Hiv ua li cas es kuv yuav nrog koj zoo siab ua luaj li os tus mi viv ncais aw....koj mas hais tau txaus luag dhau lawm os kuv mas luag kua muag txia tag li os ua koj tsaug os
Back than, Instead of calling your boyfriend, you should have called the police. No one can force you to marry anyone you don’t want to especially under age.
Why is it that Hmong women would rather put up with the disrespect and abused to stay married to a lying, cheating husband who does absolutely nothing to help them but only for himself. He neither helps with the up raising of the children or cared for them nor help his wife around the house. Okay, some have a job to provide, but outside of having a job, he's of nothing else. Aside from eat, sleep, and shit. Stop having all those children, better yourself, love and respect yourself, grow a brain and heart. Do not allow a man to micro manage you and dictate your everything.
This sister’s advice was too! hilarious, Funny but it’s true about saving our investment in our marriages!! Hated Cheater, doesn’t wanted to ended up in divorce!!!
She can do whatever she wants, but doesn't mean she can look down on other people. Many divorced women are the ones that value themselves instead of living with a cheater.
If your husband openly tells you that’s his desire then put him in his place. I don’t understand why women wait until husbands cheat to change. It’s common sense!
@@joanusonsinlapa2205 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAAaAaAaAaAAaAaAaAaAaAAAAaAaAAAAaAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAaAAAaAAAAaAAAAaAAAAAAa A aAAaAaaAAAAAaAAaAA a a AaAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAaAAaAaAaAAAAAAAaAAAaAAaaAa a AAAAaaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAaAaAaAA a AAAAAAaAAaAAAAAaAAaAaAaaAAaaAAAAaAAAAAaAAAAaaAaAA a AAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAaAAaAAAaAAAAAaAAAaaAAAa a AAAAAAAAaAaaAaAAaAAAAaaaAaAaAaaaAAAaAAAaAAAAaAaAaAAAaaAaAAaAaAAaaAAAAaaaaAaaAaaaaAaAAAaAAaAAAaAAAAaaaaAAaAaAaAaaaaaaAAaaaaAAaAaAaaAAAAaaaaaAAAaAAAAAAaAaaaAAAaaAaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaA a aaaaaaAaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa a a a aaaaaaaaAaaaaa a aAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaa a aaaaa a a a a aa a aaaa a aa a aa a a aaaaAaaa a a a aaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaAa A aaaaaa a a a aa a aaaaaaaaa a aa a aaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaa a aaaAaaaaaaaa a aa a aaaaaa a a A aaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAAaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaa a a a aaaa a a Aaaaaa a a aaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaa A a a aaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a AaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaAaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaaaAaaaaAaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA!aaaaaaaaaAaa!aaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaa!!aaaaa!aa!aa!aa!aa!aaaaaa!!a!aaaaaaaaaaaa!!aaaaaAaaaa!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a!aaaaaaaaa!!!aaaaaaa!Aa!!!aaa!aaaa!!a!!!!!a!!!!!a!aaaa!!!aaaaaa!
I know it’s like we are so “appropriate” and “formal” that having a fun sex life is put on hold because your kids are in college. Please. This woman act like she has no sex desire and only wants it after he’s had his taste of others. Hell no after that.
Hais yog tshaj plaws li os viv ncaus cov txiv neej no tsis yog txiv neej tsim txiaj yog txiv neej dev xwb os txhua tu li os cov nyiam li lub ntuj muab ces muaj tsawg xwb os viv ncaus 👍
😂 they like the “lady in the street but a freak in the bed” But gosh I hate these stories, women who didn’t know how to be a women and a man with infidelity issues. By the time he cheats… how do you even find the energy to “sleep with him more to save your marriage”? I would be too heart broken. My little sister wont work no more 🙄 lol at that point in age it is “xu siab dhau” to start.
Aub yau cas xas maim no es kev hlub yuav haib ua luaj li lawm os Hehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....muab kiag lub ncuav tso plig khwb nkaus me yawg thaub lub ntsej muag xwb 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏
Hahaha....yog tshaj plaws !!!! I love love you long time !!!!! Pojniam yuav tsum khov li ko mas peb thiaj tsis nco tej zaub ov...thiaj tsis nrhiav nrhiav poj nrauj, thiab thiaj tsis qaug lais rau nkauj mos ab ov !!!! Good job !!!!
