins507
      @peterwilkins507 3 роки тому

      @@starhunter9085 Please be quiet homophobe

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому

      @@peterwilkins507 *Insults≠facts*

    • @peterwilkins507
      @peterwilkins507 3 роки тому

      @@starhunter9085No ppl just have a different interpretation bigot and you don't like it

  • @spenceranderson478
    @spenceranderson478 5 років тому +13

    unconditional love? yes. affirmation? that’s where the line needs to be drawn. reading that last comment where you mentioned how our understanding of god is changing got me thinking even more. while all of those old testament ‘rules/commandments’ can at times seem very outdated and almost irrelevant to today’s society, man shall not sleep with man is different. if we are to affirm ,for example, having 2 dads raise a child in a gay couple that is compromising so much more than one old testament rule. the bible goes into so much depth about the importance of the individual roles of the father and the mother, and with no defined father and mother in a relationship we would simply have to rely on our own understanding to figure things out. that will never work. the father mother relationship is a family dynamic that will be modeled by the children, and is what will shape their views of what a healthy relationship is. affirming lgbtq relationships today seems like such a tempting thing to do, and we want to be able to do it so much. however, doing so would lead to so much misguidance and no biblical framework to raising and understanding the roles of the family.
    i have been a fan of lovecollide and your channel since the first year you guys lead worship at the fastbreak conference. i took the time to write all of this because i care. keep pouring into jesus. all we can do is pour into him and listen for his voice within all of the noise of today’s society. maybe unplug. disconnect for a while and maybe take some time to lean into Him. the answers are there when we trust. again, all is said with love and i wish you guys the best. we can’t affirm anything that goes against so much of gods word

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +7

      Spencer Anderson You say some of the “rules / commandment “ can seem irrelevant... but it’s because they are. We can’t just pick an choose what we decide “fits” or what we decide is seemingly more “different” or more important. I’d also encourage you to read this article concerning the verses talking about homosexuality. It’s an interesting read!
      However - I’m kind of shocked by your stance on “with no defined father and mother in a relationship we would have to rely on our own understanding to figure things out. That will never work”. How sad I am for you! But I guess, happy for you that I can assume you had BOTH parents raise you? Do you have any idea how many children grow up without both parents? Whether due to neglect, divorce or death? And do you know how many of those children turn out to be amazing beautiful normal healthy functioning humans? Look around you! Do you not know anyone who’s been raised by a single parent? My father was! And he is the best man (Besides my husband) that I know! The most loving, understand and gentle human that I’ve ever met. His father was a DRUNK and had another family. His father was abusive and was hardly around. His mother raised him and his 2 siblings ALONE. She worked 2 jobs while going to night school, just to put food on the table for 3 kids living in inner city Detroit in the 1960s. And she got them out of there! On her back! Alone! My dad worked his tail off and is now very well respected in his practice living a very different lifestyle all because of his mom. And only his mom.
      Also, have you ever considered orphans? Who have 0 parents??
      And also, God is not just our father.... he is also out mother. And the Bible makes such comparisons! God is both.
      And roles? I can hardly get started on gender roles. Besides the fact that I’m the one with childbirth capabilities - Adam and my roles are reversed. We are well aware that when we have kids HE will likely fill role of “mother like tendencies” and I will often fill the “father like tendencies”. But who the heck is to say how we are supposed to function?
      The only role we are supposed to have as a family is to love.

