Thanks for watching! Please leave me a comment and let me know what your favourite part of Mists of Pandaria was! Or what is your favourite World of Warcraft memory, I'd love to hear it! Be sure to leave a like and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this content!
To me, the Panderan race reminds me a lot of Tolkien’s hobbits. They’re hard to take seriously since they’re surrounded by a world full of fallen empires and races and factions hellbent on destroying eachother while they just wanna chill and yet once you look hard enough, you’d see they’re not just fun loving bears but a race that had an inner strength that’s helped them withstand countless hardships and that same strength to not let it weigh them down and sink into despair and anger. To say that such races like hobbits and pandarens shouldn’t exist just feels wrong. “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
Most beautiful expansion, the creativity of each zone and raids + the music everything is just spot on. It may take inspiration from asia but i dont see the problem with that. Alot of zones and races in wow take inspiration from the real world just like northrend took inspiration from nordic mythology, Kul Tiras and Gilneas took inspiration from UK. Uldum got Pyramids and Obelisks. Makes the zones feel authentic. the art team in this game is just unbelievable
I started playing wow in the middle of Shadowland. ;). I’ve played through the old zones to level alts. MOP is one of my favorites. I’m 67 years old. I never wasn’t to be 15 again! I’d definitely take 30 though.
MoP was incredibly good, I seriously think people that say the expansion is bad becasue of "lol Pandas" are so low IQ anyway, you don't need their take to begin with.
After all the super dramatic villains and high stakes, I honestly found MoP to be a breath of much needed fresh air. I loved the focus on cooking, farming, brews, mysterious lands, and less serious characters. It made the world feel different and real for a change, rather than always being in 100% crisis at all times. Loved the atmosphere then and I still love it now.
GOAT expansion. Best writing, questing, pvp, instances, etc. Talent rework is literally the only negative, and even then the class design was still peak. Panda haters cope crazy hard but real ones know this shits a certified Masterpiece
This was such a great video man. And, it's okay to miss Mists. It is your favorite expansion. That doesn't mean that it was bad for you. You can love it even if most other people hate it or find it mediocre. It will always be my favorite expansion because it introduced my absolute FAVORITE race into the game. I am almost always playing a Pandaren and I love their attitudes and vibes. Does it help that I'm a huge Kung Fu Panda fan? Absolutely, but that doesn't make my experience or feelings invalid, and you shouldn't feel like yours are invalid either.
I really enjoyed Pandaria when it released, I had been playing about 5yrs by that time and really enjoyed exploring an island that only been secluded by mists for so long and didn't know anything about it.. the Jade Forest is also my best impressions about it, and the drinking laid-back atmosphere about the unheeded dangers that had been boiling underneath the surface and the oncoming conflicts between Horde v Alliance that had just ignited the coast and had set blaze to the Sha's which had tested the peaceful self-control and willpower of the Pandaren they had practiced for so many generations, most often reflected image of a romanticized and apprehensive approach to actual conflict.. of which the whole of humanity can, at one point or another, relate to (because we want this life to be "nice" and "easy", and reflect on everything good while ignoring everything bad).. all the while, them maintaining cooler heads for their resolutions and determining that Hellscream singlehandedly inflamed the emotions of all of the factions involved, which had bled over from Cataclysm. I also cannot agree with you more about those dailies! oh, the Grind!! like, holy shitballs, batman!! it was after Pandaria that I took the longest break, because when WoD came out and I did the initial opening of the garrison, I saw how swampy it seemed with the dailies and said 'yep, I'm taking a break!" and didn't return until BFA! I caught up in WoD, Legion, and BFA doing the campaign questlines mostly, all before Shadowlands released (of which I was quite disappointed in, tbh lol.. surprise, surprise!! and I still think the dailies are too swampy!!).. and yet in this present moment, I find myself going back to Pandaria to finish filling out my rep, albeit more at my own pace and I still get a lot out of this past expansion.. which, for me at least, remains among one of the better ones, imho
Warlock could do everything so good. you had a spam filler that you could use on the move instead of shadow bolt and I could be wrong, but i think you could use a glyph to give you tank abilities all the time and Demonology was awesome in pvp. I got some videos from that time and we did great until they changed how pvp stats worked mid expansion. Which destroyed everything because PVE gear did just as well after that so whatever class had the most cc generally won and didnt feel gear dependant at all.
@@lockgam I just remember loving the 3 target chaos bolts lol and the huge amount of health regen if you just stacked stam you could legit tank heroics
12:29 it's actually insane hearing your tales because if i was the one saying it, i would 100% believe your memories of the expansion are my own (funnily enough exact same age as well). WoW was always something i've looked at from a distance and never being able to play myself. Then late December 2012 comes around and one of my mates wanted to play and luckily for xmas i now has the opportunity to really dive in. Windwalker monk was my first character and my one true love in the game, even though i think its been through the ringer since Legion i will always love and cherish MoP/WoD windwalker. My first character, Zhuk-Saurfang, hasn't left shrine since around January of 2014, his home is in Pandaria and i wouldn't want him anywhere else. Love the video bro and my only regret is that this wasn't recommended to me by youtube sooner.
I remember playing back in Wrath, which I know a lot of people already rate as the best, but it's great seeing another persons perspective on this. I've always thought that people remember their experiences over the features of an expansion. You tied this together really well!
Dude Mists was awesome. It was the first expansion I preordered and played at launch. I remember getting off the boat, myself and 3 or 4 friends of mine. We got to the quest where you have to fly the little helicopter thing and bomb the ships below, but there were so many people that it was blocking the field of vision for everyone. So we literally we all just hovering in a figure 8 pattern being able to see nothing but wood and scraps of paint. It was 2 in the morning and we were all crying with laughter. It was easily the most hilarious experience I've had playing the game. I miss days like that where it was just me and some friends. We weren't trying to rush to endgame to get into a raid, or to get BIS. We just played and had fun.