May aw Thov tsis txhob hais tias poj niam lub me Khob noom hu ua lub niag ncuav tso plig no os, lo lus no siv tsis nyog rau poj niam qhov khoom tseem ceeb ua poj niam muaj los tsim noob neej puv nkaus lub ntiaj teb no na.
Its so sad to hear about other people's life. Especially if they suffer because their significant other don't love them anymore but they still choose to stay. This is why there are so many divorces around the world. People do not know how to love unconditionally and always resort to hurting others.
Why do the OGs always over work to pay for their kids tuition? There's student loan, people. Love yourself enough to enjoy life as well. Know that, later in life, those kids will just send your ass to nursing home. It's not worth working so hard to put every pennies to your kids life.
Muam npawg nus npov txhob sib yuav vim yuav ua phauj thiab dab laug muaj kev tu siab thiab sib ntxub yav tom ntem......tsis tas li ntawd yuav ua rau tej me tub me nyuam tsis ntse vim tseem yog tib co roj sav , tsuas yog hmoob ruam2 es hmoob thiaj pheej tseem sib yuav xwb hmoob yuav tau ntsheg txoj kev ruam no tsheg.
Haub yau 1 txhia niam tsev and txiv tsev ces yog yuav bab kom yus ua lub bua tshom ncuav thiab eat banana 🍌 xwb ces kawg surrender tsa chij dawb vim tuaj g tau li LOL
The lady in the story looks down on divorcees. She says if she loses her husband then she loses her high status of being a "wife". How pathetic. She is so scared to be what she hates most, a divorcee that she sacrificed her own self respect.
To this lady analogy, I honestly would rather start over at a new job that will fuel my growth and meet my current needs then stay in a dead end job that doesn’t value, appreciate or support me.
Tej ko ces 90% neeg thoob qab ntuj ua txhua lawm os thiab 90% cov txiv los kuj nrauj lawv cov pojniam tag lawm thiab. Nws tsis yog yus txawj es luag thiaj nrog yus nyob. Mekas yog cov txawj tshaj plaws luag sib nrauj heev tshaj. Tej ko yim txawj ua ces yim fav siab xwb. Lwm tus pojniam los lawv yeej txawj ib yam li yus thiab. Qhov nws nrog yus nyob vim nws tseem hlub yus xwb. Tus tsis hlub yus ces tseev txawj luag yeej yuav mus luag. Tej ko khoom ntiajteb xwb. Txawm lwm tus los khaws yus nrab neej lawm los nco ntsoov tias peb txawj yug txawj tuag. Tsis muaj leej twg yuav nyob mus ib txhis. Nws txawm los khaws lawm los ua tsaug xwb. Tsis khib yus li. Yus nyob ib leeg kaj siab tshaj. Hlub yus tus kheej ua ntej yus txojsia tu zoo tshaj qhov muab ncuav mus khwb nws txhua hmo. Kuv tsis lees yuav lub txim uas serve tus neeg ntxeev siab rau yus. Don’t be their slave of lust. Woman have the priority of loving ourselves. I only serve a man when he loves me. Kuv lub cev muaj nuj nqis txawm yog nws yog kuv tus txiv los Kuv yeej tsis muab rau nws yooj yim. To serve a cheater is a big mistake. Can love again only he repent.
I guess you can justify cheating with your lack of skills in the bedroom. I'm not sure why she didn't use these skills from day one. I always believe people have choices, choose them wisely and as long as you're content with them, it's no one else's business.
Tus txiv tsev tsim txiaj, zoo txiv tsev, coj tus, muaj txoj kev hlub tiag rau nws tus niam tsev es tsis xyob txhiaj ces yog nws nyiam li cas nws yeej siv nws lub peev xwm los qhia nws tus poj niam txog tej kev nws ntshaw saum lub txaj lub chaw. Cov uas pheej mus Nyiag noj sab nrauv thiab nyiam kom muab poj niam lub ncuav los pleev nws ntsej muag thiab lwm yam ces yog lam hais kom nws muaj chaw tib tus niam tsev xwb vim nws yog tus neeg siab phem xyob txhiaj.!