    • @spenceranderson478
      @spenceranderson478 5 років тому +2

      @@Lauren_DeLeary Lauren, at the end of the day, the reason we keep any law or commandment that is in the bible is because we love jesus and want to be more like him. There are 3 different types of laws in the bible (civil/ceremonial/moral), and they all are applied to different circumstances. If we are fervently seeking after God and asking him for wisdom, the truth will make itself clear.
      We live in an imperfect world that often times leads to children having broken family relationships and/or no parents at all. The reason i said "with no defined father and mother in a relationship we would have to rely on our own understanding to figure things out. That will never work" is because we were talking about a specific example. This happens all the time and i understand that but the issue i have with your video is that you are AFFIRMING it. If you know the truth and the biblical standards that God has laid out for us in the bible about the roles of family members, then how can you affirm ,for example, two parents of the same gender raising children. I guess i just don't understand how you can AFFIRM any alternative lifestyles (that are more often that not secular) than what is laid out in the bible for us already. If we are seeking after god and using his words to back up our opinions, then we need to be using all of it. Nonbelievers often comment on how they believe christians to be inconsistent because they break some rules and follow others. However, I can eat shellfish (which is technically not allowed by the old testament) confidently knowing that that was simply a civil rule of the time that can be dismissed in today's day and age.
      But like i said earlier, the implications of dismissing the "man shall not sleep with man" compromise the whole bible. When we analyze the bible the one consistency is relationships. Healthy relationships between a mother and father are laid out in the bible and we need to stand up for that as Christians.
      Lastly, God is our father. God will fulfill every role we need him to in our life, so there is not need to call him our mother when we can see in the bible that he is referenced as our father every time. The bible explains this by calling God the Groom waiting for his Bride (the earth). The bible explains in Galations 3:8 that men and woman are equal. Equality. This being said there are also roles that are played by the father and the mother. The father is the spiritual leader of the household and the mother should submit to this. The verse continues to say that husbands need to love their wives and not be harsh with them. The roles are different, but they are not unequal by any means.
      While you and adam have very distinct personalities that probably dictate different relationship dynamics, the roles are laid out in the bible still. Adam could act as a "stay-at-home mom" if that is how you guys want to do things while STILL being the spiritual leader of the household.
      When you wrote "But who the heck is to say how we are supposed to function?" it made me sad, because God did. He gave us a framework, so we would have spiritual guidance in our day-to-day lives as well as morals to fight for and stand up for.
      All of this being said, i admire you for your boldness. Thank you for creating a space that allows us to have this dialogue in the first place and I am willing to clarify anything if you want/need!! :))

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +3

      Spencer Anderson well I appreciate you willing to communicate. Always down for a good convo! And we are each all learning. :) So, the work is never done! I’m interested to know what you’d think of the link I mentioned in the comment above. Just curious! Thanks again for putting in the time to talk!

    • @spenceranderson478
      @spenceranderson478 5 років тому +1

      @@Lauren_DeLeary Thank you! I read the link, and feel as it if even makes my point stronger. God laid out the plan and framework. Man and Woman. Adam and Eve. Any relationship otherwise isn't a godly covenant meant by god. Even if the bible has no verse saying "Men shall not sleep with men", the bible lays the framework for a relationship between a man and a woman that we couldn't turn a blind eye to even if we wanted to.
      You are so right. All we can do is keep seeking his truth. Best wishes and thanks again for the talk

    • @SmokeyRoseWolf
      @SmokeyRoseWolf 5 років тому +1

      As a human, I completely believe that a community raises a child - one or two people cannot raise a good, honorable human - you need a community. A community with different people - man, women, neighbors, other children, teachers, etc will raise your children - so they’ll meet women or men if their parents are the same sex - they will have examples - make sure they have good examples regardless of their or your own sexuality.

  • @SarahNorris
    @SarahNorris 5 років тому +5

    I can relate to this a lot. So great to find other LGBTQ+ affirming Christians! 🌈❤️

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому

      Sarah E N I’m glad to know you too!! 🥰

    • @zacharycooney6436
      @zacharycooney6436 4 роки тому

      thank u from a LGBTQ+ member thank u for standing up for love

  • @gospelpreacher2838
    @gospelpreacher2838 4 роки тому +5

    Read Romans chapter 1 read Leviticus 18:22 read Leviticus 20:13 read 1st Corinthians 6:9

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      You don't get to tell anyone else what those verses mean. You don't own the bible.

  • @florincalinescuSB
    @florincalinescuSB Місяць тому

    JOHN 8:9-11 ...and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; GO, AND FROM NOW ON SIN NO MORE.” Lauren, remember this...Jesus loves the sinner, but nobody will leave the same after they experienced His love and forgiveness. Tolerating a "sinful lifestyle" is in contradiction to God's word. Read more the Bible and pray that GOD will help you understand His will.