I miss the giant worlds that aren't packed with quests etc in every corner and feel so cramped. After MoP everything felt like some scenario instead of an open world
MOP is where I started seriously playing the game when I was in middle school. I had played a little when I was younger, and wanted so badly to play, but it wasn’t until MOP when I got a computer and my parents had enough money to pay the sub. MOP will forever hold a strong nostalgic place in my heart. It is my favorite continent in game, and to this day has the best music in the entire game.
nah fam, say what you will about your experience clouding your judgement but, I joined on the tail end of Vanilla and the best time I had playing the game was in BC. I made friendships that last to this day, I was in high school, I got a gf that I'd eventually almost marry, it was the most fun I ever had in WoW. YET, I still say with confidence that MoP was and still is the best expansion.
still to this day i don't understand why people give Cata and MoP shit for long content droughts at the end of xpac, but WoTLK can get away with a full year of ICC, oh wait i get it now, "Nostalgia"
I started playing WOW in vanilla 2005, I've played all xpecs. By the time MoP release i was very disappointed & hated it, but after playing through all the content, i completely changed my mind. The game design, the oriental architecture & environment is impressive. I miss those days farm world boss for super rare mount, love the timeless isle & throne of thunder. Over all MoP & Legion are my favorite xpecs
When MoP dropped I was captivated by the monk class and it quickly became my favorite. The music was outstanding and the visuals were different. And the hidden treasures were everywhere. And my own farm!!
The only thing I do for myself is take time to explore every expansion. I think your first exp is so special and then you learn the expectations and requirements for end game. For some that now replaces just enjoying what the whole fleet of teams creat3d for you. I cannot do that, I burn out in the grind, so I take my time to see what's going on while leveling. I have been captivated by what was created every time, even the bad systems or weak story, my wonder at what people created, the beauty, the music, all of it, blows my mind. It has since 2008 and continues to this day. After I've wrapped my head around the direction the story is taking and am invested, I then start tweaking gear for end content. Just my method of keeping engaged with a roller-coaster game I enjoy.
I cant tell you how much I was annoyed and constantly cringing at Yrel and her forced storyline in WoD. And then they made Grommash a villain we could suddenly forgive? WoD(excluding parts of Legion) and everything after was absolute dogshit. MoP was rich, in every definition of it. It was the last good expansion as far as lore and immersion imo
Whilst not disagreeing with your negatives, I do think people too are quick to say they Pandaren are a joke of a race. They more light-hearted nature could be attributed to the fact that the Sha that inhabit their land feed off negative emotions so they aim to maintain a more happy go lucky attitude. Having said that, if you go through the quests lines of all the zones, there are at times some very dark moments mixed in there. Secondly whilst you are 100% right about the architectural and design inspirations for the expansion, I personally love them and find it adds to the mystical nature of the continent and breaks it up from just being more of the same. along with that I don't think one can point to the this obviously real world inspired design without saying the same for a lot of the human architecture and design also.
Absolutely right about the Human architecture, that completely slipped my mind. Must have slipped the mind of everyone criticizing Pandaren architecture too! I never thought about that reasoning behind the Pandaren attitude thats actually quite an interesting theory
@@retro_today A lot of WoW overall of course has its inspiration coming from other fantasy settings, not that this is at all a problem though! It is for sure my head cannon as to why they are so laid back :D
It would be nice to see mop+, since it could be the last "classic" for now. I imagine it will be since wod looks a lot more like the wow we have in retail. Cata will be fun also!
A touching essay! Thanks for sharing. I started playing at the end of TBC. Rolled Alliance and was upset that nobody ever wanted to help with Halaa. So I rerolled a Horde Rogue and made Halaa my focus. To me, that's when world PVP was at its best because there were underlevels questing there that might help, which they could due to bombing. Started friending the other Halaa regulars and we'd have somewhat impromptu 40 v 40 battles Friday nights. WoW was never able to recapture that experience for me. When WLK came out, I finally started embracing the multi-player aspect of the game. Started taking raiding a bit seriously and was always very well prepared. Then Dungeon Finder came along and ruined everything. After that, the game sort of lost its touch for me. It bothered me the way "the shattering" altered old world forever. I spent almost all of Cata running folks through Karazhan that had never seen it before. MOP represented for me the first time where power levels were such that I could waltz through my old WLK stomping grounds solo. I remember watching Raegwyn back in those days, but I didn't have his level gear. Though I did do some Raid Finder and did the legendary cloak chain. So I did enjoy the MOP content mostly. I think I ended up getting both WOD and Legion once it was out for over a year and they had their xmas sale. Only played for a month or two. Never touched retail after that. Blizzard isn't Blizzard once Activision got involved.
These videos about MOP never mention how the classes were so fleshed out and fun. The reason was, Blizzard wasn't as worried about balance. Look at what the classes could do at the same time and not be gated behind a spec or class, just look at that druid spell Symbiosis or whatever it was called, it was totally not balanced but they just had fun doing it. You heard a little complaining about how all classes had a heal but the strength of heals from non healing classes weren't as bad as future expansions. It was really just a perfect time if you just wanted to enjoy the combat.
I started in wotlk, and i hear a lot of people that wotlk is the best expansion ever, but i never had as much fun as in MoP. The most fun i ever had doing all of the content the game has to offer, quests, raids and PvP. It is also the only expansion in which I enjoyed and played PvP.
To this day I still visit Halfhill now and then, listen to the music and plant/harvest some seeds. I get the downsides regarding daylis and item variations etc. but for some reason the entire look and feel of this expansion gives me goosebumps and deep nostalgia. Retail is more fast paced and progress oriented than ever which makes the majority of the player ignore everything around them. You could probably change the entire genre of WoW by now making you queue for gameplay loops right from the main menu. In MoP you also wanted to progress and gear up but the world meanwhile still felt so immersive and inviting for exploration. Miss the days!
