Don't worry...Miss Apistolia Zoi.. althought you are beautifull Women . I won't get you as my wife . I just will get Greece Women as my wife if she will has God = Alexandre The Great had God ( Al Kahf 83 - 99 ) . Be enjoy... . Bravo !!! . NB : Whoever had been having ATG God that they will stay in Paridise / heaven . If they won't have His God that they will stay in Hell forewer ( Attention ..attention ,;please... ) . Which will you choise ? .
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Don't worry...Miss Apistolia Zoi.. althought you are beautifull Women . I won't get you as my wife . I just will get Greece Women as my wife if she will has God = Alexandre The Great had God ( Al Kahf 83 - 99 ) . Be enjoy... . Bravo !!! . NB : Whoever had been having ATG God that they will stay in Paridise / heaven . If they won't have His God that they will stay in Hell forewer ( Attention ..attention ,;please... ) . Which will you choise ? .