  • @margsimmons4692
    @margsimmons4692 5 років тому +8

    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
    1 CORINTHIANS 6:9‭-‬10 NASB

  • @jesuslives1272
    @jesuslives1272 4 роки тому +3

    GOD said man and woman. Period. This makes me crazy because I looked up the difference between welcoming and affirming. It was saying that ‚welcoming‘ means that they’re welcome in the church with an hidden agenda, to hopefully change them and make them straight. That affirmation is making everyone equal. Well we are ALL equal, sins and All. I hated church for a long time when I was 18 and pregnant and they forced me to apologize for being pregnant out of wedlock. I don’t think it’s right that they called me out on my sin. But what about all their sins, known and unknown. But I can forgive because they’re all sinful humans and not God. I also know God was not happy for them to single me out. I also know that while I was living in sin it was always separating me from a real deep relationship with God and keeping from living my best life. So yes I can be bitter about being called out. Or I can be happy that God didn’t give up on me and even used what people tried to make bad into good to remind me of how much he loves me. Yes there are them who think that they’re better and can only define a person by their sin or sins and forget to see the person as a whole. those people will be judged by God. But that doesn’t make the sin not a sin. Just to make us feel better and more accepted. If I didn’t give into my feelings of worthlessness and feeling unloved and so alone, I would not have settled with losers and I would be living the best life that God I tended for me A LONG time ago. We cannot blot out the truth to make people feel better. We need to blot out the disgusting ‘Christians’ who act more like Pharisees than Jesus!!

  • @RyanGrandon
    @RyanGrandon 3 роки тому +2

    you dont beleive the Bible, God's word, and what it says. you want to create your own faith like your at a all you can eat buffet, picking and choosing what you want to beleive. you may think you're spiritual but dont thing you are close to the one and true living God with these sinful affirming comments leading people straight to hell.

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому +1

      You don't get to tell any other Christian how to interpret the Bible. You don't own the bible.

  • @Khulismonica
    @Khulismonica 3 роки тому +2

    Creating a God after your own image to suit what you want to do will only lead you to be condemned. Do not deceive yourself and your followers. God is the same yesterday today and forever. Human beings may change but he remains the same, he cannot lie to himself.The cross of Christ demands that we die to ourselves and what we want to do. The heart is greatly deceiving

  • @BR-nv8bw
    @BR-nv8bw 4 роки тому +13

    Doesn’t it feel so much better to be affirming rather than against their love? :)

  • @dreyddog19
    @dreyddog19 Рік тому +2

    I don't know you but thank you for doing this. This might have saved some young kids life.

  • @NC-vz6ui
    @NC-vz6ui 3 роки тому +4

    You are a hero! Thank you! God is moving.

  • @born2lateboohoo
    @born2lateboohoo 5 років тому +24

    God bless you Lauren. My partner and myself, of 30 years, are humbled and grateful for your true love and compassion. This is how Jesus wants us all to be. So by making us cry in gratitude, you have pleased Him. God LOVE you darling!

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +1

      Aww well now we’ve all made each other cry. ;) 💕 thank you. I’m so incredibly thankful for the grace and understanding that so many beautiful souls extend to me. I feel blessed every day and thank the Lord that He opened my eyes. God bless you. Xoxo

  • @naomis2308
    @naomis2308 4 роки тому +11

    thank you so much! I'm bisexual, but my parents would never allow/agree with it. I was outed nearly three years ago, and my mom cried and cried and cried. She was hurt so bad. Now, she thinks I'm over the "phase." In reality, I'm more sure of the fact that I am bisexual, and that I want to serve Jesus forever. I'm only 15 (almost 16), but I plan on going to be an affirming church when I'm older. Thank you again!!