I think your final statement about everyone's first expansion is interesting. Overall I think for a lot of people I think its being younger which made those experiences so memorable. However I also a big part is getting to experience wow for the first time, regardless of the expansion. Getting to learn about the different classes, races, zones, and so on for the very first time can only happen once. Regardless if you started in Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, CATA, MOP, ect
MoP was the best expansion for me as well. The music is amazing, the beauty of the zones and the monk class i mained. It was my first dedicaded raid guild that I got Cutting Edge with and I did hundreds of arenas and pvp, plus i got challenge mode sets on 2 classes. My guild was full of great people too. I will forever love those 2 years.
Legion was a banger, bringing closure to Sargera's crusade, but MoP introduced a whole continent and culture. I enjoyed every location I played through
Great video. I miss grinding the lore for the legendary cloak aswell. It made you do the raids and getting exalted as well as interact in the timeless isle alot. Miss the expansion so much,.
Timeless isle still is the best patch zone ive ever been in. The progression through the isle that was very well identified by how physically high you were on the island. The bosses, rhe rare pets and quirky spawns. The pvp, the aesthetic, the music, the celstials in the centre. I coukdnt stand pet battles until the celestial tournament came around and then i spent weeks grinding up pets for it. It was still much harder than any pet content ive come across so far (until it was 'solved' with defined strategy at least). 9 top tier fights without being allowed to heal, and a randomised roster to verse made it so exciting. Never before or after have i cared about pet battles as much.
i had the exact same experience with mop. It was my first expansion. I loved mop, got legendary cloak on 2 characters, leveled up every single class to 90, got 1850 rating, killed garrosh in heroic as paladin tank. killed 500 people on timeless isle for a red transparent bull toy. All while i was 14. great times
I terribly miss those days of roleplaying on Wyrmrest Accord in MoP. Most story-rich and epic server-wide storytelling there ever was, never to be seen again. If anyone creates a private server for MoP roleplay and raiding, hmu.
I love mop it was my first expansion when I started and having no clear villain in mop was my favorite. It’s why I like dragon flight so much because I just like exploring an unknown world with new cultures and traditions.
I started in wotlk and ICC was my forst raid but the readons why MoP was the best expansion: 1) most number of skills and spells, making the game most complex deep. 2) PvP was great, probably the best since it was more balanced than wotlk and even with some gamebreaking bugs. 3) LFR felt the most atractive and meaningful than before and any after, making tier 14 not so slow as other expansions, 4) pre-endgame Grinding felt not as bad as legion onwards, maybe not as good as cata but I miss MoP also on this. 6) Stats felt fun, high stats made gear progresion so scalable from fresh 90 into a beast of a char at tier 16.
the dailies were what got me to quit wow until late into SoO. I got to cap and saw a massive amount of dailies, COMBINED with the daily quest cap being removed that xpac, and just noped out. I was a no-lifer on wow throughout cata, but I wasn't about to spend my entire night after school just doing dailies every day.
One key component to the initial reception of the Pandaran race was fear. WoW had gotten easier and more casual friendly with every expansion, and when they announced that we were getting a Kung Fu Panda expansion, a lot of players thought their worst fears were realized. A lot of people didn't stick around to find out if it was good or not.
WoW players have always been fearing WoW becoming yet 1% more casual when in reality it's only been becoming sweatier with each expansion and feature they added. Classic is the best casual experience while DF is the best esports experience WoW can provide. Not even close. It's actually funny how it went under our noses but I feel like players wanted the game to be harder until they couldn't keep up with it and liked to blame the absolute throw aways for the casual players in the form of LFR and similar things
The biggest complaint I've heard of was that it was a product to sell to China subscribers, I've never subbed to the official server and just been playing private wow servers, by the time I heard of that rumor I haven't played wow in a few years. I actually ended up subbing to WoW a few months before dragon flight, I actually enjoyed the trial because it let me played at my own pace until I needed the Auction house. I really enjoyed that casual play where I hung out and fished. I'm neutral about all of the xpacks, and I would actually consider Cata to be a bold xpack. I just wish Blizzard would go back to all of the old & clunky mechanics in the next xpack and modernize them so you would find it worth while to try things such as making the Scrapper of BFoA worth while to invest time into. I joined MoonGuard with the logic of how if that server's population is dead then the MMO itself is dead. That's the kind of gamer I am. My biggest hate for the game is the Looking for Group & Flying Mounts because of how it radically changed up the Risk Vs. Reward. I would also remove the extra flight paths placed in old content such as the one that goes to goldshire.
I think mists was super fun, especially since i enjoyed the monk class and pandas had been my favorite animal since i was a small child, so the feeling of adventure, story telling and goofy quests mixed with serious ones was honestly a really great experience. I don't think i miss it though, since i got everything out of that expansion that i could, i wouldn't want to replay it really, but i can honestly say i played mists happily.
I can't wait for MoP Classic. If they are going to do Cata then they may as well do Mists of Pandaria. There is nothing wrong with MoP. People are just close minded and stupid.
It was my favourite too, which is why I'm looking forward to MOP classic, despite what others think. After MOP I can only say Legion was ok the rest have been god awful, especially the latest one. And the "you started in this expansion" is a cope argument. I started in vanilla and still see MOP as the best expansion.
If they went with a more serious Warcraft three style aesthetic interpretation of pandaren it would have been one of the best expansions ever. As it is it's great content in a very unfortunate looking package.
MoP is the best expansion. If I had to choose between retail or MoP I'd definitely choose MoP. It's when the game was the most addictive in it's history. People will argue that wotlk or vanilla was the best but MoP was the hardest Blizzard ever worked on an expansion. I've never heard anyone having addiction problems with retail, in fact it will do the opposite, it will cure your WoW addiction.
i have played since original TBC and up until shadowlands played every single raid to some degree, some casual and some in the top world 100 and Mop + legion raiding content is S tier by a country mile
played wow since i was 10 years old, 25 now, MOP was 100% the best expansion, towards the end of the expansion is when the game started to decline. i remember it clearly as when PVE gear was better for world pvp than actual pvp gear
I loved and hated panda-land for all the reasons you said. And I started with WotLK. Also, you forgot to talk about how the never added more 5 mans throughout the x-pack.
