14th January 1993 (The Trial of Nick Cotton; Part 1)



  • @nickyjones2709
    @nickyjones2709 7 місяців тому +1

    The ol' EastEnders songs. My nan used to start them up years ago. Knees up mother brown, my ol mans a dustman. Loved those days ❤

    • @TheRealElsaJean
      @TheRealElsaJean 5 місяців тому

      Mother Brown was my favourite, these days it would have to be called Mother White.

    • @Mazzy-b4v
      @Mazzy-b4v Місяць тому

      @@TheRealElsaJeanmother …. 😂

    • @chadyepipia8383
      @chadyepipia8383 5 днів тому

      Was Nigel Bates already a loveable buffoon in this episode or was he still dodgy, wide boy and a sleazy here like he was when he first came back in March 1992 well anybody know let me know soon. I love Nigel Bates and he is coming back for 40th anniversary next year.

  • @markgreet3543
    @markgreet3543 2 роки тому +1

    Periods nick never shy to speak his mind

  • @rg8152
    @rg8152 Рік тому +1

    23:35 That’s the line between fiction and reality. I’ve seen a similar argument play out in real life once between a former coworker of mine and her ex-daughter in law and let’s just say telling a mother “she has no right” to defend her son will draw blood…and/or teeth in the case I saw in person 🤜🤜🤜

    • @nickyjones2709
      @nickyjones2709 7 місяців тому +1

      As a mother myself, I can moan about my kids BUT if anyone else does...look out !!!!

  • @Glamking1
    @Glamking1 4 роки тому

    This will be shown on Drama next month as at the moment currently showing the first Queen Vic fire at the end of October 1992. ITV3 will show the first post Granada Plus archive year for rival soap Corrie ‘‘tis time next week from 1995 and EE will get past through 1995 on Drama next year.

    • @angiewatts379
      @angiewatts379  4 роки тому

      Can’t wait for Drama to reach the late 1990s, be nice to see them in HQ!

    • @Glamking1
      @Glamking1 4 роки тому

      Angie Watts at the moment tomorrow they’re showing November 1992 and we will reach 1993 in over two weeks from now!
      Despite BBC4 gave them the hour long November 2000 episode involving Peggy, Pat, and Roy just over a week ago was a surprise to coincide its 35th anniversary.

    • @chadyepipia8383
      @chadyepipia8383 13 днів тому

      ​@@Glamking1Hey mate I wanted to ask you about Nigel Bates he is one of my favourite characters and remember when he first came he was quite different and started out as a wide boy and a bit of player and quite dodgy and a wheeler dealer and a sleaze womanizer similar to Barry Evans early appearances and Minty's and Billy's but was Nigel Bates already a loveable buffoon in this episode or after that or before that when he started living with Dot for a lodger back in September 1992 or when he did sock scheme in Dot's Bathroom and things got messed up or before Christmas episode 1992 or even New year eve episode where Nigel danced with some blonde lady which I'm surprised he managed to got her since he thinks that being a DJ helps him can get any ladies and when does his dodgy and sleazy disappear before he met Debbie well remind when he gradually changed into a loveable buffoon which one late 1992 or early 1993 which one and please don't to mention the month mate and when it took away a dodgy and a sleaze and how many times did they changed him briefly mate do you know.

  • @abbieroseholden4174
    @abbieroseholden4174 10 місяців тому

    Deep down Nick knew Dot was an amazing Mum

    • @chadyepipia8383
      @chadyepipia8383 5 днів тому

      Yeah true and also was Nigel Bates already a loveable buffoon here or was he still dodgy, a wide boy and sleazy here like he was in his early appearances back in March 1992 similar to Barry Evans early appearances well do you know.

  • @markgreet3543
    @markgreet3543 2 роки тому

    Ian beale turned out a wrong un in the end

  • @markgreet3543
    @markgreet3543 3 роки тому +2

    The posh out to poke fun at working class people it still goes on but only now on social media 😂

    • @bensmithkent22
      @bensmithkent22 2 роки тому

      And now the east end is rife with posho hipsters.

    • @markgreet3543
      @markgreet3543 2 роки тому

      @@bensmithkent22 there are some but I don't watch it anymore

    • @TheRealElsaJean
      @TheRealElsaJean 5 місяців тому

      It's full of immigrants now ​@@bensmithkent22

  • @crispyhenry
    @crispyhenry 4 роки тому +2

    Andy Hunter!

    • @liamgoodall4910
      @liamgoodall4910 11 місяців тому

      Nearly the closest we got to seeing him and Grant interact 😂

    • @nickyjones2709
      @nickyjones2709 7 місяців тому

      Yeah I spotted him aswell

  • @markgreet3543
    @markgreet3543 2 роки тому

    Peter Dean left series due to backstabbing shocker

    • @Mazzy-b4v
      @Mazzy-b4v Місяць тому

      What happened

    • @markgreet3543
      @markgreet3543 Місяць тому

      @@Mazzy-b4v not very nice comments were found on paper, saying nasty things about him 1993 sun newspaper article respect to you.

    • @chadyepipia8383
      @chadyepipia8383 5 днів тому

      ​@@markgreet3543Also what about Nigel Bates mate was he already a loveable buffoon here or was he still dodgy, a wide boy and a sleazy here in his early appearances back in March 1992 well remind me mate.

  • @Mazzy-b4v
    @Mazzy-b4v Місяць тому

    Dot looks like old man steptoe with the boney face etc

  • @bensmithkent22
    @bensmithkent22 2 роки тому +2

    Nick is such a poor actor