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  4 роки тому

      Naomi Solomon Aw that pains me to hear your hurt and theirs too. I’m happy you have gained more confidence in your sexuality though. If you’re ever in Nashville - you should visit gracepointe :)

  • @FrankstaAnderson
    @FrankstaAnderson Рік тому

    You say you’re closer to God how can you be closer to God by embracing what the Bible opposes? love is not love Bible says love is heterosexual only and why do you need a conversation with God when the Bible clearly says about the subject? Homosexuals and all people need to hear the gospel that they can be reconciled to god and their sins can be forgiven, affirming their lifestyle does them no good you are very deeply deceived you need to repent

  • @mrsjulier
    @mrsjulier 3 роки тому +16

    Thank you for this. I am also now an LGBTQ+ affirming Christian. You've given me the courage to be vocal about it.

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  3 роки тому


    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      *My main problem with the rainbow argument is that every single reason they give to try and justify it can be used for every other sexual scenario too.*
      *Two consenting adults: Adultery is between two consenting adults.*
      *It's found in the animal kingdom: Pee...dough...feel ya and rayp are also found in the animal kingdom.*
      *It's not a choice: Neck...row.. feel...ya is a men-tall diz-order therefore not a choice*
      *It can be safe if you use protection: Incest can be "safe" if you use protection*
      *Love is love no matter who it's for: So if you want to love someone's lover, it's all fine?*

    • @wishingonthemoon1
      @wishingonthemoon1 2 роки тому

      You’re not alone! 🙌🏽

  • @emilylloyd1684
    @emilylloyd1684 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for this

  • @thehippiecatholic
    @thehippiecatholic 5 років тому +8

    I’m really proud of you! I just found your channel. Thank you so much for choosing to stand as an ally and stand for love. It’s so important for Christians to be able to stand up and say that they affirm queer people, because not enough churches are doing it.
    I love your content, dear! Keep up the awesome work!
    Sending love from a fellow LBGTQ+ Affirming Christian youtuber,
    ~Kassidy ❤️🍃

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +1

      the HippieCatholic awww love! Thanks so much! Love your username btw! Haha. So cute. I often consider myself quite hippie like ;) hehe. Proud of you!! Glad you’re standing for love too! It’s so important. Continue to be a light like I know you are!!

    • @thehippiecatholic
      @thehippiecatholic 5 років тому +1

      L A U R E N thank you ❤️❤️❤️ if you have extra time at some point, I’d appreciate it if you checked out my channel. I make videos about Christianity and I do a lot of reviews of books and movies, along with vlogs from a liberal, Catholic perspective. I’ve been binging your content this morning lol. Your bunny is adorable ❤️ I’ve got two buns myself.
      I appreciate your kind words and can’t wait to see more of your videos 💕

  • @lifeoflaroda
    @lifeoflaroda 3 роки тому +2

    I’m having trouble finding that Bible verse where God states that, “love is love.”

  • @wishingonthemoon1
    @wishingonthemoon1 2 роки тому

    PRAISE GOD!!!!

  • @ChildOfThe1970s
    @ChildOfThe1970s 3 роки тому +6

    This is the type of watered down "Christianity" that won't call sin what it is and instead seeks to make everyone feel comfortable. Of course we should love sinners, which is what we all are and what Jesus said to do, but Jesus never gave us permission to continue living in sin without feeling conviction. Read how many times he told people "Go and sin no more." With this woman's outlook, I suppose that fornication is also acceptable? If Romans Chapter 1 which teaches homosexuality is of a reprobate mind is to be ignored, then how about the rest of Scriptural teaching? Shall we just pick and choose what to accept and ignore?

    • @objective-draw2818
      @objective-draw2818 3 роки тому +1

      People tend to choose scriptures to attack others in the lgbtq community. God does love each and every one of us equally. I'd you should ask me people should talk a deeper look into the bible and its scriptures, instead of looking at just one and deciding the entirety of it
      Edit: also god never makes mistakes. It isnt your choIce to be gay, bi, ace, etc. So If you are apart of the LGBTQ community christian affirming or not God wanted you that way. And he loves you that way

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      You don't own the bible. You don't get to tell other Christians what it means.