MoP is the only expansion where its class design is the closest thing to perfection, PvP is underrated there, skill mattered more than gear unlike Wotlk where everyone is just bursting and doing AoE kills like crazy, nope MoP was the only expansion that says "learn your class if you wanna be good at PvP" mana isn't an issue, one shots mostly are not a thing, just use your many skills wisely
When i was a kid i had to fight with my family over playing on the same account throughout wrath and cata lol, but when mists came out i lost interest during lvling (12 at the time i think?) BIG MISTAKE
Judging by your voice, you are a hostage of nostalgia. It’s fine, we all are. For me The Burning Crusade is peak world of warcraft and is unbeatable in its perfection. I also began in The Burning Crusade and had all those intrinsic experiences you told us you experienced. This is just how human beings solidify good memories in a shit world.
Nah man, wrath of the lich king was straight downhill from there, who tf decided heirloom gear was a good idea. Mop was okay but the game was already on a downhill slide. Also f**k monks
I think we miss the feeling and days back then. But i also think we miss the old wow you know what i mean? the other day during DF i went to a private Cata/mOP server and just started characters there and did get to max lvl Let me tell you something If i compare that to modern wow like DF it doesn't feel the same way when you play It is nostalgia 100% but also they change the game so much that this game stoped making you feel the way older expansions did For example If i started human in cata and you lvl up through out elwyn and redrige etc and you go and do the same thing in DF you not gonna feel the impact of your spell you not gnna feel anything because in cata for example it felt like it's CURRENT but in DF you one shot everything even without heirloom like it's only there to give you ExPerience Next thing i wanna talk about is that if you compare combat one on one old cata or MoP have much much smoother and feels good combat and DF during early lvls doesn't feel that way I dare everyone who says that you miss expansion only becauseo f nostalgia go to any private server for any expansion even WOTLK you gonna soon found out that it's not all nostalgia It's the changes they made to the game Even the floating CMBAT text when you crit that was change completely in WOD so it felt like a different game And i did my research in every expansion over the years because it made my mind crazy why the hell am i missing certain expansion and i started comparing everything to modern every detail So once again it's not all nostalgia it's the blizzard drastically changing game
I'm convinced that people who think MoP was the best xpac either started playing in Mists, or started playing the game seriously in Mists. You can't argue that Mists' content made it a superior expac compared to, say WotLK or TBC or Cata.
I would never say any expansion is superior over another, it’s just pure preference. Even still, I explain that while the content for me was fun, ultimately it comes down to our experiences, even in expansions that are often labelled as “bad”
Pandaria is my fav Expansion too. But i feel like if you dont like grinding then you are totaly wrong in wow 😂 the rng system you mensioned after too. Since the beginning wow relied on rng loot. I simply loved the grinding for legendary cloak and the systems
Dude MOP was the greatest expansion but dont be so hateful against thunderforged. they gave each item a max ilvl increase of only +8 which was a far cry from legion where it could go up to +40 on a piece of gear. +8 was very minimal and not so bad. only 2 years for mop classic baby
Well if you are backing down from your original claim let me explain. I can take all the angry comments. I started in 2005 so mop was not my first expansion but mop had: The best raids ever The best class fantasy and class design ever The best dungeon system ever, challenge mode is vastly superior to m+ The best patch content ever in timeless isle and thunder isle, only landfall was below average. It had some of the best world design and world content, granted with way too many daily quests. And it had the most balanced and fun pvp the game has ever had. MoP is the greatest expansion of all time and I don't think anything will ever really come close again.
Thanks for watching! Please leave me a comment and let me know what your favourite part of Mists of Pandaria was! Or what is your favourite World of Warcraft memory, I'd love to hear it! Be sure to leave a like and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this content!
MoP was the expansion that the world felt the most alive. Two content islands and like 5 world bosses made for some awesome wpvp moments
To me, the Panderan race reminds me a lot of Tolkien’s hobbits. They’re hard to take seriously since they’re surrounded by a world full of fallen empires and races and factions hellbent on destroying eachother while they just wanna chill and yet once you look hard enough, you’d see they’re not just fun loving bears but a race that had an inner strength that’s helped them withstand countless hardships and that same strength to not let it weigh them down and sink into despair and anger. To say that such races like hobbits and pandarens shouldn’t exist just feels wrong.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
Interesting i like that
This explains why they are my favorite race.
Valley of the Four Winds is breathtakingly beautiful, one of the best zones in the game to this day.
I blame the people who shit of MoP for why WoWs writing now feels like it was written by a 9th grader.
What happened in Shadowlands was a tragedy
Most beautiful expansion, the creativity of each zone and raids + the music everything is just spot on. It may take inspiration from asia but i dont see the problem with that. Alot of zones and races in wow take inspiration from the real world just like northrend took inspiration from nordic mythology, Kul Tiras and Gilneas took inspiration from UK. Uldum got Pyramids and Obelisks. Makes the zones feel authentic. the art team in this game is just unbelievable
I started playing wow in the middle of Shadowland. ;). I’ve played through the old zones to level alts. MOP is one of my favorites. I’m 67 years old. I never wasn’t to be 15 again! I’d definitely take 30 though.
Landfall and Throne of Thunder were the best patches this game has ever had. I miss them.
Landfall wasn't good, ToT was though.
Siege of Orgrimar was pretty cool
MoP was incredibly good, I seriously think people that say the expansion is bad becasue of "lol Pandas" are so low IQ anyway, you don't need their take to begin with.
After all the super dramatic villains and high stakes, I honestly found MoP to be a breath of much needed fresh air. I loved the focus on cooking, farming, brews, mysterious lands, and less serious characters. It made the world feel different and real for a change, rather than always being in 100% crisis at all times. Loved the atmosphere then and I still love it now.