Koj hais yog tshaj plaws li thiab koj muaj peev xwm kawg thov qhuas koj mog me viv ncaus yus hlub hlub nws txuag nws lub meej mom li nawb
Hiv ua li cas es kuv yuav nrog koj zoo siab ua luaj li os tus mi viv ncais aw....koj mas hais tau txaus luag dhau lawm os kuv mas luag kua muag txia tag li os ua koj tsaug os
Leave him. Focus on yourself. Rise up by yourself! 🥳🥳🥳🥳👍👍👍
Zoo tshaj li o kj piav zaj neej neeg no zoo heev li ho
Vuag, nej mas thiaj li txawj seevsuab thiab txawj ntsaj tiag2 li yom niam moderator...nyob zoo xyoo tshiab,,,,
Damn!! Need to share this story to my wife!!
Kuv yog hmoob fabkis os niaj hnub mloog koj cov dab neeg. Ho tuaj nias pab kuv thiab os yod.
Tsum ov !!! Nej cov quas puj txhob siab phem ho !! Txiv hmoob thoob ntuj tej kwv ntxawg siv muaj sij hawm nawb, yom niam hmoob yaj Tulsa.
Wow cas heev ua luaj… cas kuv tus txiv es Nyias mus pw nyias hoob.. xauv qhov rooj thiab…. Day time n night time almost never see him…
Rau siab ntso kom txiv neej zog tas mas nws thiaj li tsis hloov siab xwb
Back than, Instead of calling your boyfriend, you should have called the police. No one can force you to marry anyone you don’t want to especially under age.
Why is it that Hmong women would rather put up with the disrespect and abused to stay married to a lying, cheating husband who does absolutely nothing to help them but only for himself. He neither helps with the up raising of the children or cared for them nor help his wife around the house. Okay, some have a job to provide, but outside of having a job, he's of nothing else. Aside from eat, sleep, and shit. Stop having all those children, better yourself, love and respect yourself, grow a brain and heart. Do not allow a man to micro manage you and dictate your everything.
I agree with you.
Yog tshaj plaw li lawm os koj ma 1 li lawm os mog me viv ncaus aw
This sister’s advice was too! hilarious, Funny but it’s true about saving our investment in our marriages!! Hated Cheater, doesn’t wanted to ended up in divorce!!!
She can do whatever she wants, but doesn't mean she can look down on other people. Many divorced women are the ones that value themselves instead of living with a cheater.
Kuv tu siab heev uas kuv tsis pom koj pem thab npawm no os Niam laus aw mob kuv lub siab heev li vim kuv tseem khuam hauj lwm os
Hlub koj thiab os may
If your husband openly tells you that’s his desire then put him in his place. I don’t understand why women wait until husbands cheat to change. It’s common sense!
@@joanusonsinlapa2205 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAAaAaAaAaAAaAaAaAaAaAAAAaAaAAAAaAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAaAAAaAAAAaAAAAaAAAAAAa A aAAaAaaAAAAAaAAaAA a a AaAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAaAAaAaAaAAAAAAAaAAAaAAaaAa a AAAAaaaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAAaAaAaAA a AAAAAAaAAaAAAAAaAAaAaAaaAAaaAAAAaAAAAAaAAAAaaAaAA a AAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAaAAaAAAaAAAAAaAAAaaAAAa a AAAAAAAAaAaaAaAAaAAAAaaaAaAaAaaaAAAaAAAaAAAAaAaAaAAAaaAaAAaAaAAaaAAAAaaaaAaaAaaaaAaAAAaAAaAAAaAAAAaaaaAAaAaAaAaaaaaaAAaaaaAAaAaAaaAAAAaaaaaAAAaAAAAAAaAaaaAAAaaAaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaaA a aaaaaaAaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaa a a a aaaaaaaaAaaaaa a aAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaa a aaaaa a a a a aa a aaaa a aa a aa a a aaaaAaaa a a a aaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaAa A aaaaaa a a a aa a aaaaaaaaa a aa a aaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaa a aaaAaaaaaaaa a aa a aaaaaa a a A aaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAAaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaa a a a aaaa a a Aaaaaa a a aaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaa A a a aaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a AaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaAaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaaaAaaaaAaaaaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA!aaaaaaaaaAaa!aaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaAaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaa!!aaaaa!aa!aa!aa!aa!aaaaaa!!a!aaaaaaaaaaaa!!aaaaaAaaaa!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!a!aaaaaaaaa!!!aaaaaaa!Aa!!!aaa!aaaa!!a!!!!!a!!!!!a!aaaa!!!aaaaaa!