    • @juqeboxmedia
      @juqeboxmedia Рік тому

      A police officer doesn’t own your car but they are put in place to make sure you travel safely and keep others safe as well…just like a math teacher doesn’t own your Brain but you were taught 2 plus 2 equals 4, So you can go through life knowing basic math. The Bible was given as a simple basis in what to do or not do while in this life, both as a Christian or someone who claims to know and love God ie John 14:15-24 where Jesus says “if you love me, keep my commandments. And also even for Non Christian’s to live by( thou shalt not steal) for example. but even more so if you claim to be a believer then there are indeed commands we are to uphold that the world doesn’t because they aren’t claiming to be his. You don’t go in McDonald’s demanding tacos simply because you have a taste for one. So why are people demanding the church change its stance on things the Bible says is wrong? And even worse, the church actually yielding to it?

  • @MetalVania
    @MetalVania 2 роки тому +1

    I love you and everyone in the name of Jesus. But If you or anyone have truly studied and dove deep into the scriptures to know God is ok with LGBTQ then tell me. Because I happen to be a man of God. And I am giving you or anyone the opportunity to prove me wrong. I can tell you wont be able to. But bring it on.

  • @danaslitlist1
    @danaslitlist1 5 років тому +6

    This hit so close to home for me and brought me to tears. As a bisexual Christian, who just recently came out to her family (thankfully they’re so supportive) it is so hard to find real love and acceptance within the church and defend your faith when people (mainly believers) try to say it’s one or the other. So thank you for this, truly 💖

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +2

      Dana S awww sending you love, friend! Our sexuality does not and will not ever challenge God’s love for us. Being true to ourselves and the way God made us is the holiest thing we can do / be. :)

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому

      *The thing that gets me the most about pro LGBT+ Christians today is that I don't think the basis of their arguments are coming from the Bible but from society. The Bible clearly shows that God despises homosexuality but society is saying that "love is love". So it makes me wonder who these "christians" are following: God or Man?*

    • @Khulismonica
      @Khulismonica 3 роки тому +1

      @@Lauren_DeLeary Holiness is not being true to ourselves. which scripture is that? Holiness is about honoring God and doing that which pleases God. Some of you need to get a hold of a Bible, seat down somewhere and read.

  • @s2Cappuccinos2
    @s2Cappuccinos2 4 роки тому

    Sam Allberry

  • @mr.fanstastic9010
    @mr.fanstastic9010 2 роки тому +1

    Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11

  • @jasminewaldo7045
    @jasminewaldo7045 3 роки тому +3

    I saw you being interviewed on a Refinery29 video. I see this video was a year ago but I want to say thank you for speaking out.

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      *The thing that gets me the most about pro LGBT+ Christians today is that I don't think the basis of their arguments are coming from the Bible but from society. The Bible clearly shows that God despises homosexuality but society is saying that "love is love". So it makes me wonder who these "christians" are following: God or Man?*

    • @jasminewaldo7045
      @jasminewaldo7045 3 роки тому

      @@starhunter9085 Christians that support LGBT+ people are largely looking to include more people in the experience of having a relationship with God as, Jesus would do, rather than exclude them.

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      @@jasminewaldo7045 *Jesus ate with sinners but he didn't become a sinner. He associated with them to show them the righteous path and He was kind and loving to draw them in. Loving someone doesn't mean supporting evil and condoning something that God clearly despises. We're supposed to love and be kind to gay people but we're not supposed to start supporting their actions and letting it invade and taint the faith. Love and acceptance are two different things, you can love someone without accepting their lifestyle and vice versa.*

    • @jasminewaldo7045
      @jasminewaldo7045 3 роки тому

      Not sure why my replies keep disappearing but basically Jesus never said anything about homosexuality and therefore the narrative of anti-lgbt Christians is flawed. Also most advocate for the oppression, hate, and abuse of lgbt people. Which certainly is not love.