GOAT expansion. Best writing, questing, pvp, instances, etc. Talent rework is literally the only negative, and even then the class design was still peak. Panda haters cope crazy hard but real ones know this shits a certified Masterpiece
This was such a great video man. And, it's okay to miss Mists. It is your favorite expansion. That doesn't mean that it was bad for you. You can love it even if most other people hate it or find it mediocre. It will always be my favorite expansion because it introduced my absolute FAVORITE race into the game. I am almost always playing a Pandaren and I love their attitudes and vibes. Does it help that I'm a huge Kung Fu Panda fan? Absolutely, but that doesn't make my experience or feelings invalid, and you shouldn't feel like yours are invalid either.
I really enjoyed Pandaria when it released, I had been playing about 5yrs by that time and really enjoyed exploring an island that only been secluded by mists for so long and didn't know anything about it..
the Jade Forest is also my best impressions about it, and the drinking laid-back atmosphere about the unheeded dangers that had been boiling underneath the surface and the oncoming conflicts between Horde v Alliance that had just ignited the coast and had set blaze to the Sha's which had tested the peaceful self-control and willpower of the Pandaren they had practiced for so many generations, most often reflected image of a romanticized and apprehensive approach to actual conflict.. of which the whole of humanity can, at one point or another, relate to (because we want this life to be "nice" and "easy", and reflect on everything good while ignoring everything bad)..
all the while, them maintaining cooler heads for their resolutions and determining that Hellscream singlehandedly inflamed the emotions of all of the factions involved, which had bled over from Cataclysm.
I also cannot agree with you more about those dailies!
oh, the Grind!!
like, holy shitballs, batman!!
it was after Pandaria that I took the longest break, because when WoD came out and I did the initial opening of the garrison, I saw how swampy it seemed with the dailies and said 'yep, I'm taking a break!"
and didn't return until BFA!
I caught up in WoD, Legion, and BFA doing the campaign questlines mostly, all before Shadowlands released (of which I was quite disappointed in, tbh lol.. surprise, surprise!! and I still think the dailies are too swampy!!)..
and yet in this present moment, I find myself going back to Pandaria to finish filling out my rep, albeit more at my own pace and I still get a lot out of this past expansion.. which, for me at least, remains among one of the better ones, imho
MoP is soooo good as a warlock player. I remember soloing dungeons as destruction, the green fire quest etc. sooo much fun
Warlock could do everything so good. you had a spam filler that you could use on the move instead of shadow bolt and I could be wrong, but i think you could use a glyph to give you tank abilities all the time and Demonology was awesome in pvp. I got some videos from that time and we did great until they changed how pvp stats worked mid expansion. Which destroyed everything because PVE gear did just as well after that so whatever class had the most cc generally won and didnt feel gear dependant at all.
@@lockgam I just remember loving the 3 target chaos bolts lol and the huge amount of health regen if you just stacked stam you could legit tank heroics
I miss tanking and dpsing as enhancement shaman and doing raids with mates in MOP. Goat exp
I love MoP bro, I know people hated it but I love the class design and the raids were awesome :D lovely video x
12:29 it's actually insane hearing your tales because if i was the one saying it, i would 100% believe your memories of the expansion are my own (funnily enough exact same age as well).
WoW was always something i've looked at from a distance and never being able to play myself. Then late December 2012 comes around and one of my mates wanted to play and luckily for xmas i now has the opportunity to really dive in. Windwalker monk was my first character and my one true love in the game, even though i think its been through the ringer since Legion i will always love and cherish MoP/WoD windwalker. My first character, Zhuk-Saurfang, hasn't left shrine since around January of 2014, his home is in Pandaria and i wouldn't want him anywhere else.
Love the video bro and my only regret is that this wasn't recommended to me by youtube sooner.
I remember playing back in Wrath, which I know a lot of people already rate as the best, but it's great seeing another persons perspective on this. I've always thought that people remember their experiences over the features of an expansion. You tied this together really well!
Dude Mists was awesome. It was the first expansion I preordered and played at launch. I remember getting off the boat, myself and 3 or 4 friends of mine. We got to the quest where you have to fly the little helicopter thing and bomb the ships below, but there were so many people that it was blocking the field of vision for everyone. So we literally we all just hovering in a figure 8 pattern being able to see nothing but wood and scraps of paint. It was 2 in the morning and we were all crying with laughter. It was easily the most hilarious experience I've had playing the game. I miss days like that where it was just me and some friends. We weren't trying to rush to endgame to get into a raid, or to get BIS. We just played and had fun.
I miss the giant worlds that aren't packed with quests etc in every corner and feel so cramped. After MoP everything felt like some scenario instead of an open world
MoP was PoG, give us classic MoP
MOP is where I started seriously playing the game when I was in middle school. I had played a little when I was younger, and wanted so badly to play, but it wasn’t until MOP when I got a computer and my parents had enough money to pay the sub. MOP will forever hold a strong nostalgic place in my heart. It is my favorite continent in game, and to this day has the best music in the entire game.
nah fam, say what you will about your experience clouding your judgement but, I joined on the tail end of Vanilla and the best time I had playing the game was in BC. I made friendships that last to this day, I was in high school, I got a gf that I'd eventually almost marry, it was the most fun I ever had in WoW. YET, I still say with confidence that MoP was and still is the best expansion.
still to this day i don't understand why people give Cata and MoP shit for long content droughts at the end of xpac, but WoTLK can get away with a full year of ICC, oh wait i get it now, "Nostalgia"
Most of them quit before playing Cata and don’t know how good it was, so they just parrot each other that it’s sucks.