Can’t agree more
I know it’s like we are so “appropriate” and “formal” that having a fun sex life is put on hold because your kids are in college. Please. This woman act like she has no sex desire and only wants it after he’s had his taste of others. Hell no after that.
@@nancyvang3395 1111111111111
Txiv neej yeej swb pojniam yuav luag txhua2 yam. Muaj ib yam ua rau pojniam swb kiag ces yog thaum txiv neej tsij kiag rau pojniam lawm ces thiaj li zog tag nrho rau yam no xwb.
Leej twg yog neeg liam ces thiaj nyiam mloog tej neej neeg quav dev no.
Hais yog tshaj plaws li os viv ncaus cov txiv neej no tsis yog txiv neej tsim txiaj yog txiv neej dev xwb os txhua tu li os cov nyiam li lub ntuj muab ces muaj tsawg xwb os viv ncaus 👍
😂 they like the “lady in the street but a freak in the bed”
But gosh I hate these stories, women who didn’t know how to be a women and a man with infidelity issues. By the time he cheats… how do you even find the energy to “sleep with him more to save your marriage”? I would be too heart broken. My little sister wont work no more 🙄 lol at that point in age it is “xu siab dhau” to start.
Right! I totally agree with you.
😂🤣😅 good job sister
Nej hmoob mekas ces zoo li mas lis kwm hais os coj nej lub neej sib aim tuaj piav rau tib neeg paub txog nej hmoob mekas liam aw
Tsim nyog kawg li lawm os tiam neej no os Niam ntsuab teev aw
Tuaj saib koj thiab os nawb.
Aub yau cas xas maim no es kev hlub yuav haib ua luaj li lawm os Hehehe🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣....muab kiag lub ncuav tso plig khwb nkaus me yawg thaub lub ntsej muag xwb 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏
Hi hi cas txaus luag heev li os mes aw
Txiv neeg ces yeej nyiam kom yus ua niam dev!
Txuas tus khov li ko xwb ces yeej tsis tsua sib nrauj lawm ntag ho
Hahaha....yog tshaj plaws !!!! I love love you long time !!!!! Pojniam yuav tsum khov li ko mas peb thiaj tsis nco tej zaub ov...thiaj tsis nrhiav nrhiav poj nrauj, thiab thiaj tsis qaug lais rau nkauj mos ab ov !!!!
Good job !!!!
May aw Thov tsis txhob hais tias poj niam lub me Khob noom hu ua lub niag ncuav tso plig no os, lo lus no siv tsis nyog rau poj niam qhov khoom tseem ceeb ua poj niam muaj los tsim noob neej puv nkaus lub ntiaj teb no na.
Its so sad to hear about other people's life. Especially if they suffer because their significant other don't love them anymore but they still choose to stay. This is why there are so many divorces around the world. People do not know how to love unconditionally and always resort to hurting others.
Koj yuav tsum kawm kom txawj tib yam li poj nrauj koj thiaj tsis plam.....poj nrauj zoo tib yam li koj xwb tab si nws nrauj txiv tas ces nws mus kawm txoj kev sib caij
Nej cov poj niam yuav kawm kom txawj txoj kev khwb nkaus,ceg khuam txiv neej caj dab nceb ntswm tshiav nws tej qhov caun txawj noj nws rab qho liab li no ces yus yeej xwb tiag.
Hais yog heev li o
Niam ntsuab teev koj thiab nruag hawj neb mas thiaj tau sawv dawg txoj kev hlub ib yam xwb neb mas muaj hmoo ib yam
Rau cov cem2 tus niam tsev tias cas tsis nrauj. Ntshai nrauj txiv luaj. Hnub twg yog nej nej thiab paub zoo2 ok. Txhob cem2 mog.