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      @@jasminewaldo7045 *UA-cam censors anything they can get their hands on, just try to be more cryptic with certain words. Jesus defined marriage being between a man and his wife affirming that's the way God intended. The "Jesus never mentioned homosexuality" excuse is one of the weakest mental gymnastics cases for the Bible supposedly being LGBT affirming. Also most people are silently in disagreement of LGBT but that doesn't mean hatred. Woke Culture has twisted the meaning of the word "hate".*

  • @margsimmons4692
    @margsimmons4692 5 років тому +12

    In Romans 1:26-27, Paul said, “For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.” The Bible says homosexuality is against God’s natural law with severe consequences. You can be forgiven of homosexuality. You can be forgiven of any sin. But to be forgiven of a sin, you must admit you have sinned. The Bible prohibits homosexual behavior.
    The New Testament also prohibits homosexual marriage. Jesus talked about this in Matthew 19. The Pharisees said, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” (v. 3).
    Jesus answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (vv. 4-6). Jesus was saying, “If you want to know the answer to the divorce question, then let’s look at God’s original plan for marriage. Genesis says marriage is one man with one woman for a lifetime.” By affirming God’s standard, Jesus was saying that any deviation from that standard-not just gay marriage but any deviation, such as adultery, premarital sex, or unbiblical divorce-is sin because it doesn’t measure up to the perfect standard of God. Jesus said marriage is one man with one woman for a lifetime.
    Some people say, “I wish we didn’t talk about gay marriage; it is so controversial.” We do not do the world a favor when we stay silent. God has spoken about this issue; we dare not be silent.

    • @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv
      @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv 5 років тому +3

      People like you have a real problem with context Marg. You ignore the domino effect of all the previous verses that sets up the verses you mention to get what you want to get from them, Romans chapter one hating gays. Paul is talking about a people who turned from worshipping the true creator to worshipping creatures and human images to where they are at a point God wipes His hands of them and leaves them to the devices of their own dark hearts. This is not about a homosexuality, this is about idolatry and the specific idolatrous practices Paul saw in Corinth (Paul wrote Romans in the city of Corinth, an idolatry mecca). Paul is talking about a local group in Romans because he says 'theleiai auton' ("females of THEM") and is using them as an example of the debasement idolatry will take you. Because Christ doesn't specifically mention gay unions in this one instant means He's against homosexual unions? You're reading prohibition from absence, a dangerous way of approaching the Bible.

    • @born2lateboohoo
      @born2lateboohoo 5 років тому +1

      Wow I love Franc Cadmus' reply to you. But I just want you to know Marg that much of your 'testimony' here is complete hypocrisy. More that 50% of all straight marriages end in divorce. So, since the Bible indicates divorce is sin, then who the hell are straight people to judge us? Sin is sin. That's why Jesus said, "Those of you without sin cast the first stone..." YOU think it's sin, WE know it is absolutely NOT. But you simply have no right to stick your nose in our business because YOU YOURSELVES are not perfect. Again, sin is sin, and even those couples who have not divorced have committed sin in some form or another. Let alone the fact that homosexuality is a complete norm in the animal kingdom as well. There are even sex changes!! (Google it. There are women fish who turn male when the male that was guarding his harem dies); it is just a reality that has always been and will always be; The word homoSEXuality makes people think of the sex. It is not about sex. It's about who you are comfortable with. Some women cannot feel comfortable with a man, and visa-versa. And , I have news for you: HeteroSEXuality has the "sex" word in it too, but in Victorian times they wouldn't even admit they had STRAIGHT sex! Ignorance runs rampant; just how stupid it is depends on the times you are living in. People have a propensity to feel fear, hatred and / or disgust, etc., if other people are too different from themselves. Jesus tried to correct this. Live and let live.

  • @caleconrad2332
    @caleconrad2332 4 роки тому +1

    dude. heck yes. This is where I am living right now too, this is cool. pumped to hear a podcast.

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  4 роки тому

      Cale Conrad 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

    • @caleconrad2332
      @caleconrad2332 4 роки тому

      @@Lauren_DeLeary for sure! I was just a guest on a podcast talking about this same thing, and little "t" trauma.