I started playing WOW in vanilla 2005, I've played all xpecs. By the time MoP release i was very disappointed & hated it, but after playing through all the content, i completely changed my mind. The game design, the oriental architecture & environment is impressive. I miss those days farm world boss for super rare mount, love the timeless isle & throne of thunder. Over all MoP & Legion are my favorite xpecs
MoP was the peak cant wait to return to my survival hunter in classic one day
When MoP dropped I was captivated by the monk class and it quickly became my favorite. The music was outstanding and the visuals were different. And the hidden treasures were everywhere. And my own farm!!
the ending though
The only thing I do for myself is take time to explore every expansion. I think your first exp is so special and then you learn the expectations and requirements for end game. For some that now replaces just enjoying what the whole fleet of teams creat3d for you. I cannot do that, I burn out in the grind, so I take my time to see what's going on while leveling. I have been captivated by what was created every time, even the bad systems or weak story, my wonder at what people created, the beauty, the music, all of it, blows my mind. It has since 2008 and continues to this day. After I've wrapped my head around the direction the story is taking and am invested, I then start tweaking gear for end content. Just my method of keeping engaged with a roller-coaster game I enjoy.
Cataclysm wasn't "turbulent". The end of the expansion had a content drought, but, overall it was a very strong expansion.
Yep up until Dragon soul cataclysm was so much fun and it was soo good PVP or pve doesn't matter
I cant tell you how much I was annoyed and constantly cringing at Yrel and her forced storyline in WoD. And then they made Grommash a villain we could suddenly forgive? WoD(excluding parts of Legion) and everything after was absolute dogshit. MoP was rich, in every definition of it. It was the last good expansion as far as lore and immersion imo
Yrel was the best part of WoD for me lol
You might wanna go outside then@@LastDoppelganger
Whilst not disagreeing with your negatives, I do think people too are quick to say they Pandaren are a joke of a race. They more light-hearted nature could be attributed to the fact that the Sha that inhabit their land feed off negative emotions so they aim to maintain a more happy go lucky attitude. Having said that, if you go through the quests lines of all the zones, there are at times some very dark moments mixed in there.
Secondly whilst you are 100% right about the architectural and design inspirations for the expansion, I personally love them and find it adds to the mystical nature of the continent and breaks it up from just being more of the same. along with that I don't think one can point to the this obviously real world inspired design without saying the same for a lot of the human architecture and design also.
Absolutely right about the Human architecture, that completely slipped my mind. Must have slipped the mind of everyone criticizing Pandaren architecture too! I never thought about that reasoning behind the Pandaren attitude thats actually quite an interesting theory
@@retro_today A lot of WoW overall of course has its inspiration coming from other fantasy settings, not that this is at all a problem though!
It is for sure my head cannon as to why they are so laid back :D
Soon we'll get that sweet MoP Classic, i can't wait!
It would be nice to see mop+, since it could be the last "classic" for now. I imagine it will be since wod looks a lot more like the wow we have in retail. Cata will be fun also!
@@trooniggerslayer Yeah idk I feel like WoD is closer to MoP than to what came next. Mythic raiding was a thing back then already but there was no m+.
Pandaria is my favorite expansion, I still go there to do my garden and my fishing .❤
A touching essay! Thanks for sharing. I started playing at the end of TBC. Rolled Alliance and was upset that nobody ever wanted to help with Halaa. So I rerolled a Horde Rogue and made Halaa my focus. To me, that's when world PVP was at its best because there were underlevels questing there that might help, which they could due to bombing. Started friending the other Halaa regulars and we'd have somewhat impromptu 40 v 40 battles Friday nights. WoW was never able to recapture that experience for me.
When WLK came out, I finally started embracing the multi-player aspect of the game. Started taking raiding a bit seriously and was always very well prepared. Then Dungeon Finder came along and ruined everything.
After that, the game sort of lost its touch for me. It bothered me the way "the shattering" altered old world forever. I spent almost all of Cata running folks through Karazhan that had never seen it before. MOP represented for me the first time where power levels were such that I could waltz through my old WLK stomping grounds solo. I remember watching Raegwyn back in those days, but I didn't have his level gear. Though I did do some Raid Finder and did the legendary cloak chain. So I did enjoy the MOP content mostly.
I think I ended up getting both WOD and Legion once it was out for over a year and they had their xmas sale. Only played for a month or two. Never touched retail after that. Blizzard isn't Blizzard once Activision got involved.
These videos about MOP never mention how the classes were so fleshed out and fun. The reason was, Blizzard wasn't as worried about balance. Look at what the classes could do at the same time and not be gated behind a spec or class, just look at that druid spell Symbiosis or whatever it was called, it was totally not balanced but they just had fun doing it. You heard a little complaining about how all classes had a heal but the strength of heals from non healing classes weren't as bad as future expansions. It was really just a perfect time if you just wanted to enjoy the combat.
non healing classes in MOP? Name at least one XD
I started in wotlk, and i hear a lot of people that wotlk is the best expansion ever, but i never had as much fun as in MoP. The most fun i ever had doing all of the content the game has to offer, quests, raids and PvP. It is also the only expansion in which I enjoyed and played PvP.
To this day I still visit Halfhill now and then, listen to the music and plant/harvest some seeds. I get the downsides regarding daylis and item variations etc. but for some reason the entire look and feel of this expansion gives me goosebumps and deep nostalgia. Retail is more fast paced and progress oriented than ever which makes the majority of the player ignore everything around them. You could probably change the entire genre of WoW by now making you queue for gameplay loops right from the main menu. In MoP you also wanted to progress and gear up but the world meanwhile still felt so immersive and inviting for exploration. Miss the days!
I think your final statement about everyone's first expansion is interesting. Overall I think for a lot of people I think its being younger which made those experiences so memorable. However I also a big part is getting to experience wow for the first time, regardless of the expansion. Getting to learn about the different classes, races, zones, and so on for the very first time can only happen once. Regardless if you started in Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, CATA, MOP, ect
MoP was the best expansion for me as well. The music is amazing, the beauty of the zones and the monk class i mained. It was my first dedicaded raid guild that I got Cutting Edge with and I did hundreds of arenas and pvp, plus i got challenge mode sets on 2 classes. My guild was full of great people too. I will forever love those 2 years.
My heart lies within the Timeless Isle.