Wow...koj hais yog tshaj plaws
Txau luag ua luaj li os
Good job niam tsev
Yog kawg los mas vim tiam tas sis no txiv neej twb tsis yog ua neej lawm lawv ua neeg lawm xwb.
Why do the OGs always over work to pay for their kids tuition? There's student loan, people. Love yourself enough to enjoy life as well. Know that, later in life, those kids will just send your ass to nursing home. It's not worth working so hard to put every pennies to your kids life.
Nyob zoo g Niam laus kV nyob Nyab laj ces tseem tav su xwb og
I agree,that’s what’s every men are dream of….and men need it…
😁😁Lom zem kawg nkaus Txiv neej poj niam 99 Feem pua mus ib tug Lej tuav lub neej kom khov kho nawb
Muam npawg nus npov txhob sib yuav vim yuav ua phauj thiab dab laug muaj kev tu siab thiab sib ntxub yav tom ntem......tsis tas li ntawd yuav ua rau tej me tub me nyuam tsis ntse vim tseem yog tib co roj sav , tsuas yog hmoob ruam2 es hmoob thiaj pheej tseem sib yuav xwb hmoob yuav tau ntsheg txoj kev ruam no tsheg.
Zoo kawg li
👏 bravo peb need cov pojniam raug raug tsim kom muaj peev xwm li koj coob leej nawb!
I like this woman! That’s how you do it! I’m glad it worked for you and your husband . GL . 😂🤣
Muaj peev xwm kawg ua rau tus txiv nyoos kiaglawd
What I just listened lol…
Tj mloog thiab o tham tau lom zem kg li
Lol anybody hears May husband’s snores?! I’m listening to my AirPod and I can definitely tell someone sleeping in the background! 😂 22:48
It scared me! Haha
Zoo kawg. koj muab koj zaj no tuaj ua kev kawm rau sawv dawg aw
Too freaken funny🤣🤣🤣
chuẩn luân
May aw cas peb hmoob Australia twb caum caum koj thiab cas hos tsis hais txog hmoob Australia li thiab na zaum no ces tu siab rau koj lawm os
Real stuff here!! 😂
Haub yau 1 txhia niam tsev and txiv tsev ces yog yuav bab kom yus ua lub bua tshom ncuav thiab eat banana 🍌 xwb ces kawg surrender tsa chij dawb vim tuaj g tau li LOL
kuv lmoog zaj dab neeg no kuv luag mob plab tag li cas
Yog tshaj plaw
The lady in the story looks down on divorcees. She says if she loses her husband then she loses her high status of being a "wife". How pathetic. She is so scared to be what she hates most, a divorcee that she sacrificed her own self respect.
Niam ntsuab teev koj pias Kom haib zog thiab puas tau Los yog piav Kom tas tas lus Mas ha ha ha
Tus tib neeg muaj txij nkawm piav kom tas yuav g zoo 6 nws lub meej mom .LOL
Zaj no yog qhia Hmoob txoj niag kevcai dev kevcai npua ruam. Yog pog thiab yawg txoj niag kev limhiam ntag.
Yog ib tsoom pojniam Hmoob lam ntse li tus niamtsev no mas Hmoob cov neej yuav tsis puas coob coob.
Xab maim no tib cov txiv dev lawm xwb os kav tsij muab nej lub ncuav tso plig npog nws ntsej muag xwb mas thiaj pov nws khawv os
Cov txiv zoo li koj tus txiv ces yog tus neeg siab phem xwb.
Kuv mas hluag2 tsis taus li os niam tsev aw
Niam ntsuab teev aw koj CES tshuav lawv nqi ntau heev ntshe koj yuav ev tsis taus li os🙏🙏
I need a freak like her! 😆
Koj pias tau haib kawg Sav yom
Being divorced isn’t the end of the world. If u want to put up with ur husband’s infidelity, then that’s the bitter pill u feed urself.