  • @kimmurray1109
    @kimmurray1109 4 роки тому +1

    I’m curious if you ever did a follow up video on this? I’m just starting my own journey! ❤️

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  4 роки тому

      KIM MURRAY hi! I never did a follow up video. However - I’m most active on these sort of things on my Instagram. Are you an instagram user?

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      *My main problem with the rainbow argument is that every single reason they give to try and justify it can be used for every other sexual scenario too.*
      *Two consenting adults: Adultery is between two consenting adults.*
      *It's found in the animal kingdom: Pee...dough...feel ya and rayp are also found in the animal kingdom.*
      *It's not a choice: Neck...row.. feel...ya is a men-tall diz-order therefore not a choice*
      *It can be safe if you use protection: Incest can be "safe" if you use protection*
      *Love is love no matter who it's for: So if you want to love someone's lover, it's all fine?*

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      @@starhunter9085 Your problem is that you hate LGBT+ people. You need to repent.

  • @betsylynnvedrine9083
    @betsylynnvedrine9083 4 роки тому +8

    Now I’m confused. I Corinthians 6:9-10 , Eph 5:5, Galatians 5:19-21...Are we trying to make it to heaven?

    • @Natalie-mr1du
      @Natalie-mr1du 3 роки тому

      Don’t be deceived by these people

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому

      None of those verses you've ripped out of context are to do with homosexuality. The first one does mention pederasty. The other two are again about exploitative sex connected to idolatry. And the Ephesians one isn't even by Paul.

  • @jaredpinkney94
    @jaredpinkney94 5 років тому +5

    I think it was Paul who spoke against homosexuality in the new testament. Which a lot of times Paul was speaking to the gentiles, which would be us. I think it's very important not to get caught up in our feelings on the pursuit of truth, and I could be wrong but that might be a strong possibility why you struggled with this for so long. With all due respect, we as people tend to get defensive about out own thoughts and opinions we hold dear. But women typically hold their feelings a little tighter than men. I have several other reasons, but I'll just start with that one.

  • @gospelpreacher2838
    @gospelpreacher2838 4 роки тому +3

    1st Corinthians 6:9

  • @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv
    @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv 5 років тому +15

    I believe the power of the Holy Spirit is changing hearts like yours. I decided years ago to really look at what the Bible said about homosexuality and accept what it had to say one way or the other. What I found blew me away with what were biased translations who never claimed to be inspired with the words they interpreted and traditions of men condemning homosexuals and not a condemnation from the actual Word of God. There's a reason most Bible scholars outside of Evangelical schools don't see homosexuality as sin. Sadly, they are silent ones while anti-gay Christians are the loudest and have become the face of Christianity to the unbelieving world. God bless you on your journey Lauren.

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  5 років тому +2

      Frank Cadmus wow. Thank you for your love and support. That is so touching to hear what you believe. I also believe the Holy Spirit is at work. God bless you, friend. :)

    • @starhunter9085
      @starhunter9085 3 роки тому +1

      *My main problem with the rainbow argument is that every single reason they give to try and justify it can be used for every other sexual scenario too.*
      *Two consenting adults: Adultery is between two consenting adults.*
      *It's found in the animal kingdom: Pee...dough...feel ya and rayp are also found in the animal kingdom.*
      *It's not a choice: Neck...row.. feel...ya is a men-tall diz-order therefore not a choice*
      *It can be safe if you use protection: Incest can be "safe" if you use protection*
      *Love is love no matter who it's for: So if you want to love someone's lover, it's all fine?*

    • @ZJ-kl4hu
      @ZJ-kl4hu 2 роки тому +1

      But truthfully, we don't have to justify anything. If no ones getting hurt, thats the key. Rape involves pain and trauma. But me and my long term spouse? I LOVE sleeping with him, lmao.