My fav expension is still and always be legion the order hall and the story, just a 10 out a 10
Legion was a banger, bringing closure to Sargera's crusade, but MoP introduced a whole continent and culture. I enjoyed every location I played through
MoP remix hitting soon!!!!!
Great video. I miss grinding the lore for the legendary cloak aswell. It made you do the raids and getting exalted as well as interact in the timeless isle alot. Miss the expansion so much,.
i think i got burnout from that cape and never recovered :D
Hey pal, I started in WOTLK. but personally MoP is my favorite aswell.
Can mop be played now? I had classic tbc wotk but where do i find mop?
Stormforge mistblade I guess is the most active private server for it
Thank You
Cata comes next. After that they might go for MoP
@@фанатКуплинова-ь1е Oh man your the best thanks very much
It’s insane how a story with Pandas somehow has more complex and mature themes with darker undertones than the literal expansion about death.
Timeless isle still is the best patch zone ive ever been in. The progression through the isle that was very well identified by how physically high you were on the island. The bosses, rhe rare pets and quirky spawns. The pvp, the aesthetic, the music, the celstials in the centre.
I coukdnt stand pet battles until the celestial tournament came around and then i spent weeks grinding up pets for it. It was still much harder than any pet content ive come across so far (until it was 'solved' with defined strategy at least). 9 top tier fights without being allowed to heal, and a randomised roster to verse made it so exciting. Never before or after have i cared about pet battles as much.
I love ur videos so much man it's so warm and fun to watch thank u so much for sharing ur experience with others
i had the exact same experience with mop. It was my first expansion. I loved mop, got legendary cloak on 2 characters, leveled up every single class to 90, got 1850 rating, killed garrosh in heroic as paladin tank. killed 500 people on timeless isle for a red transparent bull toy. All while i was 14. great times
Homie out here makin me cry on Friday night
I terribly miss those days of roleplaying on Wyrmrest Accord in MoP. Most story-rich and epic server-wide storytelling there ever was, never to be seen again. If anyone creates a private server for MoP roleplay and raiding, hmu.
Stunning story telling, beautiful editing and such nostalgia!!!
I love mop it was my first expansion when I started and having no clear villain in mop was my favorite. It’s why I like dragon flight so much because I just like exploring an unknown world with new cultures and traditions.
I started in wotlk and ICC was my forst raid but the readons why MoP was the best expansion:
1) most number of skills and spells, making the game most complex deep.
2) PvP was great, probably the best since it was more balanced than wotlk and even with some gamebreaking bugs.
3) LFR felt the most atractive and meaningful than before and any after, making tier 14 not so slow as other expansions,
4) pre-endgame Grinding felt not as bad as legion onwards, maybe not as good as cata but I miss MoP also on this.
6) Stats felt fun, high stats made gear progresion so scalable from fresh 90 into a beast of a char at tier 16.
Well written and well spoken thank you this was eye opening and delightful.
the dailies were what got me to quit wow until late into SoO. I got to cap and saw a massive amount of dailies, COMBINED with the daily quest cap being removed that xpac, and just noped out. I was a no-lifer on wow throughout cata, but I wasn't about to spend my entire night after school just doing dailies every day.
playing mop remix?
You know it!
Man's worst tragedy is that he was a child.
Thx for this great vidéo!
I loved MoP, i was around 10-11 years old so i finally understood the game and i fell in love with it
One key component to the initial reception of the Pandaran race was fear. WoW had gotten easier and more casual friendly with every expansion, and when they announced that we were getting a Kung Fu Panda expansion, a lot of players thought their worst fears were realized. A lot of people didn't stick around to find out if it was good or not.
WoW players have always been fearing WoW becoming yet 1% more casual when in reality it's only been becoming sweatier with each expansion and feature they added. Classic is the best casual experience while DF is the best esports experience WoW can provide. Not even close. It's actually funny how it went under our noses but I feel like players wanted the game to be harder until they couldn't keep up with it and liked to blame the absolute throw aways for the casual players in the form of LFR and similar things
Man we should get at least 1 server for each expansion.
Even WoD which a lot of people dislike but it and MoP were my all time favs.
The biggest complaint I've heard of was that it was a product to sell to China subscribers, I've never subbed to the official server and just been playing private wow servers, by the time I heard of that rumor I haven't played wow in a few years. I actually ended up subbing to WoW a few months before dragon flight, I actually enjoyed the trial because it let me played at my own pace until I needed the Auction house. I really enjoyed that casual play where I hung out and fished.
I'm neutral about all of the xpacks, and I would actually consider Cata to be a bold xpack. I just wish Blizzard would go back to all of the old & clunky mechanics in the next xpack and modernize them so you would find it worth while to try things such as making the Scrapper of BFoA worth while to invest time into.
I joined MoonGuard with the logic of how if that server's population is dead then the MMO itself is dead. That's the kind of gamer I am.
My biggest hate for the game is the Looking for Group & Flying Mounts because of how it radically changed up the Risk Vs. Reward. I would also remove the extra flight paths placed in old content such as the one that goes to goldshire.
I think mists was super fun, especially since i enjoyed the monk class and pandas had been my favorite animal since i was a small child, so the feeling of adventure, story telling and goofy quests mixed with serious ones was honestly a really great experience.
I don't think i miss it though, since i got everything out of that expansion that i could, i wouldn't want to replay it really, but i can honestly say i played mists happily.
MoP game design and class design was the best it has ever been in wow. 100% is the best expac ever, can't wait for classic MoP.
I can't wait for MoP Classic. If they are going to do Cata then they may as well do Mists of Pandaria. There is nothing wrong with MoP. People are just close minded and stupid.
It was my favourite too, which is why I'm looking forward to MOP classic, despite what others think. After MOP I can only say Legion was ok the rest have been god awful, especially the latest one. And the "you started in this expansion" is a cope argument. I started in vanilla and still see MOP as the best expansion.
I will never love WoW graphics, but only Pandaria makes me feel the richness of the world in that way.