🤣🤣🤣 muab kiag koj lub ncuav tso plig khwb nkaus nws lub niag ntsej muag xwb🤣🤣🤣
Kuv tus Txiv yog in tug thiab os tus viv ncaus
Nyob zoo os niam lau g paub tias kv sau ntawv rau kj hauv qab kj zaj neej neeg no es kj ps pom kv os
I l
What a sick and disgusting story.
Qhov ib nkawm niam txiv twg lub neej puas tsis yog nkawv kev niam txiv tu ncua heev saum lub txaj chaw pw. Nkawv yeej tsis xav kom lub neej piam puas mus li, tab sis muaj ntau yam los cuam tshuam rau nkawv lub neej yam twb txwv tsis tau lawm ces nkawv thiaj ua ib siab cia tawg mus. Tej yam xws li financial issue, kev sis sib ntseeg siab txog kev plees kev yi, los sis puas nkawv sis txawj sib hwm vim niam heev dhau rau txiv los yog txiv ho heev dhau rau niam lawm.
Very true sister. This is the new generation. We need to be freaky 😅
Thaum ub kuv txuag2 kuv niag txiv mas nws tias nws yuav mus nrhiav poj laib no, ziag no caij nrees ua nws thov laug laws xwb nawb 🥰🥰🥰 los kuv tsis tso nws dim yog tsis tau txaus kuv siab🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tab sis tsis yog kuv vim kuv qiag neeg dau
Haha 😂tim tib tug qws txhob thiaj ua rog quav dev npaum no. Mus nthos tus qws txhob vim kev khib yog lawm. Vim tav nyuag qws txhob xwb.
To this lady analogy, I honestly would rather start over at a new job that will fuel my growth and meet my current needs then stay in a dead end job that doesn’t value, appreciate or support me.
Tej ko ces 90% neeg thoob qab ntuj ua txhua lawm os thiab 90% cov txiv los kuj nrauj lawv cov pojniam tag lawm thiab. Nws tsis yog yus txawj es luag thiaj nrog yus nyob. Mekas yog cov txawj tshaj plaws luag sib nrauj heev tshaj. Tej ko yim txawj ua ces yim fav siab xwb. Lwm tus pojniam los lawv yeej txawj ib yam li yus thiab. Qhov nws nrog yus nyob vim nws tseem hlub yus xwb. Tus tsis hlub yus ces tseev txawj luag yeej yuav mus luag. Tej ko khoom ntiajteb xwb. Txawm lwm tus los khaws yus nrab neej lawm los nco ntsoov tias peb txawj yug txawj tuag. Tsis muaj leej twg yuav nyob mus ib txhis. Nws txawm los khaws lawm los ua tsaug xwb. Tsis khib yus li. Yus nyob ib leeg kaj siab tshaj. Hlub yus tus kheej ua ntej yus txojsia tu zoo tshaj qhov muab ncuav mus khwb nws txhua hmo. Kuv tsis lees yuav lub txim uas serve tus neeg ntxeev siab rau yus. Don’t be their slave of lust. Woman have the priority of loving ourselves. I only serve a man when he loves me.
Kuv lub cev muaj nuj nqis txawm yog nws yog kuv tus txiv los Kuv yeej tsis muab rau nws yooj yim. To serve a cheater is a big mistake. Can love again only he repent.
Pom zoo
Marry Christmas rau Koj thiab niam ntshuab teev
If you didn’t tell stories you wouldn’t b this famous
What exactly is your point? 😂😂
Tsis nyiam npauj li cas hos tsis hu 911 rau police mas
Back in the day. Girl are consider ungrateful and no good girl if they would call 911
Lmbo, this world is really something else🤣🤣 I give up😜🤣
Koj tus txiv xu xu siab rau koj lawm na vim koj twb khiav nrog hlaus nraug 1 zaug lawm ne
Dang! She’s freaky! “Don’t smile at me, you’re scaring me.” LOL 😂 funny luss
I guess you can justify cheating with your lack of skills in the bedroom. I'm not sure why she didn't use these skills from day one. I always believe people have choices, choose them wisely and as long as you're content with them, it's no one else's business.
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oyyyyyy ua cas hais tau peb cov txiv neej tsis muaj nuj nqis li lawm ne.........................