    • @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv
      @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv 2 роки тому

      @@starhunter9085 I hold the Biblical model of marriage for myself and that involves not committing adultery. This will shock you, but homosexual unbelievers are just as monogamous and promiscuous as heterosexual unbelievers. It's funny you bring up the animal kingdom when the big anti-gay Christian argument of the past was that there was no homosexuality in the animal kingdom, so that shows how it goes against nature. Not only do we now know there's homosexuality, but there are also animals that can change their sex. So much for the "nature" argument. The incest example cuts both ways. If it's a man with a woman, then why not incest as long as it's not homosexuality because a brother and sister can still procreate, your big argument of why a man should be with a woman, procreation. Incest has always been repellent to both gays and straights in every time period and in every culture. It ISN'T a choice and who would know? You or me? Call me crazy, but I believe what comes out of the horse's mouth. Maybe think your points through before you make them.

  • @juqeboxmedia
    @juqeboxmedia Рік тому

    A police officer doesn’t own your car but they are put in place to make sure you travel safely and keep others safe as well…just like a math teacher doesn’t own your Brain but you were taught 2 plus 2 equals 4, So you can go through life knowing basic math. The Bible was given as a simple basis in what to do or not do while in this life, both as a Christian or someone who claims to know and love God ie John 14:15-24 where Jesus says “if you love me, keep my commandments. And also even for Non Christian’s to live by( thou shalt not steal) for example. but even more so if you claim to be a believer then there are indeed commands we are to uphold that the world doesn’t because they aren’t claiming to be his. You don’t go in McDonald’s demanding tacos simply because you have a taste for one. So why are people demanding the church change its stance on things the Bible says is wrong? And even worse, the church actually yielding to it? Lauren, I urge you to please ask God to bring someone in your life that will truly help you understand Gods words. And them teach you in a loving way.

  • @kennethmorris4981
    @kennethmorris4981 10 місяців тому

    First of all, that's impossible to be both!

  • @emilyheller2993
    @emilyheller2993 4 роки тому

    Hi Lauren, I too as a Christian have wrestled with the lgbtq + affirming upbringing I had in a Christian family and what other Christian friends and communities have shown me in the Bible. Can I ask how you think about those passages in the Bible? Feel free to message me on Facebook if you'd rather continue the conversation there :-)

  • @alezandradavila2581
    @alezandradavila2581 4 роки тому

    Thanks for being true to yourself

    • @MST24
      @MST24 3 роки тому

      better to be true to the Word

  • @HHHunters
    @HHHunters 5 років тому

    What does it mean to be gay?

  • @estherthompson5184
    @estherthompson5184 4 роки тому +1

    Ahhh thankyou for this video. I am also a lgbtq* affirming Christian. It’s so nice to find other people with the same beliefs as me 💖

    • @Lauren_DeLeary
      @Lauren_DeLeary  4 роки тому +1

      Esther Thompson ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @margsimmons4692
    @margsimmons4692 5 років тому +1

    That word is an unusual word. It’s a new word; we don’t know of any other instances of the word until Paul coins the word in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1. It’s a compound word: “arsen” means man and “koite” or “koitas” or “koitai”-depending on a verb or a noun-means bed. It’s men who bed with other men.

    • @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv
      @inYTbio_SiteLINKs2Verses_Bruv 5 років тому

      The literal reading is "men who lay the bed."

    • @StevenWaling
      @StevenWaling 2 роки тому +1

      "arsen" actually means "male" as opposed to the Greek word "anthropos" which means "man" - that is, fully adult person with status as a man in society. That is, a free citizen, as opposed to, say, a boy or adolescent, a slave, a 'barbarian' or a an enemy. Roman men were infamous in having 'relationships' that were unequal in nature - with slaves, with adolescents and with subject peoples. It's very likely that the word 'arsenokoites' has an implicit meaning of exploitative sex. Martin Luther's translation into German translated the word as the German equivalent of 'boy-molester' and do please investigate the story of how the word came to be translated as 'homosexual' only in 1946.

  • @sophiaborse1434
    @sophiaborse1434 4 роки тому +1

    If it’s ok to do whatever you want then what was Jesus’ sacrificial death for? Why can’t all good people go to heaven?