Everyone was missing MoP after WoD.
I sincirely hope MoP comes back in classic. I refuse to try SoD.
Edit: I started out in TBC. MoP is also my favorite expansion.
I'm sub 984, your closer to 1000 every single day
If they went with a more serious Warcraft three style aesthetic interpretation of pandaren it would have been one of the best expansions ever. As it is it's great content in a very unfortunate looking package.
MoP is the best expansion. If I had to choose between retail or MoP I'd definitely choose MoP. It's when the game was the most addictive in it's history. People will argue that wotlk or vanilla was the best but MoP was the hardest Blizzard ever worked on an expansion. I've never heard anyone having addiction problems with retail, in fact it will do the opposite, it will cure your WoW addiction.
i have played since original TBC and up until shadowlands played every single raid to some degree, some casual and some in the top world 100 and Mop + legion raiding content is S tier by a country mile
played wow since i was 10 years old, 25 now, MOP was 100% the best expansion, towards the end of the expansion is when the game started to decline. i remember it clearly as when PVE gear was better for world pvp than actual pvp gear
I loved and hated panda-land for all the reasons you said. And I started with WotLK. Also, you forgot to talk about how the never added more 5 mans throughout the x-pack.
MoP is the only expansion where its class design is the closest thing to perfection, PvP is underrated there, skill mattered more than gear unlike Wotlk where everyone is just bursting and doing AoE kills like crazy, nope MoP was the only expansion that says "learn your class if you wanna be good at PvP" mana isn't an issue, one shots mostly are not a thing, just use your many skills wisely
When i was a kid i had to fight with my family over playing on the same account throughout wrath and cata lol, but when mists came out i lost interest during lvling (12 at the time i think?) BIG MISTAKE
interesting review and conclusion. gg.
Ending hit me hard
As someone who started in wotlk, mists is my favorite expansion too
Judging by your voice, you are a hostage of nostalgia. It’s fine, we all are. For me The Burning Crusade is peak world of warcraft and is unbeatable in its perfection.
I also began in The Burning Crusade and had all those intrinsic experiences you told us you experienced.
This is just how human beings solidify good memories in a shit world.
Nah man, wrath of the lich king was straight downhill from there, who tf decided heirloom gear was a good idea. Mop was okay but the game was already on a downhill slide. Also f**k monks
Because leveling is shit, and they’re right
I’ve played since second week of vanilla and Pandaria is my favorite expansion
I think we miss the feeling and days back then.
But i also think we miss the old wow you know what i mean?
the other day during DF i went to a private Cata/mOP server and just started characters there and did get to max lvl
Let me tell you something
If i compare that to modern wow like DF
it doesn't feel the same way when you play
It is nostalgia 100% but also they change the game so much that this game stoped making you feel the way older expansions did
For example If i started human in cata and you lvl up through out elwyn and redrige etc
and you go and do the same thing in DF you not gonna feel the impact of your spell you not gnna feel anything because in cata for example it felt like it's CURRENT
but in DF you one shot everything even without heirloom like it's only there to give you ExPerience
Next thing i wanna talk about is that if you compare combat one on one
old cata or MoP have much much smoother and feels good combat
and DF during early lvls doesn't feel that way
I dare everyone who says that you miss expansion only becauseo f nostalgia go to any private server for any expansion
even WOTLK you gonna soon found out that it's not all nostalgia
It's the changes they made to the game
Even the floating CMBAT text when you crit that was change completely in WOD
so it felt like a different game
And i did my research in every expansion over the years because it made my mind crazy why the hell am i missing certain expansion
and i started comparing everything to modern every detail
So once again it's not all nostalgia
it's the blizzard drastically changing game
I'm convinced that people who think MoP was the best xpac either started playing in Mists, or started playing the game seriously in Mists. You can't argue that Mists' content made it a superior expac compared to, say WotLK or TBC or Cata.
I would never say any expansion is superior over another, it’s just pure preference. Even still, I explain that while the content for me was fun, ultimately it comes down to our experiences, even in expansions that are often labelled as “bad”
"You can't argue with my opinion" lol
@@lunaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I mean you can, but you won't. I know it, you know it, we all know it. :P
@@DrFrankenschtein I thought u were an asshole but this made me laugh so thanks u cheeky bastard. Still disagree though xd
Sweet video, keep going
Pandaria is my fav Expansion too. But i feel like if you dont like grinding then you are totaly wrong in wow 😂 the rng system you mensioned after too. Since the beginning wow relied on rng loot. I simply loved the grinding for legendary cloak and the systems
MoP Hype! MoP Hype!
I would rather play MoP to this day than this shitty Dragonflight, it was the best expansion.
i cant wait to play mop classic and i love pandas!
I miss MoP times too!
Dude MOP was the greatest expansion but dont be so hateful against thunderforged. they gave each item a max ilvl increase of only +8 which was a far cry from legion where it could go up to +40 on a piece of gear. +8 was very minimal and not so bad. only 2 years for mop classic baby
well its just you had good time in MOP
Same with me my favorite is vanilla wow but i had the best time in Cata
I could never understand why people were complaining back then... Kung fu panda was awesome.
For me maybe its a bit of nostalgia but i think mop had the best location in all wow
hey mops coming back maybe after cata
Well if you are backing down from your original claim let me explain. I can take all the angry comments.
I started in 2005 so mop was not my first expansion but mop had:
The best raids ever
The best class fantasy and class design ever
The best dungeon system ever, challenge mode is vastly superior to m+
The best patch content ever in timeless isle and thunder isle, only landfall was below average.
It had some of the best world design and world content, granted with way too many daily quests.
And it had the most balanced and fun pvp the game has ever had.
MoP is the greatest expansion of all time and I don't think anything will ever really come close again.
It’s not just you. I’ve been playing since 2006 and MoP definitely might be the best expansion.
Come play private servers. I’ve been enjoying MoP for about two years on and off and it’s been a blast.
Hm I can see why the popularity of wow fell off after